Final Test Flashcards
Often part of a pre performance routine. Not total relaxation but just removed unwanted tension
Momentary relaxation
A muscle to mind technique
Progressive muscle relation
Obtaining total relaxation. Helps athletes become aware of and later recognize and release even small levels of tension
Zero activation level relaxation
Inhale 4 count exhale 8 count
1:2 ratio
A momentary relaxation technique that is an abreviated version of passive progressive muscle relaxation
Quick body scan
A mind to muscle technique
Developed progressive muscle relaxation
All out contraction followed by relaxation. Next contract the muscles to half tension followed by relaxation. Finally, create just a small amount of tension followed by relaxation
Differential progressive muscle relaxation
Trying to relax actually increases anxiety and tension
Ironic processing
A nonspecific response of the body to any demand placed upon it pleasant or any unpleasant.
Good stress is?
Bad stress is called?
A negative emotional state is?
A general predisposition to perceive many situations as threatening and to respond with high anxiety.
Trait anxiety
A non directive generalized body reaction
A general (non sport) self report questionnaire measure of anxiety
What does STAI stand for?
State trait anxiety inventory
This requires a passive additude and training consists of a series of self suggestions designed to produce sensations of warmth and heaviness
Autogenic training
This is the most critical factor prior to performance that can effect how you play. This is non directional!
This is a non specific response of the body to any demand made upon, whether pleasant or unpleasant
This is a negative emotional state by unpleasant feelings of intensity, preoccupation, worry, or apprehension