8: Soil Colloids (8/9) Flashcards
Small (<0.001mm) and highly reactive soil particles with electrically charged surfaces (mostly negative but some positively charged). Have an enormous surface area
Hygroscopic water
Water held tightly by colloids in thin films that is not available for plants
How does pore size affect capillary action?
The smaller the pores, the more capillary movement
The three factors determining binding force of cations
- Cation charge (valence)
- Cation size (size of the hydrated radius)
- Concentration of charge
Cation charge impact on binding force
The stronger the charge (think Al3+ compared to Na+), the stronger the adsorption
Size of cation (size of the hydrated radius) impact on binding force
Hydrated ions with smaller radii are more strongly attracted to colloids, larger radii have weaker attraction
Lyotropic series
Easier to replace to the right
Al3+ > Ca2+ > Mg2+ > K+ = NH4+ > Na+
K+ and NH4+ are equally easy to replace
Concentration of cation impact on binding
If the concentration of a cation in soil solution is high, there is an increased tendency for that cation to be adsorbed
Cation exchange importance
Reduces the nutrient losses from the soil