Fisher et al. (2005) (Biological) Flashcards
Name and year
Fisher et al. 2005
Investigate the neural mechanisms associated with romantic love
Research Method
Correlational study
17 participants aged 18-26 (all self-reportedly to be in love for an average of 7 months)
Sample Collection Method
- Participants viewed a photo of their romantic partner for 30 seconds
- Engaged in a distraction task for 40 seconds
- Viewed a neutral acquaintance’s photo for 30 seconds
- Performed another distraction tasks for 20 seconds
- Repeated the above sequence 6 times whilst under fMRI scanning
Viewing images of romantic partners activated the right ventral tegmental area (VTA) and caudate nucleus, areas associated with the brain’s reward system and rich in dopamine. This suggests a link between romantic love and the engagement of dopamine pathways linked to reward and motivation.
- Bidirectional Ambiguity (correlational study)
- Relatively small sample size, reducing statistical power
- Construct validity on being characterized as intensively in love
- Reductionist, attributing complex emotions like romantic love to specific brain regions and dopamine activity may be an oversimplification. Other factors from different approaches may need to be considered.
- Controlled experimental design by using a within-subjects design
- Can be replicated