Five Good Emperors Era Flashcards
This expands beyond the Five Good Emperors, focusing on the era rather than just the five good.
The Five Good Emperors Era lasts how long?
96 A.D. – 193 A.D.
Who was the first “good”emperor?
When was Nerva inaugurated emperor, beginning the Five Good Emperors Era?
96 A.D.
How long did Nerva reign for?
96-98 A.D.
How did Nerva end up emperor?
Chosen by the Senate to be emperor after Domitian’s death
Who was Praetorian Prefect under Domitian from 94-96 A.D.?
Petronius Secundus
Who called for the assassination of Petronius Secundus?
praetorian prefect Casperius Aelianus
When was Petronius Secundus assassinated?
97 A.D.
Who replaced Petronius Secundus as Praetorian Prefect?
Casperius Aelianus
Who was forced to adopt Trajan as heir?
By adopting Trajan as his heir, Nerva set the precedent for what popular Roman imperial concept?
the idea of cooptation – adopting someone to be your
heir, not just a blood relative
When did Nerva die?
98 A.D.
How did Nerva die?
How long did Trajan reign for?
98-117 A.D.
When did Trajan start his reign?
98 A.D.
In what modern country was Trajan born in?
In what Spanish city was Trajan born in?
Trajan was considered a great emperor. Relating to Rome’s foreign involvement, why might this be?
under him Rome reached its
greatest territorial extent
How many provinces were their during Trajan’s reign?
Rome reached its greatest territorial extent in what year?
117 A.D.
Who was Trajan’s wife?
Who helped in conquering the Dacians and King Decebalus?
In what year was Dacia added to the empire?
106 A.D.
What province was added to the empire in 106 A.D.?
What battle against the Dacians occurred in 101 A.D.?
Second Battle of Tapae
The Second Battle of Tapae occurred in what year?
101 A.D.
What forum was built into the sides of the Quirinal Hill?
Forum of Trajan
What architect constructed the Forum of Trajan?
Apollodorus of Damascus
What other construction is Apollodorus of Damascus credited with creating (pertains to military campaigns)?
“Trajan’s Bridge” for the Dacian campaigns)
What column in the Forum of Trajan commemorates Trajan’s victories over the Dacians?
Column of Trajan
The Forum of Trajan is the last of what?
imperial fora
What construction of Trajan’s is said to be built over Nero’s Domus Aurea (Golden House)?
Trajan’s Baths
When Trajan was fighting the Parthians what capital did he sack?
Victorious over the Parthians, what two provinces was Trajan able to add to the empire?
Armenia and Mesopotamia
In what year were Armenia and Mesopotamia added to the empire?
116 A.D.
Who was Lucius Quietus?
Moorish cavalry commander and former Berber prince
What Moorish cavalry commander was instrumental in helping Trajan against the Dacians and Parthians?
Lucius Quietus
Ally of Trajan, Lucius Quietus, was made governor of what province?
What title did the Senate bestow upon Trajan?
“optimus princeps” or “best ruler”
How did Trajan die?
Died of a stroke in Selinus
Where did Trajan die?
Selinus, Sicily
When did Trajan die?
117 A.D.
Hadrian began his reign in what year?
117 A.D.
Similar to Trajan, Hadrian was born in what modern country
In what city was Hadrian born in?
How is Hadrian related to Trajan?
Adopted son of Trajan (Hadrian was Trajan’s cousin)
Which good emperors were cousins?
Hadrian and Trajan
Who helped Hadrian become emperor?
Plotina and one of Hadrian’s guardians (and Roman official) Acilius Attianus
What guardian (and Roman official) of Hadrian helped Hadrian in becoming emperor?
Acilius Attianus
Whose wife helped Hadrian become emperor?
What ally of Trajan and governor of Judea was executed, along with four senators, by Hadrian for supposedly conspiring against him?
Lusius Quietus
What defensive move did Hadrian take in Britain?
Established a wall (Hadrian’s Wall) in Britain built from the River Tyne to the Solway Firth
Where was Hadrian’s Wall built in Britain
River Tyne to the Solway Firth
What governor of Britain oversaw the construction of Hadrian’s Wall?
Platorius Nepos
Hadrian rebuilt what famous Roman temple?
Because of his admiration for Greek culture, Hadrian was given what epithet?
“Graeculus” – “the Greekling”
What Athenian political office did Hadrian hold?
archon of Athens
Beginning his reign as emperor Hadrian thought he should get to know the empire, hence what action of his?
Spent the first part of his reign going on a large tour of the empire
What Greek youth did Hadrian love?
Where did Hadrian’s Greek lover, Antinous, die?
The Nile
Hadrian had several cities named after what lover?
What was Hadrian’s wife named?
What sparked the revolt in Judea led by Simon bar Kokhba?
Hadrian attempted to place a statue of Jupiter Optimus Maximus in the temple mount in Jerusalem
Who led the revolt against Hadrian’s attempt to place a statue of Jupiter Optimus Maximus in the temple mount in Jerusalem?
Simon bar Kokhba
Who suppressed Simon bar Kokhba’s revolt?
general Julius Severus
Who was Hadrian’s first choice as heir, but later died?
Lucius Aelius
Who did Hadrian appoint as his heir after the death of Lucius Aelius?
Antoninus Pius
On what conditions did Hadrian adopt Antoninus Pius?
that Antoninus adopt Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus (son of Lucius Aelius)
Who was the son of Lucius Aelius?
Lucius Verus
Where were the ashes of Hadrian placed?
Mausoleum of Hadrian
How did Hadrian die?
Heart failure
When did Hadrian die?
138 A.D.
When did Antoninus Pius begin his reign?
138 A.D.
How long did Antoninus Pius reign for?
138-161 A.D.
Why did Antoninus Pius gain the name “Pius”?
because he encouraged the Senate to deify Hadrian
Who encouraged the Senate to deify Hadrian?
Antoninus Pius
Who did Antoninus Pius marry?
Faustina the Elder
Antoninus Pius celebrated what anniversary of Rome?
900th anniversary
Antoninus Pius established a wall in what modern region of the U.K.?
The Wall of Antoninus Pius was built north of what other major wall?
Hadrian’s Wall
The Wall of Antoninus Pius was built where in Scotland?
from the Firth of Forth to the Firth of Clyde
What governor of Britain oversaw the construction of the Wall of Antoninus Pius?
governor of Britain, Lollius Urbicus
Who ruled the longest of the Five Good Emperors?
Antoninus Pius
When did Antoninus Pius die?
161 A.D.
Where were Antoninus Pius’s ashes placed?
Mausoleum of Hadrian
How did Antoninus Pius die?
When did Marcus Aurelius begin his reign?
161 A.D.
How long did Marcus Aurelius reign for?
161-180 AD
What school of philosophy did Marcus Aurelius belong to?
What stoic work did Marcus Aurelius write?
What idea did Marcus Aurelius create?
Who was Marcus Aurelius’s general who captured Ctesiphon in Parthia in 164 A.D.?
Avidius Cassius
In what year did Avidius Cassius capture Ctesiphon?
164 A.D.
Who despite being commander in Parthia, had Avidius Cassius do most of the work campaigning?
Lucius Verus
In what year was Marcus Aurellius falsely believed to have died?
175 A.D.
Who, falsely thinking Marcus Aurellius had died, endeavored to take the throne?
Avidius Cassius
Who supported Avidius Cassius’s failed attempt at taking the throne?
Marcus Aurelius’s wife, Faustina the Younger
Who co-ruled with Marcus Aurelius?
Lucius Verus
How long did Lucius Verus co-rule for?
161-169 A.D.
How did Lucius Verus die?
What enemies of Rome did Marcus Aurelius fight against?
Marcomanni, Quadi, Sarmatians, and Iazyges
What column, based off of Trajan’s column, commemorates Marcus Aurelius’s success against Rome’s enemies?
column of Marcus Aurelius
Who was the wife of Marcus Aurelius?
Faustina the Younger
Who was the last of the Five Good Emperors?
Marcus Aurelius
How did Marcus Aurelius die?
Died of the plague
Where did Marcus Aurelius die?
Vindabona, modern Vienna
In what year did Marcus Aurelius die in?
180 A.D.
How long did Commodus reign for?
180-192 A.D
When did Commodus begin his reign?
180 A.D.
Who was made Caesar by Marcus Aurelius in 177 A.D.?
In what year was Commodus made Caesar by Marcus Aurelius?
177 A.D.
Commodus was the son of whom?
Marcus Aurelius
By Commodus becoming the heir of Marcus Aurelius what system was ended?
cooptation system of succession
Who was the sister of Commodus?
Who was the mistress of Commodus?
Commodus imitated what Greek-mythological hero?
Who was the freedman Praetorian Prefect under Commodus?
What type of corruption was the Praetorian Prefect Cleander notorious for?
Bidding offices away. Sold the imperial offices to the highest bidders, including 25 consulships in one day
In what type of recreational event did Commodus compete in?
gladiatorial games
What did Commodus rename Rome?
Colonia Commodiana (Colony of Commodus)
How is Commodus’s reign summarized?
by lavish brothels and general upheaval
When was Commodus killed?
New Year’s Eve, 192 A.D.
What Praetorian Prefect conspired in the killing of Commodus?
Q. Aemilius Laetus
Who poisoned Commodus unsuccessfully?
His mistress, Marcia
How did Commodus ultimately die?
His wrestling coach Narcissus strangled him
to death
In what year did Pertinax rule in?
193 A.D.
How did Pertinax end up emperor?
Brought to the praetorian camp by the conspirators who had killed Commodus and was proclaimed emperor the day after the assassination
How did Pertinax die?
Killed by the Praetorian Guard
In what year did Pertinax die?
193 A.D.
Who ended the Five Good Emperors Era?
Didius Julianus
In what year did Didius Julianus die?
193 A.D.
Who did Didius Julianus outbid to become emperor?
a rival (Sulpicianus)
How did Didius Julianus become emperor?
Literally won the imperial throne in an auction by the praetorian guard when he outbid a rival (Sulpicianus)
Who auctioned off the position of emperor?
Praetorian Guard
Didus Julianus paid each member of the Praetorian Guard how many sesterces to secure his position as emperor?
25,000 sesterces
Who sentenced Didus Julianus to death?
Septimius Severus