FINAL Flashcards
What are the same things
Holy bible and holy scripture
What are the words of god
The text of the holy bible
The bible is what
Infallible, in matters of faith and morality
How can you observe god
Unbaised observation, comtemplation of the comos with good reason
What do you really need for existence of god
Only who is perfect
Who is all knowing/powerful
The formal study of god
God is father
The son & holy spirt is what to the father
Consubstantial (the same)
The son is what in this world
Jesus crhist is what
The center of the group in the church
What is our Advocate, Councelor, Apostilic
Holy spirt
What does Apostilic mean
The church began with the first Apostles
Who is the head of cathloic church
Formal statemetns how the cathlotic church expressed themsevles (Apsolets creed) COMMON
Divine reveal truth #VERYIMPORTANT
Dogma’s cant be what
modified, deleted, or interpeteed bc of their divine origin
the ritualized actions of Christ preserved by the Catholic and Orthodox Churches are very important conduits of Sanctifying Grace.
Prayer is
“elevating the heart and mind to God.” (our longings and affections; our thoughts and actions)
Longings and desires to know and love God are also forms of prayer
Even the smallest and most random things can be prayer if you have a mindfulness of God in doing them.
The effectiveness of your humanity is guaged by what
Humilitity, honesty, and willingness to trust god
The last thing and beginning of everlasting life
Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell.