FN 124 LE 3 - Adolescence Flashcards
Period of development that begins at puberty and ends in adulthood
(WHO) Adolescence = ______ ; Youth = _______; Young People = ________
10-19yo; 15-24yo; 10-24yo
Early adolescence _______; late adolescence _______ and young adulthood _______= Lancet commission on adolescent health ad wellbeing
(10-14yo); (15-19yo); (20-24yo)
High rate of growth during puberty is second to that in infancy but is greater in duration
Total nutritional requirements may be greater than during any other period in life
it has been argued that the chronotype of an adolescent reverses eventually (earlier in _____)
Sleep and ______ are related
Period of rapid physiological, sexual, neurological and behavioral changes and it lays the foundation for adopting adult roles and responsibilities
Failure to achieve optimal nutrition may lead to ________ and ___________
delayed and stunted linear growth; impaired organ remodeling
Epidemiologically, ________ comprises a quarter of the global population and is considered to be the healthiest of any age group and best able to raise economic productivity
Maturation owing to hormonal changes that lead to dramatic changes in body composition = different proportions of _____ and _____ body mass
lean; fat
During normal puberty, ht and body wt increase (_____ of adult body wt is gained during adolescence)
Body mass and muscle mass _____
Blood volume ______
Heart, brain, lungs, liver and kidneys all _____ in size
increase; expands; increase
Rapid growth spurt
Age _____ in girls
Age _____ in boys
10-13; 12-15
Girls gain ~___ inches
Boys gain ~___ inches
10; 12
Increased Socialization, peer interaction→ ______
Eat more
increased physical activity → ______ nutrient needs
Nutritional status: measured by ________ and ________
weight-for-height (BMI) and DBW
Mean BMI (11-18 y/o) is ____ in developing vs. industrialized countries.
Specific nutrients needs – ____________
Fe, Fat, Pro
Anemia during adolescence
____ in developing countries vs. ___ in developed countries. Prevalence rates are similar for males and females.
~27%; 6%
Girls = iron loss during ______
An anemic pregnant adolescent has higher risks for (3)
premature births, LBW, & perinatal & maternal mortality
Boys = iron need for ______
muscle mass
Stunting during adolescence
Boys 0-5 years old are encouraged to be more _______ compared to girls. This may lead to more often diarrhea & undernourishment.
Most of the studies reveal that boys are _____ stunted than girls.
Stunting has a more profound effect on girls than boys. It may lead to _______ during childbirth.
obstructed labor
Stunting has also been linked to ____.
Similar to stunting, more boys are _______ compared to girls.
Why are more boys more stunted compared to girls?
1. Different maturation rates – boys grow
at a _____ rate than girls.
2. Due to anemia which may affect weight gain because boys gain _______
slower; more muscle
Current Nutrient Intake of Adolescents
Promotes regular bowel movement, helps regulate blood lipids, and may help prevent obesity by reducing nutrient density
International data reveal that adolescent girls eat ___g/d fiber while boys at ___g/d
13; 17.5
AAP recommends ___g DF per kg BW up to a maximum of ____g/d
0.5; 35
Fiber may block mineral utilization, thus adolescents who are on mineral- deficient diet not to exceed 25g/d
Sodium intake of adolescents is higher than the daily value on food labels (______mg/d).
Decreasing ___ intake since it affects blood pressure is applicable to older individuals (salt sensitive).
However, high Na intake may increase urinary ___ excretion, increasing ___ needs.
Ca; Ca
Low milk consumption & a high soda intake may decrease overall nutrient status (________________) and increase risk of stress fractures & broken bones.
Ca, B12, B2, folate, Vit A, and K
For iron deficiency, Include adequate amounts of ______ aside from consumption of Fe-rich food items and Fe supplements
vitamin C
Tendency of parents to “baby” the adolescent → _____ risk for weight gain & low independence
_______ among females while males are swayed by _____________
Fe-deficiency; fad diets & ergogenic aids
1.TEA of normal ______ kcal/d
2. TEA of normal ______ kcal/d for strenuous sports
+ 500-1500; +4000
______ loading is not advised.
state of emanciation brought about by voluntary starvation
Anorexia Nervosa
eating binges followed by self-induced vomiting; often described as “gorge & purge” or “feasting & fasting”
Bulimia nervosa
*Electrolyte imbalance, endocrine & immune dysfunctions
- Poor dental health
- Scars on the knuckles
- Eroded esophagus
Cause of death
Starvation, cardiac failure
Cause of death
Hypokalemia, suicide