While not an all-inclusive definition, NAVPERSCOM
will consider a report adverse if it contains a trait grade of
1.0, a promotion recommendation mark of “Significant Problems,”
Command or Organizational Climate/Equal Opportunity trait graded
below 3.0 for E1-E6 and W2-O6 reports,
A report will not be considered
adverse solely because it may make the member less competitive
than another for promotion or assignment
Reporting seniors shall
retain copies of FITREPs on officers and CHIEFEVALs on CPOs for at least 5 years, and shall provide additional copies to the individual reported on if requested.
Commands shall retain
copies of EVALs on all enlisted personnel (E1-E9) for at least 2 years following the end date of the report. These reports are
also filed in the field service record.
Use only a 10 or 12 pitch (10-12 point) standard typeface.
If desired, the
administrative and trait blocks may be completed with 10-pitch
and the narrative blocks with 12-pitch or proportional type
Use all capital letters in the administrative blocks, and upperlower case in the narrative blocks.
In YYMMMDD format, Example: 96OCT17 (The
following formats are incorrect: 17OCT96, 961017, 101796.)
Regular reports: The FROM date must be the day following the TO
date of the last Regular report. It can be earlier than block 9 if en route leave, travel, or TEMDU are included.
First EVAL on enlisted member: The FROM date is the date
detached from initial entry training.
First FITREP on newly commissioned officer: The FROM date is the commissioning date.
** N plus body composition code (or N/XX) may be used for reports covering less than 90 days or for a member who reported on board less than 10 weeks prior to scheduled Physical Fitness Assessment.
(If necessary to include maternity leave, identify only as
“Leave.”) Example: TEMADD 96OCT18-96NOV30; LEAVE/TRANSIT:
If counseling was not
performed because the counseling date did not fall within the
report period, enter “NOT REQ” in block 30.
If counseling was
not performed for any other reason, enter “NOT PERF,” and provide a brief explanation in block 31.
Ensign and lieutenant junior grade FITREPs for
designators other than Limited Duty Officer (6XXX) cannot
receive a promotion recommendation higher than Promotable.
an enlisted member who receives any 1.0 trait grade loses eligibility for their Good Conduct Medal and must reestablish a new 3-year period following the end date
of the report.
For enlisted
personnel, do not mark Progressing if an individual has received
Promotable, Must Promote, or Early Promote on the most recent CHIEFEVAL or EVAL in the current grade).
Significant Problems is a recommendation against promotion and
must be justified in the comments. (For enlisted performance
mark, Significant Problems = 2.0 on the 4.0 scale.
Member not available to sign a non-adverse report. If the
member is not expected to return to or visit the command within
15 days (active duty) or 30 days (inactive duty) and the report
is not adverse, the reporting senior shall handwrite in the
signature block of the member “certified, copy provided.”
Concurrent and Concurrent/Regular reports must
be forwarded to member’s regular reporting
senior for signature.
NAVPERSCOM copy is the official record copy for E5 to O6.
When laser-printing or
copying the report it is preferred that the back of the form be
printed or copied head-to-toe on the reverse of the front.
- Currently, the Field Service Record copy is the official
record copy for E1 to E4.
Mailing Procedures. Mail reports within 15 days of the
ending date for active duty members and within 30 days for inactive duty members.
Mail the reports and summary letters flat in a
standard 9” x 12” envelope. Do not separate the summary group.
Mail all reports in a summary group in one package.
If a member is not available for signature, do not
delay the entire summary group. The reporting senior should
clearly write in the member’s signature block “certified, copy
provided” (excluding adverse reports) and forward the entire
summary group to NAVPERSCOM (PERS-311).
An enlisted OIC in the grade of E9 and
civilians in command positions who hold the grade of GS-9
through GS-12 may sign reports on E5 and below.
may sign reports on personnel E4 and below only.
GS-13 or equivalent may sign reports for E1 to E9.