Aircraft Instruments And Equipment Flashcards
How quickly do operators need to adjust their MEL if the MMEL becomes more restrictive
30 days
How quickly do operators need to adjust their MEL if there are changes to the MMEL
90 days
What aircraft require windshield wipers
MTOM > 5700kg
What lights needs to be on by day
Anti collision
Instrument / equipment
Passenger compartments
Electric torch for each crew member
Landing lights not requires
What lights need to be on by night
Anti collision
Instrument / equipment
Pax compartments
Electric torch for each crew member (accessible from seats)
Nav / position lights
2 landing lights (or one with two filaments)
Min flight equipment for day VFR
Magnetic compass
Sensitive pressure altimeter
ASI in knots
turn and slip indicator / turn coordinator with slip indicator
Attitude indicator
Stabilised direction indicator
Headset with boom mic
If a plane is equipped for 2 pilots what 2 pieces of equipment do not need to be duplicated
Magnetic compass and clock
What aircraft need a heated pitot tube
> 5700kg
>9 pax seats
Min equipment for night IFR flight
2 sensitive pressure altimeters
ASI with heated Pitot tube and warning of heater failure
2 independent static pressure systems
Chart holder
Transmit button on control wheel
Mach meter if required
Standby attitude indicator
= required for a/c with MTOM >5700kg or >9pax seats
With 30 min independent power
What does a single pilot IFR flight need
At least able to hold height and heading
What aircraft is a altitude alerting system required for
And what should it do
Turboprops MTOM >5,700kg
Or > 9pax seats
All turbojets
Must be able to:
Alert crew upon approaching a preselected altitude
By at least an aural signal when above or below preselected altitude
What aircraft is GPWS required for
MTOM >5,700kg
>9pax seats
What aircraft require ACAS /TCAS 2
MTOM >5,700kg
>19 pax seats
What aircraft require radio altimeter
MTOM >27,000kg
What aircraft require weather radar
All Pressurised aircraft
Unpressurised MTOM >5,700kg
Or >9 pax seats
What aircraft require a inter phone system
MTOM >15,000kg
Or >19 pax seats
What aircraft require a public address system
> 19 pax
From what age do you require a seat
Aged 2 and above
What aircraft require a door to the flight deck
> 19 pax seats
How many first aid kits does you need for 0-100 pax seats
How many first aid kits does you need for 101-200 pax seats