Fire Safety Flashcards
What premises are required to carry out a risk assessment under the reform order?
All buildings apart from private homes or individual flats. The risk assessment will cover communal/shared areas in blocks of flats
What are the 5 stages of a fire risk assessment?
1- Identify hazards 2-Identify people at risk 3- Evaluate and act 4- Record, plan and train 5- Review
What buildings would you typically see phased evacuation in?
Phased evacuation can be used on varied buildings such as tall buildings, care homes, hospitals etc. Those on the affected floor are evacuated first. This is to reduce a rush of people and bottleneck situation potentially causing more issues,
What do you understand by the term stay put?
Stay put policy advises residents who are not in the area directly affected by the fire to stay inside with doors and windows shut until told to exit by the fire brigade.
Is stay put still a viable solution following grenfell?
If the fire brigade have no adverse comments, and the building is maintained in line with its fire strategy and risk assessment then yes.
What determines the severity of a fire within a building?
Combustible materials/linings, passive and active fire protection system, fire strategy and risk assessments, building maintained well
What is a flashover?
The moment in which all surfaces in the room reach ignition temperature simultaneously. Goes from fire in a room to a room on fire. Temperature around 500 too 600C. Can happen within matter of minutes.
Collier Row - What other options were there for the open plan ground floor layout?
Smoke alarms in every room, installation of sprinklers, means of escape windows at first floor
Stratford - What are classed as suitable fire barriers around windows?
Barriers around windows/doors to provide minimum 30minute fire resistance. Typically made of mineral wool, can be made of 0.5mm steel plate
What locations are fire barriers & fire stops required in the facade?
Barriers - windows/doors
Fire stops - party walls, floor slabs, roof junctions, extensive cavities
How do you determine if fire barriers have been installed correctly?
As per manufacturers installation guidance, used in tested scenario, good condition, installed by competent person
As the building was 25 storey what additional fire safety measures were provided over a building under 18m?
Needs sprinklers, 120 minute fire resistant compartment walls, wet riser required as over 50m
When is a wet riser required?
Buildings over 50m, 1,500l per minute for 45 minutes
Was a qualitative design review required on the building? When is one required?
Process used to identify significant fire risk hazards and most likely scenarios, so level of quantified fire safety design can be established. Fire engineer is responsible. Used in complex buildings, regardless of size.
What is fire engineering?
Application of scientific & engineering principles, & expert judgement based on understanding of a fire & people to protect people and property. Assess hazards, mitigation and potential fire damage by design
What is ASET v RSET?
ASET - available safe egress time. Ignition to untenable conditions. Can be extended based on factors including ceiling heights, smoke vent systems etc
RSET - required safe egress time. Ignition to evacuate building. Can be extended by strategic placement of smoke detectors , occupant notification system etc
What are tenable conditions?
60C or less, visibility 10m or more, thermal radiation 2.5kw/m2
What would you consider tenable conditions in a residential corridor when assessing as smoke clearance system?
Needs to go back to tenable conditions within 2 minutes
- 60C or less, visibility 10m or more, thermal radiation 2.5kw/m2
Did you approve the fire strategy for Stratford?
No as this would be out of my competence. I review and gave my initial thoughts, I then sent over to our fire engineer for his review. Then sent on to fire brigade for consultation.
What advice did you give to the client in relation to not receiving the fire brigades comments and what would the potential impact be with this if they did not agree with you?
I advised that no comment did not mean approval and that the fire brigade could still enforce under the RRO 2005 with an enforcement notice. I recommended we seek clarification from the fire brigade before issuing the final certificate. Notices include alteration notice, enforcement notice, prohibition notice.
What advice did you give in relation to the fire strategy?
I raised a query with the amount/positioning of fire signage installed.
What are the main changes to Approved Document B and when did these come in to force?
- Blocks of flats over 11m high need sprinklers
- Requirements for wayfinding signage
- November 2020
What is the maximum distance from truck to dry riser inlet?
18m and on face of building
What you be looking for in a small, single stair building?
Protected stair, OV 1m2 at each floor or head of stair
What is the maximum travel distance from stair to flat entrance door with more than one common stair?
7.5m dead end corridor
30m in 2 way corridor
What level of compartmentation would you be looking for a in a fire fighting shaft?
Up to 30m = 90mins with and without sprinklers
30m + = 120 minute to accommodation side
60 minute within shaft
Why would someone choose to design to BS9991 over ADB?
Allows for greater travel distances, more flexible than ADB. Takes sprinklers, ceilings heights in to account. However stricter dry riser requirements.
What buildings does BS9991 cover?
Residential buildings
What buildings does BS9999 cover?
All buildings
What is the definition of a small single stair building?
- Building with maximum storey 11m above ground level
- Maximum 3 storeys
- Stair doesn’t connect to carpark
What is the maximum travel distance from the stair to flat entrance door with one common staircase?
What does the latest update to Regulation 7 cover?
Ban on combustible materials in external walls
What is a fire risk assessment?
A snapshot of how protected any given building is to ensure safety of its occupants in a fire
When are fire fighting shafts required?
In buildings over 18m or basement deeper than 10m or a basement 2 storeys exceeding 990m2. Shaft to serve every floor
What is the acceptable classification for materials in external walls?
A2 S1 D0 or A1
What would you look for in a fire fighting shaft where building is more than 3 storeys and serves both residential and commercial uses?
- Flats have independent alternative escape route
- Stair separated at lower level by protected lobby
- Auto alarms should notify flats too
What would you look for in a fire fighting shaft where building is max 3 storeys and serves both residential and commercial uses?
- Stairs separated by protect lobby at each storey
- Stairs can serve both occupancies
- 30 minute protected lobby
What is the maximum distance from fire main outlet to furthest point of building without sprinklers?
45m - hose laying distance without sprinklers
60m - with sprinklers
What is the maximum travel distance in a flat with a protected hallway?
9m from front entrance door to hallway furthest point
What is the maximum travel distance in a flat without a protected hallway?
9m from front door to furthest point in flat
What is Regulation 38?
Regulation to provide fire safety information to responsible person at completion of project.
What information is required under Regulation 38?
- As built plan
- Fire strategy
- Procedures to maintain fire protective measures
- Cause and Effect
How are purposed groups determined under AD B?
- Familiarity
- Type of occupants
- Number of occupants
- Flats are 1(a), dwelling house 1(c)
What is the responsible persons role under the RRO?
- Responsible for on-going fire risk assessment
- Review and maintain fire safety of building
What’s the minimum fire detection system in a dwellinghouse?
Grade D Cat LD3. Mains powered, interlinked, battery back up smoke alarms in circulation spaces
What compartmentation would you look for in flats up to 18m? Up to 30m?
Up to 18m - 60 minutes
Up to 30m - 90 minutes
30m + 120m with sprinklers
What is a relevant building under Regulation 7?
A building with a storey above 18m that is used for sleeping purposes, not hotels
What is the aim of the RRO?
To eliminate as far as reasonably practical, the risk of fire
What are the key safety objectives under BS7974 Fire Safety Engineering?
1) Life safety 2) Loss control 3) Environmental impact
How is a risk profile created under BS9999?
- Occupancy Characteristics
- Fire Growth Rate
What is the RRO?
The main legislation that covers general fire safety to buildings other than private homes. Regulatory Reform Order 2005.
What is the Building Safety Bill?
The new legislation as a result of Dame Hackitts Building A Safer Future Report following Grenfell Tower. It enacts Hackitts recommendations. Due to come in to force end of 2021.
What is required under the new Building Safety Bill?
A new Regulator will sit within the HSE and will oversee all Building Control work to high risk buildings (buildings over 18m) and increase competence to raise standards.
What are the new gateways under the Building Safety Bill?
Information must be assessed at 3 stages.
Gateway 1 - Planning stage
Gateway 2 - Building Control initial stage
Gateway 3 - BC completion stage
Who are the duty holders under the Building Safety BIll?
The client, the principal designer, the principal contractor, accountable person (usually building owner). Required to submit key information to the new Regulator
How is competence addressed under the Building Safety Bill?
The Bill requires more competent people to carry out tasks. The standard for competence will be set out by the British Standards Institution, guidance provided by Setting The Bar by competent steering group
Does the building safety bill require non-compliances be recorded?
It will be mandatory to report any structural and fire safety non-compliances to the Regulator
What are the Accountable Persons responsibilities under the Building Safety Bill?
Legal responsibility to register building as ‘high-risk’ and to make application for building assurance certificate.
Who is the new chief inspector of the Building Regulator?
Peter Baker
What is an EWS1 form?
External Wall System form. Designed to residential building owner to confirm that the external wall system has been assessed for safety, detailing any combustible elements. Provides buyers/sellers/lenders with assurances.
How often should an EWS1 survey be carried out?
Every 5 years to capture any maintenance/repair work
What buildings require an EWS1 form?
Originally designed for buildings over 18m. However Government guidance brought all buildings in to question. If owner/lender has specific concern they can request a form be completed. Also covers balconies.
What common types of cladding are there?
ACM - Aliminium composite material
HPL - high pressure laminate
MCM - metal composite material
Does the RICS provide any guidance in relation to EWS1 forms?
Yes - EWS1 Guidance Note, provides EWS1 decision tree.
How would you review a CFD model?
Compare fire strategy to CFD model. Check travel distance proposed, ventilation type, ceiling & door heights proposed, 2.5mega watt fire without sprinklers, 1 mega watt with sprinklers, type of fuel proposed (polyurethane) - compliance with smoke control association 2020 - cited in BS9991
What legislation is there surrounding schools?
Building Bulletin 100 - Fire Safety in schools
Building Bulletin 93 - Acoustics in Schools
Building Bulletin 101 - Ventilation/air quality in schools#
What are the compartment sizes relating to schools?
Multi-storey- 800m2 not sprinkled, 2000m2 sprinklered
Single storey - 800m2 not sprinklered, unlimited sprinklered
Floors in non-sprinklered buildings to be compartment floor
What is CFD?
Computational Fluid Dynamics. Fire engineer design of fire strategy for a building
What can the fire brigade do if not happy with the building?
- enforcement notice
- prohibition notice
- alteration notice
What Act can the fire brigade enforce under?
Regulatory Reform Order 2005
What would you find inside a fire fighting shaft?
- fire fighting stair
- fire fighting lift
- dry riser
- aov
- back up power supply to lift
- water protection to lift (step or pump at bottom of shaft)
What would you expect to see in a building with a storey more than 18m?
- fire fighting shaft
- fire fighting lift
- sprinklers
- dry riser/wet riser
What is a qualitative design review?
Process drawing on the experience and knowledge of fire engineer(s) and the design team in
which significant fire hazards are identified, the problem simplified and the inputs and extent of any quantitative analysis are identified.
This is defined and carried out in accordance with BS 7974
What guidance is there surrounding fire safety procedural guidance and the building regulations?
non statutory guidance note titled Building Regulations and Fire Safety Procedural Guidance 2020 - by LABC, ACAI, NFCC. Details procedures for consulting with the fire brigade in a timely manner to achieve fire safety information
If the fire brigade didn’t agree with your strategy during consultation what could you do?
You could seek mediation through the fire and rescue and building control achieving consensus guidance. Provides 3 stages of mediation talks taking a maximum of 28 days
What could you consider under BS9991 to extend travel distances?
Different categories of sprinklers systems ie OH1, OH2
Ventilation systems
Tenable conditions
Fire detection systems
What is the maximum internal diameter of an unprotected cast iron pipe passing through a compartment floor?
What is the minimum period of fire resistance within a cladding system where it abuts the line of compartmentation?
The same as the compartment floor or wall it’s in line with
What do the specific provisions of tests for resistance of elements of structure for the firefighting shaft state they should achieve?
120/120/120 period of fire resistance and tested from the side remote to the shaft
A basement containing habitable rooms is provided to a dwellinghouse, what options does ADB suggest in order to provide a safe escape route?
- Egress window or door from the basement
- protected stair leading to final exit