Final Study Guide Flashcards
What are the characteristics of good mental health?
- Able to meet the demands of life
- good listener
- Can be around other people
What are the characteristics of poor mental health?
- Does not accept change
- Is an introvert
What is NOT a general cause of a mental disorder?
Being born a specific gender or race
In Matthew 11 what does Jesus NOT offer to those who come to him?
Jesus uses the analogy of yoke to show ____________________________.
Like oxen tied or latched to one another, Jesus can travel with us and bear our burdens
What is a materialist?
A person who believes that the material/physical world is all that exists
Dread, fear, and uneasiness, often about no particular thing, describe what mental health condition?
The Christian and materialist can agree that counseling and exercise can be helpful to a person struggling with mental health.
Drug addiction affects only the brain and can be reversed through a new mindset.
Cutting, bruising, and burning are really the only ways people inflict self-harm.
A suicidal young person will typically give signs to others before a suicide attempt.
When talking to a person struggling with mental health, it’s best to remain factual and unemotional.
Jesus promises to take all of our problems away if we come to him.
The Christian can truly say in every situation, “I am not __________________.”
What are prevention strategies for mental health conditions/illnesses?
- Share feelings and emotions with someone you trust
- Know the signs and symptoms of mental health conditions/illnesses
- Have a proper view of self and God
- Manage stress with stress management techniques
What word means an extreme or irrational fear of an object or situation?
What does the term/acronym “S.A.D.” stand for?
Seasonal Affective Disorder
What is NOT prevention strategies for mental health conditions/illnesses?
Ignoring problems that are not a big deal
What is small talk?
Informal conversation with someone(s)
What is a characteristic of an extrovert?
- Enjoy or are at least usually fine with talking to people
- Prefer working with a group than alone
- Typically they’re more expressive
What is a person balanced with introvert and extrovert qualities?
What was a given characteristic of biblical social health?
- Building others up
- Having a forgiving heart
- Being peaceful as long as you can
The ability to understand and share the feelings of someone else is ____________.
In dealing with peer pressure, a good practice is to _________________________.
plan ahead by knowing what to say and avoiding bad situations
Which of the following was one of Mr. Seyler’s conclusions about social media use?
Consume in moderation
View small talk with someone as a(n) ___________________.
What is true about small talk?
You should try to avoid one-word responses when possible
In small talk, a good practice is to __________________________.
Mirror the emotions and expressions of the person you’re talking with
When dealing with conflict, we want to ____________________.
separate the person and the problem
What personality type is the best to be?
There is no “best” personality type to be
Peer pressure happens to people more often than they think.
While it is often negative, there can be cases of positive or helpful peer pressure.
In small talk, you should have a topic ready to talk about and not stray from talking about that thing.
When an extrovert is talking to you, it is best to give short or 1-word responses so that they can continue talking.
If we live a godly life, we can live without conflict.
What is a calorie?
A unit of energy from food
What are ways to eat to the glory of God?
- Eating with a thankful heart
- Having a proper attitude towards food
The sum of all chemical reactions in the body is ____________________.
your metabolism (BMR)
What are empty calories?
Foods that provide calories but little to no nutritional value
Which kind of fat is healthy within reasonable amounts?
Unsaturated fats
What is NOT primarily a carbohydrate source?
What is most necessary for muscle growth and tissue repair?
What is not a given function of water in the body?
the only source of Nitrogen in the body
The NASEM recommends consuming ____ oz. of water for men, and ____ oz. for women.
125; 91
Which food source is the most satiating?
Water makes up approximately _____ of your body weight.
What was our definition of a balanced diet?
Proper quantity and quality of calories and nutrients
Most Americans ___________________________________.
Have a vitamin or mineral deficiency
What is the body’s preferred source of energy?
Which food group and primary macronutrient pairing is incorrect?
Dairy: carbs
Crash diets usually result in the person eventually gaining the weight back that they lost.
Vitamins are chemicals from living things that our body needs.
Minerals are chemicals from living things that our body needs.
“Nutrient density” refers to how easily a nutrient is attained in a food, typically in relation to calories.
The amount of calories in a box or container can be found by multiplying the calories per serving by 10.
Mr. Robbie weighs 200 lbs. and wants to add muscle. He should get AT LEAST how much protein per day?
100 grams
On a food label, 10% of daily value or higher is considered to be a good source of a nutrient.
Why does Paul say Christians should bring glory to God in the way we use our bodies?
Because Christians were bought at a price
What are the characteristics of the definition of physical fitness?
- Ability to adequately complete daily activities
- Respond to strenuous events without undue stress
What was the given reason for exercising and being fit?
- It supports bodily systems, joints, and the brain
- Increases ability to perform more difficult tasks or exercises
- Can improve sleep and diet patterns
- Can improve mental health and self-confidence
What was NOT one of the given factors affecting physical fitness?
Desire of Exercise
What is the Overload Principle?
Fitness improvements are made when the difficulty or workload of exercise is higher than the body is used to.
What is a “flow state” in reference to fitness?
You continually make training/exercise challenging but not overly challenging.
Generally, the higher intensity of an exercise, ____________________________.
the shorter it should be
What are the dangers of exercise?
- Injury if done while dehydrated
- Injury if done without safety
- Idolatry of self-image
- Idolatry of exercise itself
What is the difference between aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise?
Refers to energy production; aerobic means with oxygen, anaerobic means without oxygen
The Principle of Specificity states that improvement in physical fitness relates to the type of training that is done.
You are unlikely to make real fitness progress unless you are working out/exercising 5+ times per week.
Doing ab exercises will directly target fat removal from the stomach.
Cardiorespiratory endurance refers to…
the heart and lungs’ ability to supply oxygen to the body during exercise
For weight loss and endurance, higher intensity, lower duration exercise bouts are preferred.
Improved flexibility and mobility can improve performance and prevent injuries.
Dangerous stretching if done unsafely; using momentum to force a joint/muscle into a stretch
Ultimately, eating more fruits/veggies and exercising more does not mean you will lose body fat.
Getting good sleep is…
just as important as almost any other factor in relation to health and fitness goals
Your BMR is ___________________; and accounts for ___________________.
the amount of energy used to maintain homeostasis in the body; 65-70% of calories that you burn
What is NEAT?
non-exercise activity that requires energy
What is the basic unit of all living things?
The cell
What is NOT an organ?
The primary function of the _________________ system is to provide movement.
Arteries carry blood _______________ the heart, veins carry blood ___________________ the heart.
away from; to
The union of two or more bones is a ________________.
A group of cells working together is a _____________________.
The number of bones in the body is ___________.
The _______________ is a muscular organ that receives and pumps blood to the body.
Function in complexity requires ____________________.
Cramps and convulsions are examples of voluntary contractions.
A broken bone that does not need surgery should be kept mobile so it can heal properly.
Normal blood pressure is 160/60.
The tube from the mouth to the anus is the ___________________________.
Alimentary Canal
This is part of the respiratory system and exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood.
This muscle contracts and draws air into your lungs.
This is a passageway for food and air
What produces bile and removes drugs/poisons from blood?
The _________________ Gland is at the base of the brain and helps regulate human growth.
What connects the brain with the nerves of the body?
The Spine
_______________ are chemical messengers from endocrine glands.
The stomach is a J-shaped organ that holds up to 2 quarts of food.
Your nose acts as an air filter, moistening and cleaning the air as it enters.
The ___________________ stores bile and introduces it to the small intestine.
What are not reproductive glands?
A disease is defined as ___________________________.
your body failing to function properly
What is a stronger strain of the cold?
What is an example of an infectious disease?
What kind of cancerous tumor spreads?
What is a blood infection that causes inflammation of the liver and can be spread by contaminated water?
What is true about healing?
God is not obligated to heal people, but that doesn’t mean that he does not heal.
Who was the person who was healed by God and given a longer life because of his prayers (and where is the passage found)?
Hezekiah, 2 Kings 20
Skin, mucous membranes, and tears act as defenses against illness.
Typically with a common cold, a person is infectious for 12-24 hours and the full recovery period is 2-3 days.
Diabetes can be caused by lifestyle but genetic factors can also play a role.
Charles Spurgeon said it would actually be problematic for Christians to be able to always save one another from illness by praying for them.
Coughing, internal bleeding, and vomiting are symptoms of the common cold.
There are ____ stages of cancer.
What is NOT a high-risk factor of diabetes?
occasional alcohol use
What type of Diabetes is most common?
Type 2