Final ugh gonna be super sad when cadd is over Flashcards
How did god go about revealing himself
God went about revealing Himself to us gradually over a period of many years
Which group wrote down the oral tradtions and stuff
The isrealites jews
In the Catholic belief…
Christ is the main point of all Holy Scripture
The total number of books in the Christian (Catholic and Orthodox) Bible (including Old Testament and New Testament combined) is
In general, the most influential and well-known character in the Old Testament is
The Ancient Hebrew Patriarchs are
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (some listings include Joseph on the list too.)
what did Joshua do
Joshua led the Hebrews out of the wasteland of Sinai by crossing the River Jordan and entering and conquering the land of Canaan.
Three names (in historical order) are used to designate the Jewish people:
Hebrews, Israelites, and Jews.
Deborah was
a female Judge of ancient Israel who directed the Israelite general, Barak, in his attack against the Philistines.
Samuel is the prophet that said
the Israelites did not need an earthly king (since the Lord God is already the king of His people, Israel.
The last of the Ten Plagues brought on Egypt because of Pharaoh’s defiance of GOD was
the death of all firstborn Egyptians.
The ancient Law of God given to the Hebrews while wandering in the wilderness of Midian is referred to by various names:
The Decalogue, The Ten Commandments, The Law of Moses, Torah, The Sinai Covenant,
The event of the ancient Hebrews making a statue of a golden calf as a “god” to replace Yahweh is found in the Biblical book named
The conquest of Canaan can easily be characterized by a period of
nearly continuous war with other tribes and nations.
YHWH was
the extremely great king of Israel prior to the rise of the monarchy.
The Judean rebel that drove the Helenizers (Greeks) out of Jerusalem, and reconsecrated the Temple that had been violated with pagan worship, was named
Judas Maccabeus
Who is samuel
Samuel was the Judge and Prophet who anointed the first (and second) king of Israel.
The first three kings of ancient Israel in order were
Saul, David, and Solomon
The book of the Bible that is often referred to as the prayer book of Jesus Christ is called
(the) Psalms.
What was king david known for
composing Psalms, and unifying the Twelve Tribes of Israel
King Solomon was a very powerful ruler who accomplished many things
great Temple of Jerusalem built, author of a couple of Wisdom Books found in the Bible
The Book of Ecclesiastes (found in the Biblical Wisdom Books) answers this very important question:
what is the meaning of life?
The kingdom of the ancient Jews under the rule of King David saw
the unification of the Twelve Tribes of Israel
The names of these two kingdoms were Israel and Judah.
the Assyrian Empire.
took over the northern kingdom of isreal
The southern kingdom of Judah was taken over by a later empire, also from the north; the name of this empire is taken from the name of its capital city, which is
called Babylon
There are some common sense rules for reading the Bible, one of these rules is
“Don’t think you are the first person to correctly interpret the Bible.”
What is a Cathloic way to read the bible
A traditional Catholic way of reading the Bible is to understand that all of the Old Testament is a type or a foreshadowing (typology) that in some way prefigures and foretells the life, teaching, and accomplishments of Jesus Christ.
The Biblical Canon is the
official collection of books recognized as Divinely Inspired by Jesus and the early Church.
The Alexandrian Canon of the Old Testament was translated in Egypt by 70 Jewish scholars (thus it is called the
Septuagint Version)
The Biblical collection of ancient Jewish songs, chants, and musical reflections is called
the Psalms.
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel are categorized as the Major Prophets, because
they clearly have longer texts than the Minor Prophets.
The first five books of the Old Testament are often referred to in ancient Greek as the
Generally, the greatest prophet (apart from Moses) of the Old Testament is
The assistance given by the Holy Spirit to the authors of the Bible (so they could express what God wanted to tell all people of all times and places) is called
Divine Inspiration.
The process of editing the Biblical text to correct typographical errors and clarify obscure meanings is called
Alexander the Great and his army defeated the Jewish armies in 332 BC; subsequently, the Greek rulers of Palestine expected the Jewish people to accept Greek culture, language, and tradition - this process is called
The Catholic doctrine that the books of Sacred Scripture (Bible) are free from error regarding the truth God wishes to reveal to all human beings is called
A covenant is a
name for the promise God and His people made throughout the history of the Chosen People.
The element of Biblical understanding and interpretation that takes into account the things and events that surround any particular Biblical story or teaching is called context - the viewpoint itself is called
Natural Revelation
the way the order, power, and beauty of Creation can reveal many important things about God, but not some of the most important ones
Divine Revelation is
the way GOD reveals something about Himself directly to a person(s)..
Salvation History is
a popular term used to emphasize God’s presence and involvement throughout the course of all human history.
Typology is
the study of patterns of Divine activity and foreshadowing as found in the Bible; it principally involves reading the Old Testament in light of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
A word relating to a social institution where the rulers, elders, leaders, and husbands are male (the term also relates to the persons of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) is
Patriarch or Patriarchal.
what does the first three of the 10 commmandments do
The first three of the ten refer directly to GOD.
The Catholic Church and Orthodox Churches use an Old Testament that has
46 books