Final Study Guide - Soil Physical Properties Flashcards
What are the main soil particle sizes and their size ranges?
Sand, silt, and clay
Sand is 0.05-2 mm
Silt is 0.002-0.05 mm
Clay is <0.002 mm
What is soil texture?
The relative proportion of particle sizes in a soil
What is soil structure?
Defines how soil mineral particles (sand, silt and clay) are bound together and arranged in the three dimensional space
What is the textural class of a soil with 20% clay, 40% silt, 40% sand?
Which soil texture has larger total soil pore space (or pore volume), a sandy or a clayey soil? Why?
A clayey soil because it has many more pores despite them being small
Which soil texture has larger surface area, a sandy or a clayey soil? Why?
Clayey soil because it has more particles, resulting in more surface area
What soil texture results in a larger amount of plant available water? Sand, sandy loam, loam, clay loam or clay?
Loam, but clay and sandy loam are second best
What is granular soil structure and where it is most typically found within the soil profile?
A healthy soil texture found at the top of the soil profile
Aggregates less than 0.5 cm diameter
Particles held together by organic substances
Describe platy soil structure
Thin, flat horizontal plates formed by compaction
Describe wedge soil structure
Elongated shape; polished surface (slickensides)
Caused by the shrink-swell process
Describe blocky soil structure
What horizons is it commonly found in?
Irregular blocks
1.5-5.0 cm in diameter
Particles held together by clay
Commonly found in B horizons (also A and C)
Describe prismatic soil structure
Vertical columns
Particles cemented by shrink/swell (smectitic) clay
Describe columnar soil structure
Vertical columns with rounded tops
Found in soils of arid climates with high content of salts
Describe structureless soil structure
Have no observable aggregation or structural units
Soil bulk density
How do you calculate it?
The mass per unit volume of dry soil, including pore space
(dry meaning no water)
Soil bulk density = weight oven dry soil (g)/total volume soil (cm3)
Typical soil bulk density
Mineral soils: 1-1.8 g/cm^3 or g cm^-3
Organic soils: 0.5 g/cm^3 or g cm^-3
Soil porosity
The percentage of the soil volume that is pore space
Soil porosity (%) = [volume of soil pores (cm^3)/soil volume (cm^3)] x 100
[1-(Bulk density/particle density)] x 100
How does soil structure drive infiltration and permeability?
Depending on structure, soil can have good or poor infiltration/permeability
Which soil structure will have higher infiltration rates: Granular or platy? Why?
Granular because there’s a lot more pore space and it hasn’t been compacted
What causes soil compaction? How can you determine an issue of soil compaction?
Mostly related to ‘traffic’, which can be many things
How does compaction affect soil bulk density and porosity?
Increases soil bulk density but decreases porosity