use of Red with water type of fire extinguisher?
wood, paper, and plastic
use of black with CO2 type of fire extinguisher?
Flammable liquid, flammable gases, electrical component
use of red with dry powder type of fire extinguisher?
wood, paper, plastic
flammable liquid
flammable gases
electrical component
use of silver with wet chemical type of fire extinguisher?
cooking oil and fat
Meaning of PASS?
1st step in using fire extinguisher? (PULL)
Pull the pin. Break seal and test extinguisher
2nd step in using the fire extinguisher? (AIM)
Aim the base of fire ensure you have a means of escape
3rd step in using fire extinguisher? (SQUEEZE)
squeeze the operating handle to operate extinguisher and discharge the agent.
4th and last step in using the fire extinguisher? (SWEEP)
Sweep from side to side to completely extinguish the fire