8 Theme E: Religion, Crime And Punishment Flashcards
What is law and order
Rules of our society, rules exist to keep a society calm and safe
Based on ideas of RIght and wrong
What is evil
An act that is wicked or immoral
What is forgiveness
A process which a victim goes through changing feelings of resentment
What is justice
Making what is right and fair
What is suffering
A feeling of pain, harm or distress which is caused by the actions of others when they commit crime
What is morality
A person or a religions beliefs of what is right and wrong in terms of behaviour and actions
What’s conscience
Voice in our head telling us right from wrong
What is sin
An act which goes against gods will, a religious offence
What is a bye law
Made by local area, cover things like parking restrictions and alcohol free zones - can result in fine but not criminal record
Tell me about parliamentary laws
Made by government to everyone in country
Split into 2
Non indictable offices include minor crimes like driving offences
Indictable offences are much more serious and are dealt with crown courts with a judge
What are crimes against the person
Offences causing direct harm to a person eg murder, especially, hate crimes, grievous bodily harm
Tell me about crimes against property
Offences that damage or deprive people of their property
Eg arson, burglary, trespassing
Tell me about crimes against the state
Offences that potentially endanger everyone or affect the smooth running of society eg terrorism, selling state secrets, perjury
Tell me how Upbringing can cause crime
Might include environment brought up in and their morals
Weather a person is surrounded by crimes and activity of social and financial status of family
Tell me how mental illness caused crime
State of mind may lead to a crime
May have physiological issues and no understanding of right and wrong
May not feel empathy
May have learning issues and easily be led into crime
How can some crimes be caused by opposition of existing laws/ protest
Some are committed as protest - laws have to be broken to be changed
How can poverty cause crime
A person might commit a crime Becuase they see no alternative
How can addiction cause crime
Might have an addition - alcohol, drugs or sex or gambling
They need to feed addiction by finding money
How does greed/hate cause crime
We always want more, people do bad things so hate leads us to take revenge
What is evil
Something profoundly immoral and wicked usually Seen as depraved and malicious
What is good seen as
Define as morally excellent, virtuous, righteous and pious
Where does evil come from Christianity
Seen as abuse of free will of God
In order to appreciate good, evil must exist- believe in a figure called the devil or Satan - tries to tempt people
What do atheists say about evil causing crime
No such thing as evil maybe just a traumatic event
When a crime is committed is there an evil person or evil action
“Hate the sin, not the sinner”
Everyone can still me forgiven
How do we deal with evil
Can be imprisoned or with corporal or capital punishment
What’s the word crime
According to christsinity it’s murder - damaging gods creation
List the aims of punishment
Deterrence, retribution, reformation, protection, vindication, reparation
How is deterrence an aim of punishment
Punishment will put others off of committing crimes
How is retribution an aim of punishment
Make offender pay for what they have done and show support for victim - may use corporal punishment
How is reformation an aim of punishment
Make people realise their actions and make them understand to not do it again
How is protection an aim of punishment
Protect society
How is vindication an aim of punishment
Law has to impose proper punishments, uphold the law. Laws must be justly applied
How is reparation an aim of punishment
More modern for making up for what damage has been caused so the victim or society is compensated - community service
What are Christian attitudes to aims of punishment
Christians agree with deterrence but not through harsh punishment
Christians believe retribution, should serve their time
Christians believe in reformation
Which 6 key areas of support are available to victims
Emotional and practical support
Practical tips to keep safe
Specific support in certain areas eg rape
The rights of a victim
Help for young victims
Hell for foreign language speakers
What are Christian attitude of forgiveness to criminals
Very important Jesus said we should forgive “not 7 times but seventy times 7”
What is the process of justice
Crimes committed - criminal caught and punished - time served - repentance sometimes shown - new start
Tell me some custodial sentences(locking offender up)
High security mental health institutions
Young offenders institutions
Tell me some non custodial sentences - alternatives to prison
ASBO - set restrictions eg s curfew
Community service
Electronic tagging
Restorative justice -attend seasons to look at crime, why it’s wrong and effects victim even talking with victim
What do religions look at to assess the attitude to the offender
Type of crime
Violence used and suffering of victim
Reasons for crime
What circumstances and who committed crime
Is Criminal to be responsible
Best punishment considered to serve aims desired
How do Christians react to offenders
Have a responsibility to punish and care for them, help them love and reform
Treat humanly and fairly - come face to face with crime and serve a fair punishment and have a second chance
What is the debate in prisons
Which criminals should be sent
Conditions for prisoners
Work done with prisoners to reform them
Whether prison actsully achieves aims
How do Christians help in prisons
Criminals deserve fair treatment, feel a duty to help eg work for prison reform trust
What’s a parole
Means a person can be released early - help them avoid reoffending and become active and purposeful members of society
Tell me some facts of prison
Costs £60,000 a year to keep someone in a your offender institution
47% of prisoners have no qualifications
54% of women prisoners have children under 16 at home
Prisons spend just £1.96 a day in each inmates food
More than 1 suicide a week in English and Welsh prisons
What are the aims of community service
Help with problem that caused crime
Positive nature as opposed to prison
Benefits society
What’s corporal punishment
Physical pain eg whipping and branding and even amputation
What are Christian attitudes to corporal punishment
Disagree as no reformation - no Christian country in developed world uses it in justice system
What are reasons for and against corporal punishment
Deterrent, fulfill aim of retribution
Physical pain is harsher
More effective as people fear pain
It’s barbaric and inhuman
Can’t reform
Revenge is wrong
Purposely inflict pain is wrong
What’s capital punishment
Death penalty usually as a result of murder
Tell me some facts and figures on the death penalty
140 countries abolished it
58 still do have it
Firing squad, hanging, lethal injections, stoning, beheading etc
Over 1,100 killed by lethal injection in USA
California 2008 legal system cost $137 million a year and without death penalty would be $11.5 million
What are arguments for capital punishment
“Eye for an eye”
Brings justice to victims
Life sentences don’t mean life on average 16 years
Waster of resources
housing criminals
Protects society
Tell me some reasons against capital punishment
2 wrongs don’t made a right
Most murders spontaneous would not deter
Victims family still grieve
Legal system could fail and innocent person killed
Al life sacred - everyone should be able to reform
Inhumane and degrading
Tell me some Christian teachings on criminals
“Love your neighbour”
“Pray for those who persecute you”
“Forgive your brother”
Tell me Christian views of corporal punishment
Does not support it, some do “whoever spares the rod Hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to disciple them”
Tell me the Christian views to the death penalty
Generally against “do not kill” denies sanctity of life and against their human dignity, some think it’s right “an eye for an eye” - exodus
Tell me the Christian views on forgiveness
You should forgive - central teaching of Jesus but some Seek justice and not forgiveness and don’t see a way to forgive