analysis consists of isolating from the
sample the constituent to be determined in its pure state
and weighing it accurately
How to identify/isolate the sample?
converting the substance to a gas
it determines the charge of the sample and this process is called?
characteristic of a precipitate
low solubility
Large in particle
Easily filtered
Pure and stable
Laws applied on precipitation
❖ Solubility product principle
❖ Law of Mass Action
❖ Common Ion effect
The ionic product exceeds the solubility product constant,
precipitation will occur
Solubility product principle
If there is an excess of one ion over the other, the
solubility of the precipitate will decrease
The common ion effect
For a system in equilibrium, any change in the factors such as
the system will shift the equilibrium so as to counteract the effect
molar concentrations of the components,
The rate of the reaction is directly proportional to the product of the
molecular concentrations of the reacting substance
Law of mass action
6 Steps manufacturer do before Gravimetric Analysis:
1) Drying: by removing the debris
2) Preparation of Solution: adding a precipitating agent
3) Precipitation
4) Filtration
5) 2nd drying and Ignition
6) weight the sample
Gravimetric method by precipitation:
❖ Dissolve sample
❖ Add precipitating reagent
❖ Filter
❖ Dry
❖ Weigh
The residue weighed must have a _______ and ________.
(1) definite chemical composition
(2) bears a definite relation with the constituent to be determined.
Factor are also called as ?
chemical factor
calculation factor
conversion factor
equivalent factor
gravimetric factor
Defined as the weight of the constituent determined or sought
and is equivalent to the unit weight of a given substance.
Gravimetric Formula to find the percentage amount of an analyte?
W x CF x 100
% = ————————-
wt of sx
in the gravimetric assay formula, “W” represents?
weight of the residue or the precipitate
in the gravimetric assay formula, “CF or E” represents?
Chemical factor
Chemical factor’s formula?
MW (molecular weight)
MW Analyte CF = ------------------------- MW of precipitate/ residue
Formula to find the weight of the sample:
Wt of sx = residue x CF
Precipitating agent: Sulfate
Barium Chloride (BaCl2)
Precipitating agent: Chlorine And Iodine
Silver nitrate (AgNO3)
Precipitating agent: Mercury
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
Precipitating agent: Phosphate
Magnesia Mixture
Precipitate to form: Sulfate
Barium sulfate (BaSO4)
Precipitate to form: Chlorine
Silver Chloride (AgCl)
Precipitate to form: Iodine
Silver iodide (AgI)
Precipitate to form: Mercury
Mercuric Sulfide (HgS)
Precipitate to form: Phosphate
Magnesium ammonium phosphate
Magnesium ammonium phosphate ignited to _______
Magnesium Pyrophosphate
A mechanical way to remove the liquid portion of a mixture.