Final Prep Flashcards
Under GASB, Proceeds of debt issue would be recorded either as…
A liability, short term debt or proceeds of bonds other financing
A city’s budgetary entry for estimated revenues of the general fund includes…
2) it does not include…
Property taxes, licenses and fines
2) does not include proceeds of debt issue
Forfeited nonvested accounts of an employee benefit plan can be used…3
1 reduce future employer contributions
2 reduce expenses
3 reallocated to participant’s accounts
The measurement focus of governmental type funds is the determination of…
Both flow of financial resources and financial position
Expenditures are…
Closed at the end of the fiscal year
Fund balance reserved for encumbrances is…
A balance sheet account
Balance sheet accounts aren’t closed at end of fiscal year
Stock dividends less than 20% should…
Charge retained earnings
A corporation issuing stock should not charge retained earning for the market value of shares issued in…
Employee stock bonus
When there are encumbrances of $132,000 how would they be reported on the balance sheet?
Fund balance unassigned. 132,000
Reserve for encumbrances
Fund balance committed. 132,000
According to GASB, the primary characteristics of governmental structure are…3
1 representative for of government and separation of powers
2 federal system of government and prevalence of
intergovernmental revenues
3 relationship of taxpayers to services received
Flows an balances of financial resources for governmental fund types is…
Not a primary characteristic of their structure
The initial test under FASB to determine whether an impairment of carrying amount for a long lived asset
Carrying amount exceeds undiscounted future cashflows
Assets - liabilities - encumbrances, in a capital projects fund are…
What are they not?
Not unassigned
Extraordinary items are reported…2
1 before any cumulative effect of accounting chages
2 and after discontinued operations
What characteristic involves specified criteria that serve to screen the risks and uncertainties encountered by every entity?