FMS- Ford :) Flashcards
What nerve innervates the diaphragm and is associated with the fibrous pericardium?
Phrenic Nerve
The mesothelium of the parietal layer of the body wall is derived from _
Somatic Mesoderm
The crura of the diaphragm are derived from the
Dorsal Mesentary of the esophagus
The fibrous pericardium is derived from
the pleuropericardial membranes
Which of the following are retroperitoneal? (either primary or secondary)?
**Kidney ** or is it Kidney and Bladder
Which of the following is a herniation through the sternocostal hiatus?
retrosternal hernia
Which of the following is developed from the first pharyngeal arch?
muscles of mastication
Which of the following is derived from the second aortic arch?
Hyoid artery
The thalamus develops from the
3rd pharyngeal pouch
The cells that produce calcitonin are derived from
fourth pharyngeal pouch
The middle ear ossicles are derived from
First & Second Pharyngeal arch *answer is D on test A&B
Which of the following is caused by an autosomal dominant gene and results in malar hypoplasia of zygomatic bones with down slanting palpebral fissures, defect of lower eyelids, deformed external ears and sometimes abnormalities of middle and internal ears?
Treacher Collins Syndrome
The primary palate is derived (directly) from ?
intermaxillary segment - you were right Baleigh
The foramen cecum
marks the point of embryonic evagination of the thyroid gland
A patient is found to have glandular tissue situated in the tongue musculature just superior to the body of the hyoid bone. THe tissue would be most likely to be related to the -
Thyroid Gland
The sclera is derived from
Neural Crest Cells
If the retinal (chorioid) tissue fails to close, it may result in
Microtia is
small auricle
an increase in CSF pressure slows venous return from the retina & may cause
Which of the following is an autosomal recessive trait that results in skin that is markedly thickened, ridges and cracked? Most infants with this will die within first week of life
Harlequin fetus
Melanocytes are derived from
Neural Crest Cells
The enamel of a tooth is derived from
Ectoderm (non-neural ectoderm)
At the developing nail is covered by a narrow band of epidermis called the
Excessive harrisness that results from the development of supernumerary hair follicles or from the persistence of lanugo hairs is called
T/F “Flight or fight” occurs in the exhaustion stage in the general adaptation syndrome (GAS)
T/F Cortisol circulates in the plasma free (unbound) and bound to protein.
T/F A person does not have a stress reaction unless the stress exceeds his or her coping abilities.
T/F The decrease in insulin during a stress response prevents glucose from being taken up by peripheral tissue so that more glucose will be available for the CNS.
True - I fixed this one too
T/F For more catecholamines to be immune suppressive, their levels must be chronically elevated.
T/F Stress and negative emotions have not been associated with the production of increased levels of pro inflammatory cytokines.
T/F Although stress generally inhibits the female reproductive system, it increases the production of testosterone.
T/F Lymphocytes secrete growth hormone (GH), prolactin, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), and endorphins.
T/F Studies have shown a relationship between depression and reduction in lymphocyte proliferation and natural killer cell activity.
T/F Stress has no effect not the development of cancer.
Exhaustion occurs if stress continues and _____ is not successful
The ____ is stimulated during the alarm phase of the GAS.
During a stress respsonse, increased anxiety vigilance and arousal is promoted by
Perceived stress elicits emotional, anticipatory response that begins in the
limbic system
During a stress response, which hormone decreases lymphocytes, eosinophils, and macrophages and prostaglandin?
The effect that low serum albumin has on the central stress response is to
impare circulation of epinephrine and norepiniephrine
The effect epinephrine has on the immune system during stress response is to increase
natural killer cells
Stress induced sympathetic stimulation of the adrenal macula causes the secretion of catecholamines, which include:
epinephrine & norepinephrine
Stress induced norepinephrine results in
peripheral vasoconstriction
Stress induced cortisol release from the adrenal cortex results in
stimulation of gluconeogenesis
What is the effect of increased secretion of epinephrine, glucagon, and growth hormone?
Which hormone increases the formation of glucose from amino acids and free fatty acids?
Which immune cells are suppressed by corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH)?
Helper T-cells and monocyte-macrophage cells
Which gland regulates the immune response and mediates the apparent effects of circadian rhythms on immunity?
pineal gland - yes
Which cytokines initiate the production of corticotropin-releasing hormone?
IL-1 & IL-6
The action of which hormone helps explain increase in affective anxiety and and eating disorders, mood cycles, and vulnerability to auto immune and inflammatory diseases in women as a result of stimulation of the CRH gene promoter and central norepinephrine system?
What effect does estrogen have on lymphocytes?
Depression of T cells and Enhancement of B cells
Which statement is true about the differences in stress induced hormonal alterations of men and women?
Androgens appear to reduce a greater degree immune cells apoptosis, following injury, creating a greater immunosuppresion in injured men than women
What effect do androgens have on lymphocytes?
Suppression of B & T cells
Stress age syndrome results in a decrease
immune system
A virus can produce diseases from a variety of mechanisms. Which of the following mechanisms is least likely?
Production of exotoxins that activates adenylate cylase
The control of rhinovirus URTI’s by immunization is limited due to ?
The large number of serotypes of the rhinovirus - yes
WHich of the following is the best explanation of the selective action of acyclovir in HSV infected cells/
Acyclovir is phosphorylated by a virus encoded phosphokinase only within HSV infected cells
Herpes simplex virus is a
DNA enveloped virus
HPV is a
DNA nonenveloped virus
Which of the following is the most common following a primary HSV infection?
establishment of latent infection
Dr. Butler. Bit by a bear. Brought to your ER. What do you do next?
use hyperimmune serum and active immunization
The principle reservoir for antigenic shift variants of influenza virus appears to be
animals, especially pigs, horses, and fowl
A common cause of virus-associated diarrhea is
virus associated jaundice
Yellow Fever virus
a virus associated with congenital abnormalities
Rubella Virus
a common cause of encephalitis
Rabies Virus
Respiratory syncitial virus is associated with
Varicella zoster is associated with
Shingles (and chicken pox but for the exam- shingles)
Virus associated with mycocarditis and pleurodynia
coxsackie virus
a virus that cause croup in children
infectious mononucleosis
wild birds considered important reservoir is
St. Lous Encephalitis
Hemorrhagic fever
Dengue virus