Fiveable Flashcards
What religion had the greatest impact in China following the fall of the Han Dynasty?
a Buddhism
b Islam
c Manichaeism
d Zoroastrianism
Mahayana Buddhism appealed to many since it emphasized a peaceful and quite existence while limiting worldly desires. Confucians didn’t react well to the spread of Buddhism since it discouraged material possessions, which reduced the labor pool
As Islam spread, the Arabs were the dominant force in Islam. However, as the course begins… what group has brought new life blood to Islam and ruled over the major Islamic Empires in the Middle East
a Indians
b Turks
c Sub-Sahran Africans
d Mongols
Turks were greatly responsible for spreading Islam around the world. For example, Islam arrive in India through Turkish rules of the Delhi Sultanate.
What was the name of the tax imposed on non-Muslims by Islamic Caliphates
a jizya
b ushr
c zakat
d kharaj
Non-Muslims that lived in an area conquered by Muslim Caliphates were required to pay the jizya tax. The jizya tax was similar to a protection tax. Many people converted to avoid paying this tax.
Which religion is known for its ancient civilization, including the Indus Valley Civilization and the Maurya Empire.
a Central Asia
b East Asia
c Southeast Asia
d South Asia
South Asia
South Asia is known for its ancient civilizations, including the Indus Valley Civilization and the Maurya Empire. These civilizations emerged in what is now present-day India and Pakistan
What is Ethiopia known for?
a Mita system
b Use of quipus
c foot binding
d Christian nation in primarily Muslim Africa
Ethiopia was one of the only Christian regions in a primarily Muslim Africa. The other practices all originated from different nations.
All of the following describe Europe’s political system during the Middle Ages EXCPET:
a Manorial
b Decentralized monarchy
c Centralized monarchy
d Feudal
Centralized Monarchy
Western Europe was politically decentralized following the decline and fall of the Western Roman Empire. This led to the development of feudal and manorial systems
Which of the following correctly matches a relgion to its symbol?
a Hinduism - Wheel with 8 Noble Truths
b Christianity - Yin-Yang
c Judaism - Star of David
d Confucianism - Cross
Judaism - Star of David
The six-pointed star of David is a common symbol for both Judaism and Israel
The “House of Wisdom” in Baghdad gathered and translated learning from
a Across Afro-Eurasia
b Only Muslims Scholars
c Living scientists and writers
d Ancient China
Across Afro-Eurasia
the House of Wisdom transferred knowledge from ancient and contemporary Afro-Eurasia. Greek and Indian learning were well represented
What religion had the most significant impact on the development of South Asia?
a Christianity
b Buddhism
c Hinduism
d islam
hinduism had a significant impact on the development of South Asia. It is a polytheistic faith that hspahed social, cultural, and religious aspects of the region
Which of the following is NOT a feature of the Aztec empire?
a Mountainous terrain
b Floating Gardens
c Capital city
d Pyramids
Mountainous terrain
The Aztec Capital was enormous, housing nearly 200,000 people at a given point. The Aztecs built a series of great pyramids in their city, demonstrating their power and authority, as well as chinamaps (floating gardens) in the lake to grow a bounty of food. The incas, on the other had, lived on mountainous terrain in which they had to build stone/rock paths within the empire.
What examination did chinese bureaucrats in the Song Dynasty need to pass?
a Comportment Exam
b The Civil Service Exam
c Political Diplomacy Exam
d language comprehension Exam
the civil service exam began in the han dybasty but reemerged during the Song dynasty. The exam tested potential candidates on their understanding of Confucian ideals. It allowed for social mobility as men of lower ranks could also be appointed as bureaucrats if they passed the exam.
The Shogunate system in Japan can best be described as
a Feudal
b Authoritarian
c centralized
d Democratic
Feudalism in japan developed at the same time as feudalism in Europe but both developed independently. the Shogunate is an example of feudalism as it has a clear heirarchy of power and revoles around land being gifted to lower ranks to cultivate food for higher ranks.
The Sejulk, aka Saljuq, Empire and the Mamluk Sultanare were both founded by
a Chinese bureacrats
b turkish warriors
c arabic merchants
d Christian knights
Turkish warriors
Muslims rulers in southwest asia and egypt recruited Turkish warriors who eventually established their own states and converted to Islam.
The Chinese value of filial piety means deep respect for
a Nature
b god
c Elders
d Law
Filial means familia. filial piety is a deep respect for parental relationships and hierachy, including ancestors.
What is false about confucianism?
a An educated scholar gentry will lead to a better government
b it supported women
c education was the most importatn
d the 5 key relationships should be held sacred
It supported women
confucianism endorsed strict gender roles. Women were expected to serve their husbands their families. They weren’t allowed to remarry even if their husbands died.
Southeast Asia is characterized by its diverse landscapes, including moutains, forests, and coastal areas, primarily due to its:
a Political environment
b Geography
c economy
d culture
the diverse landscape in Southeast asia, such as mountains, forests, and coastal areas, are primarily due to ts geography. Southeast Asia is located between teh indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean
In Japanese geudalism, the warlord rulers were known as
a shoguns
b bakufu
c samurai
d daimyo
japanese emperors appointed shogunas as their chief generals. the emperor was simply a figurehead and shoguns held the most power. Below the shogun were the daimyo who were landowvers. Damiyo are similar to lords in European feudalism
What migration was ecidenced by iron working, irrigation and language spread in Africa
a germanic migration
b bantu migrations
c viking migrations
d aryan migrations
bantu migrations
the bantu introduced iron-working and the use of iron tools in Africa. They also spread their language, Swahili across much of Africa.
Which symbol is from teh Daoist religion
a moon and star
b yin-yang
c star of david
d holy cross
the yin-yang symbol is from teh daoist religion. The yin, the dark swirl, is associated with shadows and femininity while the yang, the light swirl, represents brightness, passion and growhs
What important devlopment did Johannes gutenberg’s printing press bring about during the renaissance?
a the isolation of Europe from the rest of the world
b the decline of literacy in europe
c the growth of handwritten manuscripts
d the mass production of books and documents
the mass production of books and documents
johannes Gutenberg’s printing press revolutionized how quickly information was distributed by allowing the mass production of books and documents, making knowledge more accessible