Finals Flashcards
Religious Act of Toleration
- guaranteed freedom of religion
- only if they believed in Jesus Christ
- 1649
Treaty of Tordesillas
- 1494
- negotiated by pope
- resolved territorial claims of Spain & Portugal
- Portugal was granted Brazil
- Spain granted rest of land
Roger Williams
- extreme separatist
- arrived in Massachusetts in 1631
- joined church in Salem
- elected him minister
- offended property owners by saying national sin for anyone to take land w/o buying it from Indians
Salem Witchcraft Trials
- 3 girls were “bewitched”
- 3 women accused who lacked appearance & no reputation
- went to general court
- accused of practicing witchcraft & in jail
- 1692
- more + more witches
- most were put to death I was they confessed
- anyone defensive could get charged also
- intellectual movement of 18th century
- celebrated human reason & scientific advances
- expressed doubts about truth claims of sacred text
- 1749’s
Stamp Act Congress
- meeting in NY city
- delegates of colonial assemblies in US
- protesting stamp act ( measure passed by parliament)
- 1760’s
Thomas Paine
- Common Sense
-Called for complete independence
-Attacked idea of monarchy
-150,000 copies sold
Columbian Exchange
- Transfer of Plants, Animals, Diseases from Africa, Asia
- Exchanges came to America after Columbus’s voyage in 1492
Headright System
- Land Distribution
- Adopted first in Virginia, then Maryland
- Gave colonists 50 acres
- Another 50 acres for each person they brought with them
- Mainly used for large plantation owners
Mayflower Compact
- Some claim to be free from governmental control
- Came up with compact
- Signed of Mayflower by the pilgrims
- 1620
- Established body politic & to obey governors they chose
- religious organization
- founded in England in 1640’s
- believed Holy Spirit lived in everyone
- embraced religious tolerance
Treaty of Paris 1763
- 1763
- Restored peace
- France abandoned all claim to North America except 2 small islands
- Great Britain took over Canada in eastern half Mississippi valley
- Spain got back Philippine islands in Cuba
Boston Massacre
- March 5, 1770
- Crowd threw snowballs at redcoats
- Soldiers shot five people
- Sentiment against british
Battle of Saratoga
- October 17
- American forces under: Schuyler, heratio gates, Benedict Arnold
- American forces very defensive
- Burgoyne surrendered
- 5,700 British prisoners marched off to Virginia
John Peter Zenger Trial
- Edited NY weekly journal
- Governer Cosby fed up with ads referring to supports as Spanials and him as monkey
- Cosby shut down paper and arrested Zenger
Bacons Rebellion
- 1676
- led by Nathaniel bacon
- against gov Berkeley
- Berkely said no to bacons idea of getting rid of the Indians so he took matters onto himself and then burned Jamestown
- after he died, rebellion collapsed
Half-way Covenant
- provided limited membership for non sinners
- could be baptized w/ children
- sacrament of communion= full members
- 1650’s
Navigation Acts
- to control trade within British empire
- bring gold & silver into royal treasury
- raw materials into England
- foreign goods & vessels out of colonial parts
Coercive Acts
- parliament in 1774
- punished botson & Massachusetts for destruction of tea during Boston tea party
- saw as intolerable
- moved towards war
Northwest Ordinance
who: Thomas Jefferson, committee, congress and the forming territories
when: 1787
where: West
what: W wanting to establish governments
- ruled by governor and 3 judges until male population was 5,000
- when 5,000 me of voting age were settled they could then elect a legislature
- when population was 60,000 people it became a state
- could draft a constitution and acted in any way it wished
New Jersey Plan
- New Jersey delegate William Paterson to create a federal legislature in which each state was represented equally
- Became embodied in the United States Constitution through the senate
- Each state had 2 representatives
- Counterbalanced by the House of Representatives in which each states representation was proportional to its population
Embargo Act
- A law passed by congress prohibiting all American Exports
- 1807
- Proposed by President Thomas Jefferson
- Sought to pressure Britain and France then at war with each other into recognizing neutral rights
Hartford Convention
when: 1814 & 1815
where: Hartford Connecticut
what: protesting against the war, didn’t want it, wasting money, hosted convention to revise constitution, supported states rights, weakened fed gov, nothing proposed was treasonable
Alien and Sedition Acts
- 4 laws passed by the federalists dominated congress in 1798 directed against sympathizers to the French Revolution
- The laws made it more difficult for immigrants to gain citizenship had lapsed in 1802
Articles of Confederation
- who: John Dickinson
when: 1777 submitted to colonies to ratify
where: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
what: - first of government - one house = legislature (2-7 representatives)
- one vote per state all have to agree
- no taxing had to ask for money
- power was with the states
Marbury v. Madison
- In 1803, Supreme Court ruling that declared the Judiciary act of 1789
- Unconstitutional and established the precedent for judicial review of federal laws
Louisiana Purchase
who: Jefferson, Livingston, and French
when: 1803
where: Louisiana
what: Spain gave Louisiana back to French, offered to U.S. Jefferson wanted to take it but wasn’t sure if he could due to the constitution. Thought about making an amendment but realized take too long. with approval of gov stated it was a good thing and benefit for our country. Some people upset because they did it secretly. Put final offer on all of Louisiana at 15 million and it was a deal
Missouri Compromise
- A legislative deal
- Brokered in 1820
- Preserved the balance of slave and free states in the Union admitting Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state
Whiskey Rebellion
- A violent protest by western Pennsylvania
- Farmers who refused to pay the whiskey tax proposed by Alexander Hamilton
- In 1794 the rebels threatened to destroy Pittsburg
- By the Time the army had arrived, the rebels had dispersed
XYZ Affair
- A political furor caused by French Diplomats
- In 1797, demanded a bribe before they would enter into negotiations with American counterparts
- Federalists furious over this assault on National Honor called for war
Monroe Doctrine
- Foreign policy edict propounded by President James Monroe in 1823
- American continents were no longer open to European colonization
- U.S. would not interfere in the internal affairs of European nations
3/5 Compromise
- Provision in the constitution that defines slaves for purposes of representation in the House of Representatives and state tax payments
- Not as full persons, but as constituting only 3/5 of a person
American System
- Senator Henry Clays planned for National Economic Development
- Included protective tariffs, a national bank and federal subsidies for railroad and canal construction
- against the age of reason
- change & growth
- the essence of like for individuals and institutions
- valued feeling & intuition over pure thought
Nullification crisis
- nullifiers wanting to take away the laws of the United States
- President Jackson very upset about it
- made a bold statement in 1832
- told the nullifiers they could talk however they wanted but if blood came involved; things would get heated
- SC didn’t take seriously and put together a convention
- this passed an ordinance of nullification that prohibited tariffs on duties in the state after feb. 1833
- Legislature put together an army & weapons
- jackson began military preparations ( 50,000 men)
- jackson tried to negotiate
- tried to lower tariff
- warned about the laws of US and needed to keep them
- sort of made a threat
- Calhoun resigned as vice and took senator place
- trying to find peace solution for this crisis
- march 1833
- provided compromise tariff
- passed force bill ( president had right to pass & enforce laws)
- extended dead line for nullification to see how it would work out
- SC satisfied w/ compromise
- lowered tariffs over time period
- how & why: affected P because going against president
- may have lead to civil war
- arguing between legislature and senate
The Cult of True Womanhood
- separate spheres
- true woman: stay at home, educate kids, clean
- reaction to it
- declaration of sentiments
William Lloyd Garrison
main objection
- immediate abolition with no compensation
- 1831 the liberator dealt with abolitionist attitude
- did not want to get involved politically
- took constitution copy and burnt it
- supported women’s role in help
- some helped abolition
- some take up temperance
- some went to women’s rights
Horace Mann
- developed schools in Massachusetts
- all schools were localized & privatized
- state schools come about
Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo
- 1848
- gave the U.S- Cali, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado and Arizona
- had to pay money to get land
- didn’t take Mexico due to racism
- they were different
- didnt know how to associate
- Texas wanting to be a slave state
- no bc it would throw off the balance in the senate
The Compromise of 1850
- banned slave trade
- admitted Cali as free state
- popular sovereignty to remaining Mexican territory
- passed fugitive slave act
Bank War
-Political dispute over whether to renew the charter of the 2nd bank
- time to close or not
1832- congress voted to rechart
1836- Jackson vetoed the charter
Dorothea Dix
- protested insane asylums treatment
- age of reform
- went around and began to try and understand everything
- advocate to change treatment of people
The Oneida Community
- practiced complex marriage
- every man married to every woman
- developed manufacturing skills
Seneca Falls Convention
- Lucretia Mott
- 1848
- declaration of sentiments
- like Declaration of Independence
- w/ woman pronouns
Manifest Destiny
- why US wanted to expand
- why moved to W
- spread religion
- spread democracy
- economic opportunity
- pride
The Wilmot Proviso
- 1846
- banned slavery from any territory in Mexican lands
- ## never passed congress
Cyrus McCormick
- invented reaper
- horse drawn
- bent grain against blade
- faster process
Trail of Tears
- during Indian removal act
- 15000 Cherokee Indians
- US passed act and then pushed Indians out of US
- trail was so rough because some died (4,000)
Second Great Awakening
- wave of religious enthusiasm
- 1790’s
- stressed mercy, love, and act of kindness to God
- all people could achieve salvation
The Mormons
who: Joseph smith
when: 1839
what: called it a utopian society rather than religion
- 1 group of them
- polygamy is an issue with the society
- brigham young
- most successful society
Henry David Thoreau
- absorbed beauty of nature
- believed wealth was destroying natural & human resources of country
- 1845 went on own to prove society wasn’t need for satisfaction
- built cabin on Walden pond
- lived alone for 2 years
- wrote Walden in 1854 about his experiment
- refused to pay tax
- ## put in jail
Frederick Douglass
- knew how to read & write
- became speaker for anti slavery society is Massachusetts
- in Massachusetts
- narrative of life of Fredrick Douglas 1845
- about slave life
- freedom required full equality
- fought slavery from within system
The Free Soil Party
- 1840’s opposition to slavery
- nominated van buren as president
- joined w/ Whigs to make Republican Party
- abolitionist like it
Nat Turner
- African slave
- 60 white deaths
- led to 200 African deaths
- 1831
Proclamation of neutrality
who: Washington
When: 1793
where: France and U.S
what: still in Ali with the French, british began to attack french area in West Indies. Had to make decision whether to fight against british again or break ali… stay neutral. Washington led to more of the not fighting side and staying neutral. Not helping with the political sides in any means. Still decided to trade because of economic reasons, only under respect of neutrality.
Annapolis Convention
who: Virginia legislature and all sates
when: 1786
where: Annapolis
what: Virginia set out calls for all states to come to convention to discuss solving problems and reform
- only 5 states showed up
- things needing to be fixed
- british on frontier
- spanish closed the Mississippi
- importing more than exporting
- veterans not being paid
- government needed money wanted to impose 5% tariff on imports, Rhode Island said no
- Shays Rebellion- crops failed, taxes being imposed, farmers don’t have enough money to pay, banks beginning to foreclose.
Eli Whitney
- never seen cotton plant
- met with local land owners
- learned problem was separating from seed
- came up w/ machine
- phineas miller agreed to finance it
- cotton gin
- cylinder w/ rotating teeth
- teeth separated cotton from seed
- then cotton was brushed to prevent clogging
Virginia Resolves
who: James Madison (Virginia) Thomas Jefferson ( Kentucky)
where: Virginia & Kentucky
when: 1798-99
what: both stated that the states should have right to declare any law unconstitutional & nullify
- implying to resolve Federal & State Laws
- kent: each indv. state could overthrow a law
- virg: if majority of states found laws unconstitutional they could declare law unconstitutional and make it no more
- neither passed
Battle of New Orleans
who: General sir edward pakenham & andrew jackson
when: 1815
where: New Orleans
what: british wanting to capture city, americans warned of attack, US under jackson rule and well prepared. British stood no match led to the peace treaty that ended the war. made jackson an awesome and well known general.
- Robert Fulton
Report on Public Credit
who: Alexander Hamilton
when: 1790
where: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
what: national debt at $54 mil
- funding domestic foreign allegations
- renaming state debts
- this would reduce state power
Report on the Bank
who: Alexander Hamilton
when: 1791
where: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
what: create a central bank that was 80% private and 20 % public
- main depository
- issue currency
Popular Sovereignty
- political decisions by majority vote
- settlers to determine slavery status
Harper’s Ferry
- 1859
- John Brown
- captured arsenal & rifle company
- several hostages
- trapped men in railroad house
- brown captured
Anaconda Plan
- Winfield Scott
- defeating confederacy
- tight blockade on S ports
- control of Mississippi
- ## new army to invade Virginia
15th Amendment
- 1870
- right to vote for blacks in S
Battle of Gettysburg
- Robert lee- confederate
- put army around Gettysburg
- clashed into Potomac w/ union
- George Meade- union
- 2nd day even worse fighting
- 3rd: charged union
- but turned around
- lee had to surrender
Compromise of 1877
- settle 1876 election
- democrats allowed Hayes to be president if:
- republicans with drew from S
Transcontinental Railroad
- link US west to east
“Bleeding Kansas”
- Franklin pierce
- 2 basic Legilsature
- send in governor
- blood involved
- very violent
Kansas-Nebraska Act
- 1854
- Stephen Douglas
- brining pop. Sovereignty
- ## both Kansas & Nebraska
Crittenden Proposal
- wants to expand 36/30 across
- trying to keep slavery in S
- Lincoln stops it
13th Amendment
- 1865
- end to slavery
- took out 3/5 clause in constitution
- increased representation in S
Jim Crow Laws
- 1870’s
- segregation in S
- from blacks & whites
Battle of Little Big Horn
- 1876
- federal troops against Indians
- over gold found on native territory
- Custer unaware of large number of Indians
- quickly surrounded
Barbed Wire
- used to keep cattle & sheep on own land and from grazing into other property
- Joseph gladden
- 1870’s
Know-Nothing Party
- nativist, anti- immigrant + Catholics
- respond to flood of catholic immigrants from Ireland & Germany
- 1840’s
Dred Scott Decision
- 1857
- blacks were not citizens so couldn’t sue
- closer to civil war
Fort Sumter
- 1st shots of civil war
- island in charleston harbor
Emancipation Proclamation
- Lincoln
- ## freed all slaves in confederates that helped fight in 1863
14th Amendment
- prohibited states from depriving equal protection & laws
- expansion of individual rights
- 1860’s
- during reconstruction
- landowners provided land, tools, housing, & seed to farmers
- farmers= who provided labor
- crop then divided between then
- paid by crops
Dawes Severalty Act
- 1887
- led to weakening of Indian culture
Monitor vs. Merrimac
- 1st fight between to iron vessels
- 1862
- ended in a draw