Financial Underwriting Flashcards
How can someone use the cash value in some life insurance policies?
borrow against in the event of a financial crisis, premiums can be paid in ways to reduce income tax burden on policy payor.
What is the number one financial benefit in owning a life insurance polict?
the payable of death benefir to the policy beneficiaries.
When did life insurance start to u.w financial needs?
after the 1929 stock market crash. a # of death claims ^, d/t murder, accidents and suicide. Theres a direct relationship between poor mortality and applicant who paid out a relatively large percentage of their personal income in life insurance policy premiums.
What does anti-selection mean in terms of finance and u/w?
the tendency of individuals, who believe they have a greater than average likelihood of loss to seek insurance protection to greater extent than do those who believe they have an average or less than average likelihood of loss.
What does an u/w look for, when underwriting a policy? (basic)
the purpose of the insurance being applied for and the relationship between the need for insurance and the amount of coverage being requested.
what is the golden rule when u/w financial need of an application?
Cx should have a substantial financial interest in the continued life of the insured and would suffer a significant financial loss in the event of their death.
Name 3 examples of financial dependencies one may have
- relationship between young children and adults
- relationship between a non-working spouse and breadwinner
- A situation involving business owners who badly need the skills of their top salesperson to keep the company profitable.
What is considered wagering or gambling on the life of the insured?
insurance that covers a nonexistent financial loss- implies lack of insurable interest on the part of the beneficiary.
how is the insurable value measured?
its a measure of the financial consequences and obligations created by the insured’s death and determines the upper limits of the acceptable death benefit.
What are the consequence of ignoring insurable interest or exceeding the insurable value limits?
the policy beneficiary will receive a monetary windfall at the death of the insured. A substantial death benefit can serve as an incentive for homicide, suicide or fraudulent claim.
Why are claims involving homicide and suicide difficult?
it could cause the company and the u/w harm in public eyes are providing the motivating factor in the death of the insured. [insurance companies have been sued for providing a motive for murder or suicide by issuing a policy)
what is slayer’s rule?
prevents beneficiaries and their heirs or representatives from profiting from murder.
what is slayer’s statutes?
Slayer’s statues expand upon the slayers rule and address unique siotuations, such as what to do if the beneficiary/murderer is a minor, or insane or kills in self-defence.
how do insurance companies defend themselves against suicide?
a suicide clause, that disallows a claim in the even of suicide for up to two years, after the contract has been put in force.
What is a fraudulent claim>
involved misrepresentation of information relating to the insurability of the insured person, or a falsification of the death of the insured.
What is the incontestable clause and what is it used?
prevent claims due to a deliberate misstatement of information on the application. in the first two years, if misrepresentation is found, the contract is voided, and claim payments are prevented.
What happens to a contact after two years of being in force?
it becomes incontestable and misrepresentation is no longer grounds to deny claims.
what is income replacement insurance?
protect financial relationship between insured and family/heirs. Used to provide for ongoing needs of dependents, as well as cash to cover immediate post death expenses.»_space; most common reason for buying insurance/
what is the multiple of salary method?
used to calculate income replacement. Maximum death benefit is a multiple of the insures income. (60-80% of insueres’ income)
what are the two advantages of multiple salary method?
- easy to use
2. useful in simple sales situations
what are the 7 disadvantages to salary method income?
- age of the surviving spouse
- existence of another family wage earner
- number of dependants
- the number of years for which income may be needed
- any changes in government benefits
- monetary inflation
- income growth
What is the human life value method? (basic)
another method in computing income replacement- utilizers the concept of human life value, which is a measurement of the earnings potential in the insured’s life. - creates a death benefit equal to the current value of the insures future earning.
what factors are included in the calculations of the value of the insurere, using the human life value method?
- actual after-tax earnings
- project rated of earnings growth
- expected length of career
- discount rate for future earnings.
what is the needs analysis method?
Computes income replacement, [as part of a more comprehensive financial planning program] identifies specific lump sum and income need of the beneficiaries and traslates them into a proposed death benefit. > satisfies the expenses that will be incurred by the beneficiaries.
What characteristics are included in the death benefits calculated using the needs analysis method?
- provides larger benefit in the period immediately following the death of the insures to offeset additional expenses
- satisfies the normal living expenses of surviving dependents
- provides long-term income for the retired surviving spouse / disabled family members.
whats the pro and con of using the multiple income method?
simple, but not accurate d/t not adjusting to reflect individual circumstances
what is the pro and con of using human life value approach?
sophisticated, but relies on estimates of future inflation/expected income. If inaccurate the insurance needs could be under or over estimated.
what is the pro and con of using the need analysis approach?
comprehensive in its scope, but in complex financial planning situations can require exhaustive amounts of research and computation. (also ignores family earnings, and produces only amounts based on needs, not income)
What method is best used on calculating the need of non-working spouses and why?
needs analysis approach can be adapted for this case. The amount calculated, reflects the funds needed to replace the services of the nonworking spouse. This amount can be substancial.
what is another way to calculate the financial need of a non-working spouse, using the principal that the income-working spouse will replace them.
calculate the death benefit that would amount to a sum equal to the income of the wage-earning spouse will no collect. * can be combined with other method.
what is a typical financial need of a juvenile protection?
provides a very modest death benefit, mostly just enough to cover the costs of funeral expenses.
why would someone place a larger insurance contract on a child?
- weathy familys > estae planning
What is gifting in terms of finance and estate?
gifting is a practive wherein wealthy elders seek to reduce the death tax due on their own estates by giving away money or property before they die. Currently citizens can give away 14k without tax, and parents can give 28K to any child/grandchild.
What is an estate?
assets acquired by individuals over the years. At death, an estate is subjected to probate.
what is probably?
Verifying will and an executor or court administrator managers, and distributes the estate to the heirs of the deceased A death tax is applied.
What are the reasons, life insurance is purchased- in terms of estate preservation
- offset probably costs, paid by the estate to 3r party legislators
- cash for use by the estate, > an estate where assets cannot be easily or quicly sold.
- compensate the estate for the payment of estate taxes. > insurance can pay the tax and preserve the estate
What is an exclusion amount?
the limit that differentiates larger taxable estates from smaller non-taxable estates. Tax applied to value of the estate in excess of the exclusion amount.
what is the exclusion amount in 2014, and the tax rate on it [US}?
5,340,000$ and 40%.
the exclusion amount increases based on inflation.
Is there estate taxes in canada?
no, but the deceases is deemed to have disposed of all property for its fair market value immediately before death and must pay capital gain taxes on his or her terminal income tax return.
what is a capital gain?)
the difference between an asset’s purchase price and selling price when the selling price is greater.
what is the range percentage of canada’s income tax?
Can life insurance in canada be purchases to offset the cost of the capital gains taxes?
what 3 questions should be reviewed when u/w charitable gifting sales?
- is this a legitimate charity?
- What is the relationship between the insured and the charity?
- How much is an appropriate amount?
what type of organizations encompass the word charity?
religion, education, assistance to the government, promotion of health, relief of poverty/distress and other community benefits.
are charities deemed to pay federal income tax, and are they eligable to receive tax-deductible charitable gifts?
no, they are exempted, and yes.
what are some reasons/ links someone may have to justify leaving a policy with a charity as beneficiary?
individuals who has provided significant regular donations, or volunteer work, or has received a significant benefit from a charity,
what is a reasonable amount of benefit from a regular donating cx to a charity?
a multiple of their annual donations is reasonable. - younger doners qualify for a higher multiple and older donors qualify for a smaller multiple.
what should an u/w do when determining a benefit number for a charity, where the client volunteered or got a donation form the charity?
the u.w should request an explanation from the insurer and the producer that explains and justifies the amount requested.
What does business insurance cover?
the financial relationship between business owners, employees, debtors and creditors.
what are the two challenges faced when u/s key person insurance?
- qualifying the proposed insured as a key person
2. quantifying the potential financial loss caused by their death
what should be included in the u/w review of the key person for a company?
- age of the insured
- level of experience
- business hx/credidation of the insured
- stability of earnings over time
- # of key employees. (quality/quantity)
- business hx of company
- current financial picture
what are the two methods used to compute the value of a key person?
- multiple-of-earnings factor
2. business loss approach
what is the multiple of earnings approach (in terms of key person)
predicted on the idea that the insurable value of an employee is directly related to the income they receive.
The key person income replacement should be used to cover what? Ie the death benefit should be used for….
- hire a replacement (money to headhunt replacement fast)
- offset the cost of training the replacement
- compensate the company for the financial losses created by the key person’s death.,
What is the business loss approach?
specific, and requires the computation of all business losses that would be associate with the death of a key person that is equivalent to the insurable value of that individual.
what is creditor insurance?
designed to replace the funds the insured would have lost provided for the repayment of a loan, had they lived. IT IS NOT DESIGNED TO ACT AS A FAILSAFE.
what needs to be considered for creditor insurance?
- purpose of loan
- legitimacy of the lender
- asses sucess of the business purpose that the loan is fundin
- review business finances and underlying asses that guarantee the loan to the lender.
who generally has excellent insurance risk for creditior insurance?
companies that are stable, well-funded, and profitable. Sometimes a loans’ purpose is to bail out of a troubled business, or funds are sought to estabilish a new company that has no other sources of investment capital- so watch out.
What is a clue that an u/w should see in terms of companies that can be under-capitalized and not enough assets to act as a collateral loan.
When the business needs insurance by the lender before the loan will be granted.
should the full amount of a loan be covered by life insurance?
no, in most cases, the amount of the loan is covered is 60-80%.
What is an example of speculative coverage?
When theres coverage on an insurer who is ratable for insurance. - this is not good in creditor insurance, since the proposed insurer could die before the loan is repaid.
what is the purpose of buy-sell insurance?
allows the remaining business owners to purchase the business interest from the estate of the diseased. Good for when company owners, dont have an heir/ plan for possition take over.
what must be included when buy-sell insurance is purchased?
a buy-sell agreement. This sets up mandatory arrangements whereby the other business ownder agree to purchae or redeem the business interrest from the estate.
how do buy-sell agrements benefit the business owners and the heirs?
- providing immediate market for the business interrest
- provide liquid funds for use by the estate
- allows for continuance of the business
- makes business more credit worthy to lender, who valye the continuity of the business
what are the two types of buy-sell agreements?
- cross-purchase agrements
2. luquidation/stock redemption agreements.
what is cross-purchase agreemnbts?
each partner or stockholder is obligated to purchase buy-sell coverage on every other partner of stockholders. works well in business with small # of owners.
what is liquidation or stock redemption agreement?
allows company as a whole to purchash the business interest from the estate, the stock is kept as inactive company ‘tresury” stock. > surviors own a greater share.
what will the buy-sell agreement reveal, in terms of need for the u/w, and what will the financial statement provide?
the valuation formula used for the business and the financial statement will provide the variables for the formula.
when dose the buy-sell agreement gives a flat fiure or the claye of the ownership shares, or the ultamate valye of the business seems inconsitant with the company finances?
when the relationship between the valuation formulat in the buy-sell agreement and the value fo the business is nonexistant or diffucult to establish.
what are fringe benefits?
defined as non-salary compensation for employees. include health insurance, medical plans, company car, travel expenses, educaiton expenses coverage, group life insurance.
can individual life insurance be a fringe benefit? why?
yes, as part of a program to compensate and retain highly valued employees
what is genereally included in the application portion of a new policy?
description of the insures occupation, age, beneficiary, basic financial data.
what is a cover letter/why is it use?
asssits in validating the sale and explaining the relevant details of the case.. restates the line of reasoning for the amount applied for.
what do both a personal and business financial statement include? OF that list, which examples comprise the income statement and the which are the balance statmetn.
- total income received
- expenses paid out
- net income or profits
- —^ income statement ——- - assets owned
- liabilities or debts owed
- net worth
- —-^ balance statement——