Final Review Abdomen Q3 Flashcards
The small intestine is suspended from the posterior abdominal wall by the
The general peritoneal cavity is known as the ________ of the peritoneum
Greater sac
A small vertical opening between the greater and lesser sacs is termed the
Epiploic foramen
A double layer of peritoneum extending from the liver to the lesser curvature of the stomach is called
Lesser omentum
An apron like fold of peritoneum that hangs from the greater curvature of the stomach is the
Greater omentum
Connects the gastric greater curvature to the superior splenic hilum
Gastrosplenic ligament
Separates the lesser sac from the renosplenic recess
Splenorenal ligament
The paired rectus abdominis muscles are delineated medially in the midline of the body by the
Linea Alba
The accumulation of serous fluid in the peritoneal cavity
Anterior displacement of the kidney and ureter suggests a mass in the
What lesion may mimic a gas containing abscess
Differential diagnosis of a lesser sac abscess should include all of the following except: A) Pseudocyst B) Gastric outlet obstruction C) Fluid filled stomach D) Pancreatic carcinoma
Pancreatic carcinoma
The most common primary lesions to develop peritoneal metastasis originate in the
Ovaries, stomach, and colon
The most common sites for abdominal abscess formation
Hepatic recesses and perihepatic spaces
Generalized ascites, inflammatory fluid from acute abdominal processes/diseases can be found in which area?
Hepatorenal recess
The lesser sac is located
Anterior to the pancreas
Inflammatory or malignant ascites demonstrate all the following characteristics
Matting of bowel loops, fine or coarse internal echoes, loculations
An extra hepatic loculated fluid collection that may develop because of a spontaneous rupture of the biliary tree is called
A cystic mass between the umbilicus and the bladder is called
Urachal cyst
Lies freely over the intestines similar to an apron
Greater omentum
Fluid collects in the most ______ areas of the abdomen and pelvis
Clinical signs and symptoms of infection
Chills, weakness, localized tenderness
A smooth membrane that lines the entire abdominal cavity and is reflected over the contained organs is the
Hernia location that typically contains fat
A collection of fluid that occurs after surgery to the pelvis
The _____ is able to adhere to diseased organs
Greater omentum
The kidneys lie in the
The pyramids are located in the _______ of the kidney
Located at the base of the pyramids are the _____ arteries
Layer of connective tissue encapsulating the kidneys is called
Gerota’s fascia
The upper expanded end of the ureter is called
Renal pelvis
The cavity formed by necrosis within a solid tissue or collection of purulent material is called
The renal pelvis lies within the _____ of the kidney and receives ________ calyces
Hilum, major
The renal vein emerges from the renal hilum _____ to the renal artery
What are prominent invaginations of the renal cortex at varying depths within the medullary substance of the kidney
Columns of bertin
Horseshoe kidney is suggested when the _______ of the kidneys are seen connected
Lower poles
An extrarenal pelvis lies outside the renal sinus sonographically appearing as a cystic collection ______ to the renal hilum
Most common form of cystic disease and cause of an abdominal mass in neonates
MCDK(Multicystic Dysplastic kidney)
When a renal mass is detected, the sonographer should also evaluate which structures
Renal vein, IVC, liver, contralateral kidney
Another term for renal cell carcinoma
Grawitz tumor
Most renal cell carcinomas appear
The most common primary malignancies that metastasize to the kidneys
Lung, breast, RCC of contralateral kidney
Most common childhood renal tumor
Wilms tumor
Most common benign renal tumor
Patients with _______ have an increased incidence of renal cysts and angiomyolipomas
Tuberous sclerosis
Conditions that mimic hydronephrosis
Extrarenal pelvis, reflux, renal artery aneurysm
Surgical emergency due to air in the parenchyma
Emphysematous pyelonephritis
Occurs when part of the renal tissue undergoes necrosis after cessation of blood supply
The ______ appears hypoechoic sonographically
Renal cortex
The ______ arteries are the smallest renal arteries that branch off the arcuate arteries
At the hilum of the kidney, the _____ exits anteriorly and the ureter exit posteriorly
Renal vein
Anterior to the right kidney
Right adrenal gland, right colic flexure, liver, Morrison’s pouch, second part of duodenum
The ____ are located at the _____ of the pyramids and sends urine to the minor calyces
Papilla, apex
Characterized by the moderate deposition of fat in the renal sinus
Sinus lipomatosis
Characterized by retinal and CNS hemangioblastomas
Von Hippel-Lindau
A bilateral disease characterized by enlarged kidneys and multiple asymmetrical cysts in the fourth or fifth decade of life
Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
Occurs in the medullary pyramids and appears as cystic dilation of the distal collecting ducts
Medullary sponge kidney
Necrosis of the glomeruli of the kidney resulting in enlarged and poorly functioning kidneys is
Acute glomerulonephritis
Associated with infectious diseases and may be due to an allergic reaction to drugs
Acute interstitial Nephritis
Pre renal causes of renal failure
Inadequate perfusion….
In acute kidney injury the kidneys may appear sonographically as
Normal/enlarged, hypoechoic
Causes of hydronephrosis
Normal pregnancy, enlarged prostate, UPJ obstruction
A resistive index greater than ___ is suggestive of obstructive Hydronephrosis
A megaureter measures greater than _____ in diameter
Anderson-Carr or Albrights are other terms for which renal abnormality
Most common cause of nephrocalcinosis is
Primary hyperparathyroidism
What is the most common renal tumor in neonates and infants (typically seen with polyhydramnios)
Mesoblastic nephroma