Flight Time Flashcards
What subpart in EU regs is current rules about flight time
Subpart Q
What is block time
Time between when aircraft first moves from its parking place for purpose of flight
Until comes to rest at designated parking position and all engines are off
What is duty
Any task required to be performed by crew
What is duty period
Starts when crew required by operator to commence duty
Ends when crew free from all duties
What is flight duty period
Any time when a person operates in aircraft as member of crew
Starts when required to report for duty
Ends of last flight (blocks on time)
What is a local day
24 hour period starting at 0000
What is local night
8 hour period between 2200 and 0800
What is a single day free of duty
Include 2 local nights
Is airport standby rest
Is standby rest
What is window of circadian low (WOCL)
Period between 0200 and 0559
Within a band of 3 time zones from home time
Beyond 3 = refers to home time for first 48 hours
Max duty hours in 28 consecutive days
Max duty hours in 14 consecutive days
Max duty hours in 7 consecutive days
Max block time in a calendar year
900 hours
Max block time in rolling 12 months
1000 hours
Max block time in 28 consecutive days
100 hours
Max daily flight duty period
13 hours
Reduces by 30 mins for each sector after 3rd sector = max reduction 2 hours
What is max FDP when it starts in WOCL
Reduces by 100% of encroachment up to a max of 2 hours
What is max FDP when ends in WOCL or fully encompasses WOCL
Reduced by 50% of encroachment of WOCL
After how many sectors can a FDP not be extended
How many times in 7 consecutive days can a FDP be extended
What is the min rest at home base
As long as previous duty
Or 12 hours whatever greater
What is min rest away from home base
As long as previous duty or 10 hours whichever greater
If before final sector how long can FDP be extended by
Heavy crew 3 hours
Everyone else 2 hours
After how many hours must there be a opportunity to eat / drink
6 hours