FLE 4 Flashcards
An epimer is a what? What’s an anomeric carbon?
an epimer is one of a pair of diastereomers. an anomeric carbon is the carbon in a sugar that when linear is at the top 1 and is either a ketone or aldehyde. often in the cyclic form, it is on the front right corner. Beta form in cyclic is when the hydroxl is UP! alpha is down.
what are the amino acids with aromatic side chains? and their polarities?
Histidine (+ polar), tyrosine (nonpolar), phenylalanine (nonpolar), tryptophan (nonpolar)
explain capacitance to me
capacitance is the measure of how much charge a capacitor can hold (capacitors separate charges to create a difference in positive and negative charged strips of metal separated by paper). the equation is capacitance is equal to how much charge is stored per volt. [C (farad) = Q (coloumbs for charge)/ V (voltage) ]
what kind of amino acids form disulfide bonds and what level of structure do these help?
cysteine (C) and likely tertiary protein structure
what happens when the diaphragm muscles contract? to the lung volume and pressure and what shape does it take?
the muscles go from concave up to flat and the pressure decreases so lungs inflate with air
rate order linear plots of time vs. concentration?
zero order: [conc]= -time // first order: ln[conc]= -time // second order: 1/[conc]= +time
how does the decibel scale work according to intensity? give me the equation and talk me through what happens when you get further away from the sound source.
the decibel scale works such that 10 more decibels means 10 times the sound (one bel is 10x). *70 dB is 10x the intensity of 60 dB. the equation is as follows: dB = 10 log (I/Io) // breaking that down, the Io is the smallest noise possible to be heard by the human ear. I = power (W)/ area. When you back away from a sound, you are increasing the radius, and therefore the area increases by r^2 so the same power means that it is less intense by the square of the radius. *1 m to 3m means you decrease intensity by 3^2=9. roughly a drop in 10 dB
True or False: the rate limiting step is always the slowest step
Explain Young’s modulus to me with the chart
young’s modulus is defined as stress/ strain. stress = strain (x) is linear (youngs modulus constant) in the elastic region until the elastic limit or yield point and then it goes into the plastic region, peaking at the ultimate strength before reaching the failure point at max strain.
what are the 2 equations for potential energy? (regular and spring)
PE= mgh // PE(max spring)= (1/2)k(delta)x^2 where this is the spring’s maximum PE. at any other point, in the movement, PE+KE= PE(max).
What are the prefixes for numbers going up?
deca= 10^1 // hecto= 10^2 // kilo= 10^3 // mega=10^6 // giga=10^9 // tera=10^12
what are the prefixes for numbers going down?
deci=10^-1 // micro= 10^-6 // nano= 10^-9 // pico= 10^-12
define electron configuration
that’s the whole mess with 2s^2 and stuff and depends on the number of electrons
explain Ohm’s law of circuits
V=IR (voltage= current*resistance)
with CAR what should you note down besides the main point and supporting arguments?
the attitude bruh. sassy quotes mean that the author doesnt believe something *“evidence”
define impression management and when is it active?
impression management is when people work to present a certain version of themselves to others/audience. it is always always active
define socialization
socialization is when people learn how to participate in a system in an acceptable way.
define groupthink
when people who are pressured to reach a consensus come to bad decisions
define participant observation as a social research method
the observer is intensely and closely involved with the group of interest! *jane goodall living among the apes
define symbolic racism
when people think racism is generally bad but do not believe it to be structurally imbedded in society
define prejudice theory
when there is discrimination towards a specific outgroup vs. ingroup
define social control theory
a person’s learned/ socialized beliefs and norms prevent them from breaking the law/ deviance *“controls them”
define the word “spurious”
means “false”
how long are the different types of memory?
sensory (echoic) = 5 seconds // working = shortish // short term = 30 seconds to a couple days // long term = after that
define social conflict theory
Marx proposed that society operates because everyone is constantly competing with each other for resources!
what is a second shift?
feminist theory says that women work a second job when they come home to housework
which factor has by far the greatest impact on health outcomes??
income disparity. yes even with universal access to healthcare (bc diff quality of care)
MC when does menopause happen? adulthood, middle age, old age?
middle age they say huh
define stereotype threat
when someone is at risk of confirming a negative stereotype about themselves with their actions
define depressive realism
the theory that depressed people actually have a more realistic perception on reality. probably written by someone depressed
visual and auditory. which cortex is in which lobe?
visual in the occipital lobe (back) // auditory in the temporal (side near the ears) *of note, the visual is lateral geniculate nucleus while the auditory is medial geniculate nucleus
define positive illusions bias
this is when someone has an overly-optimistic confidence in self or the future
define anchoring bias
comparing new info to the first piece of info presented *looking at sale price vs. original price as a good deal when youre still paying anyway
what are the big 5 factors of personality in that one model?
extroversion, agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, neuroticism “ACONE”
Freud’s id, ego, and super ego are associated with which model of personality?
psychodynamic model of personality with drives and forces.
define histrionic personality disorder
someone way too show off-y in public to others. an attention whore if you will
literally no mental diagnosis is complete without the…
DSM, bruh. literally never. be careful with correlation =/= causation
CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy is mainly for what?
individual, short term, specific issues *insomnia