FINALS,,, circu @ nervous Flashcards
part of circulatory system
lymph vascular/ lymphatic system
reticulo endothelial structure
pump for circulatory system
lies in medial to left nipple in the fifth intercorsal space
pointed end or apex
directed to the right extend slightly to the right sternal border
broad or apex
thin lining membrane of the heart
special striated muscle of the heart
outer covering of the heart consist of 2 layer
4 chamber of hearrt
left atrium/auricle
right “
left. ventricle
each half of heart is further divided by a septum
atrio-ventricular septum
guard these openings to prevent. blood from flowing back
flap valves
part of main septum between two atria
interatrial septum
part main septum that separates two ventricles
inter-ventricular septum
anterior part of the left ventricle opes into the pulmonary artery
conus arteriosus/ pulmonary conus
first two branch of aorta and supply the heart with blood
coronary arteries
between the atrium and ventricle on each side
atrio ventricular openings
openings of heart in right atrium
superior and inferior vena cava openings
has 4 openings one for each of the pulmonary veins
L atrium
has an opening the pulmonary orifce
r ventricle
opening the aortic orifice
L ventricle
carry blood to the heart to the lungs and return it to the heart
pulmonary arteries and veins
carry blood from the blood to all other parts of the body
systemic arteries and veins
carry blood AWAY from the ventricles of the heart
arteries compared to a tree with two trunks
pulmonary artery and the aorta
final branches of arteries