Focuses Flashcards
Health Promotion
Enabling people to take control over, and to improve, their health
Involving all groups of society in achieving the greatest of health achievements
To speak on behalf of vulnerable groups so as to improve their health and wellbeing by altering certain factors that are affecting them
Aims to provide people with the knowledge and skills required to take control over and improve their health
Health as a Resource - Individual
- Gaining Education/Income
- Live longer, healthier life
Health as a Resource - Nationally
- Health System Savings
- Higher Average Incomes
Health as a Resource - Globally
- Promotes economic development
- Less disease transmission between countries
Two Characteristics of Emotional Health and Wellbeing
- Recognise and understand the range of emotions
- Have a high resilience
Objectives of the UN’s SDGs
- End extreme poverty
- Address climate change
- Fight Inequality and Injustice
Two rationales of the UN’s SDGs
- Progress of the MDG’s was uneven across regions and countries, leaving millions of people behind, such as those disadvantaged by sex or by disability
- New global challenges such as conflict and and mass migration had emerged that needed to be considered for the new global goals
Key Features of SDG3 that represent Health and Wellbeing outcomes
- Reduce maternal and child mortality
- Reduce communicable diseases
- Reduce non-communicable diseases
Two core functions of the WHO
- Provide leadership and create partnerships to promote health and wellbeing
- Monitor health and wellbeing and assess health and wellbeing trends
Priorities of the WHO
- Achieving universal health coverage
- Promoting healthier populations
- Address health emergencies
Universal Health Coverage
Refers to every country having a strong and resilient people-centred health system based on primary care, health promotion and disease prevention
Promoting Healthier populations
Focuses on the achievement of the health and wellbeing targets in SDG 3
Advantages of aid provided by NGOs
- Can often access areas that other forms of aid are unable to reach
- Promotes community development and participation
Features of Australia’s aid program
- Provision of Official Development Assistance (0.22% of GNI)
- Indo-pacific region is the focus of Australia’s aid
Priorities of Australia’s Aid Initiatives
- Education and Health
- Agriculture, Fisheries and Water
Features of effective aid programs
- Results focused
- Partnerships
Ill health in an individual and levels of ill health within a population
Burden of disease
A measure of the impact of diseases and injuries, specifically it measures the gap between current health status and an ideal situation where everyone lives to an old age free of disease and disability
Disability-adjusted life year (DALY)
A measure of burden of disease. One DALY is equal to one year of healthy life lost due to illness and/or death
Life Expectancy
The number of years of life, on average, remaining to an individual at a particular age if death rates do not change
Health adjusted life expectancy (HALE)
The average length of time an individual at a specific age can expect to live in full health
Refers to deaths, particularly at a group or population level
Self Assessed Health status
A measure based on a person’s own opinion about how they feel about their health and wellbeing and life in general.
Years of Life Lost (YLL)
A measure of how many years of expected life are lost due to premature death
Years Lost due to Disability (YLD)
A measure of how many healthy years of life are lost due to disease, injury or disability
Sentence to remember WHO Prerequisites
People Should Eat Food Including Some Sustainable Salad Everyday
Describe the Human Development Index (HDI)
The HDI is a measure of a country’s social and economic development, providing a single statistic between 0 to 1, where the closer to 1, the more developed the country is. It consists of three dimensions; a long and healthy life, knowledge and a decent standard of living.
Advantages of the Human Development Index
- Provides a single statistic providing ease of comparison between countries
- Provides an indication to the UN with data which they can use to allocate funding on initiatives and programmes for improvement
Disadvantages of the Human Development Index
- It doesn’t provide info on inequalities that exist in the countries as its based on averages
- No survey data is collected, therefore no personal health information is considered
Elements of Human Development
- Lead long health lives
- Have access to knowledge and expand their choices and capabilities
Examples of Social Sustainability
- Access to healthcare
- Access to education
Dimensions of HD
Long and Healthy life, Knowledge and a decent standard of living
Indicators of HD
Life expectancy at birth, mean and expected years of schooling, Gross National Income per capita
Examples of Environmental Sustainability
- Waste Removal and Pollution
- Use of natural resources
Examples of Economic Sustainability
- Job Creation
- Trade
Economic Sustainability
Ensuring that average incomes in all countries are adequate to sustain a decent standard of living and continue to rise in line with inflation and living costs in the future
Social Sustainability
Creating an equitable society that meets the needs of all citizens and can be maintained indefinitely
Environmental Sustainability
Ensuring the natural environment is used in a way that will preserve resources into the future