First Half Term Work Flashcards
What’s the holy trinity
God the son
God the father
God the Holy Spirit
What’s the story of Pentecost
After Jesus ascension the disciples were afraid they could be put to death - but the streets of Jerusalem were fillies with pilgrims speaking different languages celebrating Pentecost, they felt the holy spirt like a wind which allowed them to speak the foreign language and told people to hanger their live, get baptised and be a Christian
Tell me about God the son
Jesus is God the son, it is beluga that God had the incarnation
The gospels of Matthew and Luke believe thag the incarnation is literall true where God literally became Jesus
Johns gospel believes that since God gave his word to create the world he thinks God gave Jesus the word
Why is incarnation important to Christian
It shows us how much God loves us as he was prepared tk give up everything to become a humble human
What the crucifixion
Jesus was arrest and convicted of blasphemy, they saw his new ideas as a threat so he sad put to death by crucifixion
Christians believe God has a plan for all of us - his death was deliberate - it was to atone for all our sins
What’s the resurrection
Where the followers of Jesus went in his tomb and found no body - there are 4 accounts each one varies
Resurrection proves God is more powerful than death
What’s the ascension
40 days are resurrection he was taken up to heaven
Who made the 4 accounts of the resurrection
What’s the inconsistent triad
That with God there can’t be suffering
Tell me about the inconsistent triad
- the problem of evil
It’s believed that God the father is
Omnipotent - all powering
Omniscient - all knowing
Omnibenevolent- all loving
It’s believed that each one contradicts its self as there is still suffering - there shouting be
Tell me different Christian views in creation story
Fundamentalis Christians take it literall
Liberal Christian BELEIEV story is an allegory - contains truths about God
What is transcendant
The belief that God the father is not in the world and is looking down on us
What are some solutions to the problem of evil/ inconsistent triad
God made a perfect world but he have humans free will and we messes it up- we cause suffering
There’s a devil
who is responsible for evil
Suffering is a test and we will be rewarded in heaven
Suffering is part of becoming a rounded human being
What’s conception
When sperm meets egg
What’s viability
At 24 weeks where baby could survive out of womb
What’s British law on abortions
Only before 24 weeks
Only later in exceptional times eg I’m mother would die
According to fundamentalist Christians when is the baby significant
From conception
What are liberal Christians views on abortion
Always wrong however sometimes neccesary
What’s autonomy
The right to make decisions about our own bodies
Tell me some pro life quotes
In Old Testament “do not kill”
“Choose life”
What is pro life
Christians likely to go for pro life. They believe in sanctity of life, every human has a purpose from God - the mother and child both deserve an equal chance to live
They help parents who are stuffing to cope
What is pro choice
If there’s a chance the mother will not cope or baby be disabled then they argue the QUALITY of life - it might be kinder to abort
Most Christian DISAGREE with pro choice argument
What is passive euthanises
When treatment to keep patient alive is withheld
What’s active euthanasia
Actively killing them - injection
What’s non voluntary euthanasia
When doctors end a life without consent
What’s voluntary euthanasia
When a patient want to die - illegal in uk so go to dignitas clinic in Switzerland
What are christsin views on euthanasia
They Belueve in sanctity of human life, we are made in image of God, don’t di euthanasia yu still have a purpose
What do hospices do
They look after people terminally ill
They offer counselling
Offer respite car
What are the different Christian responses to euthanasia
Fundamentalist Christians think life is sacred and we have purpose, we should only doe naturally and give a patient every chance to live
Some argue against active but agree with passive euthanasia
Liberal Christians might support euthanasia it’s better to end their suffering
What’s the Big Bang
There was an explosion of a fireball which was too dense and exploded and started to cool to form billions of galaxies
Tell me about the 6 day creation story
1 light and dark separate
2 sky and sea seperste
3 land and sea seperste
4 the heavens are filed with life
5 sky and sea fillied with life
6 land filled with life- humans
7 God rested