... Flashcards
A written record of Christ’s words and deeds
“Good News”
One who delivers good news on behalf of god
Hebrew for “my teacher”
The Hebrew word for “anointed one”
A collection of songs, prayers, poems, hymns gathered over a very long period of time
Knowledge of god deduced from the natural world and human existence
Jesus rising off into heaven 40 days after his death
Original Sin
The loss of original holiness and justice due to Adam’s sin
Salvation History
God’s infinite love for us establishing special covenants between each of us.
A sacred agreement between God and human beings promising to be faithful to one another forever
A central truth of revelation that Catholics are obliged to believe
The assumption of a human nature by Jesus Christ, “being made of flesh”
Sacred Scripture
the inspired word of God, the collection of sacred books that hand on the truth of Revelation in written form
Books that god reveals himself
Deposit of Faith
passing down the church faith through scripture to the church in the apostles time
The teaching authority
A theory that goes against the beliefs of the church
Things that goes against dogma
Sacred Tradition
A list: life, bible, worship
Living out the Gospel in the Church’s teachings, life and worship thats passed down by the magisterium
A heretical system of thought dating from apostolic times, which held that Christ only seemed to be a man, to be born, have lived, suffered, and risen from the dead
Followers of Jesus “learner”
the belief that after death people will have a bodily existence.
Seven Sacraments
7 major actions of the church that displays our love and devotion to christ
Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Matrimony
A type of paper made from reed
God saves
the anointed one
Son of God
the status of Jesus as the divine son of God the Father
Something more
Number the following kingdoms in order. Which dominated or conquered Israel first?:
List the following people in order:
Abraham and Sarah 2166 BC
2) Issac 2066 BC
3) Jacob and Esau 2006 BC
4) Joseph 1900
5) Moses 1500
6) Joshua 1400
7) Samuel 1100
8) Alexander 350
9) Jedues Macabeeus 200
10) Jesus 6
About how many years ago did Abraham live
4,000 years ago
The kings reign?
Saul, David, and Solomon 3000 years ago
Jesus live and die?
2000 Years ago
What is the period of the Judges?
historical era in ancient Israel described in Old Testament and preceded the establishment of the Israelite monarchy. a period were biblical judges served as leaders
What did the judges do?
Leaders, or judges, rose to govern the tribes in Isreal and these judges were chosen by God, helping in times of crisis.
How long was the period of judge judys
276 years
Name the last, and most famous, judge.
Samuel is the last judge who is also a prophet.
Who is Judas Maccabeus? What did he do?
Judas Maccabeus is a Jewish priest, he led a revolt against Syria.
Name 5 common things Jesus was called (besides Jesus) and what they mean:
1) Son of God - meaning: the status of Jesus as the divine son of God the father
2) Christ - meaning: The anointed one greek.
3) Lord - meaning: means god.
4) Messiah - meaning: Hebrew word for “anointed one”
5) Rabbi - meaning: My teacher
What is salvation history and what does it tell us about God?
Salvation history reveals how God, out of his infinite love, established a series of covenants with humankind. He promises to save and redeem humanity and give the gift of eternal life.
What is the magisterium’s role with dogma?
A magisterium is the teaching authority including the pope and bishops. The magisterium (popes and bishops) help spread the message of the dogma to the people.
Why is Jesus’ body, blood, humanity, suffering, and death important to our salvation? Name at least 4 reasons.
Jesus Suffering led to savation by atoning for the sins we commited
Jesus body and bloor are imporatnt since they remind churistans of their faith and sacrafice
jesuss humanity is a way god expresses his love to us
jesus death bridges the gap between god and humanity thereby redeeming us
Name 10 facts that were known about Jesus by non-Christian historians that we can all agree with (ie: NO miracles).
1 . He was born in Palestinian Jew in Bethlehem 6) His death was carried out in 30 or 33 AD
2. Joseph is his father 7) Borne the name Jesus bar Joseph
3. Birth year was between 6 and 4 BC 8) Began his own public ministry
4. Was baptized by prophet John 9) He was crucified
5. Guilty of blasphemy, of claiming to be God’s Son. 10) he practices jewish religion faithfully
How can we get to know Jesus better? Name at least 4 ways.
1) Sacred scripture - written records of revelation
2) Seven sacraments - the 7 sacraments
3) prayer - during prayer you can meet the lord through the holy spirt
4) in others - Jesus lives in each person
Explain how jesus was
He served through suffering. He rules with gentleness, compassion, and love. Chris inspires you to love and serve others just like him.
Explain how Jesus was:
Jesus was a prophet because he spreads the word of god
explain how jesus was priest
Jesus was a mediator between humans and gods and he sacrificed himself on the cross for us.
How can we learn about God [check out St. Augustine, St. Paul, St. Thomas Aquinas]? Name and explain at least 4 ways.
Human Reason
Sacred Scripture
Sacred Tradtions
Salvation History?
What was one thing that you learned most in the new testament
Jesus is crucified in the new testament
Why was Abraham the father of religion and what were they
He is the father because his sons split up. and each of them ended up becoming leaders of different religions. Judaism and Christianity and islam is traces through his son.
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his only son so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.
Why christianity wanted people to know jesus had a body
Because it is part of their dogma. a belief communicated by divine revelation.
What was the most interesting thing u learned in this class/this year
The most interesting thing i learned this year was about the timeline.