Final Second Semester Flashcards
Teleological argument
If there is a design to the world there must be a designer
A random, unintentional process
Infinite regress
The idea that there is no starting and beginning point
Forensic science
Process of discovering what caused an event or series of effects
Cosmological argument
If there is a finite world, then there must be an infinite creator
Necessary conditions
A prerequisite that must be obtained before the possibility of an event can occur
Principle of causality
For every effect there must be a cause
Moral argument
If there is an objective, absolute law in the world, there must be a lawgiver
What is infinite regress?
Moving backward in time forever
Teleology is
An argument from design
Cosmology is
An argument from the universe (space and time)
The moral argument is
An argument from the nature of good
What argument deals with infinite regress
A cosmological argument
Which argument deals with irreducible complexity?
The teleological argument
Which argument states that something infinite must have caused all things?
The cosmological argument
Which argument challenges evolution’s explanation of the beginning of life?
A cosmological argument
Which argument asserts that God is good?
The moral argument
Which argument states that God must be infinite?
The cosmological argument
Which argument maintains god is He whom none greater can be conceived?
The ontological argument
Which calls God the lawgiver?
The moral argument
Which argument calls the world complex?
The teleological argument
Which argument is an apriori argument?
The ontological argument
Always everywhere
All knowing
All powerful
All good
Outside space and time
God is to blame for evil in the world
Privation is
The definition of evil
Freewill demands
The choice of evil
What is st Thomas aquinas concept of evil?
Evil is the lack of something which an entity ought to possess from its origin
How does the moral argument relate foundational,y to the problem of evil?
Without moral law and a lawgiver, evil would not be discernible in the world
How is privation defined?
The negation of a substance
Of the five points that geisler mentions regarding aquinas and Augustine, which one does Hardy say lies at the heart of a discussion of evil?
God gave some of his creatures the power of free choice
Who wrote the letters to emperor Trajan?
Pliny the younger
Who wrote the lives of the caesars?
Who wrote the annals?
Who wrote the antiquities of the Jews?
Who wrote Jesus: a historian’s review of the gospels
Michael grant
Whose name is recorded in Luke 3:1?
Tiberius Caesar Augustus
Who is a Jewish historian?
The roman governor of bythynia (modern turkey)
Pliny the younger
A roman historian who lived from AD69-AD140
A roman administrator that wrote on roman history on the time of Christ
A roman emperor during the time of Christ
Tiberius Caesar Augustus
At this time there was a wise man named Jesus. His conduct was good and he was known to be vitreous… Pilate condemned him to be crucified and to die… they (his disciples) reported that he appeared to them three days after his crucifixion and that he was alive; accordingly he was perhaps the messiah, concerning who, the prophets have recounted wonders
The antiquities of the Jews
Bristol, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our pure pro-creators, Pontus Pilate
The annals
As the Jews were making constant disturbances at the instigation of Chrestus, he (Claudius) expelled them from Rome
The lives of the caesars
They hanged Yeshu (Jesus) on the sabbath day of the passover. But for 40 days before that a herald sin in front of him (crying). Issue is to be stoned because he practiced sorcery and seduced Israel and led them away from God.
The Talmud
We can no more reject Jesus’ existence that we can reject the existence of a mass of pagan personages whose reality as a historical figures us never questioned
Jesus: a historian’s review of the gospels
Meanwhile, in the case of those who were denounced to be as Christians, I have observed the following procedure I interrogated these as to whether they were Christians… they were accustomed to meet on a fixed day before dawn and sung responsively a hymn to Christ as a God
Letters to the emperor trajan
In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar
Luke 3:1
What is the name of the German scholar, a former leader of the historical Jesus movement?
Rudolph Bultmann
What is the name of the mythology campaign that seeks to determine what sayings of Jesus are legitimate?
Jesus seminar
Of the 1500 statements made by Jesus, what percentage did they declare was not stated by Jesus at all?
What is notable about the number of manuscripts found of the New Testament text?
- the New Testament is preserved in 5685 manuscript portions
- the Bible prevails over all other books in antiquity
What is notable about the time span of the New Testament manuscripts?
The earliest New Testament manuscript is closer to the original document than any other piece of ancient literature
What is notable about the consistency of the manuscripts?
They are confirmed by other secular documents
What percentage of the New Testament do we have and how sure are we about it?
We have 100% of the New Testament and 99.5% is accurate
Why are details so important?
It shows that the accounts were based on eye witnesses
Why are digits important?
It is impossible for nine men to write 27 books that are similar without eye witnesses
Hardy states that all of the New Testament except John and revelation was written before what time?
AD 70
Handwritten copy of an original work
An original work
A bone box
Without error
An incident where manuscripts were copied incorrectly
What is tritheism compared to?
Some people believe the doctrine of the trinity was created by whom?
The council of Constantinople
The council of nicea
Arius of Alexandria (Arianism) believed that the incarnation of Jesus (if He is God) would cause what unacceptable situation?
God could not be immutable (changeless)
Who was the key figure refuting arius at the council of nicea?
The tritheist’s view of trinity states
Father God, Son Jesus, and Holy Spirit are three Gods
The modalism view of trinity states:
God is one person, yet appears in three forms
The orthodox view of trinity states:
God reveals himself in three persons, yet is one God
The tritheism view of trinity relates God as:
The modalism view of trinity relates God as
How does Lewis use geometry to explain the trinity?
The trinity is a 3 dimensional cube composed of a number of squares
The argument that God is “outside” of time helps in understanding what aspect of the trinity?
How God the Father and the Son can exist in two different places at the same time
At once complete in manhood, truly God and truly man… one substance recognized in two natures, without confusion, without change, without division
Chalcedonian creed
We are forbidden to say there are three Gods
Athanasian creed
God’s only Son, our Lord
Apostles creed
True God from true God, begotten, not made, one being with the Father
Nicene creed
This creed was established in AD 451
Chalcedonian creed
This creed was established in AD 325
Nicene creed
This creed was established in AD 400
Athanasian creed
According to Hardy, who is a proponent of ethical relativism?
Jena Paul Sartre
Who is a proponent of absolutism?
What is conflicting absolutism?
Choosing the lesser of two evils
What is graded absolutism?
Choosing the greater of two goods
Pragmatic theory of truth
Ethical relativism
Subjective theory of truth
Coherence theory of truth
According to Lund, values are contingent upon what?
A conscious being with feelings, concerns, and purposes
In addition to the contingency which makes possible values, which is requires for there to be moral or immoral behavior?
A second person who can appreciate another person’s values
Utilitarianism is what kind of theory?
A consequentialist theory
What is the most glaring weakness of utilitarianism?
The rights of the minority’s can be ignored for the benefit of the majority
According to Schaefer, what is the problem with being finite?
You do not have a sufficient point of integration within yourself
What is stace’s view of the anthropological science in support of morality among various societies?
It has a psychological effect
It adds nothing to the argument for ethical relativism
According to maciver (like Browne) morality must be situated where?
In the individuals own values
According to maciver, what is a glaring weakness of the golden rule?
It does not solve ethical problems but only offers an approach
During the medieval period, who is the subject of art
During the medieval period, who is the object of art?
The city of Athens represents
The city of Jerusalem represents
Christian religion
The world secular means
The present age
Divorced from spiritual sensitivity
When a chasm is created between public and private spheres of life
When individuals are confronted with a staggering number of ideologies
Christianity today is disqualified because it argues for
Universal truth
Right and wrong is dictate by particular cultures and situations
Moral relativism
Becoming independent from all authorities
Autonomous individualism
Placing personal pleasure as the first concern in one’s life
Narcissistic hedonism
All that exists in the physical world
Reductive naturalism
Who said God is dead and we have killed him?
What is the trinity of enlightenment ?
What is described as the matrix?
Premodernism is “there’s balls and strikes and “
I call them the way they are
Modernism is “there’s balls and strikes and”
They ain’t nothing until I call them
The medieval period began
At the fall of Rome
The picture of the duck/rabbit demonstrates
There are many interpretations of the same facts
What are characteristics of post modernism?
There is no meta narrative
A privilege of hierarchy
A stance of radical suspicion
What are two significant features or people of the dark ages?
The writings of Augustine and aquinas
The monastic movement
What are two propositions of the enlightenment?
The present age is more enlightened than the past
Nature and humanity are best understood through the use of our natural facilities.
Subjective truth
I call them the way I see them
No stable reality
They ain’t nothing until I call them
Objective truth
I call them the way they are