Spread Eagle
Any civilian officail or flag officer whose official salute is 19 guns or more
Flag or general officer whose salute is less than 19 guns. Civilian official whose salute is 11 guns or more but less than 19.
Captain in the Navy or relative grade.
Flat truck
Any officer grade below commander.
National Ensign
Flown from the FLAGSTAFF at the STERN, during daylight in a foreign port and alongside foreign vessel.
Union Jack
When a naval ship is in port or at anchor, it is flown from the JACKSTAFF from 0800 to sunset. In
addition to flying from the jackstaff, the union jack is
hoisted at the yardarm to indicate that a general
court-martial or a court of inquiry is in session.
Union Jack (in addition)
When displayed fromthe jackstaff, the union jack is
half-masted if the national ensign is half-masted. The union jack is issued in several sizes; but, when
flown at the jack staff, it must be the same size as the
union of the ensign flown at the flagstaff.
When not under way, commissioned ships display
the ensign from the flagstaff at the stern and the union
jack from the jack staff at the bow from 0800 to sunset.
While under way, the ensign is normally flown from the
gaff. In ships having more than one mast, the gaff is
usually positioned on the aftermast.