First Quarter Final Exam Flashcards
patterns of ideas and acts with great moral significance
“must” behaviors
- The view that one’s own race, nation, group or culture
is superior to all others. - The world should be viewed using my culture as the
measure of what is proper.
Cultural Relativism
The view that all cultures are important and should be
considered when judging people’s behavior
The study of the development, structure and functioning of human society
A forbidden act considered so offensive to norms, as to be reviled and unthinkable
- regular, patterned behavior
A cultural idea that describes a regular, patterned behavior that is considered characteristic of life in a social system
- provides a traditional mode of conduct
The learned behavior shared by a social group that provides a traditional mode of conduct
A formal or informal rule or standard enacted by a political entity and enforced by agents with recognized authority as the police or the courts
- acceptable and appropriate actions
Defined acceptable and appropriate actions within a given group or community, thus guiding human behavior
group of people experienceing things together
type of cohort of people born around the same time
Pattern of behavior including sacred beliefs, feelings about their beliefs, and conducts that implement the beliefs and feelings
Cultural Universal
Patterns of living and dying that are common in all cultures
ex. all cultures check for death before burial/disposition
Method of internalizing social values
refers to present times
living or happening in the same period
division of culture having a commmon trait
- patterns shared by a society
Patterns (rules, ideas, beliefs) shared by members of society, learned directly or indirectly
- group with common interests
groups of persons forming a single community who have interests in common
- how group should behave
group belief of how members should behave in a given situation
The study/science of vital statistics (births, death, marriages etc)
Process of making meaning of data
Life Expectancy
Proportion of people who have died within a time period compared to the number of people in the population
Infant Mortality Rate
Number of live birth infants dying in the first year of life
Cause of death
that condition or injury (or circumstances of the injury) that initiated the train of morbid events
Functions of the family
support, teach, impart values and culture, protect
Nuclear Family
Mother Father and Children
Extended Family
Mother Father and Children and others live in same home
Modified Extended Family
Nuclear in the house, but nearby relative act as extended family
Single Parent Family
One parent in household
Blended family
Remarried mother and father, children from previous relationships and from new marriage
Patriarchal Family
Father makes decisions
Matriarchal Family
Mother makes decisions
Egalitarian Family
Both mother and father make decisions
Joint family
Always patriarchal, usually rural, sons inherit property, daughter is married off
People living together as if married, but not married
Civil Union
a legally recognized union with rights similar to those of marriage,
Death accepting culture
A society that accepts death and views death as a natural part of life
Death defying culture
A society that believes that nothing changes or is lost after death (life goes on)
Death denying culture
A society that suggests that death is not natural; avoids the idea of death
Social grouping based on culturally valued attributes
Social Stratification
Categorizing people into social classes
Mobility/Class Mobility
Ability to move to a different social class
an event preformed in a solemn (serious)and prescribed(written) manner
Traditional funeral rite
funeral that follows customs or religious practices
Adaptive Funeral
a funeral where changes are made by the family
Humanistic funeral
no mention of God
Primative Funeral Rite
early death rituals,
Euphemisms for death
expressions used to avoid saying death
talk about death, not meaning it
Green movement
acceptance and use of better funeral practices for the planet
Changes in dispostion (trends)
more cremation
more green burial options
less religious envolvement
Changing from handmade to machine made products
change in community where society is more urban, less rural
a complex organization that has multilayered systems and processes, and inflexible rules
the ability to move from where you were born
Statistics on hospice care
growing trend
2/3 of US will use hospice
Geographic mobility
Ability to move to a different region
Body present
Memorial service
Body not present
Funeral rite
A general term for both memorials and funerals