Flight Controls and Flight control Laws (10 EVEN/ODD) Flashcards
What type of flight control system does the A320 family aircraft utilize?
- Fly-By-Wire system
Describe how the flight controls are controlled and activated.
- Electrically Controlled and Hydraulically Activated
How is NORMAL LAW indicated on the PFD?
- Green “=” for pitch, bank, and over speed limits
- Amber/black (ALPHA PROT) airspeed tape
How is ALTERNATE LAW indicated on the PFD?
- Amber Xs (indicating lack of NORMAL LAW protections)
How is DIRECT LAW indicated on the PFD?
- Amber Xs (indicating lack of NORMAL LAW protections)
How is MECHANICAL BACKUP indicated on the PFD?
- Amber Xs (indicating lack of NORMAL LAW protections)
When operating in NORMAL LAW in flight mode, what does the side stick command for pitch and roll?
- Pitch – G load
- Bank – Roll rate
What is the significance of the Side Stick Priority (Red Arrow) Light?
- The other pilot has gained side stick authority
Name the Flight Control Computers and the number of each.
- ELAC – Elevator Aileron Computer (2)
- SEC – Spoiler Elevator Computer (3)
- FAC – Flight Augmentation Computer (2)
What does SEC 3 control?
- Spoiler Control – one flight spoiler and one ground spoiler on each wing
What should happen to the THS after landing?
- Reset to zero
Describe some of protections a pilot will have in NORMAL LAW?
- High Speed
- High Angle of Attack (AOA) Protection
- Load Factor Limitation +2.5G / -1.0G (+2.0G / 0.0G With Flaps/Slats)
- Pitch Attitude Protections (30° UP / 15° DN)
- Bank Angle Protections (67°)
Describe High Speed Protection.
- If VMO/MMO plus a predetermined factor is exceeded, the system induces a pitch-up input to limit aircraft speed.
What, if anything, can a pilot do to override high-speed protection pitch up?
- It is not possible to override a protection while still in NORMAL LAW. In this case, the aircraft would need to be forced into ALTERNATE LAW (by turning 2 ADRs off, for example).
What is ALPHA MAX?
- The maximum angle of attack allowed in NORMAL LAW, indicated by the top of the red strip on the airspeed scale.