Final Social Studies Flashcards
What are the 3 Powers of Government? What are the functions of each?
Legislative branch- has the power to make laws and frame public policy.
Executive branch- has the power to enforce, execute, and administer laws.
Judicial branch- has the power to interpret laws and determine their constitutionality.
Who are the 2 Philosophers we discussed? What were their beliefs?
John Lock believed people were born with the rights to life, liberty, and property. (Natural rights)
Thomas Hobbs believed in divine right (to obey ruler). People gave up rights for protection and for rulers.
What is the evolutionary theory?
Developed out of families that lead to clans, then tribes inhabiting a piece of land. (John Locke)
What is forced theory?
One person or small group claiming control over a small area and forcing everyone to submit to them. (Thomas Hobbs)
What is divine right?
Power directed by God. God created the government and chose the leaders. (Thomas Hobbs)
What is social contract theory?
State comes from the will of the people to work to serve each other. (Both)
List and describe the 4 characteristics of a state.
Population- a body of people.
Territory- living in a defined space.
Sovereignty- the ability to make a decision without checking in with a higher authority.
Government- an organization of rule.
What is an oligarchy?
A small group of people hold power. Usually elite, wealthy, and self-appointed.
What is a monarchy?
A member of the royal family is the head of the government. The King or Queen’s oldest child is next in line.
What is a dictatorship?
Government has complete control. Citizens have no say.
What is a direct democracy?
People make decisions and vote. No one is voting on behalf of others.
What is a representative democracy?
One person or multiple people represent a larger group of people. Elected officials vote on behalf of others.
What is a theocracy?
God is the ultimate authority. All decisions are made by God and religious law.
What is anarchy?
No rule of law at all. Everyone’s for themselves.
What was the Magna Carta?
Was the first document written in June 1215 that established the principle that the King and his government were not above the law.
How did the Magna Carta influence our current written law (Constitution)?
Some laws that were part of the Magna Carta are part of our US Constitution today. These laws include unlawful searches and seizures, the right to a speedy trial, and protection against loss of life, liberty, and happiness.
What is the Declaration of Independence? Why was it written?
The Declaration of Independence was the United States’s “break up” letter from Britain. The United States wanted freedom from Britain’s control.
List and describe the sections of the Declaration of Independence (there are 4 sections).
- Preamble- introduction to why they wanted separation. The purposes.
- Natural Rights- Claimed that people were born with and deserved natural rights.
- Grievances- Complaints that caused them to want separation.
- Resolution of Independence- declared America separated and no longer a part of Britain.
What are the Articles of Confederation? Why were they written?
The Articles of Confederation was a document that helped establish a league of friendship between the states. They were written to give states sovereignty, freedom, and friendship.
Why were the Articles of Confederation considered a “weak” document?
It was a “weak” document because the government didn’t have the power to tax, didn’t have the power to regulate trade, and there was a lack of power to make the states obey the Articles.
Describe the differing views of the Federalists and Anti-Federalists.
Anti-federalists- they wanted a small central government and they wanted the constitution to give them rights. They feared having a King.
Federalists- they wanted a strong central government. Believed that it was necessary if states were going to bond together.
List the 6 Purposes of Government.
Form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, provide for the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty.
What is Federalism? Where is Federalism found in the Constitution?
The power is divided between states and the federal government. States are responsible for controlling smaller territorial states while the federal government is responsible for controlling the entire country. Federalism can be found in Article 4 of the Constitution.
What are checks and balances? Why were they included in the Constitution?
Checks and balances were built into the Constitution to ensure that no one branch of government becomes too powerful. Each branch has some power over the other. They were included in the Constitution to prevent one branch of government from becoming too powerful.
Give an example of how each branch is able to check the other.
- Legislative vs Executive- Congress can pass new bills- the president must approve or veto these bills- Congress can override presidential vetoes with a ⅔ majority vote.
- Executive vs Judicial- The president appoints all Supreme Court Justices- The Supreme Court can declare any executive acts unconstitutional.
- Legislative vs Judicial- Congress can impeach, remove, and must approve the appointment of all federal judges- The Supreme Court can declare acts of Congress unconstitutional.
What is popular sovereignty?
All the power is given to the people. Representatives are chosen by the people.
What is limited government?
The government only has the power to do what the people allow them to do.
What is a separation of powers?
Separates the power of the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches.
What are checks and balances?
Ensures that each branch has equal power. Each branch has a restraint on another in some way.
What is judicial review?
Power of the court to determine the constitutionality of a government and laws.
What is the first amendment?
The right to freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion.
What is the second amendment?
The right to bear arms.
What is the third amendment?
No soldier in a time of peace or war shall be quartered to a home without the owner’s permission.
What is the fourth amendment?
People have the right to secure their property against unreasonable searches and seizures. No Warrants shall be issued without probable cause.
What is the fifth amendment?
No person shall be charged with a crime unless charged by the jury, can’t be charged for the same crime twice (double jeopardy), has the right to remain silent, and can’t be deprived of life, liberty, or happiness without due process of the law.
What is the sixth amendment?
The right to a speedy trial, the right to a lawyer, the right to know your accusers, and the charges against you.
What is the seventh amendment?
If the value of the dispute costs more than 20 dollars, people will have the right to a jury.
What is the eighth amendment?
No excessive fines or bails shall be required nor cruel or unusual punishment.
What is the ninth amendment?
The rights that are specified in the Constitution are not the only rights that the people shall be limited to.
What is the tenth amendment?
Any power not listed out for the federal government goes to the states.
What does the term “ratify” mean? How does this relate to the Constitution?
Ratify means to make something valid, to accept. This relates to the Constitution because article 7 of the Constitution lists how to approve and accept the Constitution.
What were the two arguments “for and against” ratification of the Constitution?
Federalists believed that in order to create a stronger government and to United the States, the Constitution needed to be approved to guarantee people’s rights.
Anti-federalists believed that the Constitution betrayed the American Revolution and worried about the government becoming too powerful.
Describe the two methods for amending the Constitution.
Method 1: Congress proposes an Amendment that is approved by a ⅔ vote in both the house and senate.
Method 2: ⅔ of State legislatures can ask Congress to call a national convention to propose amendments
Why has the Constitution been amended so few times?
The amendment process is difficult and time consuming. A proposed amendment must be passed by ⅔ of both houses of Congress. It needs to be ratified by legislatures of ¾ of the states.
What is the 13th Amendment?
Abolished slavery in the United States. Slavery isn’t an acceptable punishment for a crime.
What is the 15th Amendment?
The right for citizens to vote shall not be denied or shortened based on someone’s race. Gave African-American men the right to vote.
What is the 19th Amendment?
Granted women the right to vote. Citizens shall not be denied the right to vote based on their gender.
What is the 20th Amendment?
Set the inauguration date for the new presidential terms and the date for new sessions of Congress.
What is the 22nd Amendment?
Limits an elected president to only serve up to two terms in office.
What is the 25th Amendment?
If the President is unable to do his job, the vice president will take over.
What is the 26th Amendment?
Prohibits the states and federal government from using age as a reason for denying someone the right to vote.
What are the qualifications? How many members of the House of Representatives?
- Must be a citizen of the United States for 7 years, resident of the state you’re representing, minimum age requirement is 25 years old.
- Total number is 435 members.
- Each state gets a number of members based on their population.
What are the qualifications? How many members of senate?
- Must be a citizen of the US for at least 9 years, resident of the state you’re representing, age requirement is 30 years old.
- 50 members total, 2 per state.
Describe gerrymandering in your own words.
Gerrymandering is when the political party controlling the state draws in the district boundaries to gain advantages in elections.
What are the roles/qualifications for Maryland Senate? Number of members?
Must be a resident of Maryland for at least one year, minimum age requirement is 25 years old. 47 members. They levy taxes, remove-impeach state officials accused of wrongdoings, override vetos with ⅗ vote with Maryland senate.
What are the qualifications for the Maryland House of Delegates? Number of memebers?
Must be a resident of Maryland for at least one year, the minimum age is 21 years old, same duties as the Maryland Senate. 141 members
How is the state level different from the National level of the legislative branch?
State legislative branch makes laws and manages taxes on the state level. These laws only apply to Maryland. On the National level, they make laws that apply to the entire country.
What does the legislative branch look like in Howard County? What is it called?
Local branch is called Howard County Legislature- there are 5 members for the 5 districts of Howard County.
What are the roles/qualifications for the legislative branch on the local level?
Carry out laws passed by city/county councils, appoint officials, propose laws, elected by county residents.
What are expressed powers?
Expressed powers= Expressed powers are those given to the Government by the Constitution.
What are implied powers?
Implied powers= Implied powers are those given to the Government that aren’t specifically listed in the Constitution.
Where implied/expressed powers located in the Constitution?
They are located in Article I, section 8 of the Constitution.
Describe the elastic clause.
Powers given to the National Government that are suggested by expressed powers set in the Constitution. These powers are “necessary and proper” to carry out the expressed power. They aren’t directly listed in the Constitution but they are needed to get the job done.
What are the qualifications to be president?
- Must be at least 35 years old.
- Must be born in the United States.
- Must have lived in the United States for at least 14 years.
Which amendments relate to presidential terms and succession?
- 22nd Amendment limits the president to 2 consecutive terms.
- 25th Amendment says if the president is vacant, the VP becomes president.
What is an executive order?
Executive orders are written instructions that the president gives to his employees.
Who is “in charge” on each level of the local/state executive branch?
Local- Dr. Calvin Ball- Howard County Executive
Larry Hogan- Governor
How does electoral vote work?
To become president, the winner must get a majority of electoral votes. In most states, whoever wins the popular vote (in the states) wins all the electoral votes of that state.
What is the popular vote?
The actual number of votes the candidate receives. The vote of every single individual counts.
What is the Electoral College? What is an elector? How do we get that number?
The Electoral College refers to the 538 Presidential electors who come together to cast their vote for the candidate of the President and the Vice President. 538 is the total amount of electoral votes available. A president needs 270 electoral votes to win.
What is bureaucracy? How does it relate to the Executive branch?
Bureaucracy is an administrative system, especially in the government that divides work into specific categories carried out by special departments of non-elected officials.
What is the President’s Cabinet?
The President’s Cabinet is an advisory board that’s made up of the 15 executive departments. They are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.
What is the Department of Defense?
Department of Defense is responsible for national security.
What is the Department of Justice?
The Department of Justice is responsible for enforcing the federal laws.
What is the Department of Veteran Affairs?
Department of Veteran Affairs provides healthcare and services to eligible military veterans.
What is the Department of Commerce?
Department of Commerce is responsible for economic growth and opportunity.
What is the Democratic Party?
The ideas and beliefs to make society fair, equal, and just. They believe in democratic decision making and freedom of speech.
What is the Republican Party?
Restore American values, increase economic growth, and protect constitutional freedoms.
What is the Green Party?
Wants to help the health of our planet for future generations.
What is the Libertarian Party?
Wants everyone to earn an honest and peaceful living through free exchange of goods and services.
What are the court levels on the Federal Level?
The Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, and District Court
What are the court levels on the State Level?
Appeals (state supreme court), Special Appeals, and Circuit Court, and District Court.
What is executive jurisdiction?
Only the Federal Court has authority to hear, state courts cannot.
What is concurrent jurisdiction?
Federal or state court could hear a case.
What is original jurisdiction?
Court is the first one to hear a case.
What is appellate jurisdiction?
Court can only hear a case on an appeal.
What is due process? Which amendments are involved?
14th Amendment- The government must act fairly and in accord with the established rules. Every person deserves equal protection of the laws.
What is criminal law?
Regulate public duty.
What is civil law?
Regulates relations between individuals or groups.
What is a felony?
Carries a penalty of a year or more in prison.
What is a misdemeanor?
Carries a penalty of one year or less in prison.
What is civil action?
A lawsuit brought by someone who was wronged by another.
What is public policy?
The stance the government takes about a problem or an idea for improvement.
What is government action?
Providing money/ services to solve problems.
What is government regulation?
Monitoring or controlling (making laws).
What is an interest group? What is their goal?
A group of people with common goals who organize to influence the government.
What is the difference between a PAC and an interest group?
A PAC is an organization formed to collect money and provide financial support for political candidates.
What does domestic policy mean?
Laws and actions focusing on the United States and its territories.
What does foreign policy mean?
A government’s strategy in dealing with other nations.
Which “key people” are involved in foreign policy?
- The President is the chief diplomat and the commander in chief of the United States. He is the central figure of foreign policy.
- The Secretary of State deals with foreign affairs, the amount of power varies president to president.
- The Secretary of Defense is the Chief aide on military policy, operating head of the Dept of Defense.
What is the difference between a good and service?
Service- the action of helping or doing work for someone.
Good- Materials that satisfy human wants.
What is the opportunity cost?
What you give up when you have to make a choice between two things.
Deciding between an apple and an orange, Bill chooses the apple, the opportunity cost was the orange.
What are traditional economies?
By habit, tradition, or custom- what was done in the past. Little to no use of technology.
What are command economies?
Determined by government performance and their employees. (Gov. controls the economy entirely).
What are market economies?
Based on the interaction between producers, buyers, and sellers. People and businesses control the economies. Supply and demand rule the market.
What are mixed economies?
A blend of traditional, command, and market economies. Reflects some part of market decision making and government participation.