5 Theme B: Religion And Life Flashcards
Tell me the difference between religious and scientific truth
Scientific truth is a hypothesis, can be disproved and changed
Can be challenged, always conditional
Religious truth is definite - answer why questions and meanings
Considered absolute and unchanging and relevant for all times
What’s the Big Bang theory
Description of how scientists believe universe began
There was a huge explosion with made a cloud of dust and gas and formed our universe
Earliest signs of life appeared millions of years ago before land and sea settled
Earth was very hot and fused to give first live forms
Tell me some evidence supporting the Big Bang
Explosion caused everything to be flung outwards - movement can be tracked back to single point, supporting the explosion
Backround microwave radiation is there, explosions cause radiation and this can be detected still in space
Tell me about Charles Darwin and evolution
Said there can be competition so those more adapted- with a mutation will survive so species will change over time
Environment can affect us
So how does evolution disprove God
People can’t claim the world as the same perfect creation of God
Evolution suggests the world developed over millions of years and not 7 days
However, we say God designed original life with ability to adapt and change - just adds to the wonder and awe felt toward God - he’s greater than we throught
What is the Genesis creation story
Christian story in first book of bible called Genesis meaning beginning
What happened on the first day of the Genesis creation story
In Genesis it says at the beginning there was nothing. God decided to crest the world, on each day he made a new thing
On the first day. God created light, God separated light from dark and so there was day and night
Tell me about the second day about the Genesis creation story
God created the heavens
Tell me about the third day on the Genesis creation story
On the third day, God collected the water together to give land and sea, God Also made plants of every kind grow on land
Tell me about the fourth day of the Genesis creation story
God created the son, moon and stars so that there were lights for the day and for the night and to mark the seasons
Tell me about the 5th day of the Genesis creation story
God created fish and birds
Tell me about the 6th day of the creation story
God created animals and then humans in his image
Tell me about the 7th day of the creation story
God rested, each day God has looked back in creation and said it was good. God has created a good world
How is the Genesis creation story understood
Some fundamentalist Christians take story literally
Liberal Christians believe there are some key messages in the story a telling we had a purpose and humans are deliberately made by the creator - designed considered creation
What’s stewardship
The idea that God created the world means it has to be looked after, Christians believe we are given a responsibility or duty by God to look after the world
Tell me about dominion
As the prime species, religious believers think God gave them the right to decide what galleons to the world and the species in it
Humans have power over nature by permission of God
What is awe
When you are struck by a sense of wonderment if the Natural world
Makes them praise God even more because they believe God created world and is responsible for everything made this way - may worship him more
What’s pollution
When there is too much is something that is toxic and causes damage to environment - usually a result of humans
Tell me some examples of pollution
Factories cause water pollution by emptying waste into rivers poisoning it
Fertiliser that runs into farmers fields off fish
Too much pesticide can do more damage To ecosystem as it changes while balance
Tell me about global warming and climate change
Climate is changing and so there’s more extreme weather - greenhouse effect due to greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide being released into atmosphere as fossil fuels are being burned
What are the consequence of global warming and climate change
Hotter usually means firer so it can be too hot to live and habitats such as ice caps can melt
Everyone will want air conditioning which will use more energy and resources and cost more money
What are the solutions to global warming and climate change
Change Our energy use
Find alternatives - sustainable energy - keep using it with no harm
Tell me the Christian attitudes to the environment / tell me some teachings
See the need to look after environment
“God made the world and gave the duty of stewardship to humans” Genesis 1:28
Respect for life extends to the rest of creation - Pope John Paul II
Clearly humans have a special role to look after animals
If human does not carry out duties, they can expect to be punished at judgement day
What’s deforestation
Where huge amounts of forest are cut down so habitats are lost - plants lost that can be used for medicine
How do humans use natural resources
Use in a greater quantity than ever before
some are already running out - we need a new alternative
They give off lots of greenhouse gases and pollution
What’s sustainable development
Idea that we should make developments that support and not damage the environment
What’s conservation
Trying to protect an area or species
Sometimes repairing damage that had been done - maintain environment for and endangered species
Plant trees to protect an area from landslide
Declare an area a nature reserve and protect wildlife and the environment there
What can induviduals do
Religious believers can recycling, reuse, join local efforts
Join campaigns and donate to charities which try to resolve environmental problem
May work within their local community to help focus on jssue
Tell me about animal rights
Believe animals are part of gods creation - most believe we are given dominion to use them for food, clothing
Should always be treated with respect, fairness and kindness
Tell me about animal experimentation
Many instantly think it’s cruel
They benefit humans, furthers medical knowledge
Test for new drugs and they toxicity
Don’t risk humans
At end of experimentation animals left are humanely destroyed
What are some of the issues of animal experimentation
It’s cruel, animals suffer through scientists believe it’s for greater good
Modern science has skins alternatives like using human tissue culture for toxicity tests
Animal genetics and human genetics are different and reactions are not the same so it’s pointless
When do Christians not eat meat
Not red meat on Fridays for respect of Jesus sacrifice on good Friday’s - suggests we should eat meat on other days
What’s the sanctity of life
Idea all life is special because God created it
All life is special and deserves to be protected and cherished - extend this to plant and animal life
What is the status of human life
Thing humans are the pinnacle of creation - should be protected, most religious believers are pro life
What is quailty of life
Describes how good someone’s life is - how comfortable they are
How much they have in money and possessions
We should treat others as we wish to be treated - giving someone a good quality of life is important
When does life begin in law
Abortion not allowed beyond 24 weeks
What’s abortion
The deliberate expulsion of a foetus from the womb with the intention of destroying it
Tell me when an abortion still can be carried out after 24 weeks
If 2 registered doctors agree that at least one is true
There is a danger to the women’s mental and or physical health
Foetus will be born with physical and or mental disabilities and could put other children at risk
What’s pro life
Terms we use for arguments against abortion under any circumstance
Support rights to foetus
Tell some arguments of prolife for abortion
All life is sacred should be protected
God has created life and as stewards of world we must protect it
Is murder of another human being which is wrong
Foetus can’t be defined itself - someone else has to
Foetus has a right to life and can’t be discarded as if it’s waste
What’s pro choice
Supporting use of abortion - defend women’s right to what happens with her body
Tell me some pro choice arguments
A women should have the right to decide what happens to her body
Where a women is pregnant as a result of rape or incest it would be wrong
Some foetuses are so damaged it would be cruel to allow them to be born
If having child could put mothers life at risk
at a certain point it can’t survive outside womb so should no be thought of as a life in its own right
If banned women would still have them but not in a safe way - we must protect women
What do Christians think of abortions
Roman Catholic Church sees abortion as wrong but where it’s might be a side effect of a Procedure to save a women’s life
The Church of England, the abortion is a great moral evil but might be necessary where a pregnancy threatens a woman’s life it’s justifiable
What are the other options for abortions
A women could complete pregnancy and have baby fostered or adopted
What’s euthanasia
Mercy killing, helping someone to die who is suffering from a terminal illness or their quality of life is less than they can bear
What’s voluntary euthanasia
When person suffering ask for life to be ended
What’s active euthanasia
Being given lethal drugs to end life
What’s passive euthanasia
Stop taking medications so illness kills them
What’s involuntary euthanasia
When patient unable to say what they want so family has To decide
Person allowed to die not necessarily killed - person could be on life Support and will not recover
What’s the law on euthanasia in the U.K.
Illegal in uk seen as assisted suicide - forbids anyone from helping someone else to die or be viewed as manslaughter or murder
Doctors do switch off life support where there is no sign of brain activity, administer drugs to ease pain and can shorten life - not seen as euthanise
Tell me some arguments for the right to die
It’s my body, I can make my decisions
I’m the only one who can say when my life is no longer worth living
See it as compassion for amiable why not for humans
Tell me some arguments against the right to die
Life does not belong to use - it belongs to God
We should care for people in their last days, show love not Kill them
Doctors and nurses take oaths to protect life, not to end it
Some people could force it on others - making elderly feel a burden
What’s a hospice
A place for those terminally ill
Both for children and adults
What are the aims of hospices
Relive physical symptoms of illness
Care for emotional and spiritual well being of patient - sort things out
Support families of patients who also suffer too
Educate others caring for dying and to work out new better ways to care for dying
Tell me the Christian views to life
God created life in his own life - Genesis
Do not kill - Ten Commandments
The Catholic Church teaches that life must be respected from conception until natural death
Most Christians accept abortions when mothers life at risk
In euthanasia, seen as killing, some Christians see it as love and compassion and good use of medical knowledge God has granted us
Tell me the Christian beliefs about death and the afterlife
Believe in physical resurrection of the body, body waits until judgement day - Catholics call it purgatory
Each person faces God and Jesus to evaluate deeds - if good in life they would go to heaven, if bad go to hell for eternal punishment
Tell me some contrasting Christian beliefs of abortion
Roman Catholics say it’s always wrong, life begins at conception “do not kill your children by abortion” - the didache states
“Life must be protected with the utmost care from the Moment of conception” - Vatican II
Anglican Church says it might have to be accepted as a neccesary evil mothers life at risk
Tell me different Christian beliefs to euthanasia
Roman Catholics always against - life is sacred “I, your God, give life, and I take it away” - the Old Testament
“Do not kill” -10 commandments
Dutch Protestant church believe those with terminal illness, believe God wants us to help the person from suffering
Christians generally accept passive euthanasia as in Old Testament “there is a season for everything - a time to live and a time to die”
Tell me the different Christian views of animal experimentation
Some think it’s wrong - God gave us stewardship over animals “we must abandon laboratories and factories of death” - Pope John Paul II
Roman Catholics church accepts experimentation “within reasonable limits” And only if It’s “Caring for or saving human lives” - catechism of Catholic Church