Flotation equipment Flashcards
What are the five types of flotation equipment inspections?
Preflight/screening, periodic, functional, initial instillation, & special.
How often do you perform a periodic inspection on the LRU-16/P?
1 year +- 10 days.
How often do you functionally test all life rafts, except the 46 man?
Every 4th periodic inspection.
How many life preservers require a function inspection out of a set of 60, except the LUP-38/P?
5% of 60 is 3 (60*0.05=3).
After the initial installation inspection when is a function test required on the LPU-38/P?
Every 4th periodic inspection.
During which installation do you perform screening, periodic, and functional inspections?
Initial installation.
What is the purpose of the forms we use with flotation equipment?
Show record of the history and operational status.
Which forms indicate the manufacturer of a life preserver?
AFTO forms 336 and 466.
Which form contains specific information blocks concerning inflator and battery manufacture dates?
AFTO form 446B, (LPU-38/P).
ON what equipment would you use AFTO form 337?
Multi place life raft.
What form is used when preservers are pre-positioned aboard an aircraft?
AFTO form 46.
How often must you perform a periodic inspection on one man life rafts?
1 year +- 10 days.
When is the periodic inspection on the 46 man life raft?
Every 3 years +- 10 days.
During a periodic inspection of life preservers, what percentage of the set (lot) get functionally tested?
Which form is yellow and contains an inventory list for accessory kits?
AFTO form 337, Life Raft Container Inspection Record.
What is one purpose of the AFTO form 46?
Document preservers prepositioned on an aircraft.