Fitness Assessments for Special Populations Flashcards
How many children and youth are meeting the recommended 60 minutes per day of moderate-to-vigorous intensity PA?
39% of children and youth
What are some factors to consider when testing youth PA?
Short attention spans
Size of equipment - adult sized may not work
What are some aerobic fitness tests that can be utilized for testing youth?
1 mile run/walk for estimated VO2peak - for 5-17 y/o
0.5mile run/walk - for children 5-7
20m shuttle run - 8-19 y/o
Why was there concern with children doing 1RM testing?
Thought that lifting heavy damaged growth plates
Mechanics - we thought injury risk was high
Thought that nerve pathways for muscle recruitment were poor
What are some benefits of performing 1RM testing with 6-12 y/o?
Use results to develop baselines, and to develop individualized training programs
Shortcomings of testing 1RM in youth (6-12)?
Must be highly supervised (QEP)
Need child-sized equipment
What are some differences in American and Canadian youth fitness testing?
CAD - CAPL. Focused around aerobic fitness, MSK endurance, and mobility
USA - Fitnessgram - aerobic capacity, body comp, MSK strength, endurance + flexibility
Screening Questions for Mobility in Older Adults
Do you have difficulty climbing 10 steps or walking 400m?
Have you modified the way you climb 10 steps of walk 400m for health or physical reasons?
What are the areas of testing for older adults?
Aerobic capacity
MSK Testing
Ability to perform ADL
Modifications to treadmill and cycle ergometer protocols for older adults:
Extend warmup past 3 mins
Start at lower intensity, smaller work increments
Reduce treadmill speed to walking ability of client
Extend duration of each work stage (at least 3 min) allowing enough time for them to reach SSHR
Select protocol that will take at least 8-12 min to perform
Treadmill test considerations for testing older adults:
Choose tests that increase grade, and not speed
Protocols like Bruce protocol where they can use handguards