First Try of Practice Flashcards
Operant Conditioning does what
reinforces through punishment
Employee morale and staff cooperation would be the concern of a(n)
clinical psychologist. forensic psychologist. social psychologist. industrial and organizational psychologist. business psychologist.
The correct answer is D. Industrial and organizational psychologists work with management and staff in the world of business.
Scientists use replication in order to
increase validity. increase research grants. show cause and effect. become more confident about their conclusions across a variety of situations. satisfy ethics requirements.
The correct answer is D. Replication involves repeating a study to determine whether the results are supported, or whether they occurred due to chance.
The psychological perspective which includes the assumption that people are often unaware of the real motives behind their behavior is
psychoanalysis. trait theory. behaviorism. cognitive psychology. humanistic psychology.
The correct answer is A. Psychoanalytic theory assumes that the unconscious plays a major role in human behavior.
The theorist who claimed that he could make any dozen healthy babies into anything he wished through conditioning was
Wilhelm Wundt. Sigmund Freud. Carl Rogers B. F. Skinner. John Watson.
The correct answer is E. Watson was an extreme behaviorist.
The neuron's "senders" are the myelin sheaths. dendrites. axon terminal buttons. pons. receptor sites.
The correct answer is C. The axon terminal button at the end of the neuron (nerve cell) communicates with other neurons by secreting neurotransmitters, which cross the synaptic gap.
Activity within a nerve cell is \_\_\_\_\_; activity between nerve cells is \_\_\_\_\_\_\_. positive; negative electrical; chemical chemical; electrical electrical; electrical chemical; chemical
The correct answer is B. Activity within cells is electrical and operates on the “all-or-none” principle. Chemicals called neurotransmitters communicate information from one neuron to another by drifting across the synaptic gap.
The brain's relay station which receives incoming sensory messages and passes them on to the cerebral cortex is the corpus callosum. hypothalamus. limbic system. thalamus. basal ganglia.
The correct answer is D. The thalamus determines which messages get sent to the various parts of the brain.
The part of the brain chiefly responsible for emotion is the limbic system. reticular activating system. thalamus. corpus callosum. hippocampus.
The correct answer is A. The limbic system is the emotional center of the brain.
The sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system is MOST likely to be activated when you are sleeping. frightened. studying. talking to a good friend. dreaming. The correct answer is B.
The sympathetic nervous system arouses the body and activates the “fight or flight” response.
The association area of the cortex which seems to play a role in planning and problem solving is located in the amygdala. frontal lobes. temporal lobes. occipital lobes. parietal lobes.
The correct answer is B. The frontal lobes are responsible for higher thought processes.
Which of the following is TRUE about perceiving objects?
Sensory adaptation allows us to focus on one stimuli among many.
Our eyes must continuously quiver in order to counteract the effects of sensory adaptation.
Weber’s law is another term for the absolute threshold.
Perception occurs independently of expectations.
Perception is the same as sensation.
The correct answer is B. If our eyes did not quiver, we would eventually no longer notice objects in our field of vision because of the principle of sensory adaptation.
Cones, unlike rods, will respond to movement but not color. color but not movement. movement but not brightness. brightness but not movement. both movement and color.
The correct answer is E. Rods respond to light; cones respond to color and motion.
The LEAST efficient of the human senses is taste. touch. hearing. vision. smell.
The correct answer is A. Taste is our least efficient sense, and much of it depends on smell.
Movements of the head are detected by rods and cones. the semicircular canals. free nerve endings. Krause end bulbs. the ear bones in the middle ear. The correct answer is B.
The semicircular canals are filled with fluid. The angle of the fluid provides feedback and helps maintain equilibrium.
Todd is shown a card with the stimuli AAABBBCCC and is asked to report what he sees. Todd states that there are three groups of different letters. This illustrates the rule of perceptual organization known as similarity. gestalt. closure. continuation. proximity.
The correct answer is A. Similarity refers to a tendency to group similar patterns together.
Each one of the sleep stages can be objectively identified as different from the other stages by means of specific body positions. the amount of eye movement. heart and breathing rates. EEG recordings. blood pressure.
The correct answer is D. An EEG is an electroencephalogram. It measures the brain wave activity that can distinguish between each of the stages of sleep.
Our most vivid dreams occur during stage 1 sleep. stage 2 sleep. stage 3 sleep. stage 4 sleep. None of the choices are correct.
The correct answer is E. Our most vivid, narrative-like dreams occur during REM sleep, characterized by rapid eye movement and “awake-like” brainwave patterns that will appear on an EEG.
"Learning is any relatively permanent change in behavior" is an incomplete definition of learning because it does not include the role of growth. conditioning. cognition. experience. reinforcement.
The correct answer is D. Experiental knowledge, which could have its roots in principles of learning such as conditioning and reinforcement, underlies much of our learning.
"Learning is any relatively permanent change in behavior" is an incomplete definition of learning because it does not include the role of growth. conditioning. cognition. experience. reinforcement.
The correct answer is D. Experiental knowledge, which could have its roots in principles of learning such as conditioning and reinforcement, underlies much of our learning.
In classical conditioning, the unconditioned response occurs when the
reward is available. unconditioned stimulus is presented. conditioned stimulus is presented. conditioned response is blocked. unconditioned stimulus is removed.
The correct answer is B. In classical conditioning, the original, unconditioned response occurs upon presentation of the original, unconditioned stimulus.
When a child learns not to use swear words in front of his parents, but does so in front of friends, the child is exhibiting the principle of stimulus discrimination. classical conditioning. stimulus generalization. selective extinction. response generalization.
The correct answer is A. The child has learned to tell apart (discriminate) between his parents and his friends.
A psychology student is training a rat to climb a ladder. She first rewards the rat for any movement it makes toward the ladder, and then only when the rat actually makes contact with the ladder. Eventually, the rat must successfully climb the ladder in order to obtain the reward. This student has used the behavioral technique of
shaping. stimulus discrimination. negative reinforcement. positive reinforcement. modeling.
The correct answer is A. Shaping is a technique of gradually changing behavior by reinforcing successive approximations of the behavior (closer and closer to the target behavior).
A psychology student is training a rat to climb a ladder. She first rewards the rat for any movement it makes toward the ladder, and then only when the rat actually makes contact with the ladder. Eventually, the rat must successfully climb the ladder in order to obtain the reward. This student has used the behavioral technique of
shaping. stimulus discrimination. negative reinforcement. positive reinforcement. modeling.
The correct answer is A. Shaping is a technique of gradually changing behavior by reinforcing successive approximations of the behavior (closer and closer to the target behavior).
In general, learning takes place more rapidly with
continuous reinforcement. partial reinforcement. random reinforcement. no reinforcement. intermittent reinforcement.
The correct answer is A. Learning takes place faster when the behavior is rewarded every time it occurs (continuously). Intermittent reinforcement (partial, random, etc) is marked by slower learning but greater resistance to extinction. According to Skinner, learning does not take place in the absence of reinforcement.
Jenna is very frustrated because her cat keeps jumping up on the counter, even though she had spent a lot of time trying to train him not to do so. Which concept of learning should Jenna MOST be aware of? Negative reinforcement Positive reinforcement Instinctual drift Preparedness Latent learning
The correct answer is C. Instinctual drift means that species-specific behaviors (instincts) sometime interfere with and over-ride learning. In this case, cats naturally like to investigate and survey their landscape from high places.
The basic sounds of a language are called morphemes. semantics. syntax. vocabulary. phonemes.
The correct answer is E. Phonemes are the basic sounds, not necessarily meaningful in isolation, that form the building blocks of language.
In the Stanford-Binet test, IQ is defined as
ability to learn and adapt. MA/CA x 100. CA/MA x 100. the sum of the verbal and non-verbal scales. the person's mental age.
The correct answer is B. Mental Age (abilities) divided by Chronological Age (in years) multiplied by 100.
In the Stanford-Binet test, IQ is defined as
ability to learn and adapt. MA/CA x 100. CA/MA x 100. the sum of the verbal and non-verbal scales. the person's mental age.
The correct answer is B. Mental Age (abilities) divided by Chronological Age (in years) multiplied by 100.
If a test measures what it is intended to measure, it has objectivity. reliability. replicability. validity. standardization.
The correct answer is D. Validity answers the question “does the test measure what it originally set out to measure?”
When people of varying cultures were asked to match facial expressions with specific emotions
A. there was little agreement, even among people from the same culture.
B. there was agreement within a specific culture, but not across cultures.
people from C. underdeveloped societies had responses not seen in industrial societies.
D. there was remarkable agreement among members of all cultures.
E. all cultures had exactly the same expressions.
The correct answer is D. The six basic emotions (happiness, sadness, disgust, surprise, anger, and fear) are universally recognized, suggesting that there is a biological basis for the display of these emotions.
Good advice to parents who want to encourage high achievement motivation in their children is to
reward good performance, admonish bad performance.
let children learn on their own the value of achievement.
let children learn their lessons “the hard way.”
not let children know about your personal hardships or dissatisfactions with life.
not hold high achieving people up as models.
The correct answer is A. The type of parenting with the most typically positive outcomes is one that rewards good performance while admonishing bad performance. This can be seen in authoritative parenting, where parents encourage children’s independence, but still place limits and controls on their behavior.
The correct order of Maslow’s needs hierarchy is:
A. physiological needs, safety, love and belonging, esteem, self-actualization.
B. safety, physiological needs, love and belonging, esteem, self-actualization.
C. physiological needs, safety, esteem, love and belonging, self-actualization.
D. physiological needs, self-actualization, safety, love and belonging, esteem.
E. physiological needs, love and belonging, safety, esteem, self-actualization.
The correct answer is A. The correct order from lowest to highest is: physiological needs, safety, love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization.
A harmful substance that can cross the placenta and harm the fetus is called a(an) contaminant. teratogen. carcinogen. enzyme. pathogen.
The correct answer is B. Examples of teratogens, which originate outside the mother’s body, include alcohol, drugs, viruses, infections, and byproducts of cigarettes.
According to Freudian theory, the Oedipus complex is resolved through the process of regression. identification. modeling. repression. sublimation.
The correct answer is B. The defense mechanism of identification protects the ego from unacceptable thoughts by identifying with the same-sex parent and giving up the desire to possess the opposite-sex parent.
According to Freudian theory, the Oedipus complex is resolved through the process of regression. identification. modeling. repression. sublimation.
The correct answer is B. The defense mechanism of identification protects the ego from unacceptable thoughts by identifying with the same-sex parent and giving up the desire to possess the opposite-sex parent.
In breaking away from Freud, Alfred Adler proposed that people
inherit the learned behaviors of their ancestors.
suffer from fixations in the early psychosexual stages.
attempt to overcome feelings of inferiority.
suffer from strong biological urges.
have an ancestral memory called the collective unconscious.
The correct answer is C. Adler said that we attempt to overcome feelings of inferiority by striving to be superior (i.e., to self-actualize).
Social learning theory emphasizes the phenomenon of
observational learning. positive reinforcement. self-actualization. introversion-extroversion. personality types.
The correct answer is A. Social learning theory was developed by Albert Bandura; it emphasizes observational, or vicarious, learning – also known as modeling.
A characteristic typically possessed by stress-resistant individuals is a(n)
Type A personality.
pessimistic explanatory style.
sense of personal control.
tendency to attribute successes to good fortune.
active pituitary gland.
The correct answer is C. A sense of control is an effective buffer against stress. Social support is also important.
What is the role of genes in the development of most mental disorders?
Genetic factors can predispose us to develop mental disorders.
Genetic factors cause mental disorders.
There is no way to determine whether various mental disorders have any genetic bases.
Genetic factors typically only cause disorders if they are found on “both sides” of the family.
The environment is a more important factor than genes in predicting whether or not a mental disorder will develop.
The correct answer is A. Although not all mental disorders are biologically-based, many are, including schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder, some anxiety disorders, and depression in many people. Whether an individual with a biological predisposition actually develops a disorder depends on life experiences and coping skills.
A person who is overly energetic and hyperactive, makes grandiose plans, and experiences feelings of omnipotence is schizoid. hysterical. manic. obsessive. anal-retentive.
The correct answer is C. Being manic is an extreme high, often characterized by behaviors that do not reflect reality. At the end of the manic episode, the person often swings the other way into a severe depression.
A seemingly charming, candid, generous person who lies freely, forms no close ties, and is selfish and remorseless, is probably a(n) antisocial personality. histrionic personality disorder. narcissistic personality. schizoid personality. autistic personality.
The correct answer is A. Also known as sociopaths or psychopaths, people with antisocial personality disorder have no conscience and no sense of remorse. They view other people opportunistically.
The psychodynamic approach to the treatment of psychological disorders is based on the assumption that maladaptive behavior
is learned, and therapy should teach the client more adaptive behavior.
is caused by imbalances in biochemical functioning of the brain.
occurs when the client no longer feels that life is meaningful.
is the result of problems in living.
is related to unresolved childhood conflicts.
The correct answer is E. Psychodynamic (Freudian) treatment relies heavily on understanding early life experiences and conflicts, and uncovering the roots of unconscious motivation.
Among Stanley Milgram’s subjects who were pressured to give “electrical shocks” to a “learner” (actually an actor)
almost none would shock the subject at all.
about 30 percent delivered any electrical shock at all.
about 30 percent delivered an apparently painful shock.
nearly two-thirds delivered an apparently painful shock.
Nearly 90% delivered an apparently painful shock.
The correct answer is D. In this famous experiment designed to demonstrate the power of suggestion and the willingness to “obey” and adhere to authority, nearly two-thirds of the subjects delivered what they believed to be a maximum shock of 450 volts.
Which of the following is TRUE about the relationship between frustration and aggression?
Frustration always causes aggression.
Biological factors are more important than social factors in aggressive behavior.
Whether or not frustration will result in aggression depends on cognitive appraisal.
Frustration is likely to cause aggression in children but depression in adults.
Aggression is always a sign that frustration and depression is present in an individual.
The correct answer is C. Cognitive factors include, for example, perception of intent, controllability, and magnitude.
In breaking away from Freud, Alfred Adler proposed that people
inherit the learned behaviors of their ancestors.
suffer from fixations in the early psychosexual stages.
attempt to overcome feelings of inferiority.
suffer from strong biological urges.
have an ancestral memory called the collective unconscious.
The correct answer is C. Adler said that we attempt to overcome feelings of inferiority by striving to be superior (i.e., to self-actualize).
Jim is able to accept his friend despite the fact that he doesn't approve of some of the things his friend does. Carl Rogers would say that, in accepting his friend regardless of his flaws, without closed-minded judgment, Jim is displaying conditions of worth. self-actualization. an incongruence. social approval. unconditional positive regard.
The correct answer is E. According to Carl Rogers, unconditional positive regard means accepting and valuing a person regardless of the person’s behavior.
Compared with traditional Freudians, modern psychodynamic therapists tend to give greater emphasis to the
patient’s social and cultural environment.
patient’s early childhood experiences.
patient’s unconscious conflicts.
use of applied behavior analysis.
role of self-actualization.
The correct answer is A. Although modern psychodynamic therapists still regard early experience and unconscious conflicts as important, they are more likely to give weight to the patient’s social and cultural environment.