Fine Motor Skills Flashcards
What fine motor skills should a 1 month have?
- Hands mostly held in fist
- Involuntary hand movements
What fine motor skills should a 3 month have?
- Hands held more openly
- Holds hand in front of face
What fine motor skills should a 4 month have?
- Bats at objects
- Brings objects to mouth
What fine motor skills should a 5 month have?
- Takes objects presented to them (ex. rattle)
What fine motor skills should a 6 month have?
- Releases an object to take another
What fine motor skills should a 7 month have?
Transfers object from one hand to the other
What fine motor skills should a 8 month have?
- Gross pincer grasp
What fine motor skills should a 9 month have?
Bang objects together
What fine motor skills should a 10 month have?
Fine pincer grasp, put objects in and out of containers
What fine motor skills should a 11 month have?
- Offer objects to others
- Drop objects
What fine motor skills should a 12 month have?
- Eats with fingers
- Starts to use cup and spoon
- Pokes with index finger
What fine motor skills should a 12-15 month old have?
- Feeds self with finger foods
- Uses index finger to point
- Builds 2-block towers
- Throw objects
What fine motor skills should a 18 month old have?
- Masters reaching, grasping and releasing
- Stacks 4 blocker tower
- Puts things into slots
- Removes socks and shoes
- Scribbles
- Removes shoes and socks
- Turn BOARD book pages one at a time (paper pages: turns multiple at a time)
What fine motor skills should a 24 month have?
- Build 6-7 block tower
- Shows dominate hand
- Imitate circular and vertical strokes
- Starts to turn knobs
- Puts round peg into holes
- Scribble and Paints
What fine motor skills should a 36 month have?
- Undress self
- Copies circle
- 9-10 cube tower
- Hold pencil in writing position
- Turn PAPER pages one at a time
- Screws/unscrews lids, nuts and bolts