Chapter 11 Flashcards
What are three things that Jesus said that is the most shocking thing?
- Talking as if he were God
- Saying he has always existed
- Saying he is coming to judge the world
Is it possible to prove the trinity?
No it is not objectively proveable outside the Bible
What is tritheism and what would it be compared to?
The concept that Jesus, the father, and the Holy Spirit are three separate Gods. If we held to this, Christians would be polytheist.
The concept that God is one person in 3 forms
What is the problem with modalism?
It would be possible to diagnose God with multiple personality disorder
Mark 1:9-11
Some believe the doctrine of the trinity was created by whom?
The councils of Nicaea and Constantinople
Arius of Alexandria (Arianism) believed that the incarnation of Jesus (if he is God) would cause what unacceptable situation?
God would become mutable (a quality of finiteness) and experience change and no longer be infinite
Who was the key figure in refuting arius and what contribution did he make to the council of Nicaea?
Athanasius; incarnation. Jesus is the same substance and essence of the father
Quote by Thomas aquinas?
The name trinity in God signifies the determinate number of persons and the plurality of God requires that we should use the word trinity
What verse connects all the persons of the trinity?
Matthew 28:19- baptizing them in the name of the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit
What is the primary task in the argument to prove the trinity
Observing the places in scripture where God the Father Jesus and the Holy Spirit are shown to be divine
What two types of scriptural evidence establish that Jesus is God?
When Jesus claimed to be divine
When Jesus claimed to have divine characteristics
Give three scriptures that affirm the deity of Jesus
John 8:56-59 “before Abraham was… I am”
John 20:28- Thomas’ confession that Jesus is Lord and God
John 5:18- calling God his own father, making himself equal to God
Give three scriptures that affirm the deity of the Holy Spirit
2 Corinthians 3:17 “now the lord is the spirit”
Acts 5:3-4 you have lied to the Holy Spirit… you have not lied to men but to God
1 Corinthians 2:10 no one knows the thoughts of god except the spirit of God
How does Lewis use the concept of life begetting life (bios and Zoe) to address the issue of the trinity?
The Zoe kind of life is the essence of God and is eternal. The bios is the life that God’s creatures have. These help to explain fully how Jesus is both man and God equally and fully. Jesus is begotten , precedes from Zoe, and is not created , coming from bios.
How does Lewis use geometry to explain the trinity?
You find god is a being who is three persons while remaining one being, just as a cube has six squares while remaining one cube
The argument that God is outside of time helps in understanding what aspect to the trinity?
How Jesus could be in time asleep and God the father never sleeping
He can be in 2 places and once
How does the idea that God is love reinforce the concept of the trinity?
The words have no real meaning unless God contains at least 2 persons. Love is something that one person has for another person, so if God was a single person before the world was made, He is not God.
What is the transformation that Lewis speaks of regarding the incarnation and us?
Jesus becoming human changed the entire nature of the human race. We turned from bios life (created) to Zoe life (timeless/spiritual life).
Why does Lewis say there can only be one son (second person) of the trinity?
The sons would have to be different from one another in order for there to be more than one. If there were several sons they would all have the same relation to the father and he would have the same relation to them.
How does Lewis’ discussion of pretense relate to the desires of the trinity for additional sons?
God pretended he was not a creature, but his son. It is like Christ so far as it is man, because he became a man. He pretended it is like him in spirit. God looks at us as if we were a little Christ.
What is the answer to the criticism that the word trinity diss not appear in the Bible?
Trinity is a summary term to represent the Biblical concept
What is the answer to the criticism that Christians believe there are three gods?
Three separate persons who are exactly the same in nature and who are united relationally
What is the answer to the criticism that Jesus is not God?
He claims to be divine and shares all of the fathers traits
What is the answer to the criticism that Jesus is a lesser God than the Father?
Jesus is co-equal with God (Phil 2), not created by God
What is the answer to the criticism that Jesus was not fully God and fully man?
Human in every way that we are and yet there are other scriptures that assert he is fully God
The nicene creed
AD 325. Jesus is true God from true God, begotten, not made, one being with the Father
The Athanasian creed
AD 400
Worship one God in the trinity and the trinity in unity
Distinguish among the persons but we do not divide the substance
Forbidden to say there are three Gods
Chalcedonian Creed
AD 451
Jesus is complete in Godhead, and once complete in manhood, truly God and truly man
Two natures, without confusion, without change, without division.
Apostles creed
Date unknown (early) Jesus Christ is God's only son, our Lord