Developmental Theories Flashcards
What is Erikson’s Developmental theory for an Infant?
Trust vs. Mistrust (birth to 1 year)
What is Piaget Development Theory for an Infant?
Sensorimotor (birth to 2 years)
Which development theory is being explained?
> Met as infant’s basic needs are quickly met: feeding, changing diapers, holding, etc
Older infants may be able to tolerate small delays in gratification
Not met: develop and inability to trust, withdrawal, isolation
Trust vs. Mistrust
Which development theory is being explained?
> Uses senses and motor abilities to learn about environment
> Moves from reflexive to more purposeful
> Start to recognize familiar objects
> May repeat actions (4-8 months)
> Development of object permanence (start at about 4 months- fully developed by 8 months)
What is Erikson’s Developmental Theory for a toddler?
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
What is Piaget’s Developmental Theory for a toddler?
Sensorimotor up to 2 years/ Preoperational (2-7)
What developmental theory is being explained?
> Exerts autonomy
> Exercises self-control
> Separates from parent/caregiver
> Improved delayed gratification
> Negativism is common
> Imitate adults and playmates
> Cannot take turns yet
> Spontaneously show affection
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
What developmental theory is being explained?
> Increased object permanence
> Uses all senses
> Imitates more and become symbolic
> Start to think before act
> Follow simple directions
> Sense of ownership
> Understanding of time, space, and causality begins
> Uses mental trial and error
> Make simple mechanical toys work
> Plays make-believe
> Sorts objects by shape and color
> Complete 4 piece puzzle
> Starts connecting past experiences to present
Sensorimotor up to 2 years/ Preoperational (2-7)
What is Erikson’s Developmental Theory for a Preschooler?
Initiative vs. Guilt
What is Piaget’s Developmental Theory for Preschooler?
What developmental stage is being explained?
> Likes to please parents
> Begins to plan activities, make up games
> Initiates activities with others
> Acts out roles of real people
> Develops sexual identity
> Develops conscience
> May take out frustrations on siblings
> Likes exploring new things
> Feels remorse when makes wrong choice
> Cooperates with other children
> Negotiates solutions to conflicts
Initiative vs Guilt
What developmental theory is being explained?
> Egocentric (starts to decrease around 4 years)
> Short attention span
> Magical span
> Learns through observing and imitating
> Animism
> Forms concepts not as complete/logical as adult
> Make simple classifications- relate concepts after 4 years
> Not as logical as adult
> Understands opposites (by age 4)
> Active imagination
> Tolerate others’ difference by does not understand
> Curious about facts
> More realistic sense of causality
> More intuitive after 4 years
> Tolerates others differences, not always understand them
What is Erikson’s Developmental Theory for school-age children?
Industry vs. Inferiority
What is Piaget’s Developmental Theory for school-age children?
Concrete Operational
What developmental theory is being explained?
> Interested in how things work/made
> Success in personal and social tasks
> Increased interest in knowledge
> Support and encouragement important, especially when not successful
> Inferiority may develop with repeated failure without much support from others
Industry vs. Inferiority