Financing Universal Health Care Flashcards
How often do people in the Democratic Republic of Congo visit a health facility?
Every 6-7 years
If fees abolished in … African countries, how many child deaths would have been avoided in the past 20 years?
20 countries, 3million
Names financing UHC
L: none
R: de Farranti, Yates, M. Chan, Akin
Universal Health Care definition
UHC = ensuring that all people can use the promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative and palliative health services they need, of sufficient quality to be effective, while also ensuring that the use of those services does not expose the user to economic strains.
R: Financing UHC:
de F: 5
Y…: 9
M…: 1
de Ferranti: - 25 wealthiest countries
- M. Chan “UHC = the single most powerful concept that public health has to offer”
- 3rd transition
- adapt UHC to each country for it to work (adapting rather than adopting)
- UHC = an opportunity not a guarantee…
Yates: - services availability isn’t enough, also need use
-Dem. R. Congo: people visit once every …
- Akin: + real consequences
- If user fees abolished…
- ex:
- support govs to establish UHC
- Use phases
- Important decisions must be assessed
- Mistake before = passed responsibility of financing h. services directly to the pop
Muenning: - UHC = universality