Flight Controls Flashcards
How would low hydraulic pressure be indicated on the F/CTL page?
G, B, or Y would be displayed in amber at the corresponding positions on this page.
What indicators would the First Officer reference during the Flight Control Check?
Flight Control Position Indications for Aileron, Elevator, Spoilers and Rudder.
On what other ECAM page would spoiler deployment be indicated?
How many ELAC computers are installed, and what are their functions?
Two ELAC computers (elevator/aileron computers) provide normal elevator, stabilizer, and aileron
What would the FAULT light in the ELAC 1 pushbutton indicate?
The fault light illuminates when a failure has been detected or during power up. (8 seconds).
How many SEC computers are installed and what are their functions?
Three spoiler elevator computers provide spoiler control and standby elevator and stabilizer control
What control surface do the FAC’s control?
The rudder
Is there any rudder pedal feedback for yaw dampening or and turn coordination functions?
What flight control computer provides reactive windshear detection?
The FAC.
If one FAC is lost, are any FAC functions lost?
No, the second FAC will handle the demand
Can the rudders be moved with both FACs inoperative?
Yes, mechanically
Do the sidesticks move with autopilot inputs or with inputs from the opposite sidestick?
What would result if both sidesticks were moved at the same time during flight with the autopilot OFF?
Both inputs are summed algebraically, the DUAL INPUT warning will sound and the green side-stick
priority lights will flash.
Are hydraulics required to fly the aircraft in mechanical backup?
The red arrow portion of the SIDE STICK PRIORITY light will illuminate in front of the pilot losing or
gaining priority?
Illuminates in front of the pilot losing priority.
What indications are present when inputs are being made simultaneously to the side-sticks?
The green Capt. & F/O portions of the side-stick priority lights flash and the aural Dual Input warning
sounds when the pilots move both sidesticks simultaneously and neither takes priority.
Config 1 is selected for takeoff. What flaps/slats combination is indicated?
Flaps 1 + F.
Config 1 is selected on approach. What flaps/slats combination is indicated?
Flaps 1, which is slats only.
If the flaps are not retracted after takeoff, what happens automatically?
The trailing edge flaps retract at 210 knots
Does the rudder trim rotary switch have any effect with the autopilot engaged?
What does the RESET button on the rudder trim do?
Resets rudder trim to zero if the autopilot is off
What happens to extended speed brakes when FLAPS FULL is selected on the A320?
Speed brakes retract
During landing, when does partial spoiler extension occur?
Reverse selected on at least one engine and one main landing gear strut compressed
During landing, when does full ground spoiler extension occur?
Touchdown of both main gear and both thrust levers at idle or at least one engine in reverse thrust.