What are the major organs of the digestive system
Oral Cavity, Pharynx, Esophagus, Stomach, Small Intestine, Large Intestine
Small Intestine
Enzymatic digestive and absorption of water, organic substrates, vitamins, and ions
Large Intestine
Dehydration and compaction of indigestible material in preparation for elimination
Oral Cavity (Mouth)
Ingestion, Mechanical digestion
Muscular movement of material into esophogus
Transport material to the stomach
Chemical digestion of materials by acid and enzymes
What are the accessory organs of the digestive system?
Teeth, Tongue, Salivary Glands, Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas
Salivary Glands
Secretion of lubricating fluid containing enzyme that break down carbohydrates
Secretion of bile, storage of nutrients, many other vital functions
Storage and concentration of bile
Exocrine cells secrete buffers and digestive enzymes; endocrine cells secrete hormones
Mechanical digestion by chewing
Assists mechanical digestion with teeth
What are the layers of the digestive tract?
- Inner lining (mucosa)
- Submucosa
- Muscular
- Serosa
Inner lining (muscosa)
- Mucosal Epithelium (mucous membrane)
- Lamina Propria
- Muscularis Muscosae
What does Lamina Propria contain?
Lamina propria is a layer of areolar tissue that contains blood vessels, sensory nerve endings, lymphatic vessels, smooth muscle cells, and lymphatic tissue.
What is Muscularis Muscosae?
(deep to the lamina propria) is a narrow sheet of smooth muscle and elastic fibers.
What is Submucosa?
Submucosa is a layer of dense irregular connective tissue that binds the mucosa to the muscular layer.
What does Submucosa contain?
Submucosal neural plexus
What is Submucosal neural plexus?
Submucosal neural plexus is a network of intrinsic nerve fibers and scattered neurons.
Where is Submucosa nerual plexus located?
The submucosal plexus lies along the inner border of the muscularis externa (muscularis).
What does the Muscular layer of the Digestive tract contain?
Myenteric plexus
What is Serosa?
Serosa covers the muscularis externa along most portions of the digestive tract inside the peritoneal cavity
How are digestive functions controlled? (3x)
- Local Factors
- Neural Control Mechanism
- Hormonal Control Mechanism
What are the local factors that control digestive functions?
pH, volume or chemical composition
What are the neural control mechanisms that control digestive functions?
Sensory receptors in the wall, motor neuron control smooth muscle contraction.
What are the hormonal control mechanisms that control digestive functions?
Digestive hormones (produced by enteroendocrine cells) can enhance or diminish the sensitivity of the smooth muscle cells to neural commands
What are the 3 major pairs of salivary glands?
- Parotid glands
- Sublingual glands
- Submandibular glands
What is Parotid glands?
The parotid glands produce a serous secretion containing large amounts of salivary amylase. This enzyme breaks down starches
What are Sublingual glands?
These glands produce mucus that acts as a buffer and lubricant.
What are Submandibular glands?
Submandibular glands secrete a mixture of buffers, glycoproteins called mucins, and salivary amylase.
What is the swallowing process (i.e., how food is passed along the digestive tract)?
- Buccal phase
- Pharyngeal phase
- Esophageal phase
- Bolus enters stomach