Communication/Language Flashcards
From 1-3 months an infant’s communication is:
- Coos, differentiated crying
From 4-5 months an infant’s communication is:
- Simple vowel sounds
- Laughs aloud
- “Raspberries”
- Vocalizes in response to voices
- Respond to own name
- “No”
From 4-7 months an infant’s communication is:
- Begins to distinguish emotions bases on tone of voice
At 6 months an infant’s communication is:
- Squeals and yells (express joy or displeasure)
From 7-10 months an infant’s communication is:
- Babbling begins
- Able to respond to simple commands
From 9-12 months an infant’s communication is:
- “Mama” and “Dada” with meaning
- Begins to imitate other speech sounds
At 12 months an infant’s communication is:
- Uses 2-3 recognizable words with meaning
- Pays more attention to speech
- Babbles with inflection
- Recognizes objects by name
- Starts to imitate animal sounds
At 12 months a toddler’s communication is:
- Follow one-step command accompanied with gestures
- Uses finger to point at things
- Imitates or uses gestures
- Communicates desired with words and gestures, vocal imitation
- First word
At 15 months a toddler’s communication is:
- Follow one-step commands without gestures
- Understand 100-150 words
- Repeats words
- Babbling in more of a sentence
At 18 months a toddler’s communication is:
- Understand “no”
- Comprehends 200 words
- Uses at least 5-20 words
- Uses names of familiar objects
- May ask “what’s this”
At 24 months a toddler’s communication is:
- Points to named body parts
- Points to pictures in books
- Enjoys listening to simple stories
- Name variety of objects in environment
- “My” or “mine”
- Uses 40-50 words
- 2-3 word sentences
- Ask questions
- Uses simple phrases and some descriptive words
- Should be able to understand 2/3 of what child says
At 30 months a toddler’s communication is:
- Follow 2 independent commands
- Vocabulary 150-300 words
At 36 months a toddler’s communication is:
- Understands most sentences
- Understands physical relationship (on, in, under)
- Participates in short conversations
- Follow 3-part command
- “Why”
- 3-4 word sentences
- Speech is more understandable
- Talk about something in the past
- Vocabulary 1,000 words
- Say name, age, gender, pronouns/plurals
At age 3 a preschoolers communication is:
- Telegraphic speech (short sentences with only essential information)
At age 4 a preschoolers communication is:
- Speak in complete sentence
- Uses adult-like grammar
- Tell a story that is easy to follow
- Ask questions
- Stay on topic
- Understands same and different
- Knows at least one color
- Can count a few number
- Vocabulary of 1500 words
- Uses language to engage in make-believe
- Follow 3-part command
At age 5 a preschoolers communication is:
- Persons outside of home can understand most of speech
- Explain how an item is used
- Participates in more detailed conversations
- Talks about past, future, imaginary events
- Can count to ten
- Vocabulary of 2100 words
- Say name and address
- Recall part of story
What communication skill does a school-age child have?
- Communication and vocabulary skills accelerate: 8,000 to 14,000 words
- Learn to read
- Use more complex grammar
- Develop metalinguistic awareness
- Begin to use metaphors
What communication skills does an adolescent have?
- Continue to develop and are refined
- Use of colloquial speech increases