11/12: Sources of Acidity and Alkalinity in Soils Flashcards
What 4 general processes produce H+ in soils?
Chemical reactions
Biological activity
Plant nutrient uptake
Presence of acid cations
Chemical reactions
In regards to producing ions in soils
Changes in pH are regulated by chemical reactions that involve the release of H+ and OH- ions
Biological activity
In regards to producing H+ in soils
Most soil organisms respire oxygen and release CO2
Are reversible reactions
Plant nutrient uptake
In regards to producing H+ in soils
Plant roots release charged ions to take up other ions
Presence of acid cations
In regards to producing H+ in soils
Al3+ and Fe3+ ions have a strong tendency to hydrolyze water and release H+ causing soil acidity
(one Al3+ can release up to 3 H+ ions when it reacts with water)
Acid cation examples
Al3+ and Fe3+
Great hydrolyzing power (make the soil more acidic)
Basic cation examples
Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, and Na+
No hydrolyzing power
Natural causes of soil acidity
High rainfall
Parent material
Human-induced causes of soil acidity
Nitrogen fertilization
Acid deposition from the atmosphere
Exposure of potential acid materials
High rainfall impact on soil acidity
A natural cause of soil acidity
Normally slightly acidic because the atmosphere is also slightly acidic
Areas with high annual precipitation have lower soil pH
Weathering impact on soil acidity
A natural cause of soil acidity
Results in the loss of basic cations (thereby acid cations increase in relative concentration)
Although weathering by itself consumes acidity, leaching will lead to acidity
Parent material impact on soil acidity
A natural cause of soil acidity
If there are more acid vs. basic cations, more acidic
Nitrogen fertilization impact on soil acidity
A human-induced cause of soil acidity
Applying too much nitrogen to the soil will increase acidity
Normally plants can neutralize the acidity when they take up a NO3-
Acid deposition from the atmosphere impact on soil acidity
A human-induced cause of soil acidity
Acid rain. N and S gasses emitted after the combustion of fossil fuels combine with water and create acidity
Natural causes of soil alkalinity
Low rainfall
Calcareous parent material (CaCO3)
Human-induced causes of soil alkalinity
Exposure of potential acid sulfate material
A human-induced cause of soil acidity
Drainage of wetlands can create acid mine drainage, which is extremely acid and toxic