Children's Health Flashcards
How many children died in 2015? Daily?
2015: 5.9 million
Everyday: 16,000-17,000
By how much has the under 5 mortality rate fallen since 1990?
fallen by 53%
What is the % of child deaths occurring within the 1st month of life?
What is the % of child deaths occurring within the 1st year of life?
What is the proportion of under 5 mortality rate in Sierra Leone and in Finland?
SL = 316/1,000 FInland = 3/1,000
Names Children Health
L: none
R: Were, Muenning, Marmot
Cases of cases (children’s health):
- environmental
- nutrition
- vaccines
- treatment
- delivery platforms
R: Children’s Health
W…: 5
M…: 3
M…: 1
Were: - death children under 5 reduced..
- GSWCH (UN, 2010)
- Need agenda for priorities
- die in first year of life
- reduction in neonatal mortality has been slower
Muenning: - consider how many yrs of life lost
- pre-natal conditions = easy to handle and prevent
- death of 3yr old has bigger impact on average life expectancy
Marmot: - under 5 mortality in SL and Finland