FINAL Pathology topics SEM 2 Flashcards
Skin tumors of epithelial origin (epidermis, hair follicle, sebaceous and sweat gland tumors).
Morphology – Usually are less than 1 cm in diameter, brown or red in color, and rough.
# Benign epithelial neoplasms are very common properly develop from stem cells reside in the
epidermis and hair follicles.
# They grow to a limited size and generally do not undergo malignant transformation.
# Presents as raised round, discolored plaques on the extremities or face made of proliferating
basal epidermal cells Characterized by keratin pseudocysts on epidermis see also sometimes
# common tumor in the elderly Usually these lesions are of little clinical importance. In rare cases
see abundant such as lesions may appear as a paraneoplastic syndrome most common are the GI
tract carcinoma association which produce GF that stimulate epidermal proliferation.
# Pathogenesis – activating mutations in Fibroblast Growth Factor receptor .
# This lison usually a result of chronic exposure to sunlight, and is associated with hyperkeratosis
hence actinic keratosis.
# Pathogenesis –. Mostly associated with TP53 mutation age fair skin n sun exposure (inducing
tp53 mutation). has the potential to become malignant (SSC) therefore must be removed .
Epidermis – show cytological atypia in lower part of epidermis; parakeratosis of stratum corneum
can also be seen .Dermis – actinic elastosis. Instead of collagen see elastic fibers become
homogenous appearance on HE …
# Rear benign, self-limited growth, that appear in the head and neck region of older individuals.
Present as flesh-colored papules-elevated less than 5 mm lesion.
# Pathophys Association with Muir-Torre syndrome, a rare autosomal dominant cancer syndrome,
and with internal malignancy, mainly colon carcinoma. Both cases are considered subtypes of
hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal carcinoma syndrome, characterized by loss of a DNA
mismatch repair protein.
expansion of germinative basaloid cell layers at periphery
# Malignant proliferation of squamous cells. Presents as an red scaling may ulcerate , nodular
mass, usually appear on sun-exposed sites in older people typically the face (classically
involving the lower lip) With higher incidence in men than in women.
risk factors include immunosuppressive therapy, toxin exposure - arsenic exposure, and chronic
inflammation (e.g., scar from burn, chronic ulcers etc..)
# Pathogenesis – Exposure to UV light Causes mutation in TP53, HRAS and loss of function in
Notch receptors, which regulates differentiation of normal squamous epithelia. Also has
Immunosuppressive effect on skin by impairing antigen presentation by Langerhans cells.
defined by penetration of the basement membrane. Show variable degrees of differentiation,
ranging from tumors with cells arranged in orderly lobules that exhibit extensive keratinization
to neoplasms consisting of highly anaplastic cells with foci of necrosis and only abortive, singlecell
keratinization (dyskeratosis). See inflammatory reaction aroun nodules in dermis
related to the thickness of the lesion and degree of invasion into the sub cutis. Mucosal
squamous cell carcinoma (oral, pulmonary, esophageal) are much more aggressive
# Malignant proliferation of the basal cells of the epidermis Most common cutaneous malignancyA
slow-growing tumor that Rarely metastasize
tumor suppressor mutation that regulates the Hedgehog pathway, causes familial basal cell
carcinoma and also in sporadic see mutations in hedgehok path. Mutations in p53 are also
common in familial or sporadic carcinomas.
dilated (telangiectasia) vessels ‘pink, pearl-like papule’ Classic location is the upper lip.
Tumor cells resemble the epidermal basal cells from which they originate. On histo see horizontal
growth along-epithelodermaljunction and vertical growth into dermis crate island of malignant
cells may be bordered by palisading, around it see inflammation and it destroy surrounding
dermis as it replace it…
sinuses may occur.
Actinic keratosis is a precursor lesion of squamous cell carcinoma and presents as a
hyperkeratotic, scaly plaque, often on the face, back, or neck.
Keratoacanthoma is well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma that develops
rapidly and regresses spontaneously; presents as a cup-shaped tumor filled with
keratin debris
Melanocytic tumors of the skin.
Initially composed of oval cells that grow in nests along the dermoepidermal junction
Melanocytes are responsible for skin pigmentation and are present in the basal layer
of the epidermis.Derived from the neural crest. Synthesize melanin in melanosomes
using tyrosine as a precursor molecule Pass melanosomes to keratinocytes
Melanocytic nevus is the benign tumor of melanocytes Nevus = congenital.Malignant
melanoma is a malignant tumor of melanocytes
# A brown, uniformly pigmented, small (<5mm), solid regions of elevated skin (papules)
with well defined, rounded borders.
# Most junctional nevi grow into the underlying dermis as nests or cords of cells =>
# In older lesions, the epidermal nests may be lost completely to leave pure
# The majority of benign nevi show an activating mutation in BRAF, or less commonly
in RAS. BRAF – a gene encoding Ser/Thr kinase which is involved in directing cell
# changes of morphology of cells as evidence of cellular senescence Superficial nevus
cells – larger and less mature, tend to produce melanin and grow in nests. Deeper nevus
cells – smaller and more mature, produce little to no pigment and grow in cords or
single cells; the deepest nevus cells grow n fascicles.
# Dysplastic nevi consist mainly of compound nevi and Marked by Cytological atypia
(consisting of irregular nuclei and hyperchromasia)
# result from BRAF or RAS mutations May occur sporadically or in a familial form
(autosomal dominant inheritance).appearance of dysplastic nevi mainly Familial are
considered as markers for risk to develop melanoma .
# Morphology – Larger than most acquired nevi (>5mm), may occur in large numbers
come as flat macules to slightly raised plaques, show variable pigmentation and
irregular borders.accure on sun expose n non expose surfaces
Nevus cell nests within the epidermis may be enlarged and fusion with adjacent
nests.As a result, the nevus cells begin to replace the normal basal cells at the
dermoepidermal junction- lentiginous pattern
Dermal changes as host respond see Lymphocytic infiltration into the superficial
dermis. melanin phagocytosis by dermal macrophages Linear fibrosis surrounding
epidermal nests of melanocytes.
# Malignant neoplasm of melanocytes; most common cause of death from skin cancer
# Pathogenesis – Sunlight exposure plays the important role - Most melanomas occur
sporadically also hereditary predisposition – dysplastic nevus syndrome (autosomal dominant
disorder characterized by formation of dysplastic nevi that may progress to melanoma).
Mutations in the gene of p16 gene that encodes a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor regulating
the G1-S transition; this mutation id found in 40% of familial melanomas and less commonly in
sporadic cases the gene is silenced by methylation. Somatic activating mutations in the protooncoggenes BRAF and NRAS are common in melanomas of bout kinds
the epidermis (in situ) and superficial dermal layers => during this stage no metastasizes, and do
not induce angiogenesis. Vertical growth: the melanoma grows into the deeper dermal layers,
lacking cell maturation- with greater metastatic potential => metastases involves regional lymph
nodes, liver, lungs, brain etc.
# Morphology –show large variation of pigmentation (black, brown, red etc..) The borders are
irregular and notched.
Malignant cells grow in poorly-formed nests or ad individual cells at all levels of the epidermis
Melanoma cells are larger than nevus cells, containing large nuclei with chromatin clumped at
the periphery of the nucleus, with prominent eosinophilic nucleoli (described as “cherry
red”).Superficial spreading melanomas are associated with lymphocytic infiltrate.
surfaces, esophagus, meninges, and the eye.
Signs of melanoma – ABCs of melanoma – Asymmetry, Border, Color, Diameter, Evolution
(change of an existing nevus).
Probability of metastasis is predicted by measuring the depth of invasion in mm of the vertical
growth phase nodule from the top of the granular call layer of the epidermis (Breslow thickness)
Classification and grading of soft tissue tumors. Tumors of adipose tissue. Tumors and tumorlike
lesions of fibrous tissue.
Sarcoma vs. Carcinoma : carcinoma easily will be separated into parenchyma &
Soft tissue – The bulk of the body is composed of the cells forming tissues that are
considered “soft” tissues or connective tissues.
(Any non-epithelial tissue except bone, cartilage, CNS, hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues).These embryological derived from the mesoderm. Hence, they are often called me-senchymal tissues.
Classification of soft tissue tumors:
stroma. In sarcoma both paranchyma & stroma are derived from the same origin =
cannot be separated.
not from malignant transformation of adult tissue cells .
MSCs, are multipotent stromal cells that can differentiate into a variety of cell types creating mesenchymal tissue MSCs
do not differentiate into hematopoietic cells got self-renewing asymmetric division and
found in body : placenta umbilical cord blood, adipose tissue, adult muscle, corneal
stroma or the dental pulp of deciduous baby teeth, but do not have the capacity to
reconstitute an entire organ.
Metaplasia is common in soft tissue tumors
malignancies), but they cause 2% of all cancer deaths, reflecting their lethal nature.
with irradiation and systemic therapy reserved for large high-grade tumors.
Diagnostic classification- histology, immunohistochemistry, electron microscopy,
cytogenetics and molecular genetics are important in assigning the correct diagnosis.
Keeping in mind the high metaplastic appearance…
Histological diagnosis = pattern recognition help in estimate tumer type patterns apper
chrecteristicly with different tumers
Spindle cell/epitheloid/pleiomorphic/small blue cell /biphasic
Grading Differentiation! How well it resembles the origin cell. Staging = the stage!
# Staging- use TNM system as size and depth of invesion looked in T the N for nodal
involvement and the M for metastasis With tumors larger than 20 cm, metastases
develop in 80% of cases; by contrast, for tumors 5 cm or smaller, metastases occur in
only 30% of cases. It is rare for adult sarcomas to metastasize to lymph nodes.
Note that in STT the dipper ones more aggressive then superficial..
the mitotic activity and of the extent of necrosis.
- Differentiation (1-3 score) less diffrant. Higher score
- Mitotic count (1-3 score)
- Necrosis (1-3 score) higher score more necrosis
Total sum = from 1-3 by addition of scores in each category as 3 grade got higst summed up
score Grade help to indicate the probability of distant metastases and reaction to treatment…
# Most lipomas are solitary lesions, mobile, slowly enlarging, painless masses (
Multiple lipomas may suggest the presence of rare heredity syndromes).
» Conventional lipoma- (the most common subtype) are soft, yellow, wellencapsulated
masses of mature adipocytes; they can vary considerably in
size and no pleomorphism.
» Myolipoma – a benign tumor that consists of fat cells with variable
number of muscle cells.
» Spindle cell lipoma – slow-growing subcutaneous tumors, mainly in the
back, neck and sholders of older men.
» Myelolipoma – a benign tumor composed of mature adipocytes and
hematopoietic cells.
» Pleomorphic lipoma – characterized by giant cells that resemble small
flowers, with overlapping nuclei.
» Angiolipoma – subcutaneous nodule with vascular structure; they are
commonly painful.
liposarcomas arise in deep soft tissues or in the retroperitoneum.
» Well-differentiated liposarcoma – malignant lesions that arise in the
retroperitoneum, commonly associated with amplification of a region in
the long arm of chromosome 121
» Dedifferentiated liposarcoma – consists of a well-differentiated
liposarcoma adjacent to a more poorly differentiated tumor.
» Myxoid (round cell) liposarcoma – associated with translocation between
chromosomes 12 and 16, which affects the transcription factor that plays a
role in normal adipocyte differentiation. More aggressive pleomorphic
variant, which tend to recur after excision and metastasize to lungs.
» Myxoid liposarcoma characterized by abundant, mucoid
extracellular matrix.
» Lipoblasts are present indicative of fatty differentiation.
They have cytoplasmic lipid vacuoles that scallop (צדפה (the nucleus
# Nodular fasciitis –rapidly growing reactive lesion of self-limited fibroblastic
proliferation that probably resulted from trauma(Rarely recurs after excision)
and is superficial
» Morphology – Tightly woven uniform spindle cells and collagen are seen
(=stroiform arrangement) A few lymphocytes & vascular channels are
» Can be up to several cm in diameter and appears nodular Typically occurs
in adults on the volar aspect of the forearm, chest or back
» Distinguished from other types of fibroblastic proliferations by the
presence of metaplastic bone.
» Characterized by the ossification of muscle. Develops in the proximal
muscles of the extremities in athletic adolescents and young adults after
» Initially, the involved area is swollen and painful, and eventually develops
into a hard, painless, well-demarcated mass. Critical to distinguish from
extra skeletal osteosarcoma.
# Benign soft tissue tumors the lesions are locally aggressive, but DO NOT metastasizes.
Many cases recur after surgical removal.
» Superficial fibromatoses – arise in the superficial fascia2
, can be associated with
trisomy 3 & 8, but usually are harmless.
» Deep fibromatoses – include the desmoid tumor that arise in the abdominal wall and
mesentery, and muscles of the trunk and extremities, as isolated lesions or as a
component of Gardner syndrome3
; tend to grow in a locally aggressive manner,
» The tumors are gray-white, firm to rubbery, poorly demarcated, infiltrative masses (1-
» histology consistent with : contain abundant dense collagen. with low cellularity , a
proliferation of well-differentiated fibroblasts that tend to grow in an infiltrative fashion
# Malignant neoplasms composed of fibroblasts. Tend to grow slowly And Typically
found in the deep tissues of the thigh, knee and retroperitoneal area. Recur locally after
excision. (in 50% of cases) Can metastasize, usually to the lungs.
hemorrhage and necrosis. Histologic examination discloses all degree of
Tumors of skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, peripheral nerve and synovial origin.
Skeletal muscle neoplasms are almost all malignant.rheabdomyoma is rear bingeing skeletal
.m. tumor most often found in heart.
# rear benign hamartomatous tumor of striated muscle. Can be cardiac or extra cardiac most
often found in the heart. Can be classified as adult type, fetal type and genital type. Very rear but
Most frequent primary tumor of the heart in infants and children
# Skeletal muscle malignant neoplasm Usually appears in children and adolescents.
Occur most commonly in the head and neck region or the urogenital tract .
# often chromosomal translocation are found, mainly t(2,13)4
# Morphology – Can be sub classified into morphological types embryonal, alveolar and
pleomorphic variants.
Tumors that arise next to the bladder or vagina are soft, gelatinous, grape-like masses (sarcoma
botryoides); in other cases the tumor is poorly defined.
Rhabdomyoblast is the cell that appears in all types, and exhibits granular, eosinophilic
cytoplasm rich in thick and thin filaments. These cells can be round or elongated2 IHC: desmin,
Clink.: aggressive; chemotherapy often effective, especially in children (cure)
the uterus.
chromosomes 6 and 12
intramural (within the myometrium), submucosal (directly beneath the endometrium), or
subserosal5 (directly beneath the serosa).
Large neoplasms may develop ischemic necrosis with areas of hemorrhage and cystic
softening; after menopause, they may become collagenous and even calcified.
in postmenopausal women (in contradiction to leiomyoma)
Present as firm, painless masses. Common sites of development are skin, deep soft tissues of the
extremities and retroperitoneum. Metastasize typically to the lungs.
myometrium, and NOT from pre-existing leiomyomas.
arranged in interwoven fascicles. Present cytological atypia and mitotic activity. Present a wide
range of cell differentiation, from close resemblance to leiomyoma to anaplastic tumors.
# In most tumors, the neoplastic cells show evidence of Schwann cell differentiation.
These tumpors usually occur in adults.They are frequently associated with familial tumor
syndromes neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) and type 2 (NF2)
# Schwannomas are benign encapsulated tumor composed of Schwann cells that may occur in
soft tissues, internal organs or spinal nerve roots
.Causing local compression of the involved
nerve, or the compression of adjacent structures
.The presence of bilateral vestibular Schwannomas is the hallmark of NF2.
Affected patients carry a dominant loss-of-function mutation of the merlin8 gene on chromosome 22
Schwannomatosis is a familial condition associated with multiple Schwannomas in which
vestibular nerve is absent
can be separated from it.
Histo-Biphasic tumor: Antoni A – dense areas; bland spindle cells arranged into intersecting
fascicles.Often align to produce nuclear palisading, resulting in alteration bands of nuclear and a
nuclear areas called Verocay bodies. Antoni B – loose meshwork of cells and stroma
Thick-walled hyalinized vessels often are present
# Benign peripheral nerve sheath tumors.
# Subdivided into 3 types:
» Localized cutaneous neurofibroma – arise as superficial nodular or polypoid tumor. These occur
either as solitary sporadic lesions or as multiple lesions in the context of NF1
» Plexiform neurofibroma – grow diffusely within a nerve or a nerve plexus; associated with type 1
neurofobromatosis (NF1); may evolve to a malignant tumor; involve multiple fascicles of
individual affected nerves, residual axons are found embedded within the diffuse neoplastic
Schwann cell proliferation
» Diffuse neurofibromas – infiltrative proliferation; large subcutaneous masses. Often associated
with NF1; often found in the dermis and subcutis of the skin.
cutaneous neurofibroma) or diffuse.
In contrast with Schwannomas, neoplastic Schwann cells are mixed with other cell types (mast cells,
fibroblast-like cells and perineurial-like cells).
Stroma contains loose wavy collagen bundles/dense collagen
# Highly malignant sarcomas, which are locally invasive.
# Seen in adults, typically show evidence of Schwann cell derivation and sometimes arise from
transformation of a plexiform neurofibroma (50% arise from NF1)
» Large, poorly defined tumor masses.
» Tumors are highly cellular, exhibiting malignancy properties (anaplasia, necrosis, infiltrative
growth pattern, pleomorphism, high proliferative activity)
» Low power magnification shows alternating areas of high and low cellularity marble-like
# Autosomal dominant disorder caused by mutation in the tumor suppressor neurofibromin found of
chromosome 17.
# Neurofibromin is a negative regulator of Ras.
arterial stenoses, pigmented nodules of the iris (Lisch nodules), pigmented skin lesions.
synovium; less than 10% are intra-articular.
# Usually develop in deep soft tissues around the large joints of the extremities, mainly the knee
# Most synovial sarcomas show t(X, 18)9
# Morphology –
» The tumor can be monophasic (only one cell type – spindle cell), or biphasic (both cell types).
» Nonophasic tumors may be mistaken with fibrosarcomas or malignant peripheral nerve sheath
tumor, differential diagnosis is done by immunohistochemistry showing a positive test result
for keratin and epithelial membrane antigen.
» Tumor cells can be of two types:
1) Spindle cell (fibrous type cell) – arranged in cellular fascicles that surround the epithelial cells.
2) Epithelial-like cell – cuboidal to columnar, form glands or grow in solid cords or aggregates.
» Common metastatic site are the lungs, bones and regional lymph node
Tumors of skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, peripheral nerve and synovial origin.
Skeletal muscle neoplasms are almost all malignant.rheabdomyoma is rear bingeing skeletal
.m. tumor most often found in heart.
# rear benign hamartomatous tumor of striated muscle. Can be cardiac or extra cardiac most
often found in the heart. Can be classified as adult type, fetal type and genital type. Very rear but
Most frequent primary tumor of the heart in infants and children
# Skeletal muscle malignant neoplasm Usually appears in children and adolescents.
Occur most commonly in the head and neck region or the urogenital tract .
# often chromosomal translocation are found, mainly t(2,13)4
# Morphology – Can be sub classified into morphological types embryonal, alveolar and
pleomorphic variants.
Tumors that arise next to the bladder or vagina are soft, gelatinous, grape-like masses (sarcoma
botryoides); in other cases the tumor is poorly defined.
Rhabdomyoblast is the cell that appears in all types, and exhibits granular, eosinophilic
cytoplasm rich in thick and thin filaments. These cells can be round or elongated2 IHC: desmin,
Clink.: aggressive; chemotherapy often effective, especially in children (cure)
the uterus.
chromosomes 6 and 12
intramural (within the myometrium), submucosal (directly beneath the endometrium), or
subserosal5 (directly beneath the serosa).
Large neoplasms may develop ischemic necrosis with areas of hemorrhage and cystic
softening; after menopause, they may become collagenous and even calcified.
in postmenopausal women (in contradiction to leiomyoma)
Present as firm, painless masses. Common sites of development are skin, deep soft tissues of the
extremities and retroperitoneum. Metastasize typically to the lungs.
myometrium, and NOT from pre-existing leiomyomas.
arranged in interwoven fascicles. Present cytological atypia and mitotic activity. Present a wide
range of cell differentiation, from close resemblance to leiomyoma to anaplastic tumors.
# In most tumors, the neoplastic cells show evidence of Schwann cell differentiation.
These tumpors usually occur in adults.They are frequently associated with familial tumor
syndromes neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) and type 2 (NF2)
# Schwannomas are benign encapsulated tumor composed of Schwann cells that may occur in
soft tissues, internal organs or spinal nerve roots
.Causing local compression of the involved
nerve, or the compression of adjacent structures
.The presence of bilateral vestibular Schwannomas is the hallmark of NF2.
Affected patients carry a dominant loss-of-function mutation of the merlin8 gene on chromosome 22
Schwannomatosis is a familial condition associated with multiple Schwannomas in which
vestibular nerve is absent
can be separated from it.
Histo-Biphasic tumor: Antoni A – dense areas; bland spindle cells arranged into intersecting
fascicles.Often align to produce nuclear palisading, resulting in alteration bands of nuclear and a
nuclear areas called Verocay bodies. Antoni B – loose meshwork of cells and stroma
Thick-walled hyalinized vessels often are present
# Benign peripheral nerve sheath tumors.
# Subdivided into 3 types:
» Localized cutaneous neurofibroma – arise as superficial nodular or polypoid tumor. These occur
either as solitary sporadic lesions or as multiple lesions in the context of NF1
» Plexiform neurofibroma – grow diffusely within a nerve or a nerve plexus; associated with type 1
neurofobromatosis (NF1); may evolve to a malignant tumor; involve multiple fascicles of
individual affected nerves, residual axons are found embedded within the diffuse neoplastic
Schwann cell proliferation
» Diffuse neurofibromas – infiltrative proliferation; large subcutaneous masses. Often associated
with NF1; often found in the dermis and subcutis of the skin.
cutaneous neurofibroma) or diffuse.
In contrast with Schwannomas, neoplastic Schwann cells are mixed with other cell types (mast cells,
fibroblast-like cells and perineurial-like cells).
Stroma contains loose wavy collagen bundles/dense collagen
# Highly malignant sarcomas, which are locally invasive.
# Seen in adults, typically show evidence of Schwann cell derivation and sometimes arise from
transformation of a plexiform neurofibroma (50% arise from NF1)
» Large, poorly defined tumor masses.
» Tumors are highly cellular, exhibiting malignancy properties (anaplasia, necrosis, infiltrative
growth pattern, pleomorphism, high proliferative activity)
» Low power magnification shows alternating areas of high and low cellularity marble-like
# Autosomal dominant disorder caused by mutation in the tumor suppressor neurofibromin found of
chromosome 17.
# Neurofibromin is a negative regulator of Ras.
arterial stenoses, pigmented nodules of the iris (Lisch nodules), pigmented skin lesions.
synovium; less than 10% are intra-articular.
# Usually develop in deep soft tissues around the large joints of the extremities, mainly the knee
# Most synovial sarcomas show t(X, 18)9
# Morphology –
» The tumor can be monophasic (only one cell type – spindle cell), or biphasic (both cell types).
» Nonophasic tumors may be mistaken with fibrosarcomas or malignant peripheral nerve sheath
tumor, differential diagnosis is done by immunohistochemistry showing a positive test result
for keratin and epithelial membrane antigen.
» Tumor cells can be of two types:
1) Spindle cell (fibrous type cell) – arranged in cellular fascicles that surround the epithelial cells.
2) Epithelial-like cell – cuboidal to columnar, form glands or grow in solid cords or aggregates.
» Common metastatic site are the lungs, bones and regional lymph node
The patomechanism of glomerular kidney diseases.
The functional unit of the kidney is the nephron, which is composed of the glomerulus and a
tubular system, in which the filtered fluid is converted into urine.
1) Fenestrated endothelium – each pore is 70-100nm in diameter.
2) Glomerular basement membrane – consists of 3 sub layers => lamina rara interna and lamina
rara externa10, between them is the lamina densa
3) Visceral epithelium – composed of podocytes that possess interdigitating processes adherent to
the lamina rara externa create by their processes 20-30nm wide filtration slits that are covered
by a slit membrane. Podocyte slit diaphragm are an important diffusion barrier for plasma
proteins and synthesis of the GBM components.
have contractile, proliferative abilities, laying down CT and secretion of active mediators.
# The selective permeability depends on the size of the molecule, the charge (cationic are more
permeable) of molecule
can be grouped into reasonably well-defined syndromes
Azotemia is an elevation of blood urea nitrogen and creatinine levels reflects a decreased
glomerular filtration rate (GFR) Prerenal azotemia is seen when there’s hypo perfusion of the
kidney -decrease in GFR Post renal azotemia – urine flow is obstructed below the level of the
Uremia when azotemia gives rise to clinical manifestations metabolic and endocrine alterations
incident to renal damage
Major syndromes:
• Nephritic syndrome: due to glomerular injury (most common - post streptococcal
glomerulonephritis); visible/microscopic hematuria, some level of oligouria and azotemia and
• Nephrotic syndrome: heavy proteinuria (>3.5g/day), hypoalbunemia, severe edema,
hyperlipidemia and lipiduria.
• Asymptomatic hematuria: non-nephrotic proteinuria, usually due to mild glomerular
• Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis: nephritic synd that progress to rena failure in weeks
to months
• Acute kidney injury: dominated by acute oliguria or anuria and azotemia. May result from
glomerular injury, intestinal injury, vascular injury or acute tubular injury.
• Chronic kidney disease: prolonged symptoms and signs of uremia, due to progressive
scarring in the kidney.
Urinary tract infection: characterized by bacteriuria and pyuria. May be symptomatic or
asymptomatic, may affect the kidney (pyelonephritis) or the bladder (cystitis) only.
• Nephrolithiasis (renal stones): manifested by renal colic-cherecter abd. Pain , hematuria
(without casts) and recurrent stone formation.
change GN). In Secondary glomerular diseases- injury is caused by a systemic disease
(SLE, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, Alport syndrome).
Most types of primary glomerular diseases, and many of the secondary diseases, are caused by immune
reactions. Which come in 2 types :
# Circulating immune complexes Injury resulting from deposition of soluble circulating
antigen-antibody complexes in the glomerulus.
Complexes are formed due to exposure to antigens that DO NOT originate in the
glomerulus. The deposition of these complexes produces injury through the activation of
the complement system and recruitment of leukocytes.
The glomerular lesions usually consist of leukocytes infiltration into glomeruli, and proliferation of endothelial,
mesangial and epithelial cells.
either with glomerular antigens or with molecules planted within the glomerulus.
The antibodies react directly with antigens fixed or planted in the glomerulus.
Planted antigens include nucleosomal complexes in patients with SLE, bacterial products egendostroptosin
expressed by group A streptococci, IgG which tend to deposit in the
mesangium and the immune complexes themselves.
in most cases planted antigens induce a granular pattern under immunofluorescence microscopy.
membrane (GBM) glomerulonephritis, autoantibodies are produced against the
GBM14.Deposition of anti-GBM antibodies appears linear in immunoplerescence.
The GBM antigen responsible for the production of these antibodies is a domain in collagen
type IV of the GBM.
Constitute less than 1% of glomerulonephritis cases, its results include severe glomerular damage- with necrosis, crescents and rapidly progressive.
Anti-GBM may cross react with the basement membrane of the alveoli resulting in both
kidney and alveoli lesions known as Goodpasture syndrome.
2.cell-mediated Glomerular injury is caused by sensitized T cells, and may explain
incidents in which there were no deposits of antibodies or immune complexes.Even so, it
has been difficult to establish the exact role of T cells or cell-mediated immune response
in any form of glomerulonephritis.
Mediators of immune injury
# Complement-leukocyte mediated injury – activation of complement generates
chemotactic agents (mainly C5a) that help recruit neutrophils; the neutrophils
release proteases, oxygen-derived free radicals that cause cell damage and
arachidonic acid metabolites which contribute to reduction in GFR.
Complement dependent injury (when there are no neutrophils) – activation of the
membrane attack complex (C5-C9), which causes the creation of pores in the
GBM. And up-regulates TGF-β receptors on podocytes (stimulates synthesis of
response and release a vast number of biologically active molecules.
# Platelets – aggregate in the glomerulus during the immune response and release
prostaglandins and GF.
# Resident glomerular cells(mesangial,epithelial, endothelial) – can be stimulated
to secrete mediators
# thrombin – produces as a consequence of intraglomerular thrombosis cause
leukocytes infiltration and glomerular cell proliferation.
1) Podocyte injury:
# reflected by morphologic changes including; effacement of foot processes,
vacuolization, retraction ad detachment of cells from the GBM.
2) Nephron loss:
# maladaption occurs in the remaining nephrons, for example: hypertrophy causig
an increase in the single nephron GFR, and capillary hypertention.
The remaining nephrons become maladaptive which leads to further endothelial
lesions and podocyte inury, increase in protein permeability and accumulation of
proteins and lipids in the mesangial matrix.
Diseases causing nephrotic syndrome
Characterize by proteinuria lead to hypoalbuminemia and edema. Glomerular disorders(in BM or
podocyte) characterized by increased permeability to plasma proteins (mainly albumin)-
proteinuria (> 3.5 g/day) resulting in cherecter clinical manifestations:
1) Massive proteinuria – daily protein loss in the urine of 3.5g or more.
2) Hypoalbuminemia – serum albumin concentration of less than 3g/100 ml.
3) Generalized edema – also called anasarca, results from decreased plasma oncotic pressure.
Usually starts with periorbital edema, the edema is an character clinical manifestation
4) Hyperlipidemia and lipiduria – caused by increased hepatic lipoprotein synthesis. may be due to
hypoalbuminemia that triggers synthesis of lipoprotein or massive proteinuria causes loss of an
inhibitor of their synthesis.
5) Hypercoagulable state—due to loss of antithrombin III
Derangement of the capillary wall increased permeability leakage of plasma proteins into
filtrate proteinuria serum albumin hypoalbuminemia plasma ocnotic pressure
secretion of rennin by the renal juxtamedullary cells (due to decrease in intravascular volume)
angiotensin-aldosterone axis stimulation retention of salt & water by the kidney edema
# In children, nephritic syndrome is usually the primary illness , while in adults it is usually a
secondary manifestation to a systemic disease
MINIMAL-CHANGE DISEASE (lipoid nephrosis)
# Seen mainly in young children (also may be in adult) Most common cause of nephrotic syndrome
in children usually idiopathic (may be associated with Hodgkin lymphoma)
to proteinuria the damage caused by T-cell derived cytokines that damages the podocyte foot
show disappearance of podocytes foot processes (in electron microscopy) No immune complex
deposits; negative immunofluorescence.
The cells of the proximal convoluted tubules are heavily laden with protein droplets and lipids. The cytoplasm of the podocytes appears flattened; the
epithelial cells undergo vacuolization and occasional focal detachment.
function is preserved. Protein loss is usually confined to smaller proteins- selective proteinuria
(albumin); response to steroid therapy -corticosteroid treatment is used.
MEMBRANOUS NEPHROPATHY (membranous glomerulonephritis)
of sub epithelial immune complexes deposits along GBM in early stages, the glomeruli appear
normal, but later the show diffuse thickening of the capillary wall.
Can be secondary to: Infections (chronic hepatitis B/C, syphilis). Solid Malignant tumors, mainly
melanoma, and carcinoma of lungs and colon. SLE and autoimmune conditions.
Drugs (penicilamine, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents).
reacting with intrinsic or planted glomerular antigens; a podocyte antigen, the phospholipase A2
receptor, is the antigen that is most often recognized by the antibodies.
resulting in thickening of the GBM H&E- LM. Due to immune complex sub epithelial deposition
along GBM see granular appearance in IF. in EM sub epithelial deposits, spike and dome pattern
the podocytes show effacement of foot processes
Only 40% suffering from progressive disease will have renal failure after 2-20
years. Poor response to steroids
involving only segments of each affected glomerulus (segmental involvement).
secondary to:
1) May be associated with HIV, heroin use, and sickle cell disease
2) As a maladaptation after nephron loss.
3) In inherited or congenital forms resulting from mutations affecting cytoskeletal or related proteins
expressed in podocytes (podocin).
minimal-change disease ,Injury to the podocytes is thought to be the initiating event of primary
FSGS. Deposition of hyaline masses in the glomeruli entrapment of plasma proteins and lipids
in foci of injury where sclerosis has developed.
» Light microscopy The affected glomeruli exhibit segmental increased mesangial matrix,
obliterated capillary lumens, and deposition of hyaline masses (hylinosis) and lipid droplets.
» Florescence No immune complex deposits but Nonspecific trapping of immunoglobulins, mainly
IgM, and complement proteins C3 in areas of hylinosis.
» Podocytes exhibit disappearance - effacement of foot processes.
» Progression of the disease leads to global sclerosis of the glomeruli with tubular atrophy and
interstitial fibrosis. Collapsing glomerulopathy – collapse of the entire glomerular tuft and
podocyte hyperplasia. May be in primary cases, or associated with HIV.
response to corticosteroids therapy, development of end-stage renal failure (in 50% of the cases).
cells. Patient may exhibit nephrotic or nephritic picture. Or sub nephrotic proteinuria
# Pathogenesis – There are two major types of MPGN (MPGN type 1 & Dense deposit disease
{once called type 2}), with type I more common (80%).
» Type I – sub endothelial deposit associated with HBV and HCV
» Type II – Type II (dense deposit disease)—intra membra no us; associated with C3 nephritic
Factor (autoantibody that stabilizes C3 convertase, leading to over activation of
Complement, inflammation, and low levels of circulating C3)
» Large glomeruli with lobular appearance. Proliferation of mesangial and endothelial cells. GBM
is thickened and glomerular capillary wall has a “tram track” appearance, this “splitting” of the
GBM is due to extension of processes of mesangial and inflammatory cells into the GBM and
deposition of mesangial matrix.
Type I more prominent train trak appearance then type 2
# Clinical features – Poor response to steroids; progresses to chronic renal failure
# Note membranous GN is the cause when you see lupus patient with nephrotic synd. but most
common lupus kidney is the membranous glomeruloproliferative nephritis comes with
nephritic synd.
Diseases causing nephritic syndrome.
Glomerular disorders cherectrize by glomerular inflamtion (damaging
endothelium-GBM-mesangial cells) Main feature of syndrome include hematuria
oliguria & azotemia and hypertension
# Clinical manifestations include acute onset of:
1) Hematuria – with dysmorphic red cells and red cell casts in the urine This
inflammatory reaction injures the capillary walls permitting blood to pass into the
2) some degree of oliguria and azotemia Oliguria (low output of urine).Azotemia
(high levels of nitrogen containing compounds). As result of reduced GFR
3) Hypertension result from fluid retention & sum release of renin from ischemic
4) +/- not severe proteinuria/edema(periorbital)
# Histologically
1. Proliferation of the cells within the glomeruli
2. Inflammatory leukocytes infiltrate
develops following a streptococcal infection (beta-hemolytic, group A –nephritogenic strain
carry M protein).although may develop following other infections
failure.Some adults (25%) develop rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN).
infection (localized to the pharynx or skin) see m Prot.
Molc mimicry result in autoreactive AB against glomerular components as GBM . glomerular deposition of immune complexes with activate the alternative complement pathway lead to infiltration of leukocytes (C5a attract
neutrophils etc.…) resulting in proliferation of and damage to glomerular cells pathogenesis
include streptococcal exotoxin B (Spe B) SpeB may induce immune-complex-mediated
glomerulonephritis as SpeB deposits colocalizes with complement and IgG and is present in the
sub epithelial humps that are the hallmark lesion of PSGN Nephritogenicity may be related to its
plasmin-binding activity of bough that would induce inflammatory reactivity and glomerular
basement membrane (GBM) degradation as, plasmin receptor of strep. co-localizes in
glomeruli mesangial cells with plasmin, but not with IgG or complement .bout SPEB70,
71 and
NAPlr72 are capable of inducing chemotactic (monocyte chemoattractant protein 1) and IL-6
moieties in mesangial cells
LM- diffuse increased cellularity - proliferation and swelling of endothelial and mesangial cells plus infiltrating
neutrophils and monocytes. sometimes there is necrosis of endothel cell and mass named crescents is visable in
part of glomeruli
IF -Granular IgG and C3c within the capillary walls +/- mesangial deposition
EM -Intramembranous or most often, subepithelial “humps”
and hypertension, BUT with gross hematuria cola urine color .Serum complement levels are low, streprococcal
antibodies may be detected.
microscopic/ gross hematuria appearance.
within 1-2 days of a nonspecific upper respiratory tract infection.
IgA production21, some of which is abnormal, and deposition of IgA or IgA-containing immune
complexes in the mesangium activate complement (alternative) cause glomerular injury.
Also in liver disease defect in hepatobiliary clearance on IgA complexes (secondary IgA
LM: vary considerably may see focal proliferative GN /mesangioproliferative GN /crescentic
IF: mesangial deposition of IgA, often with C3
EM: electron-dense deposits in the mesangium
# Clinical- most often affects children and young adults50% present with gross hematuria after an
infection of the respiratory tract hematuria typically lasts for several days in recurrent episodes
over very long period of time there is risk to develop chronic renal failure -in 25% to 50% of
cases over a period of 20 years
loss and eye disorders22
α3, α4, α5 chains. Mutation in one of the α chains (crucial for lens, cochlea and glomerulus) will
cause Alport syndrome.
occur. In some cases, interstitial cells appear foamy as a result of accumulation of fats and
mucopolysaccharides (foam cells) as a reaction to proteinuria.
With progression, glomerulosclerosis; vascular sclerosis; tubuar atrophy and interstitial fibrosis are
typical changes.
GBM is thin at first, and late in course the GBM develops irregular foci of thickening with pronounced
splitting and lamination of the lamina densa basketweave appearance
# Clinical course – most common form of inheritance is X-linked (mutation in α5 chain) males are
affected more frequently and sevearly female carrier asymptomatic rarely, inheritance may be autosomal recessive/dominant (defects in α3/4 chains). At age of 5 to 20 see gross or microscopic hematuria and proteinuria renal failure develops between 20 and 50 years of age
Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis.
Glomerulum-capillary network, glomeruli-corpuscle
A clinical syndrome leading to renal failure in short time ~weeks and may arise from different types of
Characterized by:
» Progressive loss of renal function with Severe oliguria and azotemia
» Laboratory findings of nephritic syndrome
» Histologically, formations of crescents are seen between Bowman’s capsule and the glomerular capillary
network, due to proliferation of parietal epithelial cells
Etiology may be learned from immunofluorescence pattern:
Characterized by linear deposits in immunofluorescent of IgG and C3 on the GBM.
May be idiopathic but in some cases see AB deposits on BM of alveolar capillaries if such as patient with
hematuria and hemoptysis its Goodpasture syndrome24. Classic seen in young adult male.
Morphology: Kidneys are enlarged and pale, often with petechial hemorrhages on the cortical surface.
Glomeruli show segmental necrosis and crescents appearance In time, may undergo scarring
glomerulosclerosis develops
Granular pattern of staining is characteristic finding in immunofluorescent
Rapid progressive GN with Crescents may be the complication of any immune-complex nephritides
most common associated with post streptococcal GN, diffused proliferative GN such as most common
SLE-kidney , IgA nephropathy and Henoch-Schonlein purpura
Morphology: Segmental necrosis and crescents are present. In contrast with Anti-GBM Crescentic
Glomerulonephritis, segments of glomeruli without necrosis show the underlying immune complex GN.
Defined as no anti-GBM antibodies / immune complex deposition are detected not in IF nor EM.
Although Segmental necrosis and crescents are seen.
In many cases, the condition is limited to the kidney and is therefore called idiopathic.
Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) typically are found in the serum in some cases crescentic GN is a
component of systemic vasculitis (e.g. microscopic polyagniitis pANCA or Wegener granulomatosiscANCA)
Chug Strauss got eosinophilia and asthma and granulomatous inflammation that polyangitis don’t have
even both come with pANCA
Acute and chronic pyelonephritis.
A purulent inflammation of the kidney and renal pelvis, caused by bacterial infection may origin
A group of inflammatory diseases that primarily involve the tubules and interstitium. The
glomeruli may be spared or affected only late in course.
» Pyelonephritis as you talk on bacterial infection of upper urinary tract prominently involving
The renal pelvis25 , most common form of TIN. The term interstitial nephritis relating to TIN
nonbacterial origin mostly results from drugs, metabolic disorders (hypokalemia), viral infection
and immune reaction.
from lower part of UT or from blood hematogenous less common -molnar
Pathogenesis – Principal causative agents are enteric G(-) rods, mainly E.coli, but also Klebsiella,
Enterococcus faecalis. With outflow obstruction26 , bladder dysfunction- vesicoureteral reflux 3
catheter see infection may ascend…
# Morphology – Abscess with pus may be seen on cut surface, histo see mix inflammatory infiltrate
marked by neutrophils in tubular sys. Interstitum and b.v. -glomeruli are spared the affected areas
show abscess loss of parenchymal structures note it isn’t diffused .one complication is papillary
necrosis(ischemic and supportive); there are 3 predisposing conditions for this: diabetes, urinary
tract obstruction and analgesic abuse
Clinical features – Presents with fever, flank pain, and leukocytosis in addition to symptoms of
cystitis urgent frequent small amount of urine
In case of recurrent injury see morphology of chronic inflammation including scarring and
deformities of pelvic calycal system uneven interstitial fibrosis Chronic inflammatory infiltrate of
lymphocytes, plasma cells, and neutrophils. Dilation/contraction of tubules, with atrophy of the
lining epithelium. Dilated tubules contain colloid casts similar to thyroid appearance thyroidization.
#Can be divided into two forms:
1) Chronic obstructive pyelonephritis – recurrent infections superimposed on obstruction lesions,
leading to recurrent renal inflammation scarring, eventually causing chronic pyelonephritis.
2) Chronic reflux-associated pyelonephritis (reflux nephropathy) – results from superimposition of
UTI on congenital vesico-urethral reflux and intrarenal reflux.
The damage may cause
scarring/atrophy unilaterally or bilaterally
Clinical features – hypertension, asymmetrical contraction of the kidneys, polyuria eventually,
secondary glomerulosclerosis (with proteinuria)
Infection of the bladder Presents as dysuria(burning sensation), urinary frequency, urgency, and
suprapubic pain; systemic signs (e.g., fever) are usually absent.
Patho mechanisems:
o infections Principal causative agents are enteric G(-) rods, mainly E.coli, but also Klebsiella,
Staphylococcus saprophytics—increased incidence in young, sexually active women Proteus
mirabilis—alkaline urine with ammonia scent Enterococcus faecalis. Types may be : Acute
Chronic Granulomatous
o Vesico-ureteral reflux
o Urinary outflow disability- Causes include prostatic hyperplasia; bladder stones; tumors
neurologic disease, diabetic bladder
Fistula formation- Abnormal connection formed between the bladder and the surrounding
organs may create from Malignant tumors Postirradiating necrosis Crohn dissease Cervical
carcinoma /Rectum carcinoma
Laboratory findings1Urinalysis—cloudy
urine with pyuria > 10 WBCs/high power field (hpf)
2Dipstick—Positive leukocyte esterase (due to pyuria) and nitrites (bacteria convert nitrates to
- Culture—greater than 100,000 colony forming units (gold standard)
Note! Sterile pyuria is the presence of pyuria (> 10 WBCs/hpf and leukocyte esterase) with
negative urine culture.
Suggests urethritis due to Chlamydia trachomatis or Neisseria
gonorrhoeae (dominant presenting sign of urethritis is dysuria)
Tubulointerstitial nephritis. Acute tubular injury. Diffuse cortical necrosis.
# Acute drug-induced interstitial nephritis is associated with the usage of drugs: synthetic
penicillin’s (methicillin, ampicillin), synthetic antibiotics (rifampin), diuretics (thiazides), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents –analgesic use etc.
» The onset of the nephropathy is NOT dose-dependent; the drug induces an immune reaction.
» The drug acts as an hapten, during secretion by the tubules it covalently bunds to a tubular cell
component and becomes immunogenic IgE and cell mediated immune response damage the
» IgE levels are elevated, suggesting type I hypersensitivity, and mononuclear or granulomatous
infiltrate suggests a T-cell mediated, type IV hypersensitivity.
Morphology – the interstitium shows profound edema and infiltration by eosinophils and also
lymphocytes and macrophages seen –interstitial inflammation; Glomeruli are normal, except in
cases caused by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents in which hypersensitivity leads to
podocyte foot disappearance nephritic syndrome.
Clinical features – the disease begins 2-40 days after exposure to the drug, characterized by
fever, eosinophilia, a rash in some cases, and renal finding that include hematuria, minimal
proteinuria, and leukocyturia.
In 50% of cases – increase in serum creatinine, oliguria(less than
400 ml/day) may develop into renal failure if remove drug see recovery although it may take
several months
Most common cause for acute renal injury characterized by destruction of tubular epithelial
cells, followed by acute renal failure (oliguria, proteinuria, blood retention of urea and
Cuases for acute renal injury range from: ischemic injury, glomerular rapid progress-acute
tubular injury –interstitial nephritis like drug induced…
Pathogenesis – result from ischemia/nephrotoxic to renal tubols
» toxic acute tubular necrosis-after ingestion or inhalation of toxic substance ethylene glycol,
mercury, lead, carbon tetrachloride, methyl alcohol, nephrotoxic drugs greatest characterized by
proximal tubular epithelium necrosis due to interference of ingested toxic agents (poisons,
organic solvents, drugs, heavy metals) with epithelial cell metabolism.
Necrotic cells fall into the tubule lumen, obliterating it, and determining acute renal failure (oligo-anuria).
Basement membrane is intact, so the tubular epithelium regeneration is possible
» ischemic acute tubular necrosis- also called acute vasomotor nephropathy; due to inadequate
renal blood flow, often from marked hypotension and shock (acute pancreatitis, severe trauma);
ischemia causes vasoconstriction, which leads to reduced glomerular filtration rate and oliguria
Intrarenal vasoconstriction - mediated by sublethal endothelial injury - release of endothelin
(vasoconstrictor), decreased production of NO and prostaglandins - reduced glomerular plasma
flow, and blood supply to tubular sys.
Tubular cells: Ischemic tubular cells express chemokines, cytokines promoting interstitial
inflammation. Ischemia change cell express of pumps na not absorbed and
tubologlomerular feedbeck n vasoconstriction ischemia damage also BM so cell detachment n
debris obligating tubular system more breakdown of tubule lead to beck leak of filtrate to
Morphology –
ischemic ATI varies from cell swelling to focal tubular epithelial necrosis and apoptosis
mainly in the straight proximal tubule and the ascending thick limb.
Tubular injuries show
thinning or loss of proximal tubule brush border, vacuolization of cells, sloughing of tubular
cells into the urine.
Proteinaceous casts are found in distal tubules and collecting duct along with hemoglobin.
Edema is seen in the intestitium along with inflammatory infiltrates (PMN leukocytes,
lymphocytes and plasma cells).
Later - epithelial regeneration (flattened epithelium, dilated tubular Lumina, large nuclei with
prominent nucleoli and mitotic activity)
Toxic acute tubular necrosis is characterized by proximal tubular epithelium necrosis (no
nuclei, intense eosinophilic homogenous cytoplasm, but preserved shape) Basement membrane
is intact,
The interstitium and glomeruli are not affected
Clinical course –patient suffers from oliguria/anuria and decreased GFR; electrolyte
abnormalities; acidosis; uremia
The pathological progression of ATN, resulting from diminished renal arterial perfusion due to
vascular spasm, microvascular injury or DIC.
Can occur as a result of:
» In adults => pregnancy, HIV, shock, trauma, SLE, sickle cell anemia.
» In neonates => congenital heart disease, anemia, placental hemorrhage.
DCN can be classified into 5 forms:
1) Focal => the kidneys show focal necrosis of glomeruli without thrombosis, and patchy necrosis
of tubules.
2) Minor => larger areas of necrosis are evident with vascular and glomerular thrombosis.
3) Patchy => patches of necrosis occupy 2/3 of the cortex.
4) Gross => almost the entire cortex is involved; thrombosis of the arteries is more widespread.
5) Confluent => the kidneys show widespread glomerular and tubular necrosis with no arterial
Morphology –
» Grossly, the kidney appears red (congested) with yellowish-white spots (infarcts).
» Microscopically, one can see ischemic necrosis, massive leukocytes infiltration in deeper areas
(in contact with the medulla), and thrombosis (intravascular and intraglomerular).
Congenital and cystic kidney diseases.
Pathogenesis –Even with complete obstruction, glomerular filtration persists for some time because
Generally non harmful lesions that occur in multiple or single cystic commonly, they are 1-5cm
in diameter, usually confined to the cortex.
# The main importance of cysts is their differentiation from kidney tumors. In contrast to renal
tumors, the cysts have smooth contours, are almost always avascular and produce fluid rather
than solid tissue under ultrasonography.
Dialysis- associated acquired renal cysts are present in both cortex and medulla and occur in
kidneys of patients with end-stage kidney diseases who have undergone prolonged dialysis-see
shrunk kidney with cyst unlike polycystic diseas …. Those patient at highr risk to develop renal
cell carcinoma at the effected kidney
Characterized by multiple expanding cysts on both kidneys that eventually destroy the
Caused by heterogeneous28 inheritance of:
» PKD1 – the defective gene in 85%-90% of the cases, encodes for Polycysticn-1 (a cell
membrane protein) is involved in cell-cell or cell-matrix interactions
» PKD2 – the defective gene in 10%-15% of the cases and encodes for ycystin-2 functions as a
Ca2+ membrane channel.
Both polycystin molecules are believed to act together by forming a heterodimer, thus mutation
in either of the genes gives rise to the same phenotype. Although Patients with PDK2 mutations
have a slower rate of disease progression.
Morphology –
» The kidneys may reach an enormous size-palpable abdominally as masses extending into the
» with numerous dilated cysts.The pressure of the expanding cyst leads to ischemic atrophy of
renal substance.
» The cysts may arise at any level of the nephron; tubules, collecting ducts and occasionally
Bowman’s capsule.
» Clinical features – usually does not produce symptoms until the age of 40; symptoms include
flank pain, hematuria, hypertension and urinary infection; Asymptomatic liver cysts occur in
one third of patients.
Aneurysms in circle of Willis, with resultant subarachnoid hemorrhage,
may be associated with this disease.
Rear AR inherited form of polycystic disease accruing in childhood with different genetic
background Characterized by multiple closed cysts that are NOT in continuity with the
collecting system.
This disease results from mutations in PKHD1 gene found on chromosome 6, encodes for
fibrocysin. A receptor-like protein that may be involved in tubulogenesis and/or in the
maintenance of duct-lumen architecture.
Morphology –bilateral numerous small cysts in both the cortex and medulla, giving the kidney
a sponge-like appearance. The cysts are lined with cuboidal cells, reflecting their origin from
the collecting tubules.
In most cases, the disease is associated with epithelium-lined cysts in the liver, and
proliferation of portal bile ducts. Perinatal, neonatal, infantile and juvenile subtypes
have been defined, depending on the time of presentation and the presence of associated
hepatic lesions.
Clinical features – most common forms are perinatal and neonatal; manifestations usually
present at birth, and new-born babies die quickly of hepatic or renal failure, while patients who
survive develop liver cirrhosis (congenital hepatic fibrosis).
There are 2 types:
1) Medullary sponge kidney
Characterized by cystic dilatation of the collecting tubules in one or both kidneys. Relatively
common innocuous condition occasionally associated with nephrolithiasis (formation of kidney
2) Nephronophthisis medullary cystic disease complex
Group of autosomal recessive disorders resulting in chronic renal disease beginning in childhood
almost always associated with renal dysfunction. Characterized by corticomedullary cysts, atrophy
and interstitial fibrosis “Phthisis” (Greek): dwindling or wasting away
Pathogenesis – associated with several mutations in different genes -NPHP genes produce
nephrocystins in cilia / basal body structures
Morphology – small contracted kidneys. Numerous small cysts, lined by cuboidal epithelium, are
found mainly in the cortico-medullary junction. Other less specific pathologic changes are chronic
tubulointerstitial nephritis with tubular atrophy and progressive interstitial fibrosis.
Clinical features – initial manifestations are polyuria and polydipsia (excessive thirst), a
consequence of diminished tubular function; diagnosis is difficult since there are no serologic
markers, and the cysts are too small to recognize in radiologic imaging.
The 2nd type has 4 variants, based on the time of onset: infantile, juvenile (most common),
adolescent and adult. Usually associated with extra-renal manifestations, most often appear as
retinal abnormalities; retinitis pigmentosa and early onset of blindness in the most severe form.
The dilation of the renal pelvis and calyces, with accompanying atrophy of the parenchyma,
caused by obstruction to the outflow of urine-may occur at any level of the urinary tract; from the
urethra to the pelvis.
The most common causes of obstruction are:
» Congenital – atresia33 of the urethra, valve formations in either ureter or urethra, renal artery
compressing the ureter, renal ptosis with torsion, bending of the ureter.
» Acquired – foreign bodies (stone). Tumors; benign prostatic hyperplasia/ carcinoma, bladder
tumors (papilloma and carcinoma), inflammation (of the prostate, ureter, urethra). Neurogenic
spinal cord damage with paralysis of the bladder. Pregnancy.
of continued filtration, the affected calyces and pelvis become dilated.
Initial functional disturbances are manifested by impaired concentration ability, and later glomerular filtration starts to diminish.
The obstruction leads to increased pressure in the tubular system, and the filtrate subsequently
diffuses back into the interstitium and perirenal spaces and from there it returns to the lymphatic
and venous system the high pressure generated causes the compression of the renal vasculature,
resulting in arterial insufficiency and venous stasis.
The obstruction also triggers an interstitial
inflammatory reaction, eventually leading to interstitial fibrosis.
Morphology – display morphologic changes that vary with the speed and degree of obstruction
1) Partial (temporary) obstruction – the kidney may be massively enlarged (up to 20cm), the renal
parenchyma atrophied with obliteration of the papillae and flattening of the pyramids.
2) Complete obstruction – glomerular filtration is compromised at an early stage, so renal function
may cease even when dilation is relatively slight; in severe cases, coagulative necrosis of the renal
papillae may occur.
epithelium. With sudden and complete obstruction there may be coagulative necrosis of the renal
papillae. In severe cases, the glomeruli also become atrophic and disappear converting the entire
kidney into a thin shell of fibrous tissue.
Clinical features – bilateral and complete obstruction produces anuria (if it’s below the bladder the
main symptom is bladder distention); incomplete bilateral obstruction causes polyuria rather than
oliguria due to defects in tubular concentrating mechanisms.
Unilateral obstruction may be silent
for a long period unless the other kidney for some reason is not functioning.
NEPHROLITHIASIS (kidney stones)
low urine Volume as Precipitation of a urinary solute may accrue as a stone
Clinical features – Presents as colicky pain with hematuria and unilateral flank tenderness Stone is
usually passed within hours; if not, surgical intervention may be required.
Large stones can be present in the renal pelvis without producing any symptoms, but small stones
may pass into the ureter and produce typical intense pain that often radiates to the groin=> renal
colic often by this time there is gross hematuria.
1.Calcium oxalate and/ or calcium phosphate composition- Most common type; usually seen in adults.
The cause of stone formation is often obscure the most common cause of stone formation is
increased urine concentration of the constituents of the stone, so it exceeds their solubility in the
urine (supersaturation). In this case most patient present idiopathic hypercalciuria which is not
associated with hypercalcemia. Although hypercalcemia and its related causes must be excluded.
Also seen with Crohn disease-oxalate increase from resorption of intestine…
Treatment is hydrochlorothiazide (calcium-sparing diuretic).
2.Ammonium magnesium phosphate/ Struvite stones - Second common type, common cause is
infection with urease-positive organisms (proteus vulgaris or Klebsiella bacteria’s) alkaline urine
leads to formation of stone.
Classically, results in staghorn calculi in renal calyces Treatment involves surgical removal of
stone (due to size) and eradication of pathogen (to prevent recurrence).
3.Uric acid stones- Third most common stone (5%) and the only radiolucent (invisible in imaging),
Risk factors include hot climates leading to low urine volume, and acidic pH patients exhibit low
ph. urine which favors the formation of the uric acid stones without neither hyperuricemia nor
increased urine urate.. seen in patients with gout-hyperuricemia or disease with increase cellular
turnover n uric acid production such as leukemia or myeloproliferative disorders patient are at
increases risk.
Treatment involves hydration and alkalization of urine (potassium bicarbonate); allopurinol is also
administered in patients with gout.
4.Cysteine stones- Rare cause of nephrolithiasis; usually seen in children associated with genetical
defects the renal transport of certain amino acids (including cysteine) results in decreased tubules
reabsorption of cysteine- cystinuria.
May form staghorn calculi; treatment involves hydration and alkalization of urine.
Urolithiasis, hydronephrosis and obstructive uropathy
Pathogenesis –Even with complete obstruction, glomerular filtration persists for some time because
The dilation of the renal pelvis and calyces, with accompanying atrophy of the parenchyma,
caused by obstruction to the outflow of urine-may occur at any level of the urinary tract; from the
urethra to the pelvis.
The most common causes of obstruction are:
» Congenital – atresia33 of the urethra, valve formations in either ureter or urethra, renal artery
compressing the ureter, renal ptosis34 with torsion, bending of the ureter.
» Acquired – foreign bodies (stone). Tumors; benign prostatic hyperplasia/ carcinoma, bladder
tumors (papilloma and carcinoma), inflammation (of the prostate, ureter, urethra). Neurogenic
spinal cord damage with paralysis of the bladder.
of continued filtration, the affected calyces and pelvis become dilated. Initial functional
disturbances are manifested by impaired concentration ability, and later glomerular filtration starts to diminish.
The obstruction leads to increased pressure in the tubular system, and the filtrate subsequently
diffuses back into the interstitium and perirenal spaces and from there it returns to the lymphatic
and venous system the high pressure generated causes the compression of the renal vasculature,
resulting in arterial insufficiency and venous stasis.
The obstruction also triggers an interstitial
inflammatory reaction, eventually leading to interstitial fibrosis.
Morphology – display morphologic changes that vary with the speed and degree of obstruction:
1) Partial (temporary) obstruction – the kidney may be massively enlarged (up to 20cm), the renal
parenchyma atrophied with obliteration of the papillae and flattening of the pyramids.
2) Complete obstruction – glomerular filtration is compromised at an early stage, so renal function
may cease even when dilation is relatively slight; in severe cases, coagulative necrosis of the renal
papillae may occur.
epithelium. With sudden and complete obstruction there may be coagulative necrosis of the renal
papillae. In severe cases, the glomeruli also become atrophic and disappear converting the entire
kidney into a thin shell of fibrous tissue.
Clinical features – bilateral and complete obstruction produces anuria (if it’s below the bladder the
main symptom is bladder distention); incomplete bilateral obstruction causes polyuria rather than
oliguria due to defects in tubular concentrating mechanisms. Unilateral obstruction may be silent
for a long period unless the other kidney for some reason is not functioning.
(cont, there is more need to check more)
Kidney and urinary collecting system neoplasias
Benign tumors, such as small(less then 0.5cm) cortical papillary adenomas are common and
have no clinical significance.
# Most common malignant tumor of the kidney is renal cell carcinoma althow tumors of lower
urinary tract are even more common
# Malignant tumor Derived from renal tubular epithelium, thus these tumors are located mainly
in the cortex. the most common metastasis are to the lungs and bone.
Represent 80%-85% of all primary malignant tumors of the kidney, occur most commonly at
the age of 60-70. Men are more commonly affected than women.
Risk factors: smoking, obesity, hypertension, exposure to cadmium and persons who acquire
polycystic disease as a complication of chronic dialysis.
Clinical features – The clinical triad of renal cell carcinomas; painless hematuria, palpable
abdominal mass if large enough, dull flank pain. Extra-renal manifestations Fever, weight loss,
or paraneoplastic syndrome e.g., polycythemia (due to increased amount of erythropoietin
secreted by the tumor) renin or ACT H may also be present.
Involvement of the left renal vein
by carcinoma blocks drainage of the left spermatic vein leading to varicocele. Right spermatic
vein drains directly into the IVC; hence, right-sided varicocele is not seen.
Staging:T—based on size and involvement of the renal vein (occurs commonly and Increases
risk of hematogenous spread to the lungs and bone) N—spread to retroperitoneal lymph nodes
The 3 most common forms are; clear cell carcinoma, papillary renal cell carcinoma and
chromophobe renal carcinoma.
Most common type (70%-80% of cases).Derived from the proximal convoluted tubule. Located
predominantly in cortex
Morphology –
» Gross appearance – Gross exam reveals a solitary large spherical yellow mass with areas of
cystic softening or hemorrhage.
» The tumor may invade into the renal vein and grows as a solid column within it and may extend
all the way to the inferior vena cava or right atrium.
» Microscopically – tumor cells appear with clear cytoplasm demarcated by their cell membrane
(vacuolated-lipid Leiden accumulate glycogen and lipids). With small round, uniform nuclei.
Majority of the cases arise sporadically (non-inheritant), but may arise in familiar forms.bouth
associated with loss of VHl (3chromosome) tumor suppressor gene, which leads to increased
IGF-l (promotes growth) and increased HIF(hypoxia-induced transcription factor) (increases
VF.GF and PDGF).
» Hereditary tumors arise in younger adults and are often bilateral, von Hippel-Lindau disease is
an autosomal dominant disorder associated with inactivation of the VHL gene leading to
increased risk tor hemangioblastoma of the cerebellum and renal cell carcinoma.
» Sporadic associated with cigarette smoking
# Comprises 10%-15% of renal cancers.
Derived from the proximal convoluted tubule. Show
papillary growth pattern, and are frequently multifocal and bilateral.
Papillary renal cell carcinoma can be sporadic or familial:
Familial form – characterized by increased dosage of the MET gene35, located on chromosome 7
(due to trisomy or tetrasomy), along with activating mutations of the MET gene.
» Sporadic form – characterized by larger amount of chromosome 7, resulting in increased dosage
of the product of MET gene, but it lacks the mutations in the gene itself.
Morphology: Unlike clear cell carcinomas, papillary carcinomas are frequently multifocal in
origin and less yellow no lipid accumulation.. Consists of papillae covered by eosinophilic
cells arranged in an irregular, pseudostratified manner and fibromuscular core .
# Least common type, represent 5% of renal carcinomas.Arise from intercalated cells of the
collecting ducts.
Characterized by having multiple losses of complete chromosomes, mainly 1, 2, 6, 10, 13, 17
and 21 => hypo ploidy.
Gross appearance tends to be tan-brown. The tumor cells have abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm
with a distinct cell membrane. The nuclei are surrounded by halos of clear cytoplasm.
WILMS TUMOR (nephroblastoma)
Wilms’ tumor (nephroblastoma) is a malignant mixed tumor containing metanephric blastema36,
stromal and epithelial derivatives. It is the most frequent renal tumor in children before age of 5
years (peak of incidence at age of 2 )
Etiology of Wilms’ tumor (nephroblastoma):
mutations of WT1 gene on chromosome 11 and
nephroblastematosis (persistence of renal blastema in kidney tissue).
show association 2 syndromes:
WAGR syndrome—Wilms tumor, Aniridia, Genital abnormalities, and mental and motor
Retardation. Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome—Wilms tumor, neonatal hypoglycemia,
Muscular hemi hypertrophy, and organomegaly (including tongue)
Morphology: In most cases, it is unilateral. The tumor tends to be encapsulated and
vascularized. The tumor consists in tumor epithelial component (abortive tubules and glomeruli)
surrounded by metanephric blastema and tumor immature spindled cell stroma. The stroma may
include differentiated (muscle, cartilage, bone, fat tissue, fibrous tissue) or anaplastic elements.
The tumor compresses the normal kidney parenchyma and may metastasize to the lungs.
# urinary collecting system from renal pelvis to urethra is lined with transitional epithelium
Malignant tumor arising from the transitional epithelium
Most common type of lower urinary tract cancer; usually arises in the bladder Tumors are often
multifocal and recur
Generally seen in older adults; affect men about three times as frequently as women
# classically presents with painless hematuria
Major risk factor is exposure to β-naphthylamine, cigarette smoking, chronic cystitis,
schistosomiasis, cyclophosphamide
# tumors are classified
papillary urothelial neoplasms of low malignant potential (PUNLMP)
Low grade urothelial carcinoma (papillary/flat; invasiv /non invasiv)
High grade urothelial carcinoma (papillary/flat; invasiv /non invasiv)
Arises via two distinct pathways
» Flat—develops as a high-grade flat tumor and then invades; associated with early
P53 mutations
» Papillary—develops as a low-grade papillary tumor that progresses to a high-grade
Papillary tumor and then invades; not associated with early p53 mutations
Malignant proliferation of squamous cells, usually involving the bladder Arises in a background
of squamous metaplasia (normal bladder surface is not lined by squamous epithelium)
Risk factors include chronic cystitis (older woman). Schistosoma hematobium
Infection (Middle East male), and long-standing nephrolithiasis.
Malignant proliferation of glands, usually involving bladder
Arises from a urachal remnant connection of fetal bladder to yolk sack (tumor develops at the
dome of the bladder), cystitis glandularis-columnar metaplasia in respond to chronic
inflammation , or exstrophy (congenital failure to form the caudal portion of the anterior
abdominal and bladder walls open bladder to world )
Diseases involving renal vessels, diabetic nephropathy
Atherosclerosis. (forms, risk factors, pathogenesis).
one of the three subtypes of arteriosclerosis-thickening of arteries patho gr. (which are
atherosclerosis, Monckeberg’s arteriosclerosis and arteriolosclerosis).
1) Arteriolosclerosis –intima involve affects small arteries and arterioles, got
2 types hyaline thickening or proliferative (hyperplastic) changes;
usually associated with hypertension or diabetes mellitus.
2) Mönckeberg medical calcific sclerosis – calcific deposits that involve the
tunica media of medium-sized muscular arteries, but does not affect the
blood flow since it does not involve the tunica intima.
3) Atherosclerosis – the thickening and hardening of large to medium size
arteries as a result of the accumulation of fatty material (cholesterol, TAGs).
Involves large- and medium-sized arteries; abdominal aorta, coronary artery,
Popliteal artery, and internal carotid artery are commonly alfected.
An atherosclerotic plaque/atheroma is a Intimal plaque that obstructs blood
flow Consists of a necrotic lipid core (mostly cholesterol) with a
fibromuscular cap often undergoes dystrophic calcification
The atherosclerotic plaques obstruct the blood flow, as well as weakening the
underlying media-impaired blood diffusion . These plaques can also rupture,
causing acute thrombosis-reveling lipid negative charged core
# Nonmodifiable:
- Age – the accumulation of atherosclerotic plaques progresses with age,
but becomes clinically manifest in middle age or later. - Gender – premenopausal women are relatively protected against
atherosclerosis; after menopause, the incidence of atherosclerosis-related
diseases increases with age. - Genetics – familial predisposition to atherosclerosis and ischemic heart
disease (IHD) is multifactorial, and related to hypertension, diabetes
mellitus, and familial hypercholesterolemia.
- Hyperlipidemia – the major component associated with increased risk is LDL
cholesterol, which delivers cholesterol to peripheral tissues; in contrast, HDL
mobilizes cholesterol from tissues, as well as developing and existing
atheroma’s, back to the liver for excretion in the bile => higher LDL levels,
together with decreased HDL, constitute a risk factor for formation of
atheroma’s; - Hypertension – both systolic and diastolic levels are important contributors to
premature atherosclerosis. - Cigarette smoking – increase the incidence and severity of atherosclerosis =>
prolonged smoking of 1 pack daily increases the death rate from IHD by
200%. - Diabetes mellitus – induces hypercholesterolemia.
- Lipoprotein A – altered form of LDL that contains the apolipoprotein B100
link to apolipoprotein A => high levels are associated with higher risk of
coronary and cerebrovascular diseases, independent of cholesterol or LDL
levels. - Other factors – lack of exercise, stressful lifestyle, and obesity.
Hyperhomocystinemia –are caused by low folate and vitamin B intake.
Response-to-injury hypothesis – atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory
response of the arterial wall to endothelial injury. consists of a raised lesion with
a soft, yellow core of lipids (mainly cholesterol and cholesteryl esters), covered
by a firm, white fibrous cap-fibromuscular cap
Lesion progression occurs by: Process start as early as teenage years with fatty
stripes formation created from Damage to endothelium allows lipids to leak into
the intima. Accumulation of lipoproteins, mainly LDL, on the vessel wall just
under endothel in intimal level. Lipids are oxidized and then consumed by
macrophages via scavenger receptors, resulting in foam cells.
Monocyte from blood are origin of MFactor release from activated platelets, macrophages and
vascular wall cells, denoting processes of Inflammation and healing leads to
deposition of’extracellular matrix and proliferation of smooth muscle.
Pathogenesis and morphology of atherogenesis
the formation of atherosclerotic intimal plaques. atherosclerosis is the result of response to
endothelial injury with chronic inflammation (lymphocytes and macrophages) ,fibro
proliferative process- recruited and proliferating smooth muscle cells which has become
excessive and in its excess this protective response has become the disease stat
At early stage, the intimal plaque includes aggregates of foam cells (macrophages
accumulating lipids)and not so elevated- Fatty streaks; with progression to fibrofatty pluqe see
the atheroma modifies collagen synthesized by smooth muscle cells producing a fibrous cap,
but retain the lipid-laden core which may become dystrophically calcified over time. Next
such as advanced pluqe may :
Rupture- surface of the atheroma exposes the blood stream to highly thrombogenic substances,
inducing thrombus formation that can partially or completely occlude the lumen => the
thrombi may become organized and incorporated into the growing plaque.
Atheroembolism – plaque rupture releases debris into the blood stream, producing microemboli.
Aneurysm formation – atherosclerotic-induced pressure, and loss of elasticity, causes
weakness of the vessel wall and development of aneurysms.
Grow till create critical stenosis - ischemic injury to organs
Early lesions begin at the site of intact but dysfunctional endothelium, there is increased
endothelial permeability, enhanced leukocyte adhesion and altered gene expression.
# Endothelial dysfunction can be caused by :
1) Toxins from cigarette smoke, homocysteine and infectious agents.
2) Hemodynamic disturbance-Atherogenesis occurs at the openings of existing vessels, branch
points, as along the posterior wall of the abdominal aorta => where there are disturbed flow
patterns .Laminar flow leads to the induction of genes whose products (antioxidant
superoxide dismutase) actually protect against atherosclerosis.
3) Lipids (hypercholesterolemia- The dominant lipids in atheromas are cholesterol and
cholesteryl ester)Lipoprotein abnormalities increase the risk of atherosclerosis, and include
increased LDL level, decreased HDL level increased level of abnormal lipoprotein A,may be
Genetic defects39 or Acquired disorders that cause hypercholesterolemia, such as diabetes
mellitus and hyperthyroidism.
Accumulation of lipoproteins within the intima, which are then oxidized through the action
of oxygen free radicals => oxidized LDL40 is ingested by macrophages through a scavenger
receptor, leading to foam cells formation.
4) Inflammation
a. Endothelial cells express adhesion molecules that encourage leukocyte adhesion => VCAM-1
binds monocytes and T cells.
b. Monocytes transform into macrophages and engulf lipoproteins, including oxidized LDL (foam
cells) => progressive accumulation of lipids results in activation of macrophages and production
of cytokines that increases leukocyte adhesion
c. T cells that are recruited to the intima interact with macrophages and generate inflammation.As
a result of the chronic inflammatory state, activated leukocytes and vascular wall cells release
GFs that promote smooth muscle proliferation and ECM synthesis.
# Smooth muscle proliferation and ECM deposition convert the fatty streak into a mature
atheroma. The smooth muscle cells produce ECM, mainly collagen, which stabilizes the
atherosclerotic plaque.
Smooth muscle cells derived from the intima, as well as recruited from circulating precursors.
Several GFs take part in the proliferation of the smooth muscle cells: platelet-derived growth
factor (PDGF) fibroblast growth factor (FGF), and transforming growth factor alpha (TGFα).
Fatty streaks – composed of lipid-filled macrophages (foam cells), but they are not
significantly raised
Atherosclerotic plaque –Atheromatous plaques appear white-yellow may be hard n calcified .
vessels more prone to plaque formation are abdominal aorta, coronary arteries, popliteal
arteries, internal carotid arteries, and the vessels of circle of Willis.
An eccentric lesion under microscope composed of
The fibrous cap is composed of smooth
muscle cells and dense collagen; in shoulder of cap there is a more cellular area (containing
macrophages, T cells and smooth muscle cells), and deep to the fibrous cap is a necrotic core
(containing Intracellular and extracellular lipids,
debris from dead cells, foam cells and plasma
proteins).The cholesterol content of the plaque is usually present as crystalline aggregates =>
washed out during normal tissue processing => empty “clefts” are left => neovascularization
(proliferating small blood vessels) seen in periphery of plaque
The pathogenesis of hypertension. Hypertensive vascular disease.
The blood pressure depends on the regulation of cardiac output-systolic (p) and total peripheral
Hypertension – Increased blood pressure; may involve pulmonary or systemic circulation
,Systemic HTN is defined as pressure over 140/90 mm Hg (normal < 120/80 mm Hg) and its
Divided into primary or secondary types based on etiology
resistance-diastolicb.p. (regulated by arterioles ) hence Contributors to hypertension:
1) Reduced renal Na+ excretion – causes an obligatory increase in fluid volume and increased
cardiac output, resulting in elevated blood pressure.
2) Vascular change – vasoconstriction or structural changes in the vascular wall that result in
increased resistance( Aortic rigidity)
Primary (essential) hypertension- HTN of unknown etiology accunts for about 95% of cases,
although viewed as multifactorial condition involving inheritance and environment:
1) Risk factors include age, race (increased risk in African Americans, decreased risk in Asians)
2) Genetic factors – defects in the genes encoding components of RAS, familial history of
hypertensive disease .
3) Environmental factors – stress, obesity, smoking, physical inactivity and heavy consumption
of salt
# Secondary hypertension-It is secondary to a known underlying cause.
» Renal artery stenosis is a common cause, Stenosis decreases blood flow to glomerulus.
Responds by secreting renin, which converts Angiotensinogen to angiotensin .Angiotensin I is
converted to angiotensin 11 (ATII) by angiotensin converting enzyme ATII raises blood
pressure by (I) contracting arteriolar smooth muscle,increasing total peripheral resistance and
(2) promoting adrenal release of aldosterone, which increases resorption of sodium in the distal
convoluted tubule (expanding plasma volume).
Leads to HTN with increased plasma renin and
unilateral atrophy (due to low blood flow) of the affected kidney important causes of stenosis
include atherosclerosis (elderly males) and fibromuscular dysplasia (young females)
» Adrenals or other endocrine organ disorders:
1) Conn syndrome (primary hyperaldosteronism) – the overproduction of aldosterone, mainly due
to adrenal adenoma.
2) Cushing syndrome – excess production of cortisol that enhances the vasoconstrictive effect of
3) Diabetes mellitus – when complicated by diabetic glomerulonephritis
# Hypertension can cause cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure (hypertensive heart disease), aortic
dissection, renal failure and cerebrovascular hemorrhages-strokes. Hypertensive vascular disease,
induced by hypertension:
» In large to medium size .a. see increased tendency to atherogenesis plus risk to develop aortic
dissection and cerebrovascular hemorrhages
There are 2 form of small b.v. hypertension related diseases
» Hyaline arteriolosclerosis – homogenous, pink proteinaceous thickening of the walls of arterioles
with loss of underlying structural detail and narrowing of the lumen => plasma components leak
across the vascular endothelium,. Also seen in diabetic both lead to nephrosclerosis glomerular
scarring… link to bening HT
» Hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis – related to more acute blood pressure elevations, associated with
“onionskin”, concentric, laminated41 thickening of the walls of arterioles with luminal narrowing
=> the hyperplastic changes are accompanied by fibrinoid deposits and vessel wall necrosis.
Complications of hypertension
Progressive heart failure = left ventricular hypertrophy adaptation to pressure overload (left
ventricule) ↓ concentric (compensated) ↓ dilatative (decompensated)
Cerebrovascular stroke - atherosclerosis - reversible ischemic attack - haemorrhagic infarction
(encephalomalacia) - apoplexia (Pathology) sudden loss of consciousness, often followed by
paralysis, caused by rupture or occlusion of a blood vessel in the brain (primary hemorrhage)
Charcot–Bouchard aneurysms (also known as miliary aneurysms or microaneurysms) are
aneurysms of the brain vasculature which occur in small blood vessels (less than 300 micrometre
Charcot–Bouchard aneurysms are most often located in the lenticulostriate vessels of
the basal ganglia and are associated with chronic hypertension.
Charcot–Bouchard aneurysms are a common cause of cerebral hemorrhage. cerebral haemorrhage and subarachnoid
haemorrhage due to ruptured berry aneurysms Berry aneurysm: A small aneurysm that looks like
a berry and classically occurs at the point at which a cerebral artery departs from the circular
artery (the circle of Willis) at the base of the brain. Berry aneurysms frequently rupture and bleed.
in patients with benign hypertension
Renal demage - nephrosclerosis - Hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis
Arterial aneurysms. Dissections of the aorta
Localized abnormal ballon like dilation of a blood vessel or the heart,anyrisem complication pockets of
stasis lead to subsequent thrombosis, embolization and also potential to rupture :
» True aneurysm – when an aneurysm involves all 3 layers of the arterial wall (atherosclerotic, syphilitic
and congenital aneurysms, and ventricular aneurysms).
» False aneurysm (pseudoaneurysm) – a breach in the vascular wall leading to an extravascular hematoma
that freely communicates with the intravascular space – pulsating hematoma. E.g. ventricular ruptures
after MI, contained by a pericardial adhesion.
#shape and size:
» Saccular aneurysm – a spherical outpouching, involving only a portion of the vessel wall, which vary
from 5-20cm in diameter and usually contain thrombi.
» Fusiform aneurysm – a circumferential dilation up to 20cm dimeter, commonly seen involve extensive
portions of the aortic arch, abdominal aorta, and the iliac artery.
» Mycotic aneurysm – as result of endocarditis embolization of septic embolus nearby supportive process
etc. …caused by infection that weakens the wall of the artery, with rupture and thrombosis as major
The etiology of depends on the site of its occurrence
in the aorta. Causes of aortic aneurysm include:
» inherited syndromes- lead to abnormal c.t.
synthasis such as Marfan syndrome, EhlersDanlos syndrome type 4.usually appear in the
root of ascending aorta
» non- inflammatory aneurysms are associated with congenital conditions (bicuspid aortic valveroot of aorta) and acquired conditions (hypertension- ascending aortic aneurysm). the
pathogenesis of the aneurysms is due to medial degeneration of the elastic aortic wall may
demonstrate degrees of cystic, medial degeneration
» inflammatory destruction:
a) Secondary to syphilis/bacterial infection - Characteristic of the tertiary stage of syphilis see in the
ascending aorta. Inflammation Involves small vessels all over the body, particularly the vasa
vasorum => Hyperplastic thickening of vasa vasorum => reduced blood flow to aorta =>
ischemic medial injury => aneurysm.
The involved vessels develop obliterative endarteritis => luminal narrowing and obliteration, scarring of
the vessel wall, and a dense surrounding rim of lymphocytes and plasma cells that may extend into the
media (syphilitic aortitis). Major complication is dilation of the aortic valve root, resulting in aortic valve
Insufficiency, other complications include compression of mediastinal structures (e.g., airway
or esophagus) and thrombosis/embolism.
b) noninfectious aortitis as Atherosclerosis –dominant factor for abdominal aortic aneurysm. As
Severe atherosclerosis lead to destruction and thinning of the aortic media, compromise nutrient and
waste diffusion from the vascular lumen into the wall => degeneration and necrosis of media =>
dilation of the vessel. More see occurs due to an altered balance of collagen degeneration and
synthesis mediated by local inflammatory infiltrates and their proteolytic enzymes.e.g Elevated
matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) levels, together with decreased levels of tissue inhibitor of
metalloproteinases (TIMPs).
There are 2 important variants of AAA:
1) Inflammatory AAA – characterized by dense periaortic fibrosis, containing lymphocytes and
macrophages infiltrate.
2) Mycotic AAA – atherosclerotic lesions infected by circulating organisms due to bacteremia.
Clinical Presentation as pulsatile abdominal mass that grows with time complication:
Rupture into the peritoneal cavity with massive hemorrhage.
Embolism from the atheroma or mural thrombus lead to Obstruction of a branch vessel, resulting in
downstream tissue ischemia (for example, obstruction of the iliac arteries can cause ischemic damage to the legs).
Compression of local structures (e.g., ureter)
Occurs when there is a tear in intima allow blood to penetrate through the wall of the aorta may
completely rapture the aorta as deadly hemorrhage or propagate within media as blood filled channel –
intramural hematoma .
For this development must have 2 factors the very high pressure flow –hence accurse in proximal 10
cm of aorta and preexisting weakness of media layer, Aortic dissection is not necessarily associated
with aortic dilation.
Pathogenesis – Aortic dissection occurs in 2 groups:
» About 90% of cases Men aged 40-60 with the existence of hypertension. Hypertension is the
major risk factor => hypertrophy of the media => ECM degeneration and loss of smooth muscle
cells. More aorta is very large and thick b.v. must use vasa vasurum for nutrients vasa vasurum
hyaline arteriolosclerosis impaired blood supply and weakens wall
» Younger patients with systemic or localized abnormalities of c. tissue (for example, Marfan
/ehaler danols synd.4).
Inherited or acquired c. tissue disorders abnormal ECM, such as Marfan syndrome (most
common) no fibrillin no elastic weak media, Ehlers-danlos syndrome, vitamin C deficiency,
copper metabolic defects.
Morphology –The tear is usually found in the ascending aorta within 10cm of the aortic valve. in a few
cases, the channel origin in intimal lesion free area ruptures back into the lumen of the aorta in origin of
atherosclerotic plaque , creating a “double-barreled aorta”.
Histologically the dissecting intramural hematoma spreads along the laminar planes between the middle
and outer thirds of media, pre-existing lesion to wall not identified in most cases but cystic medial
degeneration (CMD) separation of the elastic and smooth muscle cell elements of the media by cystic
spaces filled with proteoglycan-rich ECM.
Clinical features –
» Aortic dissections can be classified as:
1) Proximal lesions (type A dissections) – involve the ascending aorta (DeBakey type I),
2) Distal lesions (type B dissections) – usually begin distal to the subclavian artery (DeBakey type III).
» Aortic dissections are characterized by the sudden onset of excruciating pain, beginning in the anterior
chest, radiating to the back between the scapula’s, and moving downwards as the dissecting progresses.
» complications
1. Cardiac tamponade (hemorrhage into the pericardial sac). Most common cause of death
- Extension of the dissection and compression of the outlets to the great arteries of the neck, renal,
mesenteric or iliac arteries impairing their blood flow. - The channel can rupture through the adventitia and into mediastinum, causing a massive fetal
Venous disorders (dilation, inflammation and obstruction). Vascular neoplasias.
Vascular neoplasms can be derived from endothelial cells, or from cells that surround and/or support the
# Abnormally dilated and tortuous (twisted) veins, produced by prolonged increase in intramural pressure and
loss of vessel wall support.
The superficial veins of upper and lower leg are usually involved.with about 20%of man and 1/3 of woman
will develop it
# Morphology –
» Wall thinning at the points of maximal dilation with smooth muscle hypertrophy and intimal fibrosis.Elastic
tissue degeneration.
» Spotty medial calcifications (phlebosclerosis).
» Venous valve deformities (rolling and shortening).
Clinical features –
» Venous valves become incompetent upon widening, leading to stasis and edema causing pain and
» Persistent edema => secondary ischemic skin changes the skin is pale and often hairless, cool, thickened
nail => stasis dermatitis of skin reddish purple and scaleded venus stasis result in increase pressure in
microcirculation and ulcerations.Poor wound healing + superimposed infections = chronic varicose ulcers.
Esophageal varices –
» Occurs due to portal vein hypertension, usually due to cirrhosis, but also because of portal vein obstruction
or hepatic vein thrombosis.
» Liver cirrhosis => portal vein hypertension => opening of porto-systemic shunts => increased blood flow to
veins of the gastro-esophageal veins (esophageal varices), to the veins of the rectum (hemorrhoids), and to
the periumbilical veins (caput medusa).
» The rupture of the esophageal varices can lead to massive upper GI hemorrhage that can be fatal.
# Hemorrhoids – Varicose dilation of the hemorrhoidal venous plexus at the anorectal junction. Can be caused
by pregnancy, chronic constipation or strain of defecation.
Definitions –
» Thrombophlebitis – an inflammation of the veins caused by a blood clot.
» Phlebothrombosis – blood clots formed in the veins.
In most cases (>90%), these conditions involves the deep veins of the leg, but they can also appear in
the periprostatic veins (in males), the pelvic venous plexus (in females), the large veins in the skull and
the dural sinuses.
deep venous thrombosis is caused by :stasis e.g. bad care patient ,procoagulative state –contraceptives,
vascular wall injury such in venipuncture or infection Virchow’s triad, Peritoneal infections can lead to
portal vein thrombosis.
Thrombi in the leg tend to produce few, if any, symptoms => local manifestations (Distal edema,
cyanosis, superficial vein dilation, and pain- homans test: foot dorsiflexion cuff .m. compress vain and
cause pain) can be entirely absent.
Thromboembolisem-95%of pulmo. Embolism are result of DVT risk to complication…
SVC syndrome –commonly caused by certain neoplasms (Bronchogenic carcinoma, mediastinal
lymphoma.)Which their location compress or invade the SVC.
The resulting obstruction produces marked dilation of the veins of the head, neck and arms,
accompanied by cyanosis. Pulmonary vessels can also become compressed, resulting in respiration
IVC syndrome – Caused by : Certain neoplasms, such as hepatocellular carcinoma and renal cell
carcinoma, show tendency to grow within veins or by thrombus from the hepatic(Budd–Chiari
syndrome), renal, or lower extremity veins or other tumors compressing IVC..
The obstruction of IVC induces marked lower extremity edema, distension of the superficial collateral
veins of the lower abdomen, and in case of renal vein involvement, massive proteinuria.
blood vessels. Vascular tumors can be either benign hemangiomas, intermediate lesions that are locally
aggressive, or highly malignant angiosarcomas.
#General distinction between benign and malignant tumors:
» Benign tumors – produce obvious vascular channels filled with blood cells, lined by a monolayer of normal
endothelial cells (without atypia).
» Malignant tumors – cellular with cytological anaplasia (including mitotic figures), and usually do NOT form
well-organized vessels
Hemangioma -A common benign tumor of infancy and childhood characterized by increase number of
normal or abnormal vessels filled with blood. Usually spontantusly regress with age .
» Cherectarly appear as localize lesion in head and neck skin or oral mucosa/tongue but may appear
internally if so ~ 1/3 of it seen in the liver .When involving large portions of the body-more extensive
lesions named => angiomatosis.
» Clinical variants:
1) Capillary hemangioma – most common consists of closely packed thin capillaries and scant stroma
lined by flattened one layer endothelium; can occur in the skin, subcutaneous tissues, mucous
membranes of the oral cavity and lips, liver, spleen and kidneys.
2) Cavernous hemangioma – characterized by large vascular channels, separated by c. tissue stroma, and
most frequently involves deep structures (liver, pancreas, spleen and brain); they appear as red-blue soft
masses, 1-2cm in diameter.
Glomus tumor (glomangioma) - Benign painful tumor Arises from modified smooth muscle cells of
glomus body, a specialized arteriovenous anastomosis involved in thermoregulation .
» Most commonly found in the distal portions of the digits, especially under the fingernails.
» The tumors are round, slightly elevated, red-blue, firm nodules, consist of masses of glomus
specialized tissue. Histologically resemble cavernous hemangiomas branching vascular channels
separated by stroma containing glomus cells in nests, aggregates Glomus cells are arranged around
Vascular ectasias -Local dilation of preexisting vessels:
» Telangiectasia – permanent dilation of preformed small blood vessels ( capillaries, venules or
arterioles) not a tumor just structure abnormality.
Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia – an autosomal dominant disorder that creates telangiectasia malformations present at birth usually distributed over the
skin and mucous membranes their rupture can cause nosebleeds epistaxis , GI bleeding and hematuria.
» Nevus flammeus – the ordinary birth mark, flat lesion ranging in color from light pink to deep purple.
May regress with time Port wine stain is a special form of nevus flammeus that tends to grow with the
child, thickens the skin surface and has no tendency to fade.
» Spider telangiectasia – a non-neoplastic vascular lesion consists of a radial array of subcutaneous
arteries or arterioles, surrounding a central core; associated with hyper estrogenic states such as
pregnancy or cirrhosis.
Bacillary angiomatosis -Reactive vascular proliferation due to opportunistic infection by Bartonella family of gram( – ) bacteria’s . Most commonly affects immunocompromised individuals (especially those with HIV)
» Can occur in any cutaneous site as red papules and nodules which are widely distributed Rarely occurs
in mucosa or internal organs e.g. bone and brain.
» Histologically, there is capillary proliferation with epithelioid endothelial cells showing nuclear atypia
and mitoses; the lesions contain stromal neutrophils, nuclear dust and purplish granular material
(representing the causal bacteria).
Kaposi sarcoma (KS) -Vascular neoplasm that develops from the cells lining the lymph vessels or
blood vessels, and appears as tumors on the skin or on mucosal surfaces (for example, inside the
mouth). Strong association to AIDS
» Pathogenesis – the tumor is caused by infection with human herpes virus 8 (HHV-8), which is also
called KS-associated herpesvirus (KSHV). Virus synth homologue prot to cyc. D and suppress P53
induction of apoptosis
» Types of KS:
1) Chronic KS – also called classic KS
Mostly affects older men of eastern European or Mediterranean origin, not associated with HIV. It is
characterized by red to purple nodules, usually on distal lower extremities, and is typically
asymptomatic and localized.
2) Lymphadenopathy KS – also called African or endemic KS
Most common in people living in equatorial Africa, and is also not associated with HIV.
Patients present with lymphadenopathy, which occasionally involves the viscera, and is extremely
3) Transplant-associated KS
Occurs in transplant patients whose immune system have been suppressed to avoid organ rejection. It
tends to be aggressive with nodal, mucosal and visceral involvement.
4) AIDS-associated (epidemic) KS
Can involve lymph nodes and viscera, and is considered an “AIDS defining” illness => when a person
infected with HIV develops KS, that person officially has AIDS.
» Morphology – consist of 3 stages of progression :
Patches – solitary or multiple red-purple macules, confined to the distal lower
extremities, with irregular dilated b.v. and chronic inflammatory infiltrate in-between b.v.
Plaques – larger and raised, composed of dermal accumulation of vascular channels
lined by spindle cells, with RBCs, hemosiderin-filled macrophages, lymphocytes and
plasma cells scattered among them.
Nodules– the lesions become nodular and more distinctly neoplastic, composed of
sheets of proliferating spindle cells in the dermis or subcutaneous tissue, with marked
hemorrhage, hemosiderin and lymphocytes.
» Malignant endothelial neoplasm, varying from highly differentiated to anaplastic tumors.
» Usually involves the skin, soft tissue, breast and liver.
» Hepatic angiosarcoma is associated with carcinogen exposure, especially arsenic, thorium
dioxide (thorotrast), and polyvinyl chloride.
» Lymph angiosarcoma arises from lymphatic vessels.
» Morphology –
Begin as small, sharply demarcated, red nodules.
Become large masses of red-tan to white-gray tissue.
» Clinical features – they are locally invasive and can metastasize.
» Rare tumors derived from pericytes.
» Occur as slowly enlarging, painless masses.
» Most common on lower extremities.
» Consist of numerous branching capillary channels and gaping sinusoidal spaces, enclosed within
nests of spindle shaped cells.
Disorders of lymphatic vessels.
Lymphangitis, bacterial infection of the lymphatic vessels. Acute inflammation
elicited by bacterial infections that spread into and throughout the lymphatics.
Main causative agents are group A, β-hemolytic streptococci. The condition is most
commonly caused by streptococcus or staphylococcus organisms
The affected lymphatics are dilated, and filled with exudate of neutrophils and
Lymphangitis most commonly develops after cutaneous inoculation of
microorganisms that invade the lymphatic vessels and spread toward the regional
lymph nodes.
The inflamed lymph vessels are visible as red streaks under the skin that extend from
the site of infection to the groin or armpit with painful enlargement of the draining
lymph nodes (acute lymphangitis).
If the bacteria are not contained within the lymph nodes, they may pass into the
venous circulation, resulting in bacteremia or sepsis.
Reminder: The major function of the lymphatic system is to resorb fluid and protein
from tissues and extravascular spaces.
The absence of a basement membrane beneath
lymphatic endothelial cells affords the lymphatic channels a unique permeability,
allowing resorption of proteins that are too large to be resorbed by venules.
Lymphatic channels are situated in the deep dermis and subdermal tissues parallel to
the veins and have a series of valves to ensure one-way flow. Lymph drains via
afferent lymphatics to regional lymph nodes and then by efferent lymphatics to the
cisterna chyli and the thoracic duct into the subclavian vein and venous circulation
Edema upon impaired lymphatic dranage , Lymphedema is traditionally classified
into two forms: primary, which is genetic, and secondary caused by an acquired
defect in the lymphatic system
Primary lymphedema – occurs as isolated congenital defect, or as the familiar Milroy
disease A familial, autosomal-dominant disorder, it is often caused by anaplastic
lymphatic channels. The disorder manifests at birth or later, up to age 1 year.,
resulting from lymphatic agenesis or hypoplasia.
Secondary (obstructive) lymphedema – accumulation of interstitial fluid due to
blockage of normal lymph vessels; the obstruction can be the result of malignant
tumors, therapeutic or post-inflammatory thrombosis and scarring.
Commonly associated with obesity, infection, neoplasm, trauma, and therapeutic
I. Filariasis-The most common cause of secondary lymphedema worldwide is filariasis,
a disease caused by the parasite Wucheria bancrofti which are widely distributed in
tropical and subtropical regions of the world and are transmitted to man by
mosquitoes infecting lymphnodes and may result in some of the untreated cases in
the condition known as elephantiasis, which is typically associated with the gross
expansion of the tissues of the legs and scrotum.
II. Malignancy and cancer treatment- In the industrialized world, the most common
causes of secondary lymphedema are malignancy and its treatment.
This means that the disease can arise from obstruction from metastatic cancer or primary lymphoma or
can be secondary to radical lymph node dissection and post-irradiation fibrosis
Commonly affected area is the axillary region after mastectomy and radical dissection
for breast cancer.
III. Other causes- Morbid obesity frequently causes impairment of lymphatic return and
commonly results in lymphedema.
# Lymphedema increases the hydrostatic pressure in the lymph vessels, causing
accumulation of lymph fluid in various spaces => chyloud ascites (abdomen),
chylothorax, and chylopericardium.
Ischemic heart failure. Left-sided and right-sided heart failure.
Occurs when the heart is unable to pump blood at the rate necessary to supply the
requirements of the metabolizing tissues
Forward failure, and inadequate cardiac output, is almost always accompanied by
backward failure, an increased congestion of the venous circulation => the failing
ventricle is unable to eject the blood delivered to it, resulting in increased EDV,
leading to increased diastolic pressure and elevated venous pressure.
The cardiovascular system can adapt to reduced myocardial contractility in a few
1) Activation of neurohumoral systems – release of epinephrine to increase
heart rate and contractility, activation of rennin-angiotensin system, and
release of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) that causes vasodilation,
natriuresis and dieresis to relieve pressure overload states.
2) The Frank-Starling mechanism – increase of EDV causes stretch of
cardiac muscle fibers and dilation of the ventricle, and results in more
forceful contraction to elevate cardiac output
3) Myocardial structural changes – including hypertrophy to increase the
mass of the contractile tissue (adult cardiac myocytes are unable to
proliferate) => the capillary bed does not always increase with
coordination to the increased oxygen demands of the hypertrophic cells,
causing an ischemic injury
Usually occurs due to ischemic heart disease (IHD), systemic hypertension,
mitral or aortic valve disease, and primary diseases of the myocardium.
The result is damming of blood within the pulmonary circulation, and diminished
peripheral blood pressure and flow.
Morphology –
» The left ventricle is usually hypertrophied and dilated.
» Secondary enlargement of the left atrium can reduce stroke volume, and
lead to stasis and thrombus formation.
» Rising pressure in the pulmonary veins results in pulmonary congestion
and edema. Histologically => interstitial transudate alveolar septal edema,
and intra-alveolar edema.
Capillary leakage hemoglobin is converted to
hemosiderin => heart failure cells (macrophages containing hemosiderin).
Clinical features – breathlessness (dyspnea), cough, orthopnea in later stages
(dyspnea when lying down), enlarged heart, tachycardia, a 3rd heart sound (S3),
mitral regurgitation and systolic murmur (due to displacement of the papillary
muscle laterally).
Usually the consequence of left-sided heart failure; Pressure increase in the
pulmonary circulation => increase burden on the right side of the heart.
Isolated right-sided heart failure occurs in case of:
1) Patients with intrinsic disease of lung parenchyma and/or pulmonary
vasculature that result in chronic pulmonary hypertension => COR
2) Patients with pulmonic or tricuspid valve disease.
Isolated right-sided heart failure is characterized by
» Liver –congestion (nutmeg liver) => centrilobular necrosis and more
peripheral yet reversible fatty change ,upon chronic injury risk to develop
cardiac cirrhosis => the central areas become fibrotic.
» Portal system elevated pressure also result in congested enlarged spleen
may see more brown color again view hemosiderin accumulation.
» Pleural and pericardial spaces – accumulation of fluid (effusion) in the
pleural and pericardial spaces.
» Subcutaneous tissue – peripheral edema pitting edema symmetric both
lower extremities.
Angina pectoris. Acute coronary syndrome.
A group of related syndromes resulting from myocardial ischemia, most common cause for the
reduction in coronary blood flow is atherosclerotic disease. Hence risk to develop IHD are same as ones
of develop AS (age, gender, metabolic state, smoking etc.)
IDH can also be the result of increased demand (increased heart rate, hypertension), or of diminished
oxygen-carrying capacity (anemia, CO poisoning).
The clinical manifestations of IDH are angina pectoris, acute myocardial infarction, chronic IHD and
sudden cardiac death.
It is a periodic chest pain caused by reversible myocardial ischemia. Pressing retrosternal pain not
related to breading, no elevation in myocardial enzymes opposing to MI, character ECG changes may
seen (coronary/hyper acute t waves or ST alteration or both) and relief upon nitroglycerin
There are 3 variants of AP:
1) Typical (stable) AP
Episodic chest pain50 result of reversible injury to myocyte (swelling hallmark) associated with
increased myocardial oxygen demand (tachycardia, hypertension =exertion/emotional stress etc.)
Usually occurs due to fixed atherosclerotic narrowing (>70%) of one or more coronary arteries =>
myocardial oxygen supply is sufficient no stress , but cannot be increased to meet the adequate
Can be relieved by drugs that cause peripheral vasodilation, as nitroglycerin administration lead to
immediate relief- vasodilation of mainly veins as reduced preload thus o2 demand …
2) Prinzmetal (variant) AP
Episodic-less then 20 min chest pain unrelated to exertion, occurring at rest due to Short term
complete occlusion of blood supply like in coronary artery spasms/repeated complete obstructive
thrombus who partially lysed and reformed, usually take place near an existing atherosclerotic plaque,
although normal vessels can also be affected.
Can be relieved by vasodilators such as nitroglycerin and Ca2+ channel blockers. ECG ST elevation
transmural ischemia ,deadly may lead to arrhythmia and cardiac arrest. Main patient present it are
male smoker
3) Unstable AP (crescendo angina)
AP show also at rest from incomplete occlusion of coronary, It is associated with
atherosclerosis/plaque disruption and superimposed thrombosis, embolization… risk to progress to
potentially irreversible injury ischemia.- It is called pre-infarction angina
Characterized by increasing frequency of pain => episodes tend to be more intense and long lasting
than stable AP.
Refers to any of the 3 catastrophic outcomes of IHD see picture upon coronary atherosclerosis and
typical AP may develop chronic ischemic heart diseas or progress to acute coronary syndrome.
- Unstable AP
- Acute MI-previously non major occlusive plaque build thrombose and see acute unset sever ischemia
- Sudden cardiac death-usually refer to sudden collapse of circulation as from arrhythmia without
prominent myocardial damage
Associated with coronary thrombosis/embolisem-acute pluqe changes,vasoconstriction such upon
agonist of epi ,platelet local realis, endothelin other vasoconstrictor realis upon endothelial imbalance
ext. endothelin and cocaine usage.
Symptoms include angina pectoris but sever, shortness of breath, nausea and sweating and sympathetic
dominance .
The etiology, pathogenesis and morphology of myocardial infarction.
MI, or common name heart attack, is necrosis of heart muscle resulting from ischemia.
The major underlying cause is atherosclerosis (as see disruption of plaque and thrombogenesis);
therefore the frequency of MI rises progressively with age and occurrence of risk factors to
atherosclerosis; women are protected against MI during their reproductive years.
Other risk factors that contribute to MI are hypertension, smoking, diabetes mellitus, gender (men are more affected).
Most MIs are caused by acute coronary artery thrombosis, resulting from disruption of an
atherosclerotic plague and formation of thrombus. In limit to sub endocardial infarctions, the cause is
usually increase in demand such as arrhythmia/hypertension under settings of diffused coronary
atherosclerosis ischemic necrosis of the myocardium ,most distal to the epicardial vessels
Occurrence of MI without occlusive atherosclerotic disease(~10% of MI ) include Vasospasms
(prinzmetal AP , elevated catecholamine or exogenous cocaine),mural thrombose/ valve vegetation
leading to thromboembolism in coronaries
Ischemia without atherosclerosis or thromboembolic disease can be caused by disorder of small
intramyocardial arterioles, including vasculitis (Kawasaki diseas a vasculitis in small children
preferentially involving coronaries), amyloid deposition or stasis (e.g. sickle cell disease).
Sequence of events in coronary artery occlusion:
» Atheromatous plaque is disrupted -> sub endothelial collagen and necrotic plaque are exposed
to the blood
» Platelets aggregate and activated -> release of thromboxane A2, ADP and serotonin ->
vasospasm, Coagulation begins with exposure of TF and platelet surface…
» Thrombus evolves to completely occlude vessel
# Myocardial response to ischemia –
» aerobic glycolysis ceases -> inadequate production of ATP, and accumulation of toxic products
(lactic acid) loss of contractility, myofibrillar relaxation, glycogen depletion, cellular and
mitochondrial swelling. These changes are REVERSIBLE
» severe prologue ischemia ( more then 20-40 minutes) causes irreversible injury and death of
myocytes as coagulation necrosis , irreversible injury usually appear initially in the sub
endocardial zone since it’s the last area to receive blood from the epicardial vessels and it has a
high intramural pressure -> Infract usually achieves its full extent within 3-6 hours (transmural
Patterns of infraction – location , size and morphology depend on the size and duration of involved
vessel; rate of development; metabolic demands of the myocardium. Usually in MI atria’s are
Epicardial vessels are interconnected by collateral circulation; in case of epicardial occlusion,
collateral dilation can provide adequate perfusion.
Microscopic infract – small vessel occlusion, no changes on ECG. Occurs in vasculitis,
embolization/ mural thrombi, vessel spasm …
In most patients, the distribution of infarcts is as follows:
» Left anterior descending (LAD) artery (most common 40%) infarct involves the anterior left
ventricle, anterior 2/3 of septum and the apex. Left coronary occlusion is typically fatal (“widow
» Right coronary artery (RCA) 2nd common infarct involves the posterior left ventricle,
posterior septum and right ventricle. RV papillary .m.
» Left circumflex artery (LCX) -> infarct involves the lateral left ventricle.
Myocardial necrosis eventually proceeds to scar formation without any significant regeneration. The
gross and microscopic appearance of MI depends on the interval of time since the original injury
(coagulative necrosis -> acute & chronic inflammation -> fibrosis :
- In 1st day- initial 1st min come with loss of function no visible change may end as
arrhythmia/cardiogenic shock if large effected area, next 4-24 hr. development of coagulative
necrosis lose nuclei look dark on macro due to stagnated trapped blood again danger of
necrosis conductive sys. And arrhythmia. - In first week- events of inflammation take place ,initial 3 days neutrophils infiltrate if transmural
infract may involve epicardium as fibrinous pericarditis, following days till full week past see
macrophages come to clean inflammatory debris n initiate granulation tissue formation so this
stage myocardium most weak and danger of rapture as complication papillary .m. rapture=mitral
insufficiency/vent. Wall rapture and cardiac tamponade !macro appearance in 1st week as yellow
pallor appearance micro see inflamtory infiltrate inbt necrotic myocytes - Till end of month follow infarction-from 1-3 week see granulation tissue micro fibroblast
depositing collagen and new blood vessels leading to red border around infract macro
morphology as new blood vessel formed from preexisting ones on edges of necrotic tissue ,till
end of month scar (main collagen 1) replace the myocardium risk for anyurisem and turbulencestasis-new thrombose etc.…
Infracts older than 3 hours can be stained by a substrate51 for LDH – leaks from cell at the area of
necrosis. The infracted area is pale
Severe chest pain radiating to neck, jaw, left arm, lasts a few minutes-hours (in contrast with angina
pectoris); pain isn’t relieved by nitroglycerin or rest. Pulse is rapid and weak; patients are nauseated,
Dyspnea is common due to impaired contractile ability -pulmonary congestion and edema,SNS sings
In severe MI cardiogenic shock develops
# Lab findings – leaked enzymes – myoglobin, cardiac troponin may raise 5 fold almost absolute for
MI less other stuff as inflammation but if absent for sure this isn’t MI raise after 4 hr. from event peak in 24 hr and fall after about a week , creatine kinase useful for detection of 2ndery event as take ~6hr to raise
and peak in 24 and fall in about 72 hr. , LDH
# Reperfusion injury- Reperfusion when injury is still reversible can preserve cell viability. Perfused
myocardium appear hemorrhagic and show an eosinophilic contraction band necrosis.
» Return of blood means return of oxygen and inflammatory cells lead to Free radicals which far
more injure myocytes
» Myocardial ischemia contributes to arrhythmias by causing electrical instability of ischemic
regions of the heart -> ventricular fibrillation -> sudden death. During ischemia IC Ca levels are
significantly increased, after reperfusion more ca but no pump capacity , contraction of
myofibrils is uncontrolled -> cell death see contraction band necrosis pattern
Contractile dysfunction – resulting in hypotension, pulmonary vascular congestion, and pulmonary
transudation into the pulmonary interstitial and alveolar spaces.
Arrhythmias – sinus bradycardia, heart block, tachycardia, ventricular premature contractions, and
ventricular fibrillation.
Myocardial rupture – complications include rupture of the wall with hemopericardium and cardiac
tamponade; rupture of the septum with left to right shunt; and papillary muscle rupture resulting in
mitral regurgitation.
Pericarditis – develops within 2-3 days after MI and usually spontaneously resolves. Dressier
syndrome rear AI pericarditis appearing about 6 week follow transmural infarction as result of
exposure of pericards AG to immune system
Infarct expansion Chamber dilation – wakening of necrotic muscle results in its thinning and dilation
of the infarct region.
Mural thrombus – local loss of contractility, causing stasis, with endocardial damage, causing
thrombogenic surface; can result in the formation of mural thrombus and thromboembolism.
Ventricular aneurysm – usually results from anterolateral infarction with the formation of thin scar
tissue, may lead to mural thrombus, arrhythmias and heart failure.
Papillary muscle dysfunction
Hypertension. Cor pulmonale.
Hypertension – a chronic medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is
elevated, requiring the heart to work harder than normal to circulate the blood through the
Regulation of blood pressure depends on the regulation of cardiac output (affected by blood
volume), and total peripheral resistance (regulated by arterioles via neurological and
hormonal inputs).
The kidneys, and to some extent the adrenal glands, are responsible for blood pressure
regulation, mainly by the rennin-angiotensin system (RAS).
Hypertension can cause cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure (hypertensive heart disease),
aortic dissection, and renal failure.
Cardiac myocytes are terminally differentiated cells, which lack the capacity to divide ->
hyperplasia CANNOT occur.
Instead, increased work will induce an increased mass and heart size -> hypertrophy
The pattern of the hypertrophy reflects the initiating stimulus:
» Concentric hypertrophy – develops due to pressure-overloaded ventricles (in hypertension or
aortic valve stenosis), with an increased wall thickness that can reduce the volume of the
» Eccentric hypertrophy – develops due to volume overload (in aortic valve insufficiency), and
is characterized by ventricular dilation associated with muscle mass increase.
Prolonged hypertrophy can eventually result in myocyte contractile failure, cardiac dilation,
CHF and sudden death.
Although hypertensive heart disease mostly affect the lecft side of the heart secondary to
systemic hypertension, pulmonary hypertension also can cause right-sided hypertensice
changes – cor pulmonale
Systemic hypertension occurs when there’s left ventricular hypertrophy without other
cardiovascular pathology (valvular stenosis); and evidence of hyertension
Morphology – left ventricular hypertrophy, without ventricular dilation (until very late in the
process). Heart weight ~500gr, wall thickness >2cm, causing stiffness that impairs diastolic
filling; microscopically, there is nuclear enlargement and hyperchromasia, and interstitial fibrosis
Usually low pressure in pulmonary circulation about 25/10 mmHg and Venus pressure 2-5
mmhg if raise above 25mmhg its an pulmonary hypertension
Characterized by atherosclerosis of the pulmonary trunk, smooth muscle hypertrophy of
pulmonary arteries, and intimal fibrosis; plexiform lesions–endothelial prolifartion and
occlusion of small .a. lumen are seen With severe, long-standing disease
Sub classified as primary or secondary based on etiology
A. primary-Classically seen in young adult females, Etiology is unknown; some rear familial
forms are related to inactivating mutations of BA1PR2, leading to proliferation of vascular
smooth muscle. Rare, autosomal dominant with incomplete penetrance Mutations in bone morph
genic protein receptor 2 signaling pathway (BMPR2)
B. secondary - Due to hypoxemia (e.g., COPD and interstitial lung disease) or increased volume
in the pulmonary circuit (e.g., congenital heart disease); may also arise with recurrent
pulmonary embolism
pulmonary hypertensive heart disease- is the enlargement and failure of the right ventricle of the
heart as a response to increased vascular resistance (such as from pulmonic stenosis) or high
blood pressure in the lungs. Presents with exertional dyspnea or right-sided heart failure
# Consists of right ventricular hypertrophy and dilation – frequently accompanied by right heart
failure - due to pulmonary hypertension, caused by primary disorders of the lung parenchyma or
pulmonary vasculature.
Can be either acute or chronic:
» Acute – follows massive pulmonary embolism with obstruction of >50% of the pulmonary
vascular bed. Thromboembolic obstruction of proximal pulmonary arteries
» Chronic – occurs secondary to prolonged pressure overload, caused by obstruction of the
pulmonary vasculature, or compression/obliteration of septal capillaries (resulting from
emphysema, interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, or primary pulmonary hypertension).
Morphology –
» In acute cor pulmonale – the right ventricle is dilated, but does not show hypertrophy.
» In chronic cor pulmonale – right ventricle hypertrophy. When ventricular failyre develops,
ventricle and right atrium are dilated; pulmonary arteries often contain atheromatous plaque
Rheumatic fever. Rheumatic heart disease
An immunologically-mediated, systemic disease that occurs after group A, β-hemolytic streptococcus
pharyngitis about 2-3 weeks after pharyngitis.
# Most often affects children 5-15 years old. In only about 3% of infected individuals hence genetic
susceptibility is likely to influence (due to the small minority of infected people). Can be prevented by
AB penicillin treatment to strep throat infection preventing complications such as scarring of mitral
valve which may lead to need in surgery for valve replacement.
Pathogenesis – it is a hypersensitivity reaction induced by host antibodies against group A streptococci
=> some M proteins induce antibodies that cross-react with glycoproteins in the heart and joints, this
cross-reactivity is a type II hypersensitivity reaction and is termed molecular mimicry. This
Autoimmune attack manifested as systemic disease affecting the connective tissue around arterioles,
heart and joints, producing the symptoms of rheumatic fever.
Morphology – the classic lesion of rheumatic fever histologic characteristic appearance of Aschoff
body => an area of focal interstitial inflammation that is characterized by fragmented collagen and
fibrinoid material, by activated macrophages with slander wavy nucleus (Anitschkow cells), and by
occasional giant cells .
Manifestations of rheumatic fever As jones criteria an diagnostic system in it the Major criteria
represent manifestations:
Polyarthritis- A temporary migrating inflammation of the large Joints, usually starting in the legs and
migrating upwards.
Pancarditis- inflammation of all 3 layers of heart :
A. endocarditis as small vegetation’s essentially on valves and preferentially on mitral valve impire
normal valve closure upon appearance of vegetation later resolve as scar valve stenosis …
B. myocarditis- histologic characteristic appearance of Aschoff body, most common cause of death
during acute phase
C. pericarditis-fibrinous exudate resolve alone
Subcutaneous Nodules
Erythema marginatum: reddish rash that begins on the trunk or arms as macules with clear center, next
spread outward typically spares the face.
Sydenham’s chorea: A characteristic series of involuntary rapid movements of the face and arms.
Repeated Inflammation of the endocardium due to repited rheumatic fever attecks may result in
rheumatic heart disease (RHD).
RHD is the consequence of Fibrosis and scarring of the valves: valve leaflets become thick fibrotic and
deformed ,commissural fusion or shortening of cusps and thickening of chorda tendinae leads to
abnormalities that can result in valve stenosis or regurgitation
» Mitral valve –stenosis and/or insufficiency.
» Aortic valve – usually affected along with the mitral valve, by stenosis or insufficiency.
» Tricuspid valve – if affected, it occurs with the involvement of both mitral and aortic valves.
» Pulmonary valve – rarely involved.
Valvular stenosis and insufficiency. Mitral valve prolapse.
Stenosis – the failure of a valve to open completely, obstructing forward flow, usually caused by
chronic process e.g. calcification or valve scarring.
intrinsic disease of the valve cusps, or distortion of the supporting structures chords/papillary muscles.
heart disease, infective endocarditis and calcification (aortic valve).
» Usually age-associated calcification wear and tear damage to valve, appear around age of 60 risk
factors are same as for atherosclerosis
» Nodular Calcified masses on the outflow side of the cusps causing them to protrude into the
aortic sinuses, obstructing normal opening. Note no commissure fusion like in rheumatic fever.
» Post inflammatory scaring anther common reason for stenosis as in after rheumatic fever appear
usually together with commissural fusion and mitral valve involvement.
» In about 1% of all live birth see bicuspid aortic valve (2 leaflet instead of 3) most common
congenital valve diseas not rally problem only repercussion is for increased risk to develop aortic
calcification stenosis in general and earlier.
“floppy” => the leaflets are being pushed back into the left atrium during systole.
» The affected leaflets are enlarged, thick and rubbery.
» Chordae tendinous are elongated, thin and may be ruptured.
» Histologically => impaired structural integrity, and increased deposition of mucoid material in
center of valve -spongiosa layer one who enclosed by fibrosa layer .
defect of c. t tissue (Marfan syndrome/ehelor danols syndrome).2ndry come upon other etiology as
ischemic dysfunction.
breathlessness and atypical chest pain.may be heard as murmur in middle of systole.
lead to left side congestive heart failure risk for ventricular arrhythmias and incres risk for infective
endocarditis on injured valve.
Infective and non-infective endocarditis. Complications related to prosthetic cardiac valves.
Inflammation of the endocardium, the inner layer of the heart.
# Other structures that may be involved are the interventricular septum and the chordae tendinae.
colonies of microorganisms and inflammatory cells.
of the underlying tissue, and results in bulky vegetation’s abnormal masses composed of necrotic debris,
thrombus and organisms.
» Acute endocarditis – due to a destructive infection, caused by a highly virulent organism
(Staphylococcus aureus) that attacks a previously normal valve
» Subacute endocarditis – infections by organisms of low
virulence (streptococcus viridians part of
oral flora..) colonizing a previously abnormal heart, especially deformed valves
» Both acute and subacute forms are characterized by destructive vegetation’s (abnormal tissue
growth) in the heart valves, containing fibrin , inflammatory cells and microorganisms => aortic
and mitral valves are the most common sites of infection.
» These vegetations can penetrate into the underlying myocardium to produce an abscess cavity
(ring abscess).
» Fungal endocarditis tends to form larger vegetations than bacterial endocarditis.
» Systemic emboli may occur due to the fact that damage endocardium as damage endothelium
promote thrombose formation..
» Microscopically, subacute endocarditis contains granulation tissue at the bases of the vegetation
=> may indicate a chronic process.
» Over time, fibrosis, calcification may develop.
» Cardiac abnormalities predispose to infections => rheumatic heart disease (RHD), mitral valve
prolapsed, bicuspid aortic valve, and calcific valvular stenosis.
» Host factors also increase the risk of infective endocarditis.
» Endocarditis of previously damaged and abnormal valves is usually caused by Viridians
streptococci, while endocarditis of deformed and healthy valves is caused by Streptococcus
» Fever, fatigue, and flu-like syndrome with more sever abrapt manifestation in acute one.
» May see Splenomegaly in the subacute form of infective endocarditis.
» In the acute form => rapidly developing fever, chills, weakness and fatigue.
» In 90% of patients with left side abnormalities, murmurs are present.
» Diagnosis is made on the basis of positive blood cultures and echocardiography findings.
» Complications include glomerulonephritis, septicemia, arrhythmias, and systemic embolization.
thrombotic small masses composed of mainly fibrin and platelets unlike infective form thes are sterileno
microorganism and nondestructive lesions.
normal heart valves.
therefore, it NBTE is also referred to as MARANTIC ENDOCARDITIS.
» Vegetation’s are sterile, small (1-5mm dimeter) thrombotic mases occur around the line of
closure of the leaflets or cusps.
» They are composed of thrombus without accompanying inflammation of valve itself
underlying malignancy (adenocarcinomas).
agents to implant.
immune complex deposition on surface may lead to valve serious deformities fibrosis resemble to
recurrent rheumatic fever .
» Mechanical valves –
Double tilting disc made of pyrolytic carbon.Have excellent durability.
Require chronic anticoagulation treatment => increased risk of hemorrhage.
Cause hemolysis due to shear stress.
» Bioprosthetic valves –
Porcine or bovine tissues, or cryopreserved human valves.
Do not require anticoagulation.
Less durable => can fail due to matrix deterioration.
Undergo some degree of stiffening after implantation => may cause stenosis.
Calcification is also common.
valve infection .
In mechanical valves, infective endocarditis usually involves the suture line and
adjacent perivalvular tissue => may cause the valve to detach (bio valve itself may be infect along
surrounding tissue).
Myocarditis. Cardiomyopathies.
Inflammation of the myocardium with resulting injury by infective agent/ the inflammatory process is
the cause of the myocardial injury.
» Infections – viruses most common agents (Coxsackieviruses A and B , other enteroviruses and
less common CMV) in virus case usually its more the immune respond who responsible to damage,
bacteria Lyme diseas and borrhileia burgdorferi (Corynebacterium diphtheria, Neisseria
meningococcus), Chlamydial, Rickettsia, fungi (Candida), protozoa (Trypanosoma) => Chagas
» Non-infectious causes – systemic diseases of immune origin (SLE, polymyositis).
» Macro-The heart may appear normal or dilated. On more advanced stage the ventricular wall appear
lose (flabby), and surface may show patchy pallor (paleness) and/or hemorrhage pattern.
» Micro- see edema, interstitial inflammatory infiltrate with sings of injury to myocytes. There are 4
patterns of myocarditis:
1) Lymphocytic myocarditis – the most common form lymphocyte infiltrate edema and injured
myocytes in focal areas .
2) Hypersensitivity myocarditis – interstitial and characteristic perivascular infiltrates dense with
eosinophils. Also see lymphocytes and macrophages.
3) Giant-cell myocarditis – characterized by widespread inflammatory cellular infiltrates, containing
multinucleated giant cells (fused macrophages), a more aggressive edge of lymphocytic type with
diffused there is extensive necrosis inflammation covering larger areas then lymphocytic.
4) Chagas myocarditis – the myofibers are distended by trypanosomes58, accompanied by inflammatory
infiltrate of neutrophils, lymphocytes and macrophages.
other symptoms include fatigue, dyspnea, palpitations, pain and fever.
(hemochromatosis), muscular dystrophies, and genetic disorders of cardiac muscle cells.
And Secondary – the heart is involved as part of a general, multi-organ disorder.
» Dilated cardiomyopathy.
» Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
» Restrictive cardiomyopathy
dysfunction, usually accompanied with hypertrophy.
diseas : many cases no major underlying reson discovered and it termed as idiopathic dilated
cardiomyopathies ,About 25%-35% of the cases have a familial basis, other cases result from toxic
exposure (alcoholism), myocarditis, and pregnancy associated changes;
» Alcohol and toxic exposure – metabolites of alcohol, especially acetaldehyde, have a direct toxic
effect on myocardium.
» Genetic influences – most common is autosomal dominant inheritance, but the other forms of
inheritance can also occur => most genetic abnormalities involve the myocytic cytoskeleton
Peripartum cardiomyopathy – occurs late in gestation or in the first few weeks-months after birth =>
caused by pregnancy-associated hypertension, volume overload, nutritional deficiency.
» Iron overload e.g. hematochromatosis
Secondary as myocardial presentation part of systemic disorder common second to other
cardiovascular disease: ischemia, hypertension, valvar disease, tachycardia induced
» Can occur at any age, mainly 20-50 years of age.Presents as slowly progressive congestive heart
failure. The main defect is ineffective contraction, eventually resulting in ejection fraction of less
than 25%.
» Secondary mitral regurgitations and abnormal cardiac rhythms are common
preserved, but the heart does not relax, resulting in diastolic dysfunction. ventricular outflow obstruction
come in about 1/3 of cases.
hypertrophy as adaptive respond and disorders influencing ventricular stiffness. In most cases, there is
autosomal dominant missense point mutation in one of the several genes encoding the proteins of the
sarcomere => β-myosin heavy chain gene is most commonly affected, but also myosin-binding protein
C and troponin T.
» Massive myocardial hypertrophy without ventricular dilation. The ventricular cavity loses its round
shape and is compressed into a “banana-like” shape.
» Disproportionate thickening of the septum relative to the walls of the left ventricle => asymmetrical
septal hypertrophy.
» Impaired diastolic filling => provides reduced stroke volume despite the hypertrophied LV. Also the
severing the situation is patient with outflow obstruction Systolic ejection murmur.
» Beside reduced systemic blood supply secondly, the reduced cardiac output results in pulmonary
venous pressure, causing dyspnea.
» Clinical problems include atrial fibrillation, infective endocarditis of the mitral valve, chronic heart
failure, arrhythmias and sudden death.
during diastole while the contractile function of the left ventricle is usually unaffected.
radiation, amyloidosis, hemochromatosis, and sarcoidosis).
Micro interstitial fibrosis may seen or In case of specific cause to the cardiomyopathy, disease-specific
features can be seen (amyloid, iron overload etc.).
# There are 2 more forms of restrictive cardiomyopathy:
1) Endomyocardial fibrosis – disease of children and young adults in tropic countries, characterized
by dense fibrosis of the ventricular endocardium and sub endocardium, extending from the apex
to the AV valves.
2) Loffler endomyocarditis – causes endocardial fibrosis with mural thrombi, but it is not
geographically restricted.
3) Amyloidosis – deposition of extracellular proteins with the predilection for forming insoluble
beta-pleated sheets. Can be a part of systemic amyloidosis, or can be restricted to specific organ.
Congenital heart diseases.
Congenital heart diseases are abnormalities of the heart or great vessels that are
present at birth, most of which arise during weeks 3-8 of gestation when major
cardiovascular structures develop…
» In most cases (~90%) the cause of the abnormality is unknown.
» Environmental factors – congenital rubella infection, teratogens exposure
Congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) can occur in a developing fetus of a
pregnant woman who has contracted rubella, usually in the first trimester
The classic triad for congenital rubella syndrome is:[4]
Sensorineural deafness (58% of patients)
Eye abnormalities—especially retinopathy, cataract,
and microphthalmia (43% of patients)
Congenital heart disease—especially pulmonary artery stenosis and patent
ductus arteriosus (50% of patients)
» Genetic factors – familial forms of congenital heart disease, and certain
chromosomal abnormalities (trisomy’s 13, 15, 18 & 21, and Turner
» Several congenital heart diseases are associated with mutation in
transcription factors => TBX560, NKX2.561
» Abnormal development of neural crest cells can cause defects in the
formation of the outflow tract => caused by deletions of a segment in the
long arm of chromosome 22.
1) Malformations causing a left-to-right shunt
2) Malformations causing a right-to-left shunt.
3) Malformations causing obstruction.
# Shunts permit the flow of blood from the left heart to the right heart.most
common CHD.
pulmonary blood flow, and expose the low pressure & low resistance
pulmonary circulation to increased pressure and volume, resulting in right
ventricular hypertrophy and eventually right-sided failure , but they are NOT
associated with cyanosis as an early feature.
- Atrial septal defects: abnormal fixed opening in atrial septum not closed by the
septum secundum, so a shunt exists across from left to right.
atrium in embryo life its open as valve closed on its left side by a flap of tissue
derived from the primary septum, which acts as a one way valve that allows
right-to-left blood flow keep embryo circulation. At the time of birth, pulmonary
vascular resistance drops and systemic arterial pressure rises, causing the pressure
in the left atrium to exceed those of the right atrium, resulting in the functional
closure of foramen ovale.
1) Ostium secundum ASD – the most common (90%), occurs when septum
secundum does not enlarge sufficiently to cover the ostium secundum. Significant
large lesion induce vol. overload so right atrial and ventricular dilation, right
ventricular hypertrophy, and dilation of the pulmonary artery.
2) Ostium premium ASD – less common (5%), occurs when the septum premium
and endocardial cushion fail to fuse; associated with other abnormalities in
structures derived from the endocardial cushion (AV valves malformations cleft
valves as antr leaflet mitral valve…).
3) Sinus venosus ASD – less common (5%), located near the entrance of SVC. often
accompanied by anomalous drainage of the pulmonary veins into the right atrium
or SVC.
openings do so but with time larger openings may end with pulmonary
hypertension with increased pulmonary arterial pressures that eventually led to
reversal and right-to-left shunt, resulting in marked right ventricular hypertrophy.
wall it develops present =Normally, the left atrial pressure keeps the foramen
closed, but if right atrial pressures rise with pulmonary hypertension (as with
pulmonary embolus), the foramen may open and even allow a thrombus to go
from right to left. This is a rare entity called “paradoxical embolus”……
- ventricular septal defects
# Incomplete closure of the ventricular septum. left-to-right shunts,
# The ventricular septum is formed by the fusion of an intraventricular muscular
ridge, and a thinner membranous portion that grows from the endocardial
septum. Most VSDs close spontaneously in childhood.
» Size and location of defects are variable.
» In defects associated with significant left-to-right shunts, the right ventricle is
hypertrophied and often dilated.
» The diameter of the pulmonary artery is increased due to increased volume
ejected by the right ventricle.
severe left-to-right shunt, complicated by pulmonary hypertension and congestive
heart failure; progressive pulmonary hypertension results in reversal of the shunt
and cyanosis
- Patent ductus arteriosus
and a left-to-right shunt develops Ductal closure is delayed in infants with
hypoxia, resulting from respiratory distress or heart disease.
pulmonary artery to the aorta => bypass the unoxygenated lungs. After brith,
ductus arteriosus constrics and becomes ligamentum arteriosum.
the aorta just distal to the origin of the left subclavian artery.In PDAs, some of
the blood flowing out of the left ventricle is directed back to the lungs => volume
overload => dilation of proximal pulmonary arteries, left atrium and ventricle =>
pulmonary hypertension => right heart hypertrophy and dilation.
murmurs; large defects can lead to Eisenmenger syndrome with cyanosis and
congestive heart failure.
due to direct introduction of poorly oxygenated blood from the right side of the heart, into the
arterial circulation.
paradoxical embolism.
- Tetralogy of Fallot
The most common cause of cyanotic congenital heart disease. Results from abnormal
division into the pulmonary trunk and aortic root.
Pulmonic stenosis results in right ventricular hypertrophy and a right-to-left shunt across a
VSD, which also has an overriding aorta
Composed of 4 features:
1) VSD-near the membranous portion of the septum.
2) Obstruction to the right ventricular outflow tract- The proximal aorta is larger than normal
with diminished pulmonary trunk, pulmonary stenosis protects the lungs from overload and
pulmonary hypertension.
3) An aorta that overrides the VSD.
4) Right ventricular hypertrophy- The heart is large and “boot shaped” due to right ventricular
- Transposition of Great Vessels
aortopulmonary septa => aorta arises from the right
ventricle, and the pulmonary trunk originates from
the left ventricle. The atrium-to-ventricle connections
are normal.
systemic and pulmonary circulations, a condition
inadequate with postnatal life. A VSD, or ASD with
PDA, is needed for extra uterine survival. There is
right-to-left shunting.
cyanosis; the forecast of neonates with TGA depends
on the degree of shunting, the magnitude of tissue
hypoxia and the ability of the right ventricle to
maintain systemic pressure.
# Congenital obstruction to blood flow that
occurs at the level of the heart valves, or
within a great vessel.
stenosis, and coarctation of the aorta.
Coarctation of the aorta
# The narrowing of the aorta. Males are affected twice as much as females but It
is common in girls who have Turner syndrome..
# There are 2 forms of aortic coarctation
Infantile –
» hypoplasia of the aortic arch narrowing of the aortic segment between
the left subclavian artery and ductus arteriosus just before it
Ductus arteriosus is usually patent and is the main source of blood
delivered to distal aorta.
The right side of the heart must supply the body (distal to the
narrowing), resulting in hypertrophy of the right ventricle.
- ridge-like in folding of the aorta, just opposite to ligamentum arteriosum sharp constriction of the aorta
- The constricted segment is made up of smooth muscle and elastic fibers that are continuous with the aortic media, lined by a thickened layer of intima
-Ductus arteriosus is closed
-Proximal to the contraction, the aortic arch and its branch vessels are dilated, and athersclrosed (in older patients).
-Hypertrophy of the left ventricle
Coarctation of the aorta may occur as a solitary defect, but in most cases (>50%) it is accompanied by a bicuspid aortic valve.
Chronic obstructive lung disease - chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Small airways disease
Pulmonary diseases can be classified as:
» Obstructive disease – characterized by limitation of airflow, Expiratory obstruction may result
from anatomic airway narrowing (asthma), or from loss of elastic recoil (emphysema) ,Includes 4
major diseases emphysema, chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, and asthma.
Spirometry changes: Decreased expiratory flow rate and decreased forced vital capacity
(FVC), with increased total lung capacity= tot. Amount of air in lung .
Most important FEV/FVC < 0.8 healthy (in COPD both decrease but FEV decrease a lot
from 4L/5L to 2L/4L=0.5)
» Restrictive disease – characterized by reduced expansion of lung parenchyma, accompanied by
decreased total lung capacity
FVC is reduced, and FEV is normal or proportionally reduced so FEV/FVC- near normal!
The restrictive defect occurs in:
severe obesity, diseases of pleura, and neuromuscular
bronchitis and emphysema both link to smoking and manifest together usually.
Unlike asthma also
an obstructive diseas in COPD the damage lead to IRREVERSIBLE airflow obstruction in asthma
there is REVERSIBLE airflow obstruction
from multiple small spaces a large air filled space is formed . With the loss of elastic tissue in the
surrounding alveolar septa, radial traction on the small airways is reduced. As a result, they tend to
collapse during expiration—an important cause of chronic airflow obstruction in severe emphysema
» Centriacinar emphysema Most commonly seen as a consequence of smoking in people with no
congenital deficiency of α1-antitrypsin The lesions are more common in the upper lobes
The proximal parts of the acini, formed by respiratory bronchioles, are affected (distal part spared) =>
both emphysematous and normal airspaces exist in the same acinus In severe cases, the distal acinus
also becomes involved
» Panacinar (panlobular) Associated with deficiency of α1-antitrypsin,
The acini are uniformly enlarged from the level of the terminal bronchiole to the alveoli
Tends to occur in lower lung areas
»Distal acinar (paraseptal) emphysema The proximal portion of the acinus is normal, but the distal part is
affected The emphysema is adjacent to the pleura, near areas of fibrosis, scarring or atelectasis * Cause is
unknown. Characterized by the presence of multiple enlarged airspaces (0.5mm-2cm) => may form cyst-like
structures referred to as bullae
»Irregular emphysema Clinically asymptomatic, and the most common form of emphysema.
The acinus is irregularly involved, this condition is almost always associated with scarring, such as in healed
inflammatory diseases.
Protease/antiprotease imbalance – always inhale some small particles (in-between 2-5 microns
less than 2 filter to lymph more than 5 cough out ) which stimulate inflammation
Exposure to toxic substances such as tobacco smoke and inhaled pollutants induce inflammation with
accumulation of neutrophils, macrophage & lymphocytes.
Neutrophils, the main source of cellular proteases, are found in peripheral capillaries (including those of the lungs), and gain access to the alveolar spaces. Release Elastase.
Exasseiv inflammation or lack of protease inhibitors result in emphysema:
- Exposure to toxic substances such as tobacco smoke and inhaled pollutants induce
inflammation with accumulation of neutrophils, macrophage & lymphocytes.
Smoking promotes accumulation of leukocytes, such as neutrophils and macrophages, in the alveoli,
and enhances the elastase activity of macrophages, which is NOT inhibited by α1-antitrypsin
- deficiency of α1-antitrypsin a major inhibitor of proteases (mainly elastase) encoded by
codominant genes The proteinase inhibitor allele (Pi) on chromosome 14- the most common
healthy allele is PiM , mutation as PiZ allele result in misfolding of it ; patients homozygous
to PiZ allele will present panacinar emphysema and may also manifest with liver cirrhosis
cause of accumulation of misfolded alpha 1 antitrypsin in the ER of hepatocytes ;
heterozygous patients are asymptomatic with lower levels of alpha 1 antitrypsin in blood ,
but upon smoking is a great risk for developing emphysema
- Oxidant-antioxidant imbalance – the lung contains antioxidants that keep oxidative damage
to a minimum => smoking increases the amount of free radicals, which deplete these
mechanisms; activated neutrophils also add oxygen species to the alveoli.
In general
- In emphysema there is loss of not only epithelial and endothelial cells but also mesenchymal cells, leading to
lack of extracellular matrix, the scaffolding upon which epithelial cells would have grown. Thus, emphysema
can be thought of as resulting from insufficient wound repair. By contrast, patients with fibrosing lung
diseases have excessive myofibroblastic or fibroblastic response to injury, leading to unchecked scarring.
enhanced volume, which often obscure the heart.Cantriacinar emphysema – lungs appear in deeper
pink, with less volume than in panacinar emphysema.
Micro -> Histologic examination reveals
destruction of alveolar walls without fibrosis, leading to enlarged air spaces.
lipes) weight loss, reduced FEV1, FEV1/FVC is reduced.
# Pink Puffer = Because of prominent dyspnea and adequate oxygenation of hemoglobin, these patients
sometimes are called “pink puffers.”
respond following exposure to an allergen to which the person has been previously sensitized.
breathlessness, chest tightness, and cough. The hallmarks of the disease are:
Chronic bronchial
inflammation with eosinophils, Bronchial smooth muscle cell hypertrophy and hyperreactivity,
Increased mucus secretion.
1) Atopic (extrinsic) asthma Constitute ~70% of cases Patient has Genetic predisposition to type
I hypersensitivity (atopy) show family history of asthmatic or related hypersensitivity 1
reactions, clinically showed with Associated with other allergic diseases such as allergic rhinitis
and eczema. There is evidence for extrinsic allergen sensitization you can do skin test show
wheal and fler reaction immediate after exposure to this specific allergen.
2) Non-atopic (intrinsic) asthma- triggers are less clear there is negative skin test to common
inhalant allergens and normal serum concentrations of IgE. Caused by viral infections of the
respiratory tract /inhaled air pollutants. Characterized by increased bronchoconstriction response
due to increased airways reactivity Suspect that Viral inflammation of the respiratory mucosa
lowers the threshold of the sub epithelial vagal receptors to irritants.
3) Drug Induced Asthma- Several pharmacologic agents provoke asthma, aspirin being the most
striking example.Mechanism unknown. Maybe due to inhibition of COX pathway without
harming the lipoxygenase pathway shifting the balance toward leukotrines production that
causes bronchial spasm.
4) Occupational Asthma- Asthma attacks usually develop after repeated exposure to the inciting
of asthma.Caused by IgE (type I hypersensitivity) and TH2-mediated70 immune responses to
environmental antigens (dust, pollens, animal hair, and food).
First exposure to allergen => TH2 cells activation => release of IL-4 & IL-5 => eosinophils recruitment
AND production of IgE (by plasma cells) => sensitization of mast cells (type I hypersensitivity)
reexposure to allergen => immediate reaction is triggered by sensitized mast cells => early reaction see
histamine realis increase primability of post capillary venoules and vasodilation of arteriole also realis
leukotrienes induce bronchoconstriction and vascular primability so initial see constriction and edema
late phase reaction initiated by recruited leukocytes that induce release of mediators from these cells,
and lead to epithelial damage e.g. eosinophils realis major basic protein damage epithel and maintain
bronchoconstriction Major basic protein induces mast cell and basophil degranulation, and is
implicated in peripheral nerve remodellin
# Macro
# Lungs are overdistended because of over inflation.
# Small area of atelectasis
# Bronchi and bronchioles are occluded by thick mucous plugs
# Shed epithelium = Curschmann spirals
eosinophil proteins)
# Air way Remodeling1)
Thickening of airway wall
2) Sub-basement membrane fibrosis
3) Increased vascularity in submucosa
4) An increase in size of the submucosal glands and goblet
Cell metaplasia of the airway epithelium
5) Hypertrophy and/or hyperplasia of the bronchial muscle
The victim labors to get air into the lungs and then cannot get it out, so that there is
progressive hyperinflation of the lungs with air trapped distal to the bronchi, which are constricted and
filled with mucus and debris.
- Therapy, usually bronchodilators & corticosteroids.
as a persistent productive cough for at least 3 consecutive months in at least 2
consecutive years.
» Simple chronic bronchitis – most common type, cough raises mucoid
sputum, but NO airway obstruction In the early stages of the disease.
» Chronic asthmatic bronchitis – hyper responsive airways with
bronchospasms => asthma episodes.
» Chronic obstructive bronchitis – heavy smokers that develop outflow
obstruction, usually with associated emphysema.
» Distinctive feature is hypersecretion of mucous.
Irritation (smoking, air pollutants) => hypertrophy & hyperplasia of
bronchial mucous glands, resulting in hyper secretion of mucous =>
increase in mucin-secreting goblet cells of smaller bronchi and
» Irritants also cause inflammation (cytotoxic T cells, macrophages and
neutrophils) *no Eosinophiles
» Whereas the defining feature of chronic bronchitis (mucus hypersecretion)
is primarily a reflection of large bronchial involvement, the morphologic
basis of airflow obstruction in chronic bronchitis is more peripheral and
results from (1) small airway disease, induced by goblet cell metaplasia
with mucous plugging of the bronchiolar lumen, inflammation, and
bronchiolar wall fibrosis, and (2) coexistent emphysema.
» Microbial infection often is present but has a 2ndry role, chiefly by
maintaining the inflammation and exacerbating symptoms.
» Macro = Mucosal lining is hyperemic and swollen by edema, covered by
mucinous or mucopurulent secretion.
» Micro = Enlargement of mucous secreting glands in the trachea and large
» Inflammatory infiltration of mononuclear cells
characterized by goblet cell metaplasia, fibrosis, inflammation, and mucous
consequence of fibrosis (bronchiolitis obliterans). It is the submucosal fibrosis
that leads to luminal narrowing and airway obstruction. Changes of
emphysema often co-exist.
# Early stage = No obstruction, only productive cough, no ventilation
“Blue Bloaters”.
caused by loss of muscle and elastic tissue due to chronic necrotizing
infections. It can be congenital (children with cystic fibrosis, Kartagener
syndrome, immunodeficiency states) or acquired (post-infectious, systemic
autoimmune diseases, bronchial obstruction by foreign bodies or tumors),
most commonly located in the lower lobes, uni- or bilateral. Why obstructive?
Dilated airway impairs laminar air follow instead tubular flow and trapping of
air more force needed for expiration.
- Tumors/foreign bodies/ plugs of mucous. With these conditions, the
bronchiectasis is localized to the obstructed lung segment. - CF (causing wide spread bronchiectasis) due to secretion of abnormally viscid
mucous which predisposes to infections of the bronchia tree. - Immunodeficiency states => due to repeated bacterial infections.
- Kartagener syndrome => an autosomal recessive disorder causing immotile cilia
(dynein protein) and impaired mucociliary clearance infections. (The syndrome
also affects the mobility of the spermatozoa causing sterility in men, situs
inversus and sinusitis)./ Young syndrome: infertility caused by azoospermia, but
without ultrastructural ciliary abnormalities - Necrotizing or suppurative pneumonia (esp. staph. Aureus & spp. Klebsiella).
May predispose patient to later bronchiectasis development e.g. post tuberculosis
persistent infection => direct demage to wall or Obstruction => impairs the
clearance of the airways => secondary infection
The tissue is also damaged in part by the host response of neutrophilic proteases,
inflammatory cytokines, nitric oxide This results in damage to the muscular and
elastic components of the bronchial wall.
Additionally, peribronchial alveolar
tissue may be damaged, resulting in diffuse peribronchial fibrosis.
The result is abnormal bronchial dilatation with bronchial wall destruction and
transmural inflammation. The most important functional finding of altered airway
anatomy is severely impaired clearance of secretions from the bronchial tree.
Impaired clearance of secretions causes colonization and infection with
pathogenic organisms, The result is further bronchial damage and a vicious cycle
of bronchial damage.
involving a lobe, segment of the lung. Far less commonly, it may be a diffuse
process involving both lungs; these cases most often occur in association with
systemic illnesses, such as cystic fibrosis (CF) bronchiectasis.
the lung has an irregular surface in the affected area. On cut surface, there are
multiple cavities / cystic formations (dilated bronchi), round or oval, of varying
sizes, with a thick, fibrous, gray-whitish wall and muco-purulent content,
associated with changes of the adjacent lung parenchyma (areas of condensation
or fibrosis). With progression, the lung parenchyma can be fully replaced by
dysfunctional bronchial dilatation.
» Chronic inflammation, ulceration of bronchial wall, ossification of bronchial
» Intense inflammatory exudate within the walls of the bronchi and bronchioles and
shedding of the lining epithelium cause extensive areas of ulceration.
» Usually the injury is so severe that the epithelium lining the bronchial tree cannot
regenerate and after healing abnormal dilation and scarring persists as Fibrosis of
the bronchial and bronchiolar walls and peribronchial fibrosis develop in more
chronic cases.
sputum, which may contain blood.Hypoxemia, hypercapnia.
Chronic complications => pulmonary hypertension or cor pulmonale (though
Bronchial asthma.
Intermittent and reversible airway obstruction result from bronchoconstriction triggered by hyperactive
respond following exposure to an allergen to which the person has been previously sensitized.
breathlessness, chest tightness, and cough. The hallmarks of the disease are: Chronic bronchial
inflammation with eosinophils, Bronchial smooth muscle cell hypertrophy and hyperreactivity,
Increased mucus secretion.
1) Atopic (extrinsic) asthma Constitute ~70% of cases Patient has Genetic predisposition to type
I hypersensitivity (atopy) show family history of asthmatic or related hypersensitivity 1
reactions, clinically showed with Associated with other allergic diseases such as allergic rhinitis
and eczema. There is evidence for extrinsic allergen sensitization you can do skin test show
wheal and fler reaction immediate after exposure to this specific allergen.
2) Non-atopic (intrinsic) asthma- triggers are less clear there is negative skin test to common
inhalant allergens and normal serum concentrations of IgE.
Caused by viral infections of the
respiratory tract /inhaled air pollutants. Characterized by increased bronchoconstriction response
due to increased airways reactivity Suspect that Viral inflammation of the respiratory mucosa
lowers the threshold of the sub epithelial vagal receptors to irritants.
3) Drug Induced Asthma- Several pharmacologic agents provoke asthma, aspirin being the most
striking example.Mechanism unknown. Maybe due to inhibition of COX pathway without
harming the lipoxygenase pathway shifting the balance toward leukotrines production that
causes bronchial spasm.
4) Occupational Asthma- Asthma attacks usually develop after repeated exposure to the inciting
of asthma.Caused by IgE (type I hypersensitivity) and TH2-mediated70 immune responses to
environmental antigens (dust, pollens, animal hair, and food).
First exposure to allergen => TH2 cells activation => release of IL-4 & IL-5 => eosinophils recruitment
AND production of IgE (by plasma cells) => sensitization of mast cells (type I hypersensitivity)
reexposure to allergen => immediate reaction is triggered by sensitized mast cells => early reaction see
histamine realis increase primability of post capillary venoules and vasodilation of arteriole also realis
leukotrienes induce bronchoconstriction and vascular primability so initial see constriction and edema
late phase reaction initiated by recruited leukocytes that induce release of mediators from these cells,
and lead to epithelial damage e.g. eosinophils realis major basic protein damage epithel and maintain
bronchoconstriction Major basic protein induces mast cell and basophil degranulation, and is
implicated in peripheral nerve remodellin
# Macro
# Lungs are overdistended because of over inflation.
# Small area of atelectasis
# Bronchi and bronchioles are occluded by thick mucous plugs
# Shed epithelium = Curschmann spirals
# Numerous eosinophils and Charcot- Leyden crystals (collections of crystalloids made up of
eosinophil proteins)
# Air way Remodeling1)
Thickening of airway wall
2) Sub-basement membrane fibrosis
3) Increased vascularity in submucosa
4) An increase in size of the submucosal glands and goblet
Cell metaplasia of the airway epithelium
5) Hypertrophy and/or hyperplasia of the bronchial muscle
expiration. The victim labors to get air into the lungs and then cannot get it out, so that there is
progressive hyperinflation of the lungs with air trapped distal to the bronchi, which are constricted and
filled with mucus and debris.
- Therapy, usually bronchodilators & corticosteroids.
Adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Atelectasis.
A clinical syndrome caused by diffuse alveolar capillaries and epithelium
damage, resulting in Rapid onset of severe, life threatening respiratory
insufficiency, cyanosis, severe arterial hypoxemia Deficient oxygenation of
the blood , usually with severe pulmonary edema .
(causing physical trauma).also : sepsis or shock e.g. Burns, diffuse pulmonary
infections (viral, mycoplasma, Pneumocystis, tuberculosis), mechanical
trauma, inhaled irritants chemical injury
» due to diffuse widespread damage to alveolar barrier73 Damage of the
capillary endothelium and alveolar epithelium lead to Increased capillary
permeability which result in accumulation of protein-rich fluid inside the
alveoli alveolar odema, loss of diffusion capacity, and widespread surfactant
abnormalities (due to damage to pneumovytes type II).
» thereby producing diffuse alveolar damage, with release of pro-inflammatory
cytokines, such as realis of IL-8, IL-1 and TNF by pulmonary macrophages
=> recruitment of neutrophils (IL-8), and activation of endothelium (IL-1,
TNF) => neutrophils release toxic mediators, such as reactive oxygen
species and proteases . Extensive free radical production overwhelms
endogenous anti-oxidants and causes oxidative cell damage. => Damage to
alveolar epithelium
» In the acute phase
The lungs are dark red, firm, airless and heavy
Capillary congestion, necrosis of alveolar epithelium, interstitial and
intra-alveolar edema
Neutrophils in capillaries (especially in sepsis)
Hyaline membranes line the distended alveolar ducts
» In the organized phase
Increased proliferation of type II pneumocytes => an attempt to
regenerate alveolar lining
Organization of fibrin exudates that result in intra-alveolar fibrosis
(“honey comb lung”)
Thickening of alveolar septa
especially if related to sepsis and development of multiorgan failure.
# The term atelectasis is derived from the Greek words ateles and ektasis, which
mean incomplete expansion. The loss of lung volume caused by inadequate
expansion of airspaces or collapse of previously inflated lung.
# Results in shunting of inadequately oxygenated blood from pulmonary arteries
into the pulmonary veins, leading to ventilation-perfusion imbalance and
» Resorption atelectasis – occurs when obstruction prevents air from
reaching the distal airways, most commonly by mucous or mucopurulent
plug => the level of obstruction determines the extent of the collapse (an
entire lung, a complete lobe or some segments); the air already present is
gradually absorbed and alveolar collapse follows.
» Compression atelectasis – associated with accumulations of fluids, blood
or air (pneumothorax) within the pleural cavity, which mechanically
collapse the adjacent lung.
» Contraction atelectasis – occurs when either local or generalized fibrotic
changes in the lung or pleura prevents the expansion and caus increase
elastic recoil during expiration.
Respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn. Sudden infant death syndrome.
A syndrome of premature infants caused by developmental insufficiency of
surfactant production and structural immaturity of the lungs.
decreases with advancing gestational age.
# The fundamental defect is the inability of the immature lung to synthesize
surfactant => in a healthy baby, surfactant is synthesized by type II
pneumocytes, and with first breath rapidly coats the surface of alveoli to
reduce surface tension.
requires greater effort to open alveoli => the infant rapidly tires, and
atelectasis develops.
leading to epithelial and endothelial
damage, and resulting in the
formation of hyaline membranes.
hormones => corticosteroids
stimulate the formation of surfactant
lipids, while high levels of insulin
suppress synthesis by counteracting
the effects of steroids.
» The lungs are of normal size, but
are heavy and relatively airless.
» Have a mottled purple color.
» The alveoli are poorly developed and collapsed.
» If the infant dies within a few hours => only necrotic cellular debris are
present in bronchioles.
» If the infant dies after a few days => Neonatal Respiratory Distress
Syndrome - NRDS (Hyaline membrane disease) is characterized by
collapsed alveoli alternating with hyperaerated alveoli, vascular
congestion and hyaline membranes (resulted from fibrin, cellular debris).
Hyaline membranes appear like an eosinophilic, amorphous material,
lining or filling the alveolar spaces and blocking the gases exchange.
Hyaline membrane is NEVER seen in stillborns or infants who die within
a few hours of birth.
weight of the infant; control of RDS focuses on prevention, either by delaying
labor until the fetal lung matures, or by inducing maturation of the lung.
oxygen for prolonged periods, however, is associated with two wellknown
complications: retrolental fibroplasia (also called retinopathy of
prematurity) in the eyes and bronchopulmonary dysplasia.
# Definition –
infant deaths in infants younger than 12 months of age that occur suddenly,
unexpectedly, and without obvious cause after a thorough investigation that
includes complete autopsy, examination of the death scene, and review of
clinical history.
# Pathogenesis – SIDS is a multifactorial condition of overlapping variables:
» A vulnerable infant – intrinsic developmental abnormalities in
cardiorespiratory control. Regions of the brain stem, particularly the
arcuate nucleus located in the ventral medullary surface, play a critical
role in the body’s arousal response to noxious stimuli such as hypercarbia,
hypoxia, and thermal stress encountered during sleep. In addition, these
areas regulate breathing, heart rate, and body temperature.
» A critical period in the development of homeostatic control
mechanisms– these factors may be attributed to the parents (young
mother, smoking during pregnancy, short intergestational intervals), or
to the infant (brain stem abnormalities, prematurity).
» An exogenous stressor – factors from the environment (prone sleep
position decres responsiveness to noxius stimultion, sleeping on soft
surface, hyperthermia).
# Morphology –
» Multiple petechiae present on the thymus, visceral and parietal pleura, and
» Lungs are congested Vascular engorgement (filled with blood), with or
without pulmonary edema.
» Hypoplasia of the arcuate nucleus.
Summary Sudden Infant death syndrome
SIDS is a disorder of unknown cause, defined as the sudden death of an infant younger than 1 year of age that remains unexplained after a thorough case investigation including performance of an autopsy. Most sids deaths occur between the ages of 2 anc 4 months.
The most likely basis for sids is a delayed development in arousal reflexes and cardiorespiratory control.
Numerous risk factors have been proposed, of which the prone sleeping position is best recognized, hence the success of the back to sleep program in reducing incidence of sids
Chronic restrictive lung diseases 1: idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and interstitial pneumonias.
Smoking related interstitial lung diseases. Langerhans cell histiocytosis
A group of disorders characterized by involvement of the interstitium of the alveolar walls. Although
Topic not enough
may raise from chest wall abnormalities restrict breathing obesity ankylosing spongiusum –not a lung
disease but obstructive… (Pulmonary interstitium pulmonary interstitium is composed of the
basement membrane of the endothelial and epithelial cells, collagen fibers, elastic tissue, fibroblasts, a
few mast cells, and occasional mononuclear cells)
lungs since they are stiff more effort during breathing (dyspnea).
See reduced forced vital capacity (FVC-air blow out after full inhaltion~5L)and normal ratio of
FEV/FVC- as FEV is amount of air out in 1st min of forced expiration ~4,eventhow FVC is down to ~4
the FEV stays at ~3.5 hence ratio maintaind how come?
1st cuz no harm to airway problem in restrictive diseas is filling the lung not expiration as obstructive
so FVC down and FEV normal
2nd interstitial fibrosis increase recoil so expiration more easly
ratio, leading to hypoxia.
» Alveolitis – accumulation of inflammatory infiltrate within the alveolar walls and spaces.
» Persistent injurious agent leads to cellular interactions (lymphocytes, macrophages, neutrophils)
that result in parenchymal injury, causing proliferation of fibroblasts and interstitial fibrosis.
» Macrophages are the main promoters of interstitial fibrosis:
Activated macrophages => secretion of IL-8, and soluble mediators (proteases, oxidants) =>
recruitment and activation of neutrophils (IL-8) => epithelial injury and degradation of c.
! Macrophages also secrete FGF, TGF-β, and PDGF => attract fibroblasts and
stimulate their proliferation.
#A pulmonary disorder of unknown cause characterized by diffuse fibrosis of the lung interstitium, chronic
progressive disease may results in severe hypoxemia and death.
by some unidentified agent, TGF-β1 is released from injured type I pneumocytes and induces
transformation of fibroblasts into myofibroblasts leading to excessive and continuing deposition of
collagen and ECM.
» MACRO = Pleural surface has the appearance of cobblestone.Cut surface shows fibrosis. (white rubbery
area). Change affecting predominantly sub pleural regions peripheral region and lower lung zones the
pleural surface shows a cobblestone appearance due to the retraction of interlobular septa-associated par
septal scarring
MICRO = histomorphology of Usual interstitial pneumonia (UPI) ,refers to a morphologic entity defined
by a combination of
(1) Patchy interstitial fibrosis- with alternating areas of normal lung, very in intensity more pronounced
subpleural region
(2) scattered fibroblastic foci - foci comprises mainly dense eosinophilic collagen deposition In the
background fibroblasts and myofibroblasts are arranged in a linear fashion within matrix, over time
become more collagenous & less cellular.
(3) Architectural alteration due to chronic scarring or honeycomb change- dense fibrosis causes the
collapse of alveoli and formation of cystic spaces lines with hyperplastic type II pneumocytes, or
respiratory epithelium => HONEYCOMB FIBROSIS (Honeycomb change is defined by cystically
dilated airspaces frequently lined by columnar respiratory type epithelium in scarred fibrotic lung tissue)
and peripheral edema may develop in later stages.
Chronic restrictive lung diseases 2: Sarcoidosis. Pulmonary eosinophilia. Pneumoconioses.
A multisystem disease of unknown cause characterized by non-caseating granulomas in many tissues
SARCOIDOSIS (granulomatous disease)
and organs. Hilar nodes and lung involvement (leading to restrictive disease) are the most common
salivary gland involvement and SS like manifest…
one of the few pulmonary diseases with higher prevalence in NON-SMOKERS.
the development of a cell-mediated response to an unidentified antigen. The process is driven by CD4+
helper T cells. These abnormalities include:
» Intra-alveolar and interstitial accumulation of TH1 cells.
» Increase in TH1 derived cytokines => IL-2 resulting in T cell expansion, and IFN-γ resulting in
macrophages activation.
» Increase in the level of cytokines IL-8, TNF, macrophage inflammatory protein 1α =>
responsible for recruitment of additional T cells and monocytes => contribute to the formation of
» Polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia.
» The role of genetic factors is suggested by familial and racial clustering of cases and association
with certain human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genotypes.
» NON-CASEATING granulomas => a compact collection of epithelioid cells and giant cells no
necrosis in granuloma center surrounded by an outer zone of T helper cells. granulomas are
found mainly in interstitium of lung
Peripheral to the granuloma => a thin layer of fibroblasts, which over time proliferates and
deposits collagen that replaces the entire granuloma with scar tissue. The granulomas eventually
are replaced by diffuse interstitial fibrosis, resulting in a so-called honeycomb lung.
» The granulomas may also contain:
1) Schauman bodies – laminated concretions composed of calcium and proteins.
2) Asteroid bodies – stellate inclusions enclosed within giant cells
» Enlargement of hilar and paratracheal lymph nodes. unlike in tuberculosis, lymph nodes in
sarcoidosis are “nonmatted” (no adherent) and do not ulcerate.
» Skin lesions => erythema nodosum75.
» Combined uveoparotid (uvea of eye + parotid) involvement is designated Mikulicz syndrome.
» Involvement of the eye and lacrimal glands may occur, as well as spleen involvement
(appearance of granulomas in the spleen & splenomegaly), and bone involvement (microscopic
granulomatous lesions).
» Granulomas in the liver are seen with no hepatomegaly or liver dysfunction.
PNEUMOCONIOSIS (fibrosing restrictive disease)
particles as mineral dusts, organic or inorganic particles.
» The reaction depends on the size and reactivity of the particles.For
example: smaller particles can reach distal airways and precipitate there.
Coal dust must be deposited in large amounts in order to cause lung
disease; silica and asbestos are more reactive, resulting in fibrotic
reactions in lower amounts.
» Fibrosis is mediated by alveolar macrophages the particles are
phagocytosed by alveolar macrophages (Key element in the initiation of
the injury & fibrosis) and trigger the release of mediators of inflammation
and fibroblast proliferation (TGF beta).
asbestos => nearly always due to exposure in the work place-pneumonioses is
an chronic restrictive diseas need prolonged exposure to develop.
Coal partical upon smoking /coal mind worker….
- Almost everyone has more mild exposure to coal dust in air pollution expressed as
anthracosis and kinocyte = Inhaled carbon pigment is engulfed by alveolar or
interstitial macrophages, which then accumulate in the connective tissue along the
lymphatics, including the pleural lymphatics, or in lymph nodes. - Simple coal worker’s pneumoconiosis (CWP) accumulations of macrophages
occur with little to no pulmonary dysfunction. CWP shows as many centers of
anthracosis and fibrosis scattered along lung dominantly in upper regions, may
Progress into centrilobular emphysema impair normal functioning of lung.
Characterized by coal macules and the larger coal nodule.
- Coal macules = Consist of dust laden macrophage.
- Dust Nodule = Macules + small amount of Collagen fibers.
- Complicated CWP or progressive massive fibrosis (PMF)= in which fibrosis is
extensive and lung function is compromised, requires many years and more massive
exposure to develop, Extensive parts of lung tissue Appear as black scars .
Once smoking-related risk has been taken into account, there is no increased
frequency of lung carcinoma in coal miners, a feature that distinguishes CWP from
both silica and asbestos exposures.
Inhalation of silica, mostly in occupational settings as sandblasters and silica
miners ->
After inhalation the particles interact with epithelial cells and macrophages
-> Ingested silica particles cause activation and release of mediators by pulmonary
macrophages(more silica impairs the phagolysosome formation and put individual
susceptible to TB)
- Silicotic nodules -> (early stage). Tiny, discrete palt-to-blackened nodules in the
upper zone of the lung. - Micro -> concentrically arranged hyalinized collagen fibers surrounding an
amorphous center. - As the disease progresses, the individual nodules may coalesce into hard,
collagenous scars, with eventual progression to PMF. - Honeycomb pattern may develop
macrophages. See chronic exposure in plumbers construction workers and
shipyard workers
1) Diffused interstitial pulmonary fibrosis as UIP with asbestos bodies a long
golden brown fibers with associated iron originated in macrophages tried
to eat it..
2) Localized fibrous Pleural plaques: well circumscribed plaques of dense
collagen, do not contain asbestos bodies but rare if no asbestos history;
may induce pleural effusions, or diffuse fibrosis in the pleura (rare).
3) Pleural effusions.- as Visceral pleura becomes fibrotic, may bind lung to
chest wall
4) Lung carcinoma and mesotheliomas- Asbestos also is oncogenic
5) Bronchogenic or Laryngeal carcinoma.
# Pathogenesis – Similar to other pneumoconiosis Initial injury is at bifurcations of
small airways and ducts; macrophages ingest fibers, release chemotactic factors
and fibrogenic mediators, causing interstitial fibrosis .Begins around respiratory
bronchioles and alveolar ducts extends distally - in lower lobes and subpleurally
(in contrast to coal workers’ and silicosis) progresses to middle and upper lobes,
eventually may causes honeycomb
» Diffuse pulmonary interstitial fibrosis.
» Asbestos bodies => golden-brown, beaded rods with translucent center,
consist of asbestos fibers coated with iron-containing proteinaceous
material; arise when macrophages attempt to phagocytose asbestos.
» Begins in the lower lobes and subpleurally, unlike CWP and silicosis.
» Contraction of fibrous tissue creates enlarged spaces enclosed within thick
fibrous walls => HONEYCOMB LUNG.
» Pleural plaques of collagen appear on the parietal pleura, and are the most
common manifestation => they DO NOT contain asbestos bodies.
» Berylliosis, or chronic beryllium disease (CBD), is a hypersensitivity
granulomatous diseas caused by exposure to beryllium and its
compounds. Such risk for air/space industry workers or beryllium miners
or manufacturing of fluorescent light bulbs (which used to contain
beryllium compounds in their internal phosphor coating).
» With single or prolonged exposure by inhalation, the lungs become
hypersensitive to beryllium causing the development of Non-caseating
granulomas. The key to the pathogenesis of chronic beryllium disease
(CBD) is a delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction in which beryllium
most likely functions as a hapten antigen, stimulating local proliferation
and accumulation in the lung of beryllium-specific T cells.
» Beryllosis is characterized by non caseating granulomas mainly in lung
and hilar nodes but also in other organs It is distinguished from
sarcoidosis by history of exposure and syntisition to brilium .
» Link to incrased risk for lung cancer
» Ultimately, this process leads to restrictive lung disease.
» Patients experience cough and shortness of breath. Other symptoms
include chest pain, joint aches, weight loss and fever.
» Rarely, one can get granulomas in other organs including the liver.
» The onset of symptoms can range from weeks up to tens of years from the
initial exposure. In some individuals a single exposure can cause
Pulmonary embolism. Pulmonary infarction. Bronchiectasis.
In the vast majority of cases the emboli is an thromboembolism that originate from the deep veins of
lower limb (above the knee level) rear option is for paradoxical embolism from systemic circulation.
» Prolonged bed rest.
» Orthopedic surgery of the knee and hip./injury to endothelium
» Primary disorders of hypercoagulability.
# Most events are clinically silent~80% -The lung has a dual blood supply (pulmonary arteries AND the
bronchial arteries), so if normal bronchial circulation and adequate perfusion are maintained, the decrease
in blood flow will not result in necrosis.
Second, mostly it’s an small emboli who is self-resolving (organization/fibrinolysis) and don’t have
major impact on blood supply
infarction. For clinical symptom patents is one who already suffer from cardiopulmonary diseas and
occlusion of large to medium size vessel is involved:
» Large Emboli = in main pulmonary artery, it’s major branches or in it’s bifurcation (= Saddle embolus)
= Occlusion of a major vessel leads to increase in pulmonary artery pressure, diminished cardiac output,
right-sided heart failure (cor pulmonale), and even sudden death upon acute increase in pulmo.
Pressure sudden collapse of circulation.
» Small Emboli + compromised cardiovascular status (no dual supply), as may occur with congestive left
side heart failure, infarction results.
» Perfusion of lung areas that have become atelectasis:
- Ischemia = surfactant production decreases = alveolar collapse. Blood flow redirected to areas with more
oxygen perfusion.
More Decreased cardiac output results in widening of the difference in the arterialvenous
oxygen saturation.
» What is embolization? Intravascular solid, liquid or gaseous material that is carried by the blood stream
away from sait of origin Causes obstruction of an b.v. clinically present with effected organ.
» Hemorrhagic infarct of the lung- is an area of ischemic necrosis produced by b.v. obstruction on a
background of passive congestion of lung from dual blood supply.
» Infarction, when b.v. occlusion leading to ischemia to tissue ending in necrosis = in lung area wedge
shape, with their base toward the pleura & Blocked vessel usually found in the apex.
- The hallmark of fresh infarcts is coagulative necrosis of the lung parenchyma and hemorrhage
- Lysis of RBC = infarct pales = Hemosiderin produced becoming red-brown.
- Scarring -> fibrous replacement = grey-white.
Histologically In infarct area, alveolar walls, vascular walls and bronchioles are necrotic.
They appear eosinophilic (pink), homogenous, lacking the nuclei, but keep their shapes “- coagulative necrosis.
Alveolar lumens from infarcted area are filled by red blood cells -hemorrhagic infarct (red).”
hemoptysis, anemia and diffuse pulmonary infiltration.
interstitial pneumonitis => both are caused by antibodies against part of collagen IV.
» Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage.
Micro: focal necrosis of alveolar walls associated with intra-alveolar hemorrhage, fibrous
thickening of septa, and hypertrophy of septal lining cells.
» IgG antibodies => present linear pattern of deposition in immunofluorescence.
Goodpasture syndrome, but NO renal involvement or circulating anti-GBM antibodies.
necrotizing/granulomatous vasculitis (affecting small to medium blood vessels), and focal necrotizing
ulcerative lesions of the nose, palate and pharynx.
Bacterial pneumonias. Lung abscess.
Pneumonia can be very broadly defined as any infection in the lung. Development of such as infection
(Check topic in diff note again)
is due to impairment of normal defense mechanisms or lowered host resistance
clearance (mucociliary action) and alveolar clearance (alveolar macrophages) Impairment is due to
primary or acquired immunosuppression, suppression of cough reflex (drugs, virus, coma, anesthesia),
injury to mucociliary apparatus (smoking, virus, Kartegeners syndrome), injury to macrophages
(tobacco, alcohol, anoxia), pulmonary congestion /
edema or accumulation of secretions (cystic fibrosis)
Note: viral pneumonia predisposes to bacterial pneumonia
1) Bronchopneumonia – (affects bronchioles and adjacent alveoli) patchy distribution of inflammation
around bronchioles often raise multifocal and bilateral- more than one lobe => results from initial
infection of bronchioles that extended into the alveoli.
2) Lobar pneumonia – the inflammation involve full segment are homogenously filled with exudates that
can be visualized as segmental or lobar consolidation
Consolidation: exudative solidification of lung=>
main causative agent is Streptococcus pneumoniae
Classic involve entire lobe with 4 gross phases of lobar pneumonia nowadays less seen thanks to
AB treatment options Lobar pneumonia:
Initially congestion edema heavy red lung with bacteria and few neutrophils;
Then red hepatization (grossly resembles liver harder consistency) with massive congestion,
neutrophils, fibrin in alveolar space;
Then gray hepatization with fibrinopurulent exudate in alveoli RBC got lysed;
Then resolution with resorption of exudate exudate enzyme digested debris cleaned by MQ
/cough out/reorganize by fibroblasts
3) Atypical interstitial pattern
Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella, E. coli and Pseudomonas.
» Bronchopneumonia affects one or more lobes, being frequently bilateral and basal. Macroscopically,
one can identify multiple foci of condensation (1 - 3 cm diameter), white-yellowish, imprecisely
circumscribed, centered by bronchiole, separated by normal lung parenchyma Pleural involvement is
less common than in lobar pneumonia. . in severe cases usually seen In children, it has a tendency to
confluence, resulting in large condensation area (pseudo lobar pneumonia)
» Microscopy: foci of inflammatory condensation centered by a bronchiole with acute bronchiolitis
(suppurative exudate rich in neutrophils in the lumen, foci of ulceration of the epithelium and parietal
The alveolar lumens surrounding the bronchia are filled with neutrophils (“leukocytic
Capillaries in the alveolar walls show congestion. Inflammatory foci are separated by
normal, aerated parenchyma.
» Tissue destruction and necrosis => abscess formation.
» Accumulation of suppurative material in the pleural cavity => empyema.
» Organization of the intra-alveolar exudates that may convert areas of the lung into solid fibrous
» Bacterial distribution (dissemination) can lead to meningitis, arthritis or infective endocarditis
Causes of lobar
Viral pneumonias. Pathology of COVID infection.
“Primary atypical pneumonia” is called primary because it develops independently of other diseases
Check diff note again
.”Atypical pneumonia” is atypical in that it is presentation with only moderate amounts of sputum,
absence of physical findings of consolidation, moderate elevation in WBC count, and lack of alveolar
resistance Normal defense mechanisms are nasal clearance (sneezing, blowing, swallowing),
tracheobronchial clearance (mucociliary action) and alveolar clearance (alveolar macrophages)
Impairment is due to primary or acquired immunosuppression, suppression of cough reflex (drugs, virus,
coma, anesthesia), injury to mucociliary apparatus (smoking, virus, Kartegeners syndrome), injury to
macrophages (tobacco, alcohol, anoxia), pulmonary congestion / edema or accumulation of secretions
(cystic fibrosis)
Note: viral pneumonia predisposes to bacterial pneumonia
» Macroscopically – the affected areas are red-blue and congested.
» Histologically – inflammatory reaction is confined within the walls of the alveoli =interstitial
(inflammation affects the interstitial tissue, mainly the alveolar walls), with widened and edematous
septa; contain mononuclear infiltration of lymphocytes and histiocytes.
finding (interstitial inflammation just look a little clearer lung demarcations) mild to no fever
Lung carcinoma: histology and pathogenesis.
Lung cancer is 1st in cancer mortality in the us and 2nd in incidence in us 95% of lung cancer are
carcinomas and remaining 5% include: sarcomas, lymphomas and benign tumors as hamartoma’s.
cell carcinoma and small cell carcinoma
lung carcinoma (NSCLC) => SCLC metastasizes by the time of diagnosis surgery will not be helpful
but it is better treated by chemotherapy, while NSCLC are better treated by surgery
Now therapies are available that target specific mutated gene products present in the various
subtypes of NSCLC, mainly in adenocarcinomas. Thus, NSCLC must be sub- classified into histologic
and molecular subtypes.
» Carcinomas of the lungs arise due to the transformation of normal bronchial epithelium or
pneumocytes the alveolar epithelium into neoplastic cells. Exposure to carcinogens Dominantly
Cigarette smoking’s 85% of cancers are related (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and arsenic –
squamous cell type especially associate) other environmental insults e.g. asbestos exposure (lung
cancer and to lesser extent mesothelioma) or radon (raise from uranium decay in soil as gas) are
the mainly responsible for the genetic changes that give rise to lung cancers.
» In smoking exposure mutation accumulation has an predictable order Inactivation of known
tumor suppressor genes ( short arm chromosome 3) occurs at an early stage and even found
at”healthy” smokers respiratory epithel , while p53 mutations occur at a later stage.
» There is a linear correlation between the intensity and duration of exposure to cigarette smoke
and the appearance of epithelial changes that begin with cell hyperplasia and squamous
metaplasia and progress to squamous dysplasia and carcinoma in situ, before culminating in
invasive cancer.
» Among the major histologic subtypes of lung cancer, squamous and small-cell carcinomas show
the strongest association with tobacco exposure. (remember S for Smoking)
» Carcinomas begin as firm, gray-white, small mucosal lesions.
» They may form intra luminal masses, invade the bronchial mucosa, or form large masses that are
pushed into adjacent lung parenchyma => some large masses might undergo cavitation due to
central necrosis, or develop focal areas of hemorrhage.
» Eventually, these tumors may invade the pleural cavity and chest wall.
» Carcinomas of the lung are silent lesions that extensively spread before any symptoms appear.
» Can produce cough, sputum, weight loss, dyspnea, bronchiectasis or pneumonia.
» NSCLCs have better prognosis than SCLC => if detected before metastasis occurs, cure is
possible by lobectomy or pneumonectomy.
» SCLCs are very sensitive to chemotherapy.
» Paraneoplastic syndromes include:
1) Hypercalcemia due to secretion of PTH related peptide.
2) Cushing syndrome from increased production of ACTH.
3) Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of ADH (SIADH).
4) Neuromuscular syndromes.
5) Clubbing of the finge
6) Thrombophlebitis, non-bacterial endocarditis, and DIC.
Squamous cell carcinoma Hypercalcemia most often is encountered
Adenocarcinoma = hematologic syndromes
Small cell carcinoma = The remaining syndromes
treated by chemotherapy (with or without radiation).
# Consists of poorly differentiated, relatively SMALL cells
# It is thought to originate from neuroendocrine cells (APUD cells) in the bronchus called Feyrter cells.
Hence, they express a variety of neuroendocrine markers, and may lead to ectopic production of
hormones like ADH and ACTH that may result in paraneoplastic syndromes and Cushing’s syndrome.
involvement of hilar lymph nodes at an early stage.
Necrosis is present and may be extensive.
mutations and p53 mutations.
All the following Considered as non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC); responds poorly to
chemotherapy, thus it is treated by surgery.
epithelium => carcinoma in situ => well defined tumor mass obstructs the lumen of the bronchus =>
production of distal atelectasis and infection.
PEARLS and/or INTERCELLULAR BRIDGES, to poorly differentiated neoplasms.
# Most common tumor in NON SMOKERS and FEMALE. Tumer cells form glands that produce mucin,
usually forming smaller mass then other lung cancers growing slowly but metastise earlier then other
these are not the precursor lesions for this tumor.The precursor of peripheral adenocarcinomas is
thought to be atypical adenomatous hyperplasia (AAH)
Can progress to:
1.Adenocarcinoma in situ = Bronchioalveolar carcinoma name in past ,the initial progression from
hyperplasia less then 3 cm dimt.,grow alomg preexisting structures monolyer cuboidal tumor cells
not invading stroma and maintain alveolar architecture-named also lepidic growth.
2.Minimal invasive adenocarcinoma although less then 3cm got invasive component
3.Invasive adenocarcinoma = more the 5 mm depth.
papillary… acinar pattern –gland formation/papillary pattern-fibromuscular cores lined by glandular
tumor cells replacing normal alveolar lining(micropapillary no fibromuscular core but similar
papillary pattern )/mucinous-grow along alveolar septa not invasive in situ /solid type-see mucin
inside tumor cells may need special stain for recognizing, forming solid masses of cells.
The immuno histochemical profile can help differentiate between other various types of NSCLC. About 70% of
the Adenocarcinomas are positive for the thyroid transcription factor-1 (TTF-1).
parts of the lung, as a single nodule.
and preservation of alveolar architecture.
alveolar septa.
desmoplasia-no growth of fibros tissue
treated by surgery.
# Composed of undifferentiated epithelial tumors that lack the cytologic features of small cell carcinoma,
show no glandular differentiation or mucin, and no keratin pearls or intercellular bridges.
neoplastic cells contain neurosecretory
granules in their cytoplasm, and may
secrete hormonally active peptides although
not usually manifest with paraneoplastic syndrome.
Tumor cells origin from the diffused
neuroendocrine system of the lung (korchinski cell) solid tumor with rich capillary network with Fine
delicate fibrovascularsepta inbt nests of cells Such as tumors morphology also seen in pancreas and
adrenal glands …
resectable and curable
Typical carcinoids (low grade) = These tumors are composed of nests of uniform cells that have
regular round nuclei with “salt and pepper” chromatin & central nucleoli. Less than 5mitotic figures
for HPF, no necrosis.
Atypical Carcinoids (Intermediate grade)= > 5 mitotic figures for HPF (40x objective) with/without
necrosis display a higher mitotic rate (but less than small or large cell carcinomas) and focal necrosis.
1) Expanding growth-Obstructing polypoid, spherical, intraluminal mass.
2) Invasing-Mucosal plaque that penetrates the bronchial wall to spread in the peribronchial tissue.
Cough, recurrent infections related to the intramural growth.
Rare- carcinoid syndrome characterized by attacks of diarrhea flushing and vomiting
Diseases of the pleura. Pleural effusion. Empyema. Mesothelioma.
Pleural effusion – the presence of fluid in the pleural space that can be either
# Pathologic involvement of the pleura is almost always secondary complication of
some underlying pulmonary disease.
# Important primary disorders:
» primary intrapleural bacterial infections
» Primary neoplasm of the pleura known as malignant mesothelioma.
transudate (=hydrothorax) or exudate (Proteins & inflammatory cells) which
suggest pleuritis.
# There are 4 causes of pleural exudate formation:
» Microbial invasion through either direct extension of a pulmonary
infection, or blood borne seeding (empyema).
» Cancer (lung carcinoma, metastasis, mesothelioma).
» Pulmonary infarction.
» Viral pleuritis.
# These effusions are large frequently bloody => hemorrhagic pleuritis.
inciting cause is controlled.
organization, yielding adhesions or fibrous pleural thickening, and sometimes
minimal to massive calcifications.
# Refers to air or other gas in the pleural sac.
# Primary/simple/spontaneous = Without any pulmonary disease.
the consequence of rupture of any pulmonary lesion situated close to the pleural
surface that allows inspired air to gain access to the pleural cavity.
(Emphysema, lung abscess, tuberculosis, carcinoma)
- Pneumothorax may create a tension pneumothorax that shifts the
mediastinum => compromise of pulmonary circulation => may be fatal. - If the leak seals but the lung is not re-expanded within a few weeks
because of large amount of scarring so the lung cannot fully expand =>
serous fluid is collected in the pleural cavity => hydro pneumothorax - With prolonged collapse = the lung & the pleural cavity becomes
vulnerable to infections = formation Empyema (pyopneumothorax).
# The collection of whole blood in the pleural cavity.
# It is a complication of ruptured intra thoracic aortic aneurysm => almost always
# Must be differentiated from bloody pleural effusion where the are no blood clots.
Its cause is usually traumatic, from a blunt or penetrating injury to the thorax,
resulting in a rupture of the serous membranes.
This rupture allows blood to spill into the pleural space.
# Pleural collection of lymphatic fluid that contains microglobules of lipids.
# The presence of chylothorax implies an obstruction of the major lymph ducts,
usually by intra thoracic cancer.
! Less commonly occurs in the peritoneum and pericardium.
# ~50% of cases related to exposure to asbestos in the air.
» Preceded by extensive pleural fibrosis The tumors begin in a localized
area and spread widely over time. The affected lung is enveloped by a
yellow-white, firm, gelatinous layer of tumor .
» There are 3 patterns of mesothelioma:
1) Epithelial – cuboidal cells line tubular and microcystic spaces with
small papillary buds projecting into them = most common.
2) Sarcomatous – spindle shaped cells grow in non-distinctive sheets.
3) Biphasic – both patterns appear.
# Clinical Presents with recurrent pleural effusions, dyspnea, and chest pain.
Inflammations and tumors of the nasal cavity, pharynx and larynx.
the “common cold”, characterized by nasal congestion accompanied by watery discharge, sneezing, sore
throat and slight increase in temperature.common pathogens that elicit the common cold are
rhinoviruses.Most infections are self-limited.
a cold, and is the most common form of pharyngitis.
peritonsillar abscesses.
influenza.Pain and airway obstruction are common findings.
the agents that produce the common cold and usually involve the pharynx and nasal passages as well as
the larynx.
The less common forms of laryngitis are tuberculous laryngitis, due to active tuberculosis, and
diphtheritic laryngitis.
Corynebacterium diphtheriae implants on the mucosa of the upper airways, where it elaborates a
powerful exotoxin that causes necrosis of the mucosal epithelium, accompanied by a dense
fibrinopurulent exudate, to create the pseudomembrane of diphtheria.
The major hazards of this infection are obstruction of major airways and absorption of bacterial exotoxins (producing myocarditis,
peripheral neuropathy, or other tissue injury)
nasopharyngeal epithelium and then infecting nearby tonsillar B lymphocytes
# There are 3 histological variants:
1) Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma.
2) Non keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma.
3) Undifferentiated carcinoma = most linked to EBV. most common, and is characterized by large
epithelial cells with indistinct borders (“syncytial” growth) and eosinophilic nucleoli.
distant areas
# Non malignant lesions:
1.Vocal cord nodules (“polyps”)
» Are smooth and hemispheric protrusions located on the true vocal cords.
» The nodules are composed of fibrous tissue and covered by stratified squamous mucosa.
» These lesions occur mainly in heavy smokers or singers. = chronic irritation or abuse.
2.Laryngeal papilloma or squamous papilloma of the larynx
» A benign neoplasm, usually on the true vocal cords.
» Forms a soft, raspberry-like lump.
» Consists of multiple finger-like projections supported by central fibrovascular cores and covered
by stratified squamous epithelium.
» Caused by HPV6 and HPV11.
» Do not become malignant, and often spontaneously regress at puberty.
» Single lesion in adults, multiple lesions in children.
» Most commonly occurs after the age of 40, and is more common in men,
» Occurrence is greatly influenced by environmental factors, such as smoking, alcohol and asbestos
» Most laryngeal carcinomas (95%) are typical squamous cell carcinomas.
» The tumor develops directly on the vocal cords in most cases, but may arise above the cords
(supraglottic) or below it (subglottic).
» The tumors begin as in situ lesions that later appear as gray, wrinkled plaques on the mucosal surface
= cause ulceration & fungation.
» The glottis tumors are usually keratinizing, well differentiated squamous cell carcinomas.
» Clinically manifest itself as hoarseness
» Glottis tumors are less likely to metastasize due to low lymphatic supply, while supraglottic tumors
metastasize to cervical lymph nodes.
Inflammatory lesions and tumors of the oral cavity and salivary glands.
Aphthous ulcer-painful ulcer in oral mucosa has grayish (granulation tissue base )
and its rimes surrounded by erythema .self-resolving in few days but tend to
reoccur exact etiology is unknown but may appear in link with inflammatory
bowl disease or Bechet syndrome.
(Recurrent aphthous ulcers, genital ulcers, and
uveitis due to immune complex vasculitis involving small vessels)
no scar seen along lips nostrils and oral mucosa.
Caused by HSV1 most commonly also HSV2 may cause it, upon infection it sets
in trigeminal ganglion following stress illness/mental/cold water it may reactivate
sending viruses down axon reaching epithel cell and develop characteristic lesion
as it cause lysis of these cells on the effected part of face innervate by this
ganglia primary infection non symptomatic usually if do it in children with ulcers
and fever enlarged lymph node or pharyngitis in older age.
2ndry infection characteristic appearance self-resolve few days
population e.g. after AB treatment or upon immune suppression characterly
arise as early manifestation of AIDS.
See pseudomembrane appearance of gray to white layer composed of
fibrinosupporative exudate and fungi easily scraped off.
Submucosal nodular fibrous tissue masses9smooth pink nodule macro0 Occur most often
on the buccal mucosa.
gingiva of children, young adults. Richly vascular and typically are ulcerated, which gives
them a red to purple color.
Lesions that suggest dysplastic process and in risk to undergo malignant transformation,
erythoplakia greater risk then leukoplakia…
clinically or pathologically as any other disease.”
caused by hyperkeratosis of mucosal epithelium with (squamous) thickening=
Hyperkeratosis overlying a thickened, acanthosis nonwipeable.
it may represent dysplastic epithelial changes then it considered as precancerous lesion
Strongly associated with use of tobacco.
Up to 25% of cases transform to squamous cell
carcinoma. Therefore, persistent or recurring white plaque must be biopsied for
histopathology analysis,whether dysplastic or malignant!
Erythroplakia – red, granular, circumscribed areas with marked epithelial dysplasia. The
most severe dysplastic changes are associated with erythroplakia, and more than 50% of
these cases undergo malignant transformation.
# 95% of oral cavity cancers are squamous cell carcinomas the reminder is mainly
adenocarcinoma of salivary glands also lymphomas may arise…
abuse chronic irritations chronic inflammation(HPV16 and HPV18, ) immune suppression
» The predominant sites for oral cancer are ventral surface of the tongue, floor of the mouth,
lower lip…
» Early lesions are white to gray circumscribed thickening of the mucosa.
» Squamous cell carcinoma develops from dysplastic precursor lesions. Histologic patterns
range from well-differentiated keratinizing neoplasms to anaplastic, sometimes sarcomatoid
tumors (= both carcinoma & sarcoma properties1= rare)
chewing, but many are asymptomatic (thus the lesion is ignored).
Local infiltration follow by
metastasis to cervical nodes and from there to mediastinal nodes lung and liver.
*Major SG = parotid, sub-mandivular, Sub-lingual
Minor SG = Distributed throughout the mucosa.
major feature of the autoimmune disorder Sjögren syndrome, in which it usually is
accompanied by dry eyes.
as well as difficulty in swallowing and speaking.
(predominant – parotid), bacterial => S. aureus, autoimmune => Sjogren syndrome).
infiltrate. In adults it can cause pancreatitis or orchitis (inflammation of the testis).
gland duct => saliva leaks into the surrounding tissue.
tissue that is filled with mucin and inflammatory cells.
formation (sialolithiasis), or may arise after retrograde entry of oral cavity
bacteria (S. aureus, S. viridians).
# Relatively uncommon and represent less than 2% of all human tumors. ~80% of
tumors occur within the parotid glands usually at 60-70 years of age.
roughly, to the size of the gland. (Parotid => submandibular => sublingual)
malignant tumor of salivary glands is mucoepidermoid carcinoma (mainly in the
parotid gland).
swelling at the angle of the jaw.
Consist of a mixture of ductal (epithelial) and myoepithelial cells, so they exhibit
both epithelial and mesenchymal differentiation Mixed tumor.
Morphology – Rounded, well-demarcated masses rarely exceeding 6 cm in the
greatest dimension. The capsule is not fully developed, and expansile growth
produces protrusions into the surrounding tissues as Main cause for recurrence.
The most striking histologic feature is their characteristic heterogeneity
epithelial cells or myoepithelial cells dispersed within a mesenchyme- like
background of loose myxoid tissue containing islands of chondroid and, rarely,
foci of bone.
of the salivary glands, composed of variable mixtures of squamous cells and
mucus-secreting cells.
Morphology = solid tumor well circumscribed uncapsuled gray tumor often
contain inner small Cysts with mucin in it in micro see clusters of mucous,
squamous and intermediate and cells may line cyst or just as cluster.
Anatomical disorders and inflammations of the esophagus. Esophageal varices.
Mechanical Obstruction- caused by developmental abnormalities/fibrotic stricture/tumor…
» Atresia = a thin, noncanalized cord which replaces a segment of the esophagus. Atresia occurs
most commonly at or near the tracheal bifurcation and usually is associated with a fistula
connecting the esophagus and the bronchus/trachea.
» Esophageal stenosis = generally caused by Fibrous thickening of the submucosa (coming
thogether with Atrophy of the muscularis propria and Secondary epithelial damage). Hence,
Stenosis most often is due to inflammation and scarring, which may be caused by chronic gastroesophageal
reflux, irradiation, or caustic injury.
spasm of m. propria = functional obstruction, result in impaired forward movement of food to stomach.
» Achalasia- Incomplete relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter in response to swallowing =>
obstruction of esophagus => dilation of proximal esophagus
Achalasia is characterized by the triad of:
1) Esophageal Aperistalsis.
2) Incomplete relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter.
3) Increased tone of the lower esophageal sphincter.
Primary achalasia –idiopathic failure of distal esophageal inhibitory neurons damage to myenteric
Secondary achalasia is caused by pathological processes that impair esophageal function
Clinicaly-dysphagia Stasis of food may produce inflammation and ulceration, risk to develop squamus cell
carcinoma ~5% of patiants
a segment of the stomach to protrude above the diaphragm. There are 2 patterns:
1) Sliding hernia – constitute 95% of cases; the protrusion of the stomach creates a bellshaped
2) Paraesophageal hernia – a separate portion of the stomach enters the thorax through the
widened foramen.
# Esophagitis – injury to esophageal mucosa with subsequent inflammation.
junction as Mallory-Weiss tears.
Pathogenesis-Occur upon severe vomiting in which see inadequate relaxation of the musculature of the
lower sphincter so reflux result as injurus agent may see in alchol toxication ,Complications –
hematemesis .
*Boerhaave syndrome, char- acterized by transmural esophageal tears and mediastini- tis, occurs
rarely and is a catastrophic event.
against mechanic injury from food mainly the lower esophageal sphincter but also submucosal mucus
glands protect against acid of stomach come in contact with epithel.
The clinical condition is termed gastro- esophageal reflux disease (GERD). Contributing factors are
impaired anti-reflux mechanisms, sliding hiatal hernia, and increased gastric volume, obesity,
pregnancy, alcohol, and Tabbaco users.
Clinical features –Symptoms are heartburn with cheast pain and sour-tasting Complications, of reflux
esophagitis include esophageal ulceration, stricture development, and Barrett esophagus.
particularly odynophagia (pain with swallowing), the esophagus may be damaged by a variety of
irritants including alcohol, acids or alkalis, excessively hot fluids, and heavy smoking.
cytomegalovirus (CMV), or fungal organism’s :
» Candidiasis= is characterized by adherent, gray- white pseudomembranes composed of
densely matted fungal hyphae and inflammatory cells covering the esophageal mucosa.
» Herpes- viruses typically cause punched-out ulcers.
» CMV (Cytomegalovirus) causes shallower ulcerations.
numbers of eosinophils, particularly superficially and at sites far from the gastro- esophageal
Linked to food allergy majority of patients are atopic may present additional atopic allergic
cause portal hypertension, important complication is the cause of esophageal bleeding.
common reason worldwide is hepatic schistosomiasis.
into the esophageal wall => varices produce NO symptoms until they are collapsed.
Barrett esophagus. Esophageal carcinoma.
A common complication of long-standing gastroesophageal reflux. (GERD)
,Esophagus is normally lined by no keratinizing squamous epithelium (suited lo
Handle friction of a food bolus).
Chronic Acid reflux from the stomach causes
metaplasia to nonciliated columnar epithelium with goblet cells (better able to
handle the stress of acid).
Metaplasia occurs via reprogramming of stem cells, which then produce the new
cell Type.
Metaplasia is reversible, in theory, with removal of the driving stressor.
Hence treatment of gastroesophageal reflux may reverse Barrett
of developing esophageal ADENOCARCINOMA.
gastroesophageal junction and upward, in correlation with micro appearance of
the metaplastic change of with esophageal squamous epithelium replaced by
metaplastic columnar epithelium.
» Adenocarcinoma –common in western countries influencing lower 1/3 of
esophagus linked to Barret metaplasia –dysplasia-carcinoma sequence
» Squamous cell carcinoma – most common variant worldwide, malignant
proliferation of the squamous cells with increased risk with irritation to
epithel lining as alcohol and Tabaco use.
esophageal diseas e.g. achalasia/sever injury by chemicals digestion etc./
Chronic esophagitis (epithelial squamous dysplasia => carcinoma in situ =>
invasive cancer).
countries like Iran central china South America and South Africa.
p53 gene.
» Macro: tend to appear at upper segments then the adenocarcinoma
frequently seen in the middle third of the esophagus. Early lesions appear
as small, gray-white plaque like thickening of the mucosa.
Next The lesions grow to tumor masses, taking one of the following forms:
1) Polypoid exophytic masses that protrude into the lumen.
2) Ulcerating tumors.
3) Diffuse infiltrative neoplasms that cause thickening and rigidity
of the wall, and narrowing of the lumen.
» Micro: Squamous cell carcinomas are moderately to well differentiate.
Other variants are less common. Squamous cell carcinoma composed of
nests of malignant cells that partially recapitulate the stratified
organization of squamous epithelium.
or hoarseness upon invasion to recurrent laryngeal nerve Symptomatic
tumors are generally very large at diagnosis and have already invaded the
esophageal wall. These tumors may extend into adjacent structures:
respiratory tree, aorta, mediastinum & pericardium, cause damage.
metaplasia in the esophageal mucosa The development charcterly accrue by
Progression of Barrett esophagus to adenocarcinoma
mutations, especially p53 gene; additional changes involve HER2/c-ERB-B2,
cyclin D1, RB, p16 genes histologically seen as dysplasia with increased
severity upon progression.
other risk factors include obesity and chronic gastric reflux.
» Usually in the distal 1/3 of the esophagus, may invade the gastric cardia .
» Usually moderate or well differentiated mucin producing (intestinal type
mucosa) , Appear adjacent Barrett mucosa with high grade dysplasia (may be
displaced by adenocarcinoma)
by dysphagia to all food as its gradually obstructs the lumen; weight loss, fatigue
and weakness appear, followed by pain related to swallowing.
Metastasis generally occurs early even in superficial tumors, due to extensive
lymphatic network in esophagus that allows horizontal and longitudinal spread
Adenocarcinoma occurs in lower esophagus and lymph node metastases involve
gastric and celiac lymph nodes Recurrences are common
Pyloric stenosis. Acute gastritis. Chronic gastritis.
A congenital disorder occurs secondary to hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the muscular layers of the
pylorus, causing a functional gastric outlet obstruction.
# More common in boys.
» Non-bilious vominting => the gastric content did not reach the duodenum to meet bile acids.
» Visible peristalsis (movment of stomach against obstruction) on abdominal surface.
» Corrected by surgical incision of the hypertrophied muscle.
may lead to epithelial intestinal metaplasia to intestinal lining see goblet cells . (not in book => check)
Helicobacter pylori 2nd one much less common is the AI type.
- .H. pylori chronic infection
»H. pylori organisms’ Small curved gram negative bacillus that colonizes the mucus layer of the stomach not
invading cells they Are responsible to vast majority of chronic gastritis cases , characterly effecting the
antrum .
» Pathogenesis – fecal oral transmission upon situated in mucus lining above gastric epithel it got Urease
enzyme- create ammonia from urea and secret it to protects the bacteria from the acidic environment but
also increase stimulation for acid production hence, H. pylori infection most often manifests as a
predominantly antral gastritis with high acid production, despite hypogastrinemia.
» 3complications:
1) H.pylori realis different toxins and protease who exerts damage on the gastric epithelium In addition to
the increased acid secretion that occurs in H. pylori gastritis together the infection result in peptic ulcer
disease of the stomach or duodenum.
2) Lymphoid aggregates with germinal centers and abundant subepithelial plasma cells within the
superficial lamina propria. Representing an induced form of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT)
that has the potential to trans- form into lymphoma
3) Intestinal metaplasia – columnar gastric epithelium with goblet cells the indicators of intestinal
metaplasia increased risk for gastric adenocarcinoma.
»Morphology – H. pylori are found within the superficial mucus overlying the epithelium, Neutrophils within
the lamina propria and epithelium, Lymphoid aggregates with germinal centers and abundant subepithelial
plasma cells within the superficial lamina propria, Intestinal metaplasia.
Over time, chronic antral H. pylori gastritis may progress to pangastritis, resulting in multifo- cal atrophic
gastritis, reduced acid secretion, intestinal metaplasia, and increased risk of gastric adenocarcinoma in a
subset of patients (mechanism is yet clear).
» Clinical features – Nausea and vomiting. Urea breath (due to ammonia production by urease) Hematemesis
is uncommon.
- Autoimmune gastritis
» Seen in ~10% of cases as t cell mediated type 4 HS attack on parietal cells –more concentrate in body
and fundus, a consequence of AI recognition of parietal cells Antibodies to parietal cells and intrinsic
factor that can be detected in serum and gastric secretions helpful for diagnosis
» In contrast with that caused by H. pylori, autoimmune gastritis typically spares the antrum and induces
hypergastrinemia :
Autoimmune gastritis is associated with loss of parietal cells and, which secrete acid and intrinsic factor=
Defective gastric acid secretion (achlorhydria).
Deficient acid production stimulates gastrin release hypergastrinemia, resulting in and hyperplasia of
antral gastrin-producing G cells- Antral endocrine cell hyperplasia
Parietal cell also secret intrinsic factor for vitamin B12 absorption, upon their destruction no intrinsic
factor leading to B12 deficiency and megaloblastic anemia (pernicious anemia).
» Morphology:
- Diffuse atrophy (mucosa of body and fundus are thinned).
- Inflammatory infiltrate more commonly is composed of lymphocytes, macrophages, and plasma cells.
- The inflammatory reaction most often is deep and centered on the gastric glands. (Unlike in H.pylori).
- Parietal and chief cell loss can be extensive, increased risk for intestinal metaplasia who lea to
increase risk for adenocarcinoma to dvelop.
severe cases there may be mucosal erosion, ulceration, hemorrhage, hematemesis % melena.
acid damage to the mucosa.
»Heavy use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (inhibit prostaglandins formation that increases acid
»Excessive alcohol consumption.
»Ingestion of harsh chemicals(strong acid/base)
»Treatment with cancer chemotherapeutic drugs (reduces the ability of regeneration).
»Increased ICP => increased vagal stimulation => increased acid production by parietal cells
»Shock/sever burns => severe decrease in blood flow to organs.
» Ranges from localized to diffuse.
» Mild gastritis = The surface epithelium is intact, although scattered neutrophils may be present above
BM .
» More severe form = presence of erosion & hemorrhage = acute erosive hemorrhagic gastritis.
chronic ulcer see under it upon healing granulation tissue and fibrosis not in acute!
Caused from similar to above…:
- NSAID stop prostaglandin production so less bicarbonate secretion and reduced blood perfusion.
- curling ulcers upon hypoxia e.g. shock/burns come as multiple ulcers in stomach and proximal duodenum
- chushing ulcers upon IICP.
Clinically come with hematemesis –coffie ground vomit nausea treat underlying caus and give proton
pumps inhibitor.
Peptic ulcers (acute and chronic).
Ulcer is a Focal lack of mucosa, peptic ulcer most common sites of ulcers are the
stomach and duodenum.
# As result of Acute peptic injury/complication of therapy with NSAIDs as well as
severe physiologic stress-shock.
» Stress ulcers =affecting patients with shock, sepsis, or severe trauma
come as multiple ulceration lesions.
» Curling ulcers =come as ulcers in stomach and proximal duodenum
seen in sever burn victims
» Cushing ulcers = arising in the stomach, duodenum, or esophagus of
persons with IICP see increase vagal stimulation so more Ach to G
cells more gastrin more HCL.
NSAID administration - prevents prostaglandin synthesis = This eliminates
the protective effects of prostaglandins, which include enhanced bicarbonate
secretion and increased vascular perfusion.
Also come as Acute gastritis can progress to acute gastric ulceration hence
same reasons e.g. Excessive alcohol consumption/Ingestion of harsh
chemicals(strong acid/base)/Treatment with cancer chemotherapeutic drugs
(reduces the ability of regeneration).
shallow erosions caused by superficial epithelial damage to deeper lesions that
penetrate the mucosa.
Rounded and small less than 1 cm in diameter acute stress ulcers are sharply
demarcated, with essentially normal adjacent mucosa, the ulcer base
frequently is stained brown to black by acid- digested extravasated red cells.
No scarring no granulation or fibrosis under ulcer yes necrotic debris and
neutrophils in depth of it…
coffee-ground hematemesis. Complications: bleeding (may be massive; 1-4%
of patients require transfusion), perforation, obstruction and loss of function
NSAID use.
cause chronic gastritis are also responsible for PUD PUD generally develops
on a background of chronic gastritis.
Gastric hyperacidity is fundamental to the pathogenesis of PUD hence causes
Associated most often with Helicobacter pylori-induced hyperclorhidric chronic
gastritis and chronic NSAID use.
Also caused by high chlorhydro-peptic gastric
secretion, as a result of either parietal cell hyperplasia, excessive secretory
response (i.e., psychological stress) or impaired inhibition of stimulatory mechanism such as gastrin release as in chronic renal failure or
hyperparathyroidism bouth induce Hypercalcemia stimulates gastrin production
=> acid secretion.
(Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, characterized by multiple peptic ulcerations in the
stomach, duodenum, and even jejunum rear syndrome, is caused by uncontrolled
release of gastrin by a tumor and the resulting massive acid production).
small curvature in segment of antrum, more common in the proximal duodenum
than in the stomach. Histo see base with necrotic debries under it granulation
tissue rich in b.v. under it see fibrosis.
ulcer/get worse after meal upon gastric ulcer.
-Upper gastrointestinal bleeding - represents the most frequent complication of
a chronic peptic ulcer, which occurs in the active phase of the ulcer, caused by
the erosion of an arterial wall.
-Perforation - represents a surgical emergency in which the loss of substance
extends beyond the gastric serosa, resulting in the communication between the
stomach and the peritoneal space.
-Penetration - in the evolution of ulcers, inflammation of serosa leads to
adhesions with adjacent organs (liver, pancreas, greater omentum) so that,
when the loss of substance exceeds serosa, the ulcer base is represented by the
parenchyma of that organ, with no communication with the peritoneal cavity.
-Gastric stenosis - appears in chronic ulcers with extensive, abundant fibrosis.
-Malignant transformation - represents a very rare complication (less than 1 %
of the cases). In the malignant area, the ulcer’s borders are irregular,
This complication is controversial, as some believe that the ulcer
represents in fact an ulcerated form of gastric carcinoma
Neoplasias of the stomach. Gastric carcinoma.
Polyp – any nodule or mass that originates from the mucosa, and projects above its level.
o The most common (~90% ( of gastric primary malignant tumors, Gastric adenocarcinoma is a
malignant epithelial tumor, originating from glandular epithelium of the gastric mucosa. According
to Lauren classification, gastric adenocarcinoma may be: intestinal type, diffuse type and mixed type.
o Pathogenesiso
Mutation – Diffuse type the loss of CDH1 gene who encodes E-cadherin (E-cadherin, a cell
adhesion molecule that participates in normal cell differentiation and tissue architecture), seems to be
a key step in the development of diffuse gastric cancer.
Hereditary (Familial) Gastric Cancer see
mutation of gene in one third.
CDH1 is a tumor suppressor gene, since mutation of the second CDH1 allele, perhaps as the result of environmental influences such as H. pylori infection or diet, is
required for full penetrance found also in sporadic type.
Molecular Biology The development of gastric cancer is thought to occur through a multi-step
process, in which the earliest lesion is atrophic gastritis, followed by the development of dysplasia,
adenoma, and then adenocarcinoma.
Progression from the preceding lesion to the next developmental
stage is accompanied by molecular genetic events. Mutation to p53, a tumor suppressor gene, is
found in 64% of gastric cancers.
o Environmental Risk Factors- Environmental factors appear to be related to the intestinal type of
gastric cancer and not to diffuse one.
Diets high in fresh fruit, leafy vegetables, ascorbic acid, and beta-carotene are associated with reduced risk.
Also increase consumption of nitrosamines in smoked
food hence may be the increase prevalence in japan and Eastern Europe the relationship between
alcohol consumption and gastric cancer is inconclusive.
o Adenocarcinoma of the stomach arises in the setting of atrophic gastritis, a condition in which
chronic inflammatory processes destroy stomach glands. related to the intestinal type of gastric
cancer and not to diffuse one. In the most severe cases, histology of the gastric mucosa reveals
features that characterize a pre-cancerous lesion known as intestinal metaplasia. Atrophic gastritis
may arise in response to:
1) chronic infection with Helicobacter pylori, 2) autoimmune chronic
gastritis Gastric carcinoma may develop in as many as 9% of patients with atrophic gastritis.
o Gastric Polyps Gastric polyps may evolve into gastric cancer. Hyperplastic polyps are the most
common and comprise about 80% of all gastric polyps. Their malignant potential significantly
increases when their size is greater than 0.5 cm in diameter. Adenomatous polyps have a significant
risk of cancer as well, and require endoscopic follow-up after removal.
o EBV- 10% of gastric adenocarcinomas are associated with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection.
(unknown mechanism)
- Morphologically, EBV-positive tumors tend to occur in the proximal stomach and most commonly have
a diffuse morphology with a marked lymphocytic infiltrate.
o Morphology – Lauren classification = separates gastric cancers into intestinal and diffuse types:
1) Intestinal: (Mass, glandular)
Macro = elevated mass heaped up borders and central ulceration usually involve the lesser
curvature of the antrum.
Micro = Tumor cells describe irregular tubular structures, with stratification, multiple
lumens surrounded by a reduced stroma (“back to back” aspect). On presentation The
tumor invades the gastric wall, infiltrating the muscularis mucosae, the submucosa and
may even invade the muscularis propria. Often it associates intestinal metaplasia in
adjacent mucosa.
Depending on glandular architecture, cellular pleomorphism and
mucosecretion, adenocarcinoma may present 3 degrees of differentiation: well, moderate
and poorly differentiate-alredy diffused type.
2) Diffuse:
Macro = Linitis plastica. The gastric wall is markedly thickened upon desmoplasia, and
rugal folds are partially lost.
Micro = diffuse-Tumor cells are discohesive no gland structure - mucinous (colloid)
adenocarcinoma, poorly differentiated (Lauren classification).
Tumor cells secrete mucus= “signet-ring cell”( mucus remains inside the tumor cell, it
pushes the nucleus against the cell membrane) also mucus may be delivered in the
interstitium producing large pools of mucus/colloid (optically “empty” spaces)
Infiltrative along layers of gastric wall induce reactivity of surrounding stroma
desmoplasia buildup of fibrous c.t.
o Clinical feature –
Both types of carcinomas are generally asymptomatic, and can be discovered by repeated endoscopic
examinations; advanced carcinoma involves abdominal discomfort or weight loss early satiety
The most significant prognostic factor is depth of tumor invasion at the time of diagnosis. There are
three classifications of gastric tumors. The Boorman classification is based on the macroscopic
appearance of the tumor; the Lauren classification divides tumors into intestinal and diffuse types;
and the TNM classification reflects the
depth of tumor infiltration (T) at early stages, the lesion is confined to the mucosa and submucosa,
while in advanced stages the neoplasm has extended into the muscularis propria and serosa or final
T4 for invasion to other adjacent organs.
Node involvement (N) , and the presence of distant metastases (M).All gastric carcinomas may
eventually penetrate the wall and spread to regional and distal lymph nodes => Virchow node
(earliest lymph node metastasis that involves the supraclavicular lymph nodes) commonly
metastasize to liver also character for diffused type is the Krukenberg tumor (metastasis to ovary
which effect both ovaries see signant ring cell and desmoplasia components of tumor but in ovaries
Other stomach tumors
- Extranodal lymphoma about 5% of gastric malignancies -although may appear everywhere it
very common arise in GI especially at stomach ,most common as marginal zone b cell
lymphoma also its most frequent sait for EBV derived B cell lymphoma to proliferate .arise undr
stage of chronic inflamtion promoting the lymphatic proliferation… - Carcinoid tomor- malignant proliferation of neuroendocrine cells most common arise in GI
mainly small intestine but also in stomach e.g. from G cells, 2nd common place is the bronchial
# Gastric polyps are uncommon.
hyperplastic mucosal epithelium and inflamed edematous stroma; they are NOT true neoplasms
» Occur sporadically and in persons with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) but do not
have neoplastic potential.
» Their incidence has increased markedly as a result of the use of proton pump inhibitors
reduced acidity increased gastrin secretion glandular hyperplasia.
» These well-circumscribed polyps occur in the gastric body and fundus, often are multiple,
and are composed of cystically dilated, irregular glands lined by flattened parietal and chief
# Gastric adenoma (10%)-
» Adenomas almost always occur on a background of chronic gastritis with atrophy and
intestinal metaplasia.
» The risk for development of adenocarcinoma in gastric adenomas is related to the size of the
» Commonly located in the antrum.
» Gastrointestinal adenomas exhibit epithelial dysplasia
Developmental anomalies of the small and large intestine. Megacolon.
Atresia – the complete failure of development of the intestinal lumen, most
commonly affects the duodenum (associated with down syndrome) , if there is
narrowing of the intestinal lumen with incomplete obstruction its Stenosis.
which may or may not communicate with the lumen of small intestine
communicate as tubular duplication or non-communicating completely pinched
off cystic duplication.
omphalomesenteric duct, leaving a blind-ended tubular protrusion (5-6cm long),
usually in the ileum (proximal to the ileocecal valve); prevalent as 2% of
population generally asymptomatic unless bacterial overgrowth depletes vitamin
B12 then you get a “syndrome” of pernicious anemia and Meckel’s diverticulum.
Complications include: bleeding upon develop ectopic gastric mucosa there who
realis HCL, volvulus(bowel twist along mesentery risk for obstruction of blood
supply and segment twisted),infection, intussusception… Diverticulum am
punching of hollow organ all layers its real if only part of mucosal layer its
pseudo diverticulum.
that creates a membranous sac into which the intestine can herniate. Upon
gastrochisis see lack of formation of part of abdominal wall now, herniated part
not enclosed in sack just free in ext. environment.
their normal intra-abdominal position
This result in parts not in their normal
anatomical position predisposition for volvulus or miss diagnosis of appendicitis
because it comes with left upper quadrant pain
some cases also distal sigmoid colon also involve
Pathogenesis- Results when the normal migration of neural crest cells to lower
area of rectum is disrupted.
This produces a distal intestinal segment that lacks
both the Meissner submucosal plexus and the Auerbach myenteric plexus
(“aganglionosis”).Coordinated peristaltic contractions are absent and the
subsequent functional obstruction results in dilation proximal to the affected
segment. Common mutation = mutations in the receptor tyrosine kinase RET.
Morphology- The aganglionic region may have a grossly normal or contracted
appearance, while the normally innervated proximal colon undergo progressive
dilation as a result of the distal obstruction The affected segment is NOT
distended => it is the upstream, properly innervated segment that is dilated.
Critical lesion is the lack of ganglion cells and ganglia in both the muscle wall
and submucosa.
occurs as both a congenital disorder and an acquired disorder.
» Hirschprung disease (a congenital megacolon) occurs when segments
of the colon lack both the Meissner (submucosal) plexus and Auerbach
(myenteric) plexus => aganglionic segments.
Clinical features –
-Delay occurs in the initial passage of meconium (earliest stools of
infants), followed by vomiting in 48-72 hours.
-The principal threat is superimposed enterocolitis with fluid and
electrolyte disturbances.
» Acquired megacolon may result from:
1) Chagas disease in which Trypanosoma cursi invade the bowel wall
and destroy the plexuses.
2) Organic obstruction of the bowel by neoplasm or inflammatory
3) Toxic megacolon complication of ulcerative colitis or Crohn
4) Functional psychosomatic disorder stool retention
psychologic/abuse for long time of laxative degenerate plexus
# Any weakness or defect in the wall of the peritoneal cavity may permit protrusion
of a serosa-lined pouch of peritoneum called a hernia sac.
femoral canals or umbilicus, or at sites of surgical scars.
herniation = may become entrapped Pressure at the neck of the pouch may
impair venous drainage, leading to stasis and edema These changes increase
the bulk of the herniated loop, leading to permanent entrapment, or
incarceration, and over time, arterial and venous compromise can result in
Ischemic bowel disease. Angiodysplasia. Hemorrhoids.
Acute impaired blood supply by one of the major trunks (celiac, superior & inferior mesenteric) may
Vascular Disorders-
- Main blood supply = Celiac, Sup. Mesenteric, Inf. Mesenteric.
- Collaterals from the proximal celiac, distal pudendal & iliac circulations = make it possible to tolerate loss
of BS from 1 artery.
lead to infarction of extensive segments of intestine.
Mucosal infarction = extending no deeper than the muscularis mucosa
Mural infarction = of mucosa and submucosa
Transmural infarction = involving all three layers of the wall
Mucosal or mural infarctions often are secondary to acute or chronic hypo perfusion (Cardiac
failure, shock, dehydration, or vasoconstrictive drugs.)
Transmural infarction is generally caused by acute vascular obstruction (caused by
thromboembolism lunch on artery upon AF/vasculitis as polyarthritis nodosa/thrombosis like in
Venus drain upon lupus anticoagulant or polycythemia Vera…).
responses to ischemia occur in two phases:
- Initial hypoxic injury Occurs at the onset of vascular compromise. Intestinal epithelial cells are
relatively resistant to transient hypoxia not much damage. - Reperfusion injury- Initiated by restoration of the blood supply and associated with the greatest
damage. (Involve free radical production, neutrophil infiltration, and release of inflammatory mediators,
such as complement proteins and cytokines)
- The severity of vascular compromise, time frame during which it develops, and vessels affected are
the major variables that determine severity of ischemic bowel disease.
-Intestinal segments at the end of their respective arterial supplies are particularly susceptible to
ischemia = watershed zones.
- Intestinal capillaries first supply the crypts and then empty at the surface. This configuration allows
oxygenated blood to supply crypts but leaves the surface epithelium vulnerable to ischemic injury.
This anatomy protects the crypts, which contain the epithelial stem cells that are necessary to repopulate
the surface.
Thus, surface epithelial atrophy, or even necrosis with consequent sloughing, with normal
or hyperproliferative crypts constitutes a morphologic signature of ischemic intestinal disease.
Mucosal and mural infarction May involve any level of the gut from stomach to anus Disease
frequently is segmental and patchy in distribution
The mucosa is hemorrhagic and often ulcerated. With severe disease, pathologic changes include
extensive mucosal and submucosal hemorrhage and necrosis.
Transmural infarction = Coagulative necrosis of the muscularis propria occurs within 1 to 4 days and
may be associated with purulent serositis and perforation.
Micro = Microscopic examination of ischemic intestine demonstrates atrophy or sloughing of surface
Crypts may be hyperproliferative, upon reperfusion later see acute inflammatory infiltrate
and edema in LP or hemorrhage .
- Chronic ischemia= Accompanied by fibrous scarring of the lamina propria.
- Acute ischemia = superinfection and enterotoxin release may induce pseudomembrane formation .
# Predisposing conditions for ischemia:
» Arterial thrombosis – atherosclerosis of mesenteric vessels, hypercoagulable states, aortic
reconstructive surgery etc.
» Arterial embolism – cardiac vegetations, MI with mural thrombosis etc.
» Venous thrombosis – hypercoagulable states induced by oral contraceptives or antithrombin III
deficiency, cirrhosis, abdominal trauma
Clinical feature –
Ischemic bowel disease tends to occur in older persons with coexisting cardiac or vascular disease.
- Acute transmural infarction typically manifests with sudden, severe abdominal pain and tenderness.
- May progress to shock and vascular collapse within hours as a result of blood loss.
-As the mucosal barrier breaks down, bacteria enter the circulation and sepsis can develop; the mortality rate
may exceed 50%.
- Mucosal and mural infarctions by themselves may not be fatal. However may progress to transmural.
- Radiation enterocolitis- radiation-induced vascular injury may be significant and produce changes that are
similar to ischemic disease.
vessels manifests as Entangled (tortuous) dilation of blood vessels, usually seen in the cecum and
ascending colon –due to high wall tension and usually presents after the sixth decade of life.
bleeding into the lumen of the GI tract.
of major episodes of lower intestinal bleeding clinically present as Hematochezia which is the passage
of fresh blood through the anus, usually in or with stools in an older adult.
telangiectasia (dilation of small blood vessels near mucous membranes) or CREST syndrome of
systems to relieve elevated venous pressure within the hemorrhoid plexus.
# Develop due to elevated venous pressure within the hemorrhoidal plexus.
» Straining upon defecation /Chronic constipation.
» Venous stasis (sitting for long time).
» Pregnancy.
» Hypertension due to liver cirrhosis.
» External – varices of inferior hemorrhoidal plexus (drain inferior rectal area) that occur outside the
anus and covered by anal mucosa; they are more prone to thrombosis, and present as very painful,
swollen irritations.
» Internal – varices of the superior and middle hemorrhoidal plexuses that occur inside the rectum;
present as non-painful irritations, but may prolapsed outside the anus.
Morphology- On histologic examination, hemorrhoids consist of thin-walled, dilated, submucosal vessels
that protrude beneath the anal or rectal mucosa.
Inflammatory bowel disease. Crohn disease. Ulcerative colitis.
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic inflammatory condition resulting from
inappropriate mucosal immune activation.
- Ulcerative colitisinflammation is limited to the mucosa and submucosa and usually
extends to the distal colon and rectum. - Crohn disease transmural inflammation and usually found in the ileum and
proximal colon but has the potential to affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract
from mouth to anus.
common in western countries- North America Europe Ashkenazi Jews. .
colitis and Crohn disease.
» Genetic: There is a clear genetic predisposition for Crohn disease. First-degree
relatives have a 13-18% increase in incidence, and there are concordance rates of 50%
in monozygotic twins. Classic Mendelian inheritance is not seen, implying a
polygenic basis of the disease .
NOD2 is a susceptibility gene in Crohn disease. NOD2 encodes a protein that binds to
intracellular bacterial peptidoglycans and subsequently activates NF-κB Nuclear
factor kappa B (NF-κB) is an ubiquitous rapid response transcription factor in cells
involved in immune and inflammatory reactions, and exerts its effect by expressing
cytokines, chemokines, cell adhesion molecules…
» Mucosal immune response: Mechanism still uncertain, some combination that activate
mucosal immunity and suppress immunoregulation contribute to the development of
both disease.
Polarization of T cells to the T-helper cell type 1 (TH1) type is a well-recognized
feature of CD. Type 1 T helper (Th1) cells produce interferon-gamma, interleukin
(IL)-2, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-beta, which activate macrophages and are
responsible for cell-mediated immunity and phagocyte-dependent protective
Emerging data indicate that TH17 cells also contribute to disease pathogenesis,
whereas IL-23(an R involve in development and maintenance of Treg) receptor
polymorphisms may confer protection from CD and UC.
Only in ulcerative colitis = TH-2 is involved & polymorphism of IL-10 gene.
» Epithelial Defect: Defects in intestinal epithelial tight junction barrier function are
present in patients with Crohn disease such as defect result in more primableepithel so
inflammation stimulating material e.g. bacteria can come in. Paneth cell granulesgot
antimicrobial materials may alter microbe composition link to develop IBD.
» Microbiota: The precise contribute to IBD pathogenesis remains to be defined.
Possible mechanism: Transepithelial flux of luminal bacterial components activates
innate and adaptive immune responses –in genetic susceptible individual, TNF other
inflammatory cytokines stimulating the increase priamability of epithel more influx
more cytokine- circle end as IBD.
» Environmental factors - especially cigarette smoking and diet, are also clearly
involved in CD Tobacco smoking doubles the risk of both initial and recurrent Crohn
disease (CD), unlike the apparent protective effect of tobacco seen in ulcerative colitis
# transmural inflammation and usually found in the ileum and cecum (proximal colon)
but has the potential to affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract from mouth to
anus.may be accompanied by extra-intestinal complications of immune origin =>
uveitis (inflammation of uvea), sacroilitis, migratory polyarthritis, erythema nodosum,
bile duct inflammatory disorders, and obstructive uropathy.
» MACRO = the mucosal surface shows patchy lesional distribution with sharply
delineated areas of disease surrounded by normal mucosa.
» Transmural involvement of the bowel by an inflammatory process with thickening of
mucosal wall The intestinal wall is rubbery and thick as a result of edema,
inflammation, fibrosis, and hypertrophy of muscularis mucosae => causing the lumen
to become narrow, Cobblestone appearance upon granular appearance of surface
mucosa .
» “Creeping fat” => formation of granulation tissue within the fissure involves the
stricture of the fissure, which will pull up the fat of the mesentery.
» Ulceration => focal in early stages (aphthous ulcers), elongated linear ulcers (due to
fusion of ulcers) as disease progresses
» MICRO = Microscopically, Crohn disease is characterized by transmural
inflammation, inflammatory cells extend from mucosa through submucosa and
muscularis and appear as infiltrates on the serosal surface anther characteristic future
is the presence of non-caseating granulomas
Clusters of neutrophils within a crypt are referred to as a crypt abscess and often are
associated with crypt destruction destruction of normal epithelial mucosa.
Epithelial metaplasia = Pseudo pyloric metaplasia /Paneth cell metaplasia also may
occur in the left colon, where Paneth cells normally are absent.
(days-weeks), malabsorption with nutritional deficiency.
» Risk for Fistula formation to other segments of the bowel, urinary bladder, vagina
or perianal skin.
» Abdominal abscesses or peritonitis.
» Intestinal stricture or obstruction.
» Perforations and peritoneal abscesses are common.
» Increased risk for colonic adenocarcinoma.
limited to the mucosa and submucosa.Begins in the rectum and extends proximally
(=in retrograde manner), and may involve the entire colon. (=Pancolitis)
mucosal ulcers rarely extend beyond the submucosa. Unlike in Crohn disease, mural
thickening is absent, the serosal surface is normal, and strictures do not occur.
» Isolated islands of regenerating mucosa bulge upward => pseudopolyps.
» Inflammatory infiltrates, crypt abscesses, crypt distortion, and epithelial
metaplasia = similar to Crohn.
» Ulcer- extending to submucosa.
» No granulomas.
days/weeks/months, and then subsides only to recur after an asymptomatic
» Toxic megacolon = caused by inflammation and damage to the
muscularis propria = cause neuromuscular damage.
» High risk of carcinoma development!! Depends on the extent of colonic
involvement, and the duration of the disease.
Infectious enterocolitis. Sigmoid diverticulosis/diverticulitis.
Enterocolitis – an inflammation of the colon (colitis) and small intestine (enteritis).
and ulcero-inflammatory changes in the small or large intestine.
disease and severity of symptoms linked to sanitary state and hosts defense e.g. immune system
» Mechanisms of infection:
1) Ingestion of preformed toxin – present in food contaminated by S. aureus, vibrio, and Clostridium
2) Infection by toxigenic organisms – adhere to the mucosa, proliferate within the gut lumen and elaborate
3) Infection by enteroinvasive organisms – proliferate, invade and destroy the mucosal epithelial cells.
» Bacterial virulence factors include:
- Adherence to epithelial cells Via fimbriae or pili e.g. c. Jejuni /E.coli got fimbria
- Enterotoxins e.g. cholera toxin/enterotoxic E.coli
- Invasion factors-enteroinvasive E.coli
- Cytotoxicity-shiga toxin/enterohemorrhagic E.coli
» Morphology – Hyperemia, edema, erosion and ulceration of lamina propria. Lamina propria and
intraepithelial neutrophil infiltrates.
Cryptitis (neutrophil infiltration of the crypts) Crypt abscesses
(crypts with accumulations of luminal neutrophils) note The preservation of crypt architecture is helpful
in distinguishing these infections from inflammatory bowel disease!
» Clinical features – Bacterial origin enterocolitis is more severe .Campylobacter, Shigella, Salmonella,
Yersinia and E. coli, all induce a similar histopathology leading to acute self-limited colitis ASLC is
defined as a transient, usually infectious colonic inflammation, which presents with the acute onset of
diarrheal illness.
The patients generally recover in 10 to 14 days without residual inflammation or
recurrent symptoms.
Specific Diagnosis of the pathogen is by stool culture (cannot be distinguished by
Diarrhea and abdominal distress. Complications like massive fluid loss or destruction of intestinal
mucosa lead to dehydration and perforation.
Comma-shaped,gram- negative bacteria that cause cholera.
Transmitted primarily by contaminated drinking
water, endemic for certain areas in India in general linked to poor water sanitation and wormer temperature.
Pathogenesis: Vibrio organisms are noninvasive and remain within the intestinal lumen. It is the preformed
enterotoxin, cholera toxin, which causes disease.
Toxin = A & B subunit the a subunit act as ADP
rybosylation of G protein who get active stimulating adenylate cyclase for increase cAMP lead to opening of CFTR chlorine channels = Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator = cl out followed by
Na + H2O = excretory diarrhea.
Clinical Feature: Most cases are Asymptomatic in more severe cases = Massive watery diarrhea =
hypovolemia risk.
Campylobacter Entrocolitits
Caused by Campylobacter Jejuni. Most common in developed countries an important pathogen of Traveler’s
diarrhea it’s Transmission = under cooked chicken, unpasteurized milk or contaminated water.
Pathogenesis: 4 main virulence properties:
- Motility Flagella can swim along intestine next by
- Adherence factor colonies the colon next appearance of watery diarrhea suggest
- Toxin production may be cholera like toxin (although exact pathomechanisem of both systemic n enteric symptoms unclear) in rear
cases may see bloody diarrhea suggesting cytotoxin production and - Invasion.
May cause:
Dysentery (inflammation causing painful small volium bloody diarrhea)
associated with invasion and
only occurs with a small minority of Campylobacter strains.
Enteric fever occurs when bacteria proliferate within the lamina propria and mesenteric lymph nodes.
Typhoid fever is characterized by severe systemic illness with fever and abdominal pain the organism classically responsible for the enteric fever syndrome is Salmonella enterica (Salmonella typhi).
The classic presentation includes fever, malaise, diffuse abdominal pain, and constipation. Untreated, typhoid fever is a grueling illness that may progress to delirium, obtundation, intestinal hemorrhage, bowel
perforation, and death within 1 month of onset.
Reactive arthritis, erythema nodosum and Guillain-Barrésyndrome (a descending flaccid paralysis)
Clinical Feature: Watery diarrhea, either acute or with onset after an influenza-like symptoms, is the
primary manifestation, and dysentery may develops in 15% to 50% of patients.
Shigella organisms are gram-negative bacilli that are unencapsulated, nonmotile, facultative anaerobes.
Only known Reservoir is human with fecal oral transmition and it is the most common causes of bloody diarrhea.
Pathogenesis: its acid stable when reaching the distal ileum and colon the organism is taken up by M microfolde cells next exit to LP and can infect epithel cell with different virulence proteins infection of
epithel view basolateral surface using type 3 secretion system ,usually disease is 1-4 days of diarrhea fever
and abd.
Crumps but some strains has toxins like shiga toxin who inhibit eukaryote prot. Synthesis result in
dysenteric disease~50% of cases .
Escherichia coli
Escherichia coli are gram-negative bacilli that colonize the healthy GI tract; most are nonpathogenic, but a
subset cause human disease.
• Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) organisms are the principal cause of traveler’s diarrhea, and are spread
by the fecal-oral route. They express a heat labile toxin (LT) that is similar to cholera toxin and a heat-stable
toxin (ST) that increases intracellular cGMP with effects similar to the cAMP elevations caused by LT.
• Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) organisms are categorized as O157:H7 and non-O157:H7 serotypes.
Outbreaks of E. coli O157:H7 in developed countries have been associated with the consumption of
inadequately cooked ground beef, milk, and vegetables. Both O157:H7 and non-O157:H7 serotypes produce
Shiga-like toxins and can cause dysentery. They can also give rise to hemolytic-uremic syndrome
• Enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC) organisms resemble Shigella bacteriologically but do not produce toxins.
They invade the gut epithelial cells and produce a bloody diarrhea.
• Enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC) organisms attach to enterocytes by adherence fimbriae. Although
they produce LT and Shiga-like toxins, histologic damage is minimal.
» Viral infection of the superficial epithelium in the small intestine => destruction of enterocytes => reduced
absorptive function. Repopulation of villi with immature enterocytes and relative preservation of crypt
secretory cells lead to net secretion of water and electrolyte to the lumen accompaind by osmotic diarrhea
from incompletely absorbed nutrients.
» Most common viral agents are rotavirus, calicivirus and adenovirus.
» Rotavirus- the most common cause of severe childhood diarrhea and diarrhea related deaths worldwide.
Children between 6 and 24 months of age are most vulnerable.
Protection in the first 6 months of life is
probably due to the presence of antibodies to rotavirus in breast milk, while protection beyond 2 years is due
to immunity that develops after the first infection.
Rotavirus selectively infects and destroys mature
(absorptive) enterocytes in the small intestine, and the villus surface is repopulated by immature secretory
cells. This change in functional capacity results in loss of absorptive function And net secretion of water and
Vaccines are now available, For unknown reasons, oral rotavirus vaccines have been less effective in
developing countries where they are most needed.
(95%) in the sigmoid colon .
propria layer, congenital diverticula (Meckel diverticulum) includes all layers of the bowel wall
(mucosa, submucosa, muscularis externa) => UNCOMMON.
Acquired diverticula either lack
muscularis mucosae or have thin (attenuated) muscularis mucosae.
extrerna (teniae coli) => focal defects are created when nerves and blood vessels penetrate to reach the
inner layer of circular muscles.
passage of intestinal content) or other reasons increase intr. Luminal pressure.
fibers of circular muscle. In a non-inflamed state diverticula in histology composed of atrophied
flattened mucosa and submucosa pushed into circular layer.
If diverticulum lumen obstruct inflammation may occur =diverticulitis and due to the thin wall of
diveculi who composed only of atrophied mucosa and sub mucosa it may rapture lead to
peridiverticulitis of surrounding segment more this rapture may create abscess formation or rarely
spared to peritonitis.
empty the rectum. In Diverticulitis produces left lower quadrant tenderness and fever. Less common
complications => bleeding (hematochesia), perforation and fistula formation.
Condition Characterized by defective absorption of fat, carbohydrates, proteins,
vitamins electrolytes and water Manifests most commonly as result of
chronic diarrhea.
chronic malabsoptive disorders in the us: pancreatic insufficiency, celiac disease,
and Crohn disease.
to volumes greater than 200 mL per day. severe case even become life
threatening hypovolemia! Diarrhea may come as secretory/osmotic/malabsorptive
or exudative.
functions usually involve combination of loss of functions:
- Intraluminal digestion = nutrients are enzymatically digested in a process
that begins in the mouth, and continues in the stomach and duodenum. - Terminal digestion = hydrolysis of carbo & peptides in the brush border of
the s. intestine. - Transepithelial transport nutrients, fluid, and electrolytes are transported
across the epithel. - Lymphatic transport = of absorbed lipids.
Defect in the CFTR = Defect in intestinal & pancreatic Cl secretion = Result:
- Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency fail in intraluminal phase no pancreatic
enzymes see in ~80% of CF patient. - Meconium ileus = upon defective hydration in about 10% of CF newborns see
Blockage of the first fetal feces.
An immune-mediated enteropathy triggered by the ingestion of gluten-containing
cereals in genetically predisposed individuals. increased prevalence in European
Pathogenesis = gluten is a protein found in wheat and other similar grins, gluten
digested by intestinal brush border enzyme to gliadin peptide who transferred
across epithel by tissue transglutaminase now it is may be recognized by antigen
presenting cells in predisposed individual like one with class 2 HLA-DQ2 or
HLA-DQ8 activating TH cells and B cells (with anti-gliadin and anti-tissue
transglutaminase antibodies) for inflammatory respond.
Upon inflammation see
atrophy of villi and loss of brush borders with increased turnover cellular rate and
occurrence of less differentiated less absorptive enterocytes together lead to
Morphology = biopsy is taken from duodenum and proximal jejunum the
histopathologic picture is characterized by increased numbers of intraepithelial
CD8+ T lymphocytes, with intraepithelial lymphocytosis, crypt hyperplasia, and
villous atrophy.
Clinical feature = recognizing histo feature is actually common to other diseases
e.g. viral infections the combination of biopsy and serum antigens lead to
diagnosis treatment is gluten free diet, Patients with celiac disease exhibit a
higher rate of malignancy. The most common celiac disease– associated cancer is enteropathy-associated T cell lymphoma, an aggressive tumor of intraepithelial T
lymphocytes and small intestinal adenocarcinoma.
impaired intestinal function that is common in developing countries.
Disorder believed to be due to frequent intestinal infections which may lead to chronic
problems with absorbing nutrients which may result in malnutrition and growth
stunting in children.
Occurrence of Repeated bouts of diarrhea suffered within the first 2 or 3 years of
life closely linked to this syndrome. Remembering that the first two years are
critical for linear growth and maybe even more importantly brain development.
Histologically intestine similar to one of celiac disease may explain that
Supplementary diet and vita administration not capable of completely overcome
syndrome- the chronic effects of environmental enteropathy are not recovered
from easily.
Terminal Digestion of lactose impaired so osmotic diarrhea develop
2 types:
Congenital lactase deficiency is an autosomal recessive disorder caused
by a mutation in the gene encoding lactase. Acquired lactase deficiency is caused
by downregulation of lactase gene expression.
=> the mucosal cells are unable to export lipids since apoprotein B is required for
the formation of chylomicrons => diarrhea and steatorrhea are common.
micro: may see lipid vacuoles in enterocytes.
abdominal pain, bloating, and changes in bowel habits including diarrhea and
constipation. The pathogenesis is poorly defined but involves psychologic
Stressors, diet, and abnormal gastrointestinal motility (no gross or microscopic
Abnormalities are found in most IBS patients).
IBS typically manifests between 20 and 40 years of age, and there is a significant
female predominance.
causing chronic watery diarrhea and macro appear normal only by histo
appearance can recognize disease:
- Collagenous colitis - Is characterized by the presence of a dense subepithelial
collagen layer, increased numbers of intraepithelial lymphocytes, and a mixed
inflammatory infiltrate within the lamina propria. - Lymphocytic colitis - is histologically similar, but the subepithelial collagen
layer is of normal thickness and the increase in intraepithelial lymphocytes may
be greater.
Symptoms and signs include diarrhea (from nutrient malabsorption and excessive
intestinal secretion), flatus, abdominal pain, and weight loss.
» Hematopoietic system – anemias result from deficiency in iron and/or
vitamin B12, and bleeding disorders result from vitamin K deficiency.
» Musculoskeletal system – defective absorption of calcium, magnesium,
vitamin D and proteins result in osteopenia and tetany
» Endocrine system – amenorrhea, impotence and infertility result from
generalized malnutrition; hyperparathyroidism results from prolonged
calcium and vitamin D deficiencies.
» Skin – purpura and petechia from vitamin K deficiency, edema due to
protein deficiency, hyperkeratosis because of vitamin A deficiency.
» Nervous system – peripheral neuropathies due to lack of vitamin A and
Bowel obstruction. Tumors of the small and large intestine
small intestine is most commonly affected due to its small lumen, about 80% of
obstructions occur view list blow other cases mostly come in connection with tumors.
Types of obstruction (or tumors):
» Hernia – weakness of the peritoneal wall permits protrusion of a pouch-like, serosa-lined
sac of peritoneum hernial sac.
Most commonly occurs anteriorly through inguinal and femoral canals or umbilicus.
External herniation – when segments of viscera intrude through the weakened wall.
Incarceration – permanent trapping of the herniated viscera, caused by the pressure at the
neck of the pouch impairs venous drainage, which leads to stasis and edema that increase
the bulk of the herniated loop.
» Intestinal adhesion – fibrous bridges that are created during healing, following a surgical
procedure or infection.
The intestine may slide and become trapped => internal herniation.
» Intussusceptions –occurs when a segment of the intestine, constricted by a wave of
peristalsis, telescopes into the immediately distal segment. Once trapped, the segment is
propelled by peristalsis and pulls the mesentery along. May progress to intestinal
obstruction, compression of mesenteric vessels, and infarction. Some cases are
associated with viral infection and rotavirus vaccines, perhaps due to reactive
hyperplasia of Peyer patches and other mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
In adults, it may point to an intraluminal mass, such as tumor, that becomes trapped by
peristaltic movement and pulls its point of attachment.
» Volvulus – twisting of the loop of bowel (or other structure, like ovary) about its base of
attachment, constricting the venous outflow, and may damage arterial blood supply as
well (causes obstruction and infraction).
The colon and rectum are the hosts to more primary neoplasms than any other
organ, while the small intestine is an uncommon site for benign or malignant
Tumors of the small and large intestine include:
Polyps -protrusions from epithelium come in 2 major types :Sessile polyps A
polyp without a stalk /Pedunculated polyps Polyps with stalks
» Non-neoplastic polyps
Hyperplastic polyp – found in distal colon and rectum, usually have no malignant
potential Hyperplastic polyps are the most common polyps of the colon and
rectum; when single they are not considered malignant, but sessile serrated
adenomas may have malignant potential.
Hamartomata’s polyp – benign malformation that resembles a neoplasm
Juvenile polyp – it is a hamartomata’s polyp that usually arises in children under the
age of 5
Peutz-Jeghers polyp – hemartomatous, autosomal dominant inherited syndrome,
characterized by polyps in the GI tract and hyperpigmented macules on the lips and
oral mucosa
Inflammatory polyp – occurs with acute/chronic inflammation that may be present
with ulcerative colitis
Lymphoid polyp – focal lymphoid hyperplasia
» Neoplastic epithelial lesions
Benign polyps => named adenomas neoplastic lesion benign with glandular origin
Malignant lesions => adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma of the anus
Other tumors
GI stromal tumors – can be classified as
Tumors that show smooth muscle cell differentiation.
Tumors with neural differentiation.
Tumors with smooth muscle/neural dual differentiation.
Tumors lacking differentiation towards these lineages.
Carcinoid tumor – tumors that arise from endocrine cells of the GI tract
Lymphoma – involvement of the GI tract due to secondary spreading of nonHodgkin
lymphomas (extra-nodal location), or arising of tumors in gastric MALT
Neoplasms of the small intestine are uncommon The most common neoplasm in small
bowel is a metastasis which may cause local obstruction.
Primary sites are often from
nearby colon, ovary, pancreas, and stomach. Benign tumors can include leiomyomas,
fibromas and lipomas most benign tumors are incidental submucosal lesions, though
rarely they can be large enough to obstruct the lumen.
Approximately 64% of all small-bowel tumors are malignant:
Adenocarcinoma are most common in this rear group - the majority of those that do
occur arise in the region of the papilla of veter, where they may become
symptomatic through biliary or pancreatic duct obstruction.
Epidemiologically, small-bowel adenocarcinomas have a striking resemblance to large-bowel
adenocarcinomas they share a similar geographic distribution, with predominance in
Western countries. In addition, they tend to co-occur in the same individuals.
Furthermore, similar to adenocarcinomas in the colon, those in the small bowel arise
from premalignant adenomas.
This occurs both sporadically and in the context
of familial adenomatous polyposis. Through a stepwise accumulation of genetic
mutations, these adenomas become dysplastic and progress to carcinomas in situ and
then to invasive adenocarcinomas. They then metastasize via the lymphatics or
portal circulation to the liver, lung, bone, brain, and other distant sites.
In addition, genetic analyses of sporadic small-bowel adenocarcinomas suggest similarities and
differences from the pathogenesis from colorectal carcinomas. Although Kras
mutation and p53 overexpression appear to be as common in small-bowel
adenocarcinoma as in colorectal carcinoma, mutation of the APC tumor suppressor
gene, which is characteristic of colorectal carcinoma, does not commonly occur in
small-bowel adenocarcinoma
Sarcomas account for approximately 15% of small-bowel malignancies in the
United States.
While some may exhibit clear histologic features of smooth
muscle origin, many tumors display only partial differentiation with
incomplete expression of muscle-associated antigens.
Because they are
mesenchymal neoplasms believed to be derived from the interstitial cells of
Cajal in the GI tract, they have recently been named with the more general
term GI stromal tumors (GISTs).
GI stromal tumors – can be classified as
Tumors that show smooth muscle cell differentiation.
Tumors with neural differentiation.
Tumors with smooth muscle/neural dual differentiation.
Tumors lacking differentiation towards these lineages.
Lymphoma – involvement of the GI tract due to secondary spreading of nonHodgkin
lymphomas (extra-nodal location), or arising of tumors in gastric
Carcinoid tumor – tumors that arise from endocrine cells of the GI tract.
Rarely, a malignant carcinoid tumor can occur as a large bulky mass.
Metastatic carcinoid to the liver can rarely result in the carcinoid syndrome.
Non-neoplastic polyps. Adenomas. Familial polyposis syndrome. Lynch syndrome.
Can be classified as: non- neoplastic or neoplastic
Polyp = mucosal outward raised protrusion, come at 2 morphology sessile without connecting stalk
instead connected view broad base or pedunculated with connecting stalk.
Most common in the colon
Inflammatory polyp - Chronic cycles of injury and healing produce a polypoid mass made up of
inflamed and reactive mucosal tissue.
The solitary rectal ulcer syndrome is an example of the purely inflammatory lesion. The underlying
cause is impaired relaxation of the anorectal sphincter, creating a sharp angle at the anterior rectal shelf.
Patients present with the clinical triad of rectal bleeding, mucus discharge, and an inflammatory lesion
of the anterior rectal wall.
Hamartomatous polyps- caused sporadic or by hamartomas polyposis syndromes which is
syndrome it come with extra. GI involvement Hamartomas are disorganized, tumor-like growths
composed of mature cell types normally present at the site at which they develops.
Thought to be
malformation but recent discovered to have neoplastic origin suggesting gene mutations in their
» Juvenile polyps - type of hamartomatous polyp and they may be sporadic or syndromic.
Sporadic usually solitary + no malignant potential while Syndrome (juvenile polyposis)
multiple lesions increase risk for colonic adenocarcinoma.
Also in syndrome see ext. GI risk
for pulmonary arteriovenous malformation.
The vast majority of juvenile polyps occur in children younger than 5 years of age,
characteristically are located in the rectum and manifest with rectal bleeding, morphology
they typically are Pedunculated, smooth- surfaced, small and reddish lesions.
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome - A rare autosomal dominant disorder defined by the presence of
multiple gastrointestinal hamartomatous polyps and ext. GI appearance of mucocutanus
pigmented lesion around lips and in the mucosa oral and genitals. Connect to increased risk
of several malignancies (e.g. colorectal breast and gynecological, lung, pancreatic …).
The polyps are most common in the small intestine, although they may also occur in the
stomach and colon.
Morphology- in Macro large and pedunculated with a lobulated contour and in Micro
Complex glandular architecture and bundles of smooth muscle helpto distinguish Peutz-Jeghers polyps from juvenile polyps.
Hyperplastic polyps - Most common polyp (90%) appearing usually at the 6th-7th decade of life,
have NO malignant potential. Can arise anywhere, but mostly in left colon rectum and sigmoid
Thought to result from delayed shedding of surface epithelial cells, leading to a crowding of cells
and characteristic serrated –thoothsaw appearance with pilup of goblet cells. Note that mucosa
Contains mature goblet cells & absorptive epithelial cells=no malignant potential.
May be singular or multiple Small, nipple-like, smooth protrusion lesions
Adenoma = a benign tumor formed from glandular structures in epithelial tissue.
Colonic adenomas arise due to neoplastic proliferation benign lesion carry potential to become
malignant unlike hyperplastic polyp.
Its 2nd most common type of polyp after hyperplastic estimated to be found in ~50% of older adults in
western world.
Most colon adenocarcinoma arise from it view adenoma carcinoma sequence but Most adenomas,
however, do not progress to adenocarcinoma- if found should be removed regardless of its state.
The risk of a polyp to develop malignancy depends on
the size-most important! Larger then 2 cm is risk,
sessile growth and villus histo architecture are related
also the severity of epithelial dysplasia is important.
Morphology – 0.3 to 10 cm in diameter and can be
pedunculated or sessile the stalk usually is covered bynon- neoplastic epithelium, but dysplastic epithelium is sometimes present
In histo: dysplasia see pseudo/stratification, increase
nucleus size elongation and hyperchromatic of nucleus.
Adenomas can be classified as tubular, tubulovillous, orvillous on the basis of their histologic architecture.
Tubular adenomas: small pedunculated composed of
tubular glands.
Villus adenomas: larger and sessile
covered by slender villi. Tubulo-villi adenomas:
mixture of both elements. in case of Sessile serrated adenomas very similar to hyperplastic polyps but
see serrate appearance involve also crypt (not in hyperplasia where only surface of gland)
Clinical features – smaller adenomas are asymptomatic until they cause bleeding; tubular adenomas may secrete mucin rich in proteins and potassium (leads to hypoproteinemia and hypokalemia)
Familial adenomatous polyposis:
Uncommon, autosomal dominant disorders in which you fined multiple adenomatous polyps that carpet
the colon mucosal surface (most of which are tubular adenomas).The risk of colorectal adenocarcinoma
is nearly 100% by midlife unless prophylactic colectomy is done.
*At least 100 polyps is necessary for a diagnosis of classic FAP,
# The genetic defect in FAP is mutation in APC (adenomatous polyposis coli) gene tumor suppressor
located on chromosome 5.
Variants of FAP:
-Gardner syndrome – FAP with osteomas (benign bine tumor usually see in skull), dental
abnormalities, thyroid tumor and fibromatosis(no neoplastic fivbrocyte proliferation usually in
mediastinum destroys adjacent structures).
-Turcot syndrome – FAP with CNS tumors (medulloblastoma and glial tumors).
Peutz-Jeghers polyps are uncommon hemartomatous polyps that occur as part of peutz-Jeghers
syndrome91, characterized in addition by melanin pigmentation of mucosal and cutaneous surfaces.
Cowden syndrome92 is characterized by hemartomatous polyps in the GI tract and increased risk of neoplasms of the thyroid, breast, uterus, and skin.
LYNCH SYNDROME= Hereditary nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer
An autosomal dominant disorder. Caused by mutation of DNA mismatch repair genes usually leading to
microsatellite instability.(individual already inherited one mutation the 2nd he acquired together now he
accumulate mutation much faster than normal individual)
Has a high risk in developing into colon cancer, as well as other cancers => endometrium, ovary,
stomach, small intestine, hepatobiliary tract, upper urinary tract, brain, and skin.
# In such patient colon cancer tend to occur at younger ages and often are located in the right colon
The morphology, staging and clinical features of colorectal carcinoma.
The vast majority of colorectal cancers are adenocarcinomas, tumors that arise from
the mucosa cells of the colon.
While most adenocarcinomas are well or moderately
differentiated, approximately 15% are poorly or undifferentiated tumors.
These tumors are associated with a poorer prognosis. Mucinous or colloid carcinomas, with
moderate to prodigious mucin production, are also associated with less favorable fiveyear survival rates.
# Morphologic patterns:
# Macro -> may occur anywhere along colon Both forms grow into the bowel wall
over time and may be palpable as firm masses.
» Proximal colon – tumors tend to grow as polypoid, exophytic mass that
extend along one wall of the cecum and ascending colon. but rarely cause
» Distal colon – carcinomas tend to encircle the lumen producing a
constrictive ring => narrowing of the lumen.
Micro -> composed of Tall columnar epithel with elongated, hyperchromatic
nuclei, increased size of nucleus.
Depending on glandular architecture, cellular
pleomorphism and mucosecretion of the predominant pattern, adenocarcinoma
may present 3 degrees of differentiation: well, moderate and poorly differentiate.
Well differentiated- The neoplastic glands are long and frond-like, similar to
those seen in a villous adenoma.
To more crowded gland appearance loss of
goblet cells and normal gland architecture….other character histo finding
include Necrotic debris in the gland lumen. And upon invasion of tumor cells
they induce Strong stromal desmoplastic response responsible for their
characteristic firm consistency even
May be composed of signet ring cells
that are similar to those in gastric cancer
The vast majority of colon carcinomas are adenocarcinomas, many of
which produce mucin. Cancers of the anus are most commonly squamous cell
May Remain asymptomatic for years as symptoms develop gradually and slowly,
enhance the importance of screening from age 50/even younger at case of family
» Cecal and right colonic cancers – appearance of fatigue, weakness and
iron deficiency anemia. In general Iron deficiency anemia in older men is
very suspicious for GI cancer until proven otherwise.
» Left-sided lesions – changes in bowel habits, left lower quadrant
discomfort, bleeding.
The two most important prognostic factors are depth of invasion and the presence
or absence of lymph node metastases.
For example tumors with muscularis
propria involvement is carrying much poor prognosis already compered to lesser depth of invasion also the occurrence of lymph node involvement much reduce
Colorectal tumors may spread by direct extension into adjacent structures, and by
metastasis through the lymph and blood vessels.
Sites of metastasis (in order of preference) => liver, regional lymph nodes, lungs,
bones. Note that The rectum does not drain by way of the portal circulation ->
usually doesn’t metastasize to the liver.
Staging of colorectal cancer refers to how far a cancer has spread on a scale from
0 to IV, with 0 meaning a cancer that has not begun to invade the colon wall and
IV describing cancer that has spread beyond the original site to other parts of the
There is a close correlation between advancing stage and cancer mortality.
Tumor size does not appear to be important in terms of outcome.
The aggressiveness of colorectal cancer is based upon its ability to grow and invade
the colonic wall, lymphatic systeM
TNM Staging System -The TNM System, developed by the American Joint
Committee on Cancer (AJCC) is the most widely used, and is considered the
most precise and descriptive.
T stands for tumor and the depth to which it has
penetrated the colon wall, N stands for lymph node involvement, and M refers to
metastases, or whether the cancer has spread to other body parts Colorectal cancer most commonly spreads to the liver or the lungs
Detection and diagnosis is based on several test:
» Digital rectal examination.
» Fecal testing for presence of blood.
» Barium enema – barium sulfate fills the colon to give an X-ray picture.
» Sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy.
» Biopsy for final confirmation.
» Radiographic studies (CT) to assess metastatic spread.
Acute and chronic liver failure. Cholestasis. Hepatic encephalopathy
The Liver –
The liver has the enormous task of maintaining the body’s metabolic homeostasis.
A healthy liver does the following:
1.It regulates the composition of blood, including the amounts of sugar (glucose), protein, and fat that
enters the bloodstream.
2.It removes bilirubin, ammonia, and other toxins from the blood.
3.It processes most of the nutrients absorbed by the intestines during digestion and converts those
nutrients into forms that can be used by the body.
The liver also stores some nutrients, such as vitamin
A, iron, and other minerals.
- It produces cholesterol and certain important proteins, such as albumin.
- It produces clotting factors, chemicals needed to help blood clot.
- It breaks down (metabolizes) alcohol and many drugs.
# The major clinical syndromes of liver disease are hepatic failure, cirrhosis, portal
hypertension, and cholestasis.
Most severe outcome of liver disease that may develops as the end point of
progressive damage to the liver parenchyma or Less often, hepatic failure is the
result of sudden and massive destruction of hepatic tissue.
Note that Failure is almost certain when about 80%-90% of hepatic functioning tissue is lost
In many cases balance “tipped” toward dysfunction when increased stress exarted
on already injured liver such as systemic infections, electrolyte disturbances, surgery, heart failure and GI bleeding.
There are 3 categories of patterns of injury resulting in liver failure:
1) Acute liver failure with massive hepatic necrosis-
Characterized by massive hepatic necrosis, uncommon life threatening situation lead to
necessitates liver transplanted.
Most often Caused by drugs or viral hepatitis, in this type see Hepatic insufficiency that progresses into hepatic encephalopathy within 2-3 weeks.*subacute when ~3 month chain of events.
2) Chronic liver disease Most common route to hepatic failure represented
as end point of process inflicting chronic liver damage often manifest a cirrhosis.
The processes that initiate chronic damage to the liver can be
classified as:
1. Primarily hepatocytic (or parenchymal)
2. Biliary
3. Vascular
3) Hepatic dysfunction without overt necrosis -The hepatocytes are viable,
but cannot perform normal metabolic function Occurs in acute fatty liver
of pregnancy, toxicity, and Reye syndrome
Clinical features –
# In chronic liver failure
Jaundice a yellow discoloration of skin and sclerae (icterus), occurs
when systemic retention of bilirubin produces serum levels above 2.0 mg/dL.
Hypoalbuminemia => impaired synthesis of albumin; predisposes for peripheral edema.
Hyperammonemia => defective urea cycle function (takes place only in the liver)
Hyperestrogenemia => impaired estrogen metabolism; hypogonadism
and gynecomastia (in males)
Palmar erythema (a reflection of local vasodilatation)
Spider angiomas of the skin (v a central, pulsating, dilated arteriole from which small vessels radiate)
In acute liver failure May present as jaundice or encephalopathy, but
without the clinical signs of chronic liver failure (gynecomstia, spider angiomas etc.)
Complications –
# Accumulation of toxic metabolites Multiple organ systems failure
(respiratory/renal failure, pneumonia, sepsis, ).
# Coagulopathies due to impaired synthesis of blood coagulation factors
Massive GI bleeding.
# Bile congestion in liver result from condition in which bile cannot flow from
the liver to duodenum, decrease in bile flow may be due to impaired
secretion by hepatocytes or to obstruction of bile flow through intra-or
extrahepatic bile ducts.
Can be classified as:
# Obstruction – due to mechanical blockage in the duct system, such as
gallstone or malignancy or malformation.
# Metabolic/ intrahepatic cholestasis – due to disease of the
intrahepatic biliary tree or hepatocellular secretory failure cannot be
treated surgically.
# Morphology –may appear intracellular as bile brown pigment in
cytoplasem, also ext. cell in canaliculi system congested distant
canaliculi/filling space of disse etc.…
Symptoms include:
» Progressive fatigue
» Malabsorption of fat – no bile
» Jaundice- not always The presence of elevated serum concentration of
conjugated bilirubin is a principal sign of cholestasis. It results in
jaundice, which can be detected by scleral icterus at a concentration as
low as 2 mg/dL, and by dark urine. Pale stool (in obstructive
» Elevated serum alkaline phosphatase
» Itchiness (pruritus)- unknown reason
» Skin xanthomas (accumulation of cholesterol)
# Hepatic encephalopathy is a clinical syndrome of impaired brain function
occurring in patients with advanced liver failure=> manifests by the broad
spectrum of neuropsychiatric disturbances such as: behavioral abnormality,
confusion, deep coma and death
Associated with neurologic signs such as rigidity, hyperreflexia, EEG changes,
and seizures (rare).
Main characteristic is asterixis (flapping tremor) => non-rhythmic, rapid
extension-flexion movements of the head and extremities.
hyperammonemia is the main factor responsible for the brain abnormalities in
HE Two factors seem to be important in the genesis of this disorder:
» Severe loss of hepatocellular function - Nitrogenous compounds are
metabolized in liver urea cycle, resulting in the generation of urea which
is subsequently excreted through the urine
» Shunting of blood from portal to systemic circulation around the
chronically disease liver.
Exact patho mechanism is unclear but estimation: Ammonia bypasses the liver
and accumulates in the systemic circulation; it then crosses the blood-brain barrier
and is metabolized by astrocytes to synthesize glutamine Glutamine increases the
osmotic pressure within the astrocyte and is thought to cause mitochondrial
dysfunction the process of glutamine (Gln) synthesis from glutamate (Glu) and
ammonia, glutamate and as result GABA depletion
Ammonia influences also other mechanisms leading to development of hepatic
encephalopathy such as: impaired blood-brain barrier, changes in
neurotransmission, proinflammatory cytokines, and impaired cerebral blood flow
Acute setting -> elevation in blood ammonia -> impairs neuronal function
and promotes generalized brain edema.
Chronic settings -> Deranged neurotransmitter production -> neuronal dysfunction.
Hepatic bile formation serves two major functions:
Primary pathway for the
elimination of bilirubin, excess cholesterol and xenobiotics. Secreted bile salts
and phospholipid molecules promote emulsification of dietary fat in the lumen of
the gut.
In prhepatic see unconjugated bilirubin elevated in serum in hepatic see both and
in post hepatic see conjugated bilirubin elevated in serum.
Acute viral hepatitis. Pathomorphology, complications.
Hepatitis = A descriptor for specific histopathologic patterns of hepatocyte injury
associated with inflammation and, when chronic, with scarring.
Hence, Acute & chronic hepatitis = Distinguished in part by duration and in part by the pattern of
cell injury.
Causes: Hepatitis viruses A-E, Autoimmune, Drug- toxin- induced hepatitides
-> All share the same patterns of injury
» Mononuclear infiltrates predominate in all phases of most hepatitis
diseases because they all invoke T cell–mediated immunity.
» Distinction between acute and chronic hepatitis is based on the pattern of
cell injury and severity of inflammation.
» Acute hepatitis = less inflammation and more hepatocyte death than chronic hepatitis
On gross inspection, liver involved by mild acute hepatitis appears normal or
slightly enlarged red liver; greenish if there is cholestasis.
At the other end of the spectrum, in massive hepatic necrosis the liver may shrink to 500to 700 g
and become transformed into a limp, red organ covered by a wrinkled, baggy capsule.
Lobular disarray-loss of normal architecture
Hepatocyte injury-swelling (ballooning degeneration), in HCV: mild fatty
change of hepatocytes Hepatocyte necrosis isolated cells or clusters or apoptosis (shrinkage)
Inflammatory Influx- of mainly mononuclear cells into sinusoids inflammatory spillover into adjacent parenchyma When located in the
parenchyma away from portal tracts, these features are called lobular hepatitis, Kupffer cells undergo hyperplasia and Hypertrophy.
Infection of the liver caused by a small group of viruses’ initial infection and
following inflammation are the acute viral hepatitis in some cases it later may
progress to chronic infection yelling chronic viral hepatitis.
Acute hepatitis – less than 6 months of progression; initial features are
nonspecific flu-like symptoms with malaise (“feeling bad”), muscle and joint
pain, fever, nausea and vomiting => followed by jaundice and abdominal
Note that in viral hepatitis the Immune mediated mechanisms induce hepatocyte
damage in response to viral antigens.
Types of viruses:
1) Hepatitis A virus (HAV) and HEV:
both causing only acute form not progress to chronic infection hence
appearance of IgM noting acute infection while appearance of IgG signal
for resolution(note HAV got vaccine so IgG may link to immunized
Both Transmission by contaminated water and food Present in stool, got short incubation periods.
HEV infection associated with fuliment hepatitis (liver failure with massive liver necrosis)
2) Hepatitis B virus (HBV)
Causing acute hepatitis and in some caseas~20% may progress into chronic
HBV-induced chronic liver disease is a precursor for development of hepatocellular carcinoma HBV-X is required for viral infectivity and may
have a role in the development of hepatocellular carcinoma by regulating p53 degradation and expression.
Prolonged incubation (4-26 weeks)
Transmission by blood and body fluids + vertical transmission from mother to
child It is NOT present in stool
Vaccine available= HBsAg
o Hepatitis B core antigen (HBcAg) = retained in hepatocyte
o Hepatitis Be antigen (HBeAg) = Secreted to blood -> essential for infection
o Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) => produced & secreted to the blood in high amounts immunogenic.
1.acute infection – see HBsAg as initial serologic marker that rises denoting infection by virus, next in phase IgM against HBcAg
raise (in window period only one to appear in serum) in resolution
see IgG against both HBcAg and HBsAg providing protection
against future infections.
- Chronic infection- appearance of HBsAg longer than 6 months
as the mark of enter chronic state more in such patient no IgG
against HBsAg.
HBeAg or viral DNA as indicators that patient is
infective? there is IgG against HBcAg
- Patient who got vaccine or resolved the disease will have IgG against HBsAg (vaccine itself composed of viral surface AG)
3) Hepatitis C virus (HCV)
Transmission by blood and intravenous drug use
More likely to progress into chronic liver disease and eventual
Incubation time 2-26 weeks
Acute hep. C is asymptomatic in 75% of cases
Persistent infection is the hallmark of HCV infection, occurring in
80% to 85% of patients with sub- clinical or asymptomatic acute
Hepatitis C confers a significantly increased risk for hepatocellular carcinoma.
4) Hepatitis D virus (HDV)
Replication is dependent on HBV infection => replicates only when encapsulated by HBsAg.
Coinfection = infection by both HBV & HDV usually recover completely.
Superinfection = First HBV then HDV = acceleration of
hepatitis + more severe
Chronic hepatitis.
IgM anti-HDV antibody is the most reliable indicator of recent
HDV exposure
Clinical features & outcomes of viral hepatitis-
- Asymptomatic acute infection: serologic evidence only
- Acute hepatitis: anicteric or icteric
- Fulminant hepatitis: submassive to massive hepatic necrosis with acute liver failure.
- Chronic hepatitis: with or without progression to cirrhosis.
- Chronic carrier state: asymptomatic without apparent disease.
- HCV= development to chronic state is much more common then in HBV.
HCV= chronic.
Acute viral hepatitis can be caused by any of the hepatitis viruses.
# It is divided into 4 stages:
» Incubation period.
» Symptomatic pre-icteric phase – marked by nonspecific symptoms =>
fatigue, nausea, and loss of appetite.
» Symptomatic icteric phase – with jaundice and scleric icterus (=jaundice)
=> characterized by conjugated hyperbilirubinemia (causing dark colored
urine). Hepatocellular damage may occur (unconjugated
» Convalescence.
Chronic hepatitis. Etiology, classification and morphological features
Liver disease with persistent inflammatory injury to hepatocytes lasting longer
than 6 months the chronic inflammation Associated with progressive fibrosis
that ultimately leads to liver cirrhosis
Etiology is the most important determinant of the probability to develop
progressive chronic hepatitis.
» Viral hepatitis – mainly HCV that causes chronic hepatitis, which will
evolve to cirrhosis. Also, HBV.
» Wilson’s disease – autosomal recessive inherited, copper metabolism
disorder, in which lack of copper transporter prohibit the excretion out of
cells renders its accumulation in the tissues (mainly liver and brain).
» α1-antitrypsin deficiency – causes defective A1AT => no protease
inhibitor => tissue destruction.
» Chronic alcoholism – leads to hepatic steatosis (fatty change) => liver
» Drugs – isoniazid (for treatment of TB), and methyldopa (selective for α2
receptors, used for treatment of high blood pressure).
» Autoimmunity.
Morphology –
» Mononuclear infiltrates predominate in all phases of most hepatitic
diseases because they all invoke T cell–mediated immunity. (chronic &
» Distinction between acute and chronic hepatitis is based on the pattern
of cell injury and severity of inflammation. In chronic disease = more inflammation & less cellular death.
» Macro:
The gross appearance of the liver in chronic hepatitis may be normal
or include grossly evident focal scarring or, as cirrhosis develops, may
feature widespread nodularity surrounded by extensive scarring.
» Micro:
Dense mononuclear and lymphocyte portal infiltrates distended portal
vains are the defining lesion of chronic hepatitis. Also, common
interference hepatitis –inflammation infiltrate in interference border in
btween hepatocellular parenchyma and portal stroma/scar.
Other hallmark of severe chronic liver damage is scarring.
Parenchymal changes are similar to acute viral hepatitis with reduced
appearance of cell death but with regeneration attempts but no
orientation so create nodular mass of hepatocytes with interfering scat
tissue. -> Continued scarring and nodule formation leads to the development of cirrhosis.
» HBV- Ground glass cell accumulation Of HBsAg in cytoplasm. (large
pale pink cytoplasm)
» HCV- Fatty change (altered lipid metabolism) Bile duct injury- infection
of cholengiocytes by virus also in alcoholic disease.
Clinical Features:
» Mostly asymptomatic see some serum enzymes elevation as AST, ALT -
Persistent elevations of serum aminotransferase levels (hepatocyte destruction)
» Laboratory studies may reveal prolongation of the pro- thrombin time, Alkaline
phosphatase and bilirubin levels are usually normal, except in stages of hepatic
decompensation - hypergammaglobulinemia, hyperbilirubinemia, and mildly
elevated alkaline phosphatase levels.
A syndrome of chronic hepatitis in people with immunologic abnormalities.
Similar morphology to that of chronic hepatitis.
# Main features:
» Female predominance (70%).
» No serologic markers for viral infection.
» Elevated serum IgG (>2.5g/dL).
» Presence of auto-antibodies => antinuclear, anti-smooth muscle cell etc.
» Presence of other autoimmune diseases can be seen => rheumatoid
arthritis, thyroiditis, Sjogren syndrome, and ulcerative colitis.
The main effectors of cell damage in autoimmune hepatitis are believed to be
CD4+ helper cells.
Autoimmune hepatitis may manifest as mild to severe chronic hepatitis.
# Differentiation btw viral and autoimmunity us by the time course.
# Autoimmunity = early onset.
# necrosis
Alcoholic liver disease. Drug- and toxin-induced liver disease: different morphological forms of
Liver is the major detoxifying organ => subjected to injury by drugs and toxins. Metabolism of ethanol:
oxidation of ethanol to acetaldehyde by three different routes, and the generation of acetic acid.
Note that oxidation by alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) takes place in the cytosol; the cytochrome P-450 system and its CYP2E1 isoform are located in the ER and catalase is located in peroxisomes.
Oxidation of acetaldehyde by
aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) occurs in mitochondria.
The most common form of chronic liver diseas in the western world, manifest in 3 different forms
(collectively referred to as alcoholic liver disease)
» Hepatic steatosis (intra cellular fat accumulation)
Due to intake of ethanol (>60g/day) => Causes:
- Metabolism of ethanol by ADH produces NADH => signals the body it has enough
energy (although it doesn’t) stop glycosis + production of lipids
=> accumulation of these lipids in hepatocytes => steatosis!
Alcohol is oxidized by alcohol dehydrogenase which cause decrease in NAD+, and
increase NADH. NAD+ required for fatty acid oxidation in the liver, and by that
deficiency, fat accumulate in the liver of alcoholics
- Impaired assembly & secretion of lipoproteins.
- Increase peripheral catabolism of fat
Liver is enlarged (4-6kg), soft, yellow, and greasy micro see Fatty liver disease. steatosis
is most prominent around the central vein and extends outward to the portal tracts with
increasing severity.
The intracytoplasmic fat is seen as clear vacuoles smaller are microvasicles larger are macrovesicles may push nucleus aside..
Continued alcohol intake => fibrosis develops around the central veins and extends to
adjacent sinusoids (center to periphery)
Fatty change is a reversible state UNTIL fibrosis appears => by stopping alcohol
Clinical features – hepatomegaly with mild elevation of serum bilirubin and alkaline
Alcoholic hepatitis
» Usually associated with acute episode of excessive drinking it may stem from one or more of
the following toxic by products of ethanol and its metabolites: Acetaldehyde-disrupts
cytoskeleton and lipid membranes induce lipid peroxidation.
Alcohol-direct injury to cytoskeleton Mito and membrane fluidity
ROS-from ER metabolism & cytokine mediated inflammation (major cytokine TNF)-
stimulation for realis view ROS and alcohol stim.
Microbe of gut for endotoxin realis so
Kupffer cell realis cytokine
Ballooning = Swelling and necrosis => scattered cells undergo swelling due to
accumulation of fat, water and proteins, and then necrosis
Mallory dank bodies => scattered hepatocytes accumulate damaged intermediate
filaments, visible as eosinophilic cytoplasmic homogenous masses
Neutrophil infiltration => accumulate around degenerating hepatocytes; lymphocytes
and macrophages also enter the portal tracts and spill into the parenchyma
Steatohepatitis with Fibrosis => Generation of acetaldehyde and free radicals is
maximal in the centrilobular region this region is most susceptible to toxic injury
Pericellular fibrosis and sinusoidal fibrosis develop in this area of the lobule. Upon
repeated insult fibrosis become more prominent cirrhosis.
Clinical features – malaise, anorexia, presents with painful hepatomegaly and elevated
liver enzymes (AST > ALT) and fever; laboratory findings include hyperbilirubinemia,
elevated alkaline phosphate and neutrophilic leukocytosis
» Alcoholic cirrhosis
- Final and irreversible end stage organ form of alcoholic liver disease, ends as brown,
shrunken, non-fatty organ (<1kg) - For unknown reasons, cirrhosis develops in only a small fraction of chronic alcoholics.
- Concurrent viral hepatitis, particularly hepatitis C, is a major accelerator of liver disease
in alcoholics. The prevalence of hepatitis C among alcoholic is about 30% on other hand, - With complete abstinence, some regression of scar can be seen in all cases, and the
Micronodular liver transforms, with regeneration, into a macronodular - Cirrhotic organ;
- Characteristic diffuse nodularity of the surface is induced by the underlying fibrous
scarring. Small nodules with unorganized architecture are entrapped by fibrous tissue;
fatty accumulation is no longer
Seen in this “burned-out” stage. - Clinical features – Commonly, the first signs of cirrhosis relate to complications of
Portal hypertension (e.g., an abdomen grossly distended with ascites, wasted
extremities, and Caput medusa) alternatively, a patient may first present with lifethreatening variceal hemorrhage or hepatic encephalopathy. In other cases, cirrhosis
may be clinically silent, discovered only at autopsy or when stress such as infection or
trauma tips the balance toward hepatic insufficiency
Laboratory findings reflect
The developing hepatic disease, with elevated serum aminotransferase,
Hyperbilirubinemia, variable elevation of alkaline phosphatase, hypoproteinemia (globulins, albumin, and
clotting factors), and anemia. In chronic alcoholics, alcohol may become a major caloric source in the diet, displacing
Other nutrients and leading to malnutrition and vitamin deficiencies (e.g., thiamine, vitamin B12).
Among those with end-stage alcoholic liver disease, the immediate causes of death are:
- Hepatic failure
- Massive gastrointestinal hemorrhage
- Intercurrent infection (to which affected persons are predisposed)
- Hepatorenal syndrome
- Hepatocellular carcinoma in 3% to 6% of cases
NAFLD is condition in which fatty liver disease develops in persons who do not drink alcohol.
The liver Can show any of the three types of changes described earlier (steatosis, steatohepatitis, and cirrhosis).
NAFLD is associated with insulin resistance and Obesity.
# Liver is the major organ of detoxification; thus it is subjected to potential injury:
» Direct toxic damage to hepatocytes. (conversion of xenobiotic active toxin)
» Immune-mediated hepatocytes destruction. (acting as hapten)
Drug-induced liver disease is a common condition that may manifest as a mild reaction or, much more
seriously, as acute liver failure or chronic liver disease. The most important agent that produces toxic liver injury is alcohol.
Drug reactions may be classified as:
» Predictable – occur in anyone who accumulates a sufficient dose of the drug. E.g. Acetaminophen
toxicity = leading to acute failure & transplantation. The toxic agent is not acetaminophen itself,
but rather toxic metabolite produced by the cytochrome P-450 system in acinus zone 3 hepatocytes.
» Unpredictable – depends on the metabolic rate of the host and development of immune response to
the antigenic stimulus. (Individual variation) e.g. Chlorpromazine (an agent that causes cholestasis in
individuals who metabolize it slowly),
halothane (which can cause a fatal immune-mediated hepatitis in some persons exposed to this anesthetic on several occasions)
Morphology –
» Massive necrosis => the entire liver may be involved, or only random areas are affected; necrotic areas have red, may be depressed appearance. Upon Massive loss of hepatic substance => liver may shrink to 500-700g.
» Complete destruction of hepatocytes in continuous lobules leaves only reticulin framework and
preserved Drug/Toxin-Mediated Injury Mimicking Hepatitis
Clinically and histologically, drug-induced hepatitis cannot be distinguished from chronic viral hepatitis
or autoimmune hepatitis => serologic markers are critical for making a diagnosis.
» Acetaminophen toxicity = leading to acute failure & transplantation.
» Isoniazid = chronic hepatitis.
» Other drugs= induce autoimmune hepatitis.
Drug/Toxin-Mediated Injury with Steatosis
Fulminant liver failure and encephalopathy in children with viral illness who take aspirin
Presents with hypoglycemia, elevated liver enzymes, and nausea with vomiting; may Progress to coma and death Morphology: hepatocellular microvesicular steatosis. Cerebral edema
mitochondrial alternation in EM.
Metathroxate and corticosteroids induce steatosis
Amiodarone induce steattic hepatitis like alcohol
Liver cirrhosis. Portal hypertension
Is the end stage process of repeated injury and attempts for regeneration with multiple underlying
causes characterized by fibrosis and the conversion of normal liver architecture into structurally
abnormal nodules.
# Main characteristics:
» Fibrous septa – fibrous bands and scars around multiple adjacent lobules.
» Parenchymal nodules – lobule don’t have architecture instead contain non organized mixed cell
population of hepatocytes in different stages as spherical lobule surrounded by fibrosis
» Diffuse damage involve major part of liver
Caused by
- alcohol abuse Cirrhosis is a complication of long-term, chronic alcohol-induced liver damage; occurs
in 10-20% of alcoholics, nonalcoholic steatosis - Hemochromatosis Excess body iron leading to deposition in tissues (hemosiderosis) and organ
damage (hemochromatosis -Tissue damage is mediated by generation of free radicals. Due to
autosomal recessive defect in iron absorption (primary) or chronic transfusions (secondary). - chronic infections HBV/HCV, autoimmune hepatitis
- Biliary disease e.g. Primary ones -Autoimmune granulomatous destruction of intrahepatic bile ducts
classically arises in women (average age is 40 years) Etiology is unknown; anti mitochondrial
antibody is present.
Presents with features of obstructive jaundice Cirrhosis is a late complication,
Primary sclerosing cholangitis Inflammation and fibrosis of intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile ducts
Etiology is unknown, but associated with ulcerative colitis; p-ANCA is often positive.
Presents with
obstructive jaundice; cirrhosis is a late complication.
- Wilson diseas Autosomal recessive defect (ATP7B gene) in ATP-mediated hepatocyte copper
transport Results in lack of copper transport into bile Copper builds up in hepatocytes, leaks into
serum, and deposits in tissues.
Copper-mediated production of hydroxyl Free radicals leads to tissue
damage. Presents in childhood with Cirrhosis
Pathogenesis – Three processes are central to the pathogenesis of cirrhosis:
- Death of hepatocytes. replaced by Preexisting proliferating hepatocytes (regeneration) or newly
formed hepatocytes (hepatobiliary stem cell niche) encircled by fibrotic bands. - ECM deposition = in cirrhosis, types I and III collagen and other ECM components are
deposited in the space of Disse.
*Source of collagen – Stellate cells (formally Ito cells) found in the space of Disse, which are
transformed into myofibroblasts upon inflammation (cytokines, GFs e.g. TNF from injured
hepatocytes and kupffer calls).
- Vascular reorganization the major vascular lesions that contribute to defects in liver function
are: loss of sinusoidal endothelial cell fenestrations = formation of high pressure, fast flowing
vascular channels = no solute exchange = albumin, clotting f., lipoproteins remain in the liver.
And 2nd one is Development of vascular shunts = abnormal vascular pressures in the liver and
contributes to hepatic dysfunction and portal hypertension.
Morphology-regenerative nodule surrounded by fibrous connective tissue extending between portal
regions. Shrunk firm liver nodular surface appearance of Micronodule- less than 3mm. Macro- over 1 cm
Clinical features –
Early symptoms: nonspecific and include anorexia, weight loss, weakness.
Fatal cirrhosis complications :
» Progressive liver failure.
» Complication associated with portal hypertension.
» Development of hepatocellular carcinoma.
Increased resistance to portal blood flow.
# Types of portal hypertension:
» Pre-hepatic – blockage of portal vein due to occlusion, thrombosis, vascular invasion of
primary or secondary cancer.
» Intra-hepatic – cirrhosis (accounting for most portal hypertension), massive fatty change,
diffuse granulomatous disease (sarcoidosis).
» Portal hypertension in cirrhosis results from increased resistance to portal flow at the level of
the sinusoids and compression of central veins by perivenular fibrosis and expanded
parenchymal nodules.
» Post-hepatic – right sided heart failure, Budd-Chiari syndrome => results from thrombosis of
hepatic veins.
» Another major cause: increase in portal venous blood flow.
Bacteria absorbed from the gut bypasses the kupffer cells in the liver (due to intrahepatic
shunting of blood from portal to systemic circulation) Bacteria causes increase production of
NO = causes arterial vasodilation in the splanchnic circulation increase in blood flow.
Clinical features –
» Ascites – collection of excess fluid in the peritoneal cavity. Serous fluid with mainly albumin.
» Pathogenesis:
Sinusoidal hypertension and hypoalbuminemia Movement of intravascular fluid
into the extravascular space of Disse.
Leakage of fluid from the hepatic interstitium into the peritoneal cavity. (With
cirrhosis, hepatic lymphatic flow may approach 20 L/day, exceeding thoracic duct
» Porto-caval anastomoses – portal venous pressure rises => development of bypasses where
systemic and portal circulation anastomose => veins around the rectum (hemorrhoids),
esophageal venous plexus cause esophageal varices (rupture causes hematemesis),
periumbilical veins (caput medusa), and retroperitoneal venous plexus.
» Hepatorenal syndrome- (rapidly developing renal failure secondary to cirrhosis without any
predisposing renal damage in background) underlying cause unknown but Thoth to result
from increase splanchnic blood flow plus peripheral resistance increased to mark decrease in
renal blood flow mainly to cortex
» Splenomegaly – long-lasting congestion with enlargement of the spleen (1kg) may come with
» Hepatic encephalopathy.
» Changes in pulmonary blood flow occurring secondary to hepatic failure may lead to
portopulmonary hypertension or hepatopulmonary syndrome.
Cirrhosis caused by metabolical disruption (hemochromatosis. Wilson disease. Alpha-1-
antitrypsin deficiency
disorders characterized by excessive accumulation of body iron, 2 Types of hemochromatosis:
» Genetic – Hereditary hemochromatosis refers to genetic disorders characterized by excessive
accumulation of body iron, most of which is deposited in the liver, pancreas, and heart.
Most common form is An autosomal recessive disorder of adult onset, which results from mutation of
HFE gene (chromosome 6), characterized by accelerated rate of iron absorption and progressive
» Acquired (secondary) – results from multiple blood transfusions(each bag of blood bag of iron cuz
transfused RBC after 120 day lysed and iron recycled), ineffective erythropoiesis (β-thalassemia ext.
turnover plus treated by regular transfusion), and increased iron intake.
no excretory pathway for excess absorbed iron. Hepcidin produced by the liver is a hormone responsible
for reduce plasma iron levels it down regulate iron transporters on enterocytes and on other cells of
body e.g. macrophages hence also reduce absorption of iron it regulated by HFE if missing it cannot
stimulate hepcidin production such In hereditary Hemochromatosis = HFE mutated = no regulation
of hepcidin
Lipid peroxidation due to free radicals produced from iron (view Fenton reaction).
Stimulation of collagen formation.
Direct interaction of iron with DNA.
deposition of hemosiderin as golden-brown pigment and process of fibrosis in different organs. Fully
developed cases show:
(1) Cirrhosis seen in most patients- Deposition of hemosiderin – first appears as goldenyellow
granules in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes, then spread to bile duct epithelium and
Kupffer cells, making the liver brown. Fibrous septa slowly develop leading to micronodular
cirrhosis in an intensely pigmented liver. Inflammation is absent.
(2) Diabetes mellitus 1 - Intensely pigmented Hemosiderin can be found in acinar cells and
islets of Langerhans.
(3) Skin pigmentation –partially by hemosiderin in MQ and fibroblast of skin but mainly
from increased melanin production.
Other effected organs:
» Heart Enlarged with hemosiderin granules within myocardial fibers Brown pigmentation of
myocardium. Diffuse interstitial fibrosis.
» Joints Deposition of hemosiderin in the synovial lining leading to development of acute
Clinical features – more common in men, late onset around age 50 take time for damage buildup…,
hepatomegaly, diabetes mellitus 1 , cardiac dysfunctions (arrhythmias, cardiomyopathy), and arthritis.
Blood test show- increase tot. Iron plasma, reduce iron binding capacity, increase transferrin saturation
and increase ferritin production.
The risk for hepatocellular carcinoma development in patients with hemochromatosis is 200 times
higher than in normal populations.
tissues and organs, principally the liver, brain, and eye.
transporter localized in the Golgi of hepatocytes.
Normal copper physiology: Absorption of ingested copper (2 to 5 mg/day) in Plasma transport
in complex with albumin Hepatocellular uptake, followed by binding to a α2-globulin
(apoceruloplasmin) to form ceruloplasmin.
Next again Secretion of ceruloplasmin bound copper into plasma ~95% of plasma copper is in
this bound form Hepatic re uptake from the plasma and realis of copper follow by secretion of
free copper into bile.
» In Wilson disease, the initial steps of copper absorption and transport to the liver are normal.
However, without ATP7B activity, copper cannot be passed on to apoceruloplasmin and
therefore cannot be excreted into bile, the primary route for copper elimination from the body.
» Copper progressively accumulates in the liver to cause toxic injury by formation of free radicals,
binding to cellular proteins, and displacing metals from hepatic metalloproteins.
» Copper begins to escape from the overloaded, damaged hepatocytes into the circulation =>
deposits in many other tissues => produces damage through the same mechanisms that injure
» May mimic fatty liver disease, acute/chronic hepatitis and may progress to cirrhosis.
» In the brain, toxic injury affects basal ganglia => atrophy.
» Eye lesions => Kayser-Fleischer rings (green brown rings upon deposition in BM of cornea)
usually accompany neuro involvement.
Note: copper may demonstrate with different stains such as orcein, its morphology cannot be
distinguish from other copper overload cause diseases such as chronic obstructive cholestasis.
protease inhibitor. The major function of AAT is the inhibition of proteases, particularly neutrophil
elastase released at sites of inflammation.
increase elastase activity and the liver => damage elicit by accumulation of mutated AAT
allelic variants produce normal or mildly reduced levels of serum AAT. Most severe form is as
autosomal recessive disease that appears in patients who are homozygous to the Z allele of the AAT
gene94 (chromosome 14) => PiZZ genotype. (Produce only 10% AAT) The PiZ polypeptide contains a
single amino acid substitution that results in misfolding of the nascent polypeptide in the hepatocyte
endoplasmic reticulum.
The resultant mutant protein cannot be secreted by hepatocytes => accumulated
in ER = unfolded protein response = apoptosis.
retained AAT, a glycoprotein that is strongly positive in a periodic acid–Schiff stain.
Electron microscopy they lie within smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
cholestasis with hepatocyte necrosis in newborns, to childhood cirrhosis, to a smoldering chronic
hepatitis or cirrhosis that becomes apparent only late in life.
» Cholestasis.
» Pulmonary emphysema.
» Chronic hepatitis.
» Cirrhosis.
» Hepatocellular carcinoma
Biliary cirrhosis. Primary sclerosing cholangitis.
An autoimmune chronic, progressive cholestatic diseas denoted by destruction of intrahepatic bile
The retention and accumulation of bile during cholestasis have long been implicated as a major cause of
liver damage (could disrupt cell membranes through their detergent action on lipid components, promote the
generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that eventually cause hepatocyte apoptosis) Injured hepatocytes
may release molecules, including growth factors, cytokines, chemokines and lipid peroxide products, able to
amplify the inflammatory response, stimulate fibrogenesis by hepatic stellate cells, or directly injure other
nearby cells. Additionally, they can activate Kuepfer cells to generate ROS, which may further contribute to
the liver cell insult.
Upon chronic damage there is cellar death and inflammation eliciting continues damage
and repair processes ending as liver cirrhosis.
Primary biliary cirrhosis
ducts The main feature of PBC is a nonsuppurative destruction of small and medium-sized
intrahepatic bile ducts.
disease. portal inflammation and scarring, and the development of cirrhosis and liver failure over years
to decades.
Recently it had been suggested that Exposure to certain xenobiotics may contribute to modification of
mitochondrial proteins => leads to decrease in immunologic tolerance. (this may be the trigger for the
immune response)
» Dense lymphocytic infiltrate in portal tracts with granulomatous/non granulomatous
destruction and loss of interlobular bile ducts, focal and variable within the liver
» Florid duct lesion: interlobular bile ducts are destroyed by poorly formed portal epithelioid
granulomas, lymphocytes, plasma cells and macrophages
» Portal tracts upstream from the damaged bile ducts show proliferation and inflammation +
Necrosis of the adjacent periportal parenchyma cause portal-portal septal fibrosis.
» 2 path for End-stage liver disease: both taking years to evolve)
- Portal hypertension leading to Nodular regenerative hyperplasia- widespread
nodularity without the surrounding scar tissue seen in cirrhosis the nodular hyperplasia =>
hepatomegaly - Widespread duct loss leading to: Chronic Cholestasis (* The bile accumulation is not
centrilobular, as in drug-induced or sepsis-associated cholestatic syndromes but is
periportal/periseptal!) over years may lead to Cirrhosis
Mallory denk bodies (differ by their periportal rather than centrilobular location as in
alcoholic hepatitis.)
Vivid green discoloration.
Secondary biliary cirrhosis
Occur when the accumulation of bile come secondary to identifiable reason for the Prolonged obstruction of
the extrahepatic biliary tree which results in profound damage to the liver and cirrhosis .
The most Common cause of obstruction is extrahepatic cholelithiasis. Other obstructive conditions include biliary
atresia (discussed later on), malignancies of the biliary tree and head of the pancreas etc…
The initial damage of cholestasis entirely reversible However, secondary inflammation resulting from
biliary obstruction initiates periportal fibrogenesis, which eventually leads to scarring and nodule formation,
generating secondary biliary cirrhosis.
intrahepatic bile ducts of all sizes.
ulcerative colitis. Often patient present with P-ANCA ABs ….
# Morphology –
» Changes in the ducts are patchy => shows “beading” of affected segments due to narrow
strictures alternating with normal sized or dilated ducts.
» Extrahepatic ducts + large intrahepatic ducts => chronic inflammation with superimposed acute
inflammation => edema + scaring => narrowing.
» Smaller ducts => Circumferential fibrosis= Onion skinning with little inflammation => lumen
disappears leaving just scar tissue.
» In response to duct loss, as in PBC, bile ductular proliferation, portal-portal septal fibrosis, and
cirrhosis follow.
there is increased risk for cholangiocarcinoma.
Liver abscesses. Circulatory disorders.
Grouped according to whether the blood flows into, though, or from the liver is impaired.
# Hepatic artery inflow
» Occlusion of hepatic artery Does not usually produce ischemia due to dual blood supply(portal).
» One exception => thrombosis of hepatic artery in transplanted liver => organ loss.
» Localized parenchymal infarct may result from thrombosis/embolism/tumor/poly arthritis
nodosa/sepsis leading to the occlusion of intrahepatic branch of the hepatic artery.
» Occlusion of major branch/portal vain Produces abdominal pain, portal hypertension and its
signs: ascites (fluid in peritoneal cavity), and esophageal varices (prone to rupture).
» Acute obstruction also means => congestion of blood in the bowl => bowl infarction.
» May arise from peritoneal sepsis, pancreatitis elicit splenic vein thrombosis that may propagates
to the portal vein), and vascular invasion of cancer primary or secondary in the liver that
occludes the vessel.
» When acute intrahepatic obstruction of portal vein occur it does not cause ischemic infarction,
but instead results in a demarcated area of red-blue discoloration (infarct of Zahn) => no
necrosis, only hepatocellular atrophy and congested distended sinusoids.
# The most common intrahepatic cause of portal blood flow obstruction is cirrhosis.
# Other causes for occlusion of the sinusoids - Sickle cell disease,DIC…
# Passive congestion and centriolobular necrosis (note it caused by outflow obstruction!!!)
» Right-sided cardiac dysfunction = congestion of the liver => if persistent centrilobular necrosis
and uncommon complication of centrilobular fibrosis creating a kind of border mimic
appearance of mini lobule around area of central vain (cardiac sclerosis).
» Morphology –
Macro = enlarged and cyanotic liver, round edges. Nutmeg liver on cut surface see
center mottalied red appearance of centrilobular hemorrhagic necrosis with pale
Micro = Nutmeg Liver centriolobular congested sinusoids, also necrotic hepatocytes
mechanism is unknown but Associated with exposure to anabolic steroids, Lesions usually disappear
after stopping the drug treatment. Risk to cause
hemorrhage if rapture
» Budd Chiari syndrome relating to obstruction major by thrombosis of one or more major hepatic
veins. Characterized by hepatomegaly, ascites and abdominal pain.
» Associated with myeloproliferative disorders (polycythemia Vera especially), pregnancy and use
of contraceptives, intra-abdominal cancers as hepatocellular carcinoma etc.(abscess/parasitic
infection creating compressive mass in liver)
» Other common reason for outflow obstruction is right sided heart failure ,more rear see IVC
» Morphology –
» Macro = liver is swollen congested, red-purple in color cyanotic? with tense capsule;
» Micro = hepatic parenchyma shows centrilobular congestion and necrosis.
» Caused by toxic injury to sinusoidal endothelium. Cells slough off and create emboli that block
the blood flow.
» Endothelial damage is accompanied by passage of blood cells into space of Disse, proliferation
of Ito cells, and fibrosis of terminal branches of hepatic vein.
» Seen mainly following 20-30 days after bone marrow transplantation, assumed to occur from
chemotherapy injury to cell follow preparation for transplantation.
» Clinically manifests as budd Chiari syndrome.
# The liver (as well as the lungs) are the visceral organs most often involved by metastatic cancers.
- Cavernous Hemangioma-
- Von Meyenburg complexes
suspicion for occurrence of polycystic kidney disease is linked)
- Focal nodular hyperplasia
with/without blood supply.
- Hepatic adenoma –
# Benign Hepatocellular neoplasm that usually occurs in women using oral contraceptive pills (may
regress upon stop pill use).
prominent neovascularization.
- When present as intrahepatic mass, may be mistaken for hepatocellular carcinoma.
- Sub-capsular adenomas may rupture, causing life-threatening intra-abdominal hemorrhage.
- Carry β-catenin mutations that increase the risk of developing cancer.
Macro-regenerative nodules: Appear in cirrhotic liver. Larger than surrounding cirrhotic nodules, but no
atypical features. Do not seem to be precursors for malignancy.
chronic liver disease, particularly chronic viral hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease, and metabolic disease.
- Hepatocellular Dysplasia Two forms of hepatocellular dysplasia are recognized - most common in the
setting of chronic viral hepatitis:
normal hepatocytes = These cells are not believed to be on the pathway to malignant transformation
( serve as a marker for molecular change)
oval hyperchromatic nucleus. Situated in nodular clusters considered to be directly premalignant.
- Dysplastic nodules
adjacent hepatic lobules, without displacing all of the portal tracts. Hepatocytes in the nodules are
highly proliferative with atypical features (pleomorphism, crowding).
» Associated with viral infections (HBV or HCV), alcoholic cirrhosis and aflatoxin96 exposure.
» Development of HCC is affected from many variables (age, gender, chemicals, viruses,
hormones, alcohol and nutrition).
» In most cases, HCC develops from small-cell, high-grade dysplastic nodules in cirrhotic liver =>
these are monoclonal and carry chromosomal aberrations.
» Chronic inflammation may cause damage to DNA segments involved in tumor suppression
(tp53), oncogene (beta catenin) and genes of DNA repair. These main contributors to the genetic
instability leading to HCC- HCC usually presents with chromosomal abnormalities indicating
for this instability.
» HCC has a strong tendency for vascular invasion invade the portal vein and IVC. Extensive
intrahepatic metastases are characteristic.
» Macro = can appear as unifocal massive tumor or multifocal variable sized nodules, or diffusely
infiltrative cancer.
» Micro = range from well differentiated neoplastic cells to poorly differentiated lesions
composed of multinucleated anaplastic giant cells. also, in more differentiated form intra cellular
bile and pseudo canalicular structures recognized.
» More soft tumor with minor stroma amount
» Fibrolamellar carcinoma – a more rear variant of HCC that occurs in young adults without
cirrhotic background/other risk factors in appearance resemble nodular hyperplasia including
stromal fibrous bands- carry better prognosis.
alpha fetoprotein in ~50% of patients). mainly radiologic screening of cirrhotic patients used to capture
neoplastic lesions.
Keep in mind tumors of billery tract may extend to intra hepatic ducts and to liver parenchyma itself.
# Develops from the epithelial lining of the gallbladder, and is the most frequent tumor of the biliary tract.
Vest majority are adenocarcinomas ~5% raise as SCC
may promote the development of cancer.
invading the underlying wall or Infiltrative (more common) – appears as poorly defined area of diffuse
thickening of the gallbladder wall, which may evolve the entire gallbladder.
have invaded the liver directly, or extended to the cystic duct => symptoms include abdominal pain,
jaundice, anorexia, nausea and vomiting (similar to those of cholelithiasis – gallstones).
# Cholangiocarcinoma are adenocarcinomas that arise from the lining the intrahepatic and extrahepatic
biliary ducts.
more distally in the biliary tree.
# Poor prognosis => cholangiocarcinoma is asymptomatic until late stages.
» Well differentiated adenocarcinomas with abundant fibrous stroma => firm consistency.
» Present clearly defined glandular and tubular structures lined by anaplastic cuboidal epithelial
» Because partial or complete obstruction of bile ducts rapidly leads to jaundice, extrahepatic
biliary tumors tend to be relatively small at the time of diagnosis, whereas intrahepatic tumors
may cause symptoms only when much of the liver is replaced by tumor.
» All risk factors of cholangiocarcinoma cause chronic cholestasis and inflammation = promote
mutation in cholengiocytes.
» Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma may be manifested by the presence of a liver mass and
nonspecific signs and symptoms.
» Symptoms and signs arising from extrahepatic (jaundice, nausea and vomiting, and weight loss)
result from biliary obstruction.
» Several consistent genetic changes have been noted in these tumors, including activating
mutations in the KRAS and BRAF oncogenes and loss-of-function mutations in the TP53 tumor
suppressor gene.
Cholangitis. Cholecystitis. Cholelithiasis. Neoplasias of the gallbladder
Acute inflammation of the wall of the bile duct most commonly caused by
bacterial infection of the normally sterile lumen.
choldocholithiasis => presence of stones within the biliary tree.
infect intrahepatic biliary ducts.
# Suppurative cholangitis- the most severe form in which purulent bile fills and
distends bile ducts => risk of liver abscess formation.
# Sepsis is the predominant risk.
bacterial origin usually as complication of an infection elsewhere.
- Amoebic parasites such as Entamoeba histolytica or echinococcos
- Bacterial agents E.coli klebsiella pseudomonas
# The organisms can reach the liver in one of the following pathways:
» Ascending infections in the biliary tree (ascending cholangitis).
» Vascular seeding (portal or arterial), mainly from the GI tract.
» Direct invasion of the liver from a nearby source.
» Penetrating injury.
mm to cm. The abscess consists of liquefactive necrosis with abundant
abscess may compress bile ducts /hepatic vains.
# Inflammation of the gallbladder, acute or chronic, almost always associated with
» Acute – gallbladder is enlarged serosa is covered by fibrin;in 90% cases
stones obstruct the neck of the gallbladder or the cystic duct, with the
lumen filled with bile containing fibrin, blood and pus (empyema of the
gallbladder ).
Mild cases the gallbladder wall is thickened and hyperemic. In more
Severe cases the gallbladder is transformed into a green-black necrotic
organ called gangrenous cholecystitis.
Histo: inflammatory infiltrate-acute, congestion of b.v. , may see abscess
formation or gangrenus necrosis of wall.
» Chronic – changes are extremely variable, if no superimposed acute
inflametion so micro only lymphocytes infiltration may be submucosa
thickening from scarring but no rael change in gallbladder size. (ulcer is
very rear)
» Acute calculous cholecystitis inflammation of the gallbladder that
contains stones causing obstruction of the neck or cystic duct => the most
common complication of gallstones => upon occumulation mucosal
epithelium is exposed to direct detergent action of bile salts plus
Distention and increased intraluminal pressure also may compromise
blood flow to the mucosa.
» These events occur in the absence of bacterial infection; only later may
bacterial contamination develop in necrotized cells beckground
» Clinical feature- severe pain in upper abdomen + right shoulder.
Fever, nausea & leukocytosis. Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia .
» Acute non-calculous cholecystitis = gallbladder inflammation
WITHOUT stones, caused either by postoperative state, severe trauma,
severe burns, or sepsis.
» Chronic cholecystitis = almost always associated with gallstones, which
DO NOT have a direct role in the initiation of inflammation, rather
Supersaturation of bile predisposes the patient to both chronic
inflammation and, in most instances, stone formation.
» Unlike acute calculous cholecystitis, stone obstruction of gallbladder
outflow in chronic cholecystitis is not a mast
» Clinical feature- Recurrent attack of upper abdominal pain. With
Nausea, vomiting, intolerance for fatty food.
# There are 2 main types of gallstones:
» Cholesterol stones (80%) – contain crystalline cholesterol monohydrate.
» Pigment stones – composed of bilirubin calcium salts.
excess cholesterol from the body, either as free cholesterol or as bile salts.
Normal condition => cholesterol is aggregated with bile salts and lecithin to
make it water soluble
» When cholesterol exceeds the solubilization capacity of bile, and cannot
remain dispersed and aggregates into solid crystals.
» Gallstones formation is enhanced by:
Supersaturation of bile with cholesterol.
Hypomobility of the gallbladder (stasis)
Mucous hypersecretion to trap the crystals, and enhancing their
aggregation into stones.
» Pigment stones – unconjugated bilirubin increases the likelihood of
pigment stone formation. (hemolytic anemia & infections of biliary tract)
» Age and gender – the chance of occurrence increases with age; more
common in women.
» Ethnic and geographic – more common in developed countries, and in Native Americans.
» Heredity – family history of gallstones may increase the risk.
» Environment – estrogen increases hepatic cholesterol uptake and
» Acquired disorders – any condition in which gallbladder motility is
decreased => pregnancy, rapid weight loss and spinal cord injury
» Cholesterol stones – arise only in the gallbladder, consist of 50%-100%
cholesterol pale yellow with mostly cholesterol or gray till complete
black upon calcium carbonate/ bilirubin in mix, and cannot be seen in
radiography= radiolucent unless they consist sufficient calcium carbonate
» Pigment stones – Can arise anywhere in the biliary tree
Classified into brown/black in color, and mainly contain unconjugated bilirubin calcium
salts .
Black stones = Sterlie gallbladder bile, small & numerous.
(Radiopaque- due to high amount of calcium carbonate)
Brown stones = appear in intra/extra hepatic bile ducts,
single/few in more greasy sopelike consistency
denoted from fatty acid salts -nonsterile (Radiolucent)
include strong pain, constant or periodic, inflammation, empyema, perforation
and fistula.
Neoplasias of the liver (tumor-like lesions, benign and malignant tumors).
The liver (as well as the lungs) are the visceral organs most often involved by metastatic cancers.
Note from topic 128 Maya
# The most common hepatic neoplasms are metastatic carcinomas, (Most common- colon, lung &
# Primary hepatic malignancies are almost all hepatocellular carcinomas.
- Cavernous Hemangioma-
# Most common benign lesion
# Lesions consist of endothelial-lined vascular channels and intervening stroma.
# Red-blue, soft nodules, usually less than 2 cm in diameter, often directly beneath the capsule. - Von Meyenburg complexes
# Also quite common Congenital bile duct hamartomas
# Are usually isolated or present in small numbers.(if multiple may indicate polycystic liver disease and
suspicion for occurrence of polycystic kidney disease is linked)
# Containing bile ducts and collagenous stroma - Focal nodular hyperplasia
# Localized, well demarcated lesion Poorly encapsulated lesion appearing in otherwise normal liver
# No risk of malignancy.
# It is not a true neoplasm but rather represents a response to abnormal vascular flow areas
with/without blood supply.
- Hepatic adenoma –
# Benign Hepatocellular neoplasm that usually occurs in women using oral contraceptive pills (may
regress upon stop pill use).
# Composed of sheets and cords of cells that resemble hepatocytes in it no normal portal tracts and
prominent neovascularization.
- When present as intrahepatic mass, may be mistaken for hepatocellular carcinoma.
- Sub-capsular adenomas may rupture, causing life-threatening intra-abdominal hemorrhage.
- Carry β-catenin mutations that increase the risk of developing cancer.
Macro-regenerative nodules: Appear in cirrhotic liver. Larger than surrounding cirrhotic nodules, but no
atypical features. Do not seem to be precursors for malignancy.
chronic liver disease, particularly chronic viral hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease, and metabolic disease.
- Hepatocellular Dysplasia Two forms of hepatocellular dysplasia are recognized - most common in the
setting of chronic viral hepatitis:
normal hepatocytes These cells are not believed to be on the pathway to malignant transformation
( serve as a marker for molecular change)
oval hyperchromatic nucleus. Situated in nodular clusters considered to be directly premalignant.
- Dysplastic nodules
# Represent the major pathway to hepatocellular carcinoma in chronic liver disease.
adjacent hepatic lobules, without displacing all of the portal tracts. Hepatocytes in the nodules are
highly proliferative with atypical features (pleomorphism, crowding).
# Most common type of primary liver cancer highly associated with liver viral chronic infections (HBV or
# Pathogenesis –
» Associated with viral infections (HBV or HCV), alcoholic cirrhosis and aflatoxin exposure.
» Development of HCC is affected from many variables (age, gender, chemicals, viruses,
hormones, alcohol and nutrition).
» In most cases, HCC develops from small-cell, high-grade dysplastic nodules in cirrhotic liver =>
these are monoclonal and carry chromosomal aberrations.
» Chronic inflammation may cause damage to DNA segments involved in tumor suppression
(tp53), oncogene (beta catenin) and genes of DNA repair. These main contributors to the genetic
instability leading to HCC- HCC usually presents with chromosomal abnormalities indicating
for this instability.
» HCC has a strong tendency for vascular invasion invade the portal vein and IVC. Extensive
intrahepatic metastases are characteristic.
» Macro can appear as unifocal massive tumor or multifocal variable sized nodules, or diffusely
infiltrative cancer.
» Micro = range from well differentiated neoplastic cells to poorly differentiated lesions
composed of multinucleated anaplastic giant cells. also, in more differentiated form intra cellular
bile and pseudo canalicular structures recognized.
» More soft tumor with minor stroma amount
» Fibrolamellar carcinoma – a more rear variant of HCC that occurs in young adults without
cirrhotic background/other risk factors in appearance resemble nodular hyperplasia including
stromal fibrous bands- carry better prognosis.
alpha fetoprotein in ~50% of patients). mainly radiologic screening of cirrhotic patients used to capture
neoplastic lesions.
Acute pancreatitis. Chronic pancreatitis.
Pancreatitis- inflammation of pancreas range in severity from mild self-resolving to sever destructive event.
Acute pancreatitis
= function can return to normal if the underlying cause of inflammation is removed
Chronic pancreatitis is defined by irreversible destruction of exocrine pancreatic parenchyma.
Reversible relatively uncommon inflammatory
disorder that varies in severity,
Etiology: Most of cases are attributable to either
biliary tract disease or alcoholism.
Genetic mutation = mutation in gene PRSS1 = no
neg. feedback mechanism on trypsinogen =
hyperactivation of trypsin + other enzymes that
require trypsin cleavage for their activation.
20% idiopathic
o The basic alterations in acute pancreatitis are:
(1) Microvascular leakage causing edema
(2) Necrosis of fat by lipases
(3) Acute inflammatory reaction
(4) Proteolytic destruction of pancreatic
(5) Destruction of blood vessels leading to interstitial hemorrhage.
o Mild form = Edema + Fat necrosis
Fat necrosis results from enzymatic destruction of fat cells; the released fatty acids
combine with calcium to form insoluble salts that precipitate in situ.
o Severe form (ex. acute necrotizing pancreatitis) necrosis of pancreatic parenchyma +
vascular damage (cause hemorrhage).
Macro = red-black hemorrhagic areas interspersed with foci of yellow-white, chalky
fat necrosis.
o Most severe form= hemorrhagic pancreatitis = extensive parenchymal necrosis is
accompanied by diffuse hemorrhage within the substance of the gland.
o Autodigestion of the pancreatic substance by inappropriately activated pancreatic enzymes.
Activation of trypsin is a critical triggering event in acute pancreatitis as it can activate itself
as well as other proenzymes (lots of pancreatic enzymes need cleavage for activation)
Trypsin activates the kinin system activation of the clotting and complement systems.
3 pathways can cause enzyme activation:
- Pancreatic duct obstruction (gallstone, tumor) blockage of ductal flow=> increase
intraductal pressure => accumulation of enzyme rich interstitial fluid (containing active
lipase) => fat necrosis => inflammation => interstitial edema => edema compromises local
blood flow => ischemic injury to acinar cells.
- Primary acinar cell injury => ischemia, viral infections (e.g., mumps), drugs, and direct
trauma to the pancreas. - Defective transport of proenzymes within acinar cells in animal shown that metabolic
derangements contribute to abnormal transport of enzymes together with lysosomal
hydrolases result in activation.
Role of alcohol in acute pancreatitis:
1. Increases pancreatic exocrine secretion Increases contraction of sphincter of oddi.
- Direct toxic effect on acinar cells oxidative stress and membrane damage.
- Chronic ingestion results in secretion of protein rich fluid that causes obstruction of small
pancreatic ducts.
Clinical feature:
o Abdominal pain is the major manifestation of acute pancreatitis.
o Full-blown acute pancreatitis constitutes a medical emergency.
o The manifestations of severe acute pancreatitis are attributable to systemic release of
digestive enzymes and explosive activation of the inflammatory response: Leukocytosis,
DIC, ARDS (acute res. Distress syndrome) & diffuse fat necrosis.
o Can lead to shock
Pancreatic pseudocyst Liquefied areas of necrotic pancreatic tissue become walled off by fibrous
tissue to form a cystic space, lacking an epithelial lining
Long-standing inflammation, fibrosis, and destruction of the exocrine pancreas. In late stages, the
endocrine parenchyma also is lost.
The chief distinction between acute and chronic pancreatitis is the irreversible impairment in
pancreatic function in the chronic state.
o The most common cause of chronic pancreatitis is long-term alcohol abuse.
o Less common:
Pancreatic duct obstruction (tumor/stone…)
Hereditary pancreatitis (PRRS1)
Associated with CFTR mutation => decreases bicarbonate secretion = > increase
viscosity of secretion => plugging.
o Parenchymal fibrosis, reduced number and size of acini, and variable dilation of the
pancreatic ducts. The ductal epithelium may be atrophied / hyperplastic .Islets of Langerhans
fused surrounded by sclerotic aggregates.
o Macro= the gland is hard, sometimes with extremely dilated ducts and visible calcified
o Autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP)- distinct form of chronic pancreatitis:
Lymphoplasmacytic sclerosing pancreatitis-striking lymphocytes and plasma cells
infiltrate plus fibrosis
Idiopathic duct centric pancreatitis-mixed neutrophils and lymphcytic infiltrate
obliterating the duct epithel.
Not well defined. Proposed hypotheses:
o Ductal obstruction: Alcohol => inc. protein conc. of secretion => plugs.
o Toxins: direct toxic effect injury to acinar cells and following inflammation /fibrosis.
o Oxidative stress: Alcohol generates ROS => membrane damage and chemokines expression
recruit inflammatory cells. (more oxidative stress assume to cause lysosomal and
proenzymes granules fusion subsequent enzyme activation and aggrevation of cell damage)
Clinical feature:
o Severe pancreatic exocrine insufficiency and chronic malabsorption may develop, as can
diabetes mellitus.
o Severe chronic pain may dominate the clinical picture
Acute pancreatitis. Chronic pancreatitis.
The pathology of the penis (hypo- and epispadiasis, phymosis, Bowen disease, carcinoma of the
- Malformation- The most common malformation of the penis includes abnormalities of
the distal urethral orifice.
i.Hypospadias - Abnormal opening of urethra is on the ventral aspect of the penis
anywhere along the shaft. Occur in 1 in 300 male birth
- It results from incomplete closure of the urethral folds of urogenital sinus
- Anomalous urethral orifice is sometimes constricted, resulting in urinary
tract obstruction and increase risk of UTI - Associated with other congenital anomalies such as inguinal hernia and
undescended testicles
ii.Epispadiasis - Less common than hypospadias Abnormal urethral orifice is on the dorsal
aspect of the penis
- Phimosis- is a condition in which the foreskin of the penis cannot be pulled back past
the glans. May result in pain during an erection, but otherwise not painful.
Those affected are at greater risk of inflammation of the glans, known as balanitis, and other
complications. May result from Congenital anomaly or Acquired- scaring of prepuce
secondary to previous episode of balanoposthitis .
- Inflammatory lesions
a. Balanitis – local inflammation of the glans penis
b. balanoposthitis – local inflammation of the overlying prepuce
c. Most common agents – candida albicans, anaerobic bacteria, gardnerella, and
pyogenic bacteria
d. Consequences of poor hygiene in uncircumcised males, with accumulations of
desquamated epithelial cells, sweat, and debris (termed smegma) acting as local
- Neoplasmsa. Squamous cell carcinoma
i.More than 95% of penile neoplasm arise on squamous epithelium Occur at the glance or
shaft of the pines as ulcerated infiltrate lesion
ii.More common in developing countries. Increased risk in uncircumcised males older than
iii.Risk factors:
1. Human papilloma virus (HPV) serotype 16 and 18
2. Poor hygiene
3. smoking
v.Squamous cell carcinoma in situ of the penis (Bowen disease) occurs in older
uncircumcised males and appears grossly as a solitary plaque on the shaft of the penis.
Histologic The epithelium is above intact basement membrane and shows dysplasia,
several mitotic figures, dyskeratosis and nuclear pleomorphism.
v.Invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the penis appears as a gray, crusted, papular lesion,
most commonly on the glans penis or prepuce. In many cases, infiltration of the
underlying connective tissue produces an ulcerated lesion with irregular margins
histologically, it is a typical keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma.
The Prognosis is related to stage of tumor, may metastasize to inguinal lymph node.
Verrucous carcinoma is a variant of squamous cell carcinoma characterized by a papillary architecture, virtually no cytologic atypia, and rounded, pushing deep
margins. Verrucous carcinomas are locally invasive but do not metastasize.
Testicular neoplasias.
- Heterogeneous group of neoplasms may be divided into 2 major groups
a. Germ cell tumor - ~95% of cases all malignant, usually occur between 15-40years
of age
b. Sex cord- stromal tumor (Sertoli or Leydig cells) - uncommon usually benign.
- Cause of testicular neoplasm remains unknown. Risk Factor:
a. Cryptorchidism (3-5 fold increase)
b. Testicular dysgenesis (testicular feminization and Klinefelter syndrome)
c. Caucasians > African Americans
d. Family history
e. An isochromosome of the short arm of chromosome 12 is found in all germ cell
f. Most testicular tumors in post pubertal males arise from the in-site lesion
intratubular germ cell neoplasm- Lesion can be found in grossly normal
testicular tissue adjacent to germ cell tumors in all cases
- Clinical presentation
Firm, painless testicular mass
Semonimas - Account for 50% of testicular neoplasm remain confined to the testis for a
long time Spread mainly to paraarotic nodes- distant spread is rare.
Non seminomatous – tumor Tend to spread earlier by both lymph and blood vessels
Treatment: Radical orchiectomy and Chemotherapy
- Germ cell tumors- although described separately As many as 60% of germ cell tumors
are mixed and contain more than one component, tumors arising from pluripotent
neoplastic germ cells.
a. Seminoma- most common testicular cancer, good prognosis late metastasis react
to treatment
i. Gross: Soft, well-demarcated, gray-white tumor cut surface is
homogenous no hemorrhage or necrosis
ii. Micro Large polygonal, uniform cells with distinct border Clear,
glycogen-rich cytoplasm Round nuclei and visible nucleoli (resembles
ovarian dysgerminoma)
Arranged in small lobules, which are separated by fibrous septae in it may
see Lymphocytic infiltrate
Variant; spermatocytic seminoma
a. affect older men lack lymphocytic infiltrate and
b. Not associated with intralobular germ cell neoplasm Do not
iii. In 10% of cases, syncytiotrophoblast are present that are the source of
minimally elevated serum hCG concentration
b. Embryonal carcinoma more rear 2-3% poor prognosis early metastasis poor
reaction to treatment
- Common appear at Age 20-30,malignant tumor comprised of
immature, primitive cells. - Gross: mass with hemorrhage and necrosis
Micro: large primitive appearing cells with basophilic cytoplasm
Indistinct cell borders and large hyperchromatic nuclei with
prominent nucleoli. Pleomorphic cells in cords, sheets or gland like
arrangement. - Tumor markers: Negative (pure embryonal carcinoma) but in many
cases tumor is mixed with choriocarcinoma or yolk sac tumor cells,
so their markers may appear.
c. Choriocarcinoma
- Highly malignant with early hematogenous metastases most common
in the liver and the lung. - Common appear at age of 20-30 in tumor see trophoblastic linageplacenta forming cells.
- Gross: often small, non-palpable lesions with hemorrhage on cut
surface, in compare to large metastatic centers it creates in different
Micro: proliferation of syncytiotrophoblasts large eosinophilic
multinucleated cells pleomorphic nucleus intermingle with small
cuboidal cytotrophoblasts.
- Tumor marker- hCG
d. Yolk sac tumor (endodermal sinus tumor)
- Most common germ cell tumor in children younger than 3. Good
prognosis in children In adults, it is often mixed with embryonic
carcinoma. - Marco: large and may be well demarcated
- Micro: Low cuboidal to columnar epithelial cells forming microcyst,
lacelike (reticular) patterns. schiller-Duval a developing glomerulus
resembling structure character for tumor - Tumor marker- alpha fetoprotein AFP
e. Teratoma
- Neoplastic germ cells differentiate along somatic cell line Majority
are malignant in male in female bening… - Gross: often cystic masses that may contain cartilage
- Micro:tumor composed of mature fetal tissue derived from two or
three embryonic layers(ectodermal, endodermal and mesodermal) in a
haphazard arrangement. E.g. cartilage plus neuron plus glandular
/squamous epithel. - They may occur at any age in young age more common and bening
old age rear and malignant. Rarely, nongerm cell tumor may arise in
Teratoma (teratoma with malignant transformation) - Tumor marker: 90% of patients have elevated hGC and AFP
- Scrotal squamous cell carcinoma is associated with exposure to soot (chimney sweeps)
A. Tumors that origin from stromal tissues of the testicle usually benign
- Leydig cell tumor: are derived from normal Leydig cells that produce testosterone and are
located in the interstitium of the testis. usually produces androgen, causing precocious puberty in
Children or gynecomastia in adults Characteristic Reinke crystals (eosinophilic rod-shaped
cytoplasmic structures that are the most definitive light microscopic marker of Leydig cell
differentiation) may be seen on histology.
- Sertoli cell tumor: tumor derived from Sertoli cells, located within seminiferous tubules, which
help support spermatogenesis. Sertoli cell tumors are typically composed of solid tubules
containing Sertoli cells and is usually clinically silent.
A. Most common cause of a testicular mass in males > 60 years old; often bilateral
R. Usually of diffuse large B-cell type
Prostatitis. Benign prostatic hyperplasia
Small, round organ that lies at the base of the bladder encircling the urethra-prostatic urethra, Sits
anterior to the rectum; posterior aspect of prostate is palpable by digital recta! exam
The prostate can be divided into peripheral and transition zones; the types of proliferative lesions are
different in each region; hyperplastic lesions- common in inner transition zone; carcinoma – common in
peripheral zone
Normal prostate contains glands with two cell layers, a flat basal layer and an overlying columnar
secretory cell layer; surrounding prostatic storma contains mixture of smooth muscle and fibrous tissue.
secrete produce fluid for semen -alkaline, milky fluid that is added to sperm and seminalvesicle fluid
to make semen.Glands and stroma are maintained by androgens It is dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a
metabolite of testosterone, that predominantly regulates the prostate
Inflammation of the prostate Includes 4 categories acute bacterial prostatitis, chronic bacterial
prostatitis, chronic prostatitis / chronic pelvic pain syndrome and granulomatous prostatitis
1.Acute bacterial prostatitis – acute infiltrate are seen in prostatic acini and stroma 2-5% of cases
Clinically associated with fever, chills, and dysuria, Rectal examination- prostate is tender in young its
chlamydia n gonorrhea in old its E.coli
- Chronic bacterial prostatitis - Associated with recurrent UTI Presents as dysuria with pelvic or low
back pain culture may come negative although prostate show Infiltrate of lymphocytes, plasma cells
and macrophages rule. - Chronic nonbacterial prostatitis or chronic pelvic pain syndrome (90-95% of cases)- Difficult to
diagnose Clinically similar to chronic bacterial prostatitis, with persistent pain, especially after
ejaculation but no bacteria are cultured from expressed prostatic secretions Histopathologic diagnosis
less crucial or may not be required for diagnosis ,Excessive white blood cells (WBC) may be present
or absent
4.Granulomatous prostatitis - an inflammatory condition of the prostate that histologically features the
presence of granulomas; most common cause- instillation of bacilli Calmette-Guerin (BCG- attenuated
tuberculosis strain.) within the bladder for treatment of superficial bladder cancer
Histologically indistinguishable from tuberculosis.
Fungal granulomatous prostatitis is typically seen in immunocompromised hosts, Nonspecific
granulomatous prostatitis- common, a reaction to secretions99 from ruptured prostatic ducts and acini
Nodular hyperplasia of the prostate
Benign prostate hyperplasia – bening Proliferation of stromal and epithethlial elements not leading to
cancer , very common start at 40 years age till 80 90 % got it = enlargement of inner transitional
zone and sometimes causes urinary obstruction.
Pathogenesis -Excessive androgen-dependent growth/trophic glandular hyperplasia. central role of
Dihydrotestosterone (mediator of prostatic growth) as its synthesized in the prostate from circulating
testosterone by enzymes 5Alpha-reductase = DHT binds to nuclear androgen receptor = regulates
gene expression of growth and survival of prostatic epithelium and stromal cell.
Morphology-Occurs in the inner, transitional zone of the prostate. Enlarged prostate with welldemarcated nodules; nodules may appear solid or contain cystic space; nodules compress the urethra.
The adenomatous nodule composed of proliferating fibromuscular stroma surrounding a proliferated
glandular epithet still maintaining its 2 distinct basal and tall columnar layers creating papillary in
folding into cystic lumen which contains
proteinaceous secretory material – Corpora Amylacea
Clinical symptoms of lower urinary tract obstruction may be mediated by alpha 1 adregenic receptor
on smooth muscle. occur in only 10% of men Lower urinary tract obstruction – difficulty in starting
stream of urine and intermittent interruptions, Presence of residual urine in bladder increases risk of
Carcinoma of the prostate.
Most prostate cancers (95%) are adenocarcinomas, approximately 4% of cases of prostate cancer have
transitional cell morphology and are thought to arise from the urothelial lining of the prostatic urethra.
Prostate adenocarcinoma is most common form of cancer in men usually seen in older age 99% with clinical
disease are age 50+. Although the biological behavior may vary considerably from indolent lesion to clinical
aggressive fetal tumor, it is the 2nd most common cancer-related death
» Androgens - cancer does not develop castrated before puberty, indicating androgens role in the
development of cancer. Tumor resistant to anti-androgen therapy often acquires mutations that permit
androgen receptors to activate the expression of their target genes even in the absence of the hormones.
» Heredity
Increased risk among first-degree relative. Otherwise increase prevalence in African origin while less
likely to appear in Asian origin,
When prostate cancer is related to inherited gene changes 2, the way that cancer risk is inherited
depends on the gene involved.
For example, mutations in the BRCA1, BRCA2, and HOXB13 genes
are inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern, which means one copy of the altered gene in each cell is sufficient to increase a person’s chance of developing cancer. In other cases, the inheritance of
prostate cancer risk is unclear.
It is important to note that people inherit an increased risk of cancer, not
the disease itself. Not all people who inherit mutations in these genes will develop cancer.
Other Genetic variation associated with increased risk:
A variant near MYC oncogene on chromosome 8 (African males)
A susceptibility locus on chromosome 1 q24-q25 (American men)
» Environment as aging diet see In Japanese immigrants to USA the incidence of the disease rises
» Acquired somatic mutation-Gene rearrangement (fusion) that create fusion genes consisting of
androgen-regulated promoter gene and the coding sequence of ETS family transcription factor.
Mutations which lead to activation of oncogenic PI3K/AKT signaling pathwayInactivate the tumor
suppressor gene PTEN, which acts as a brake on PI3K activity.
Loss of one or both copies of the tumor suppressor gene PTEN
TMPRSS2–ERG chromosome fusion (fusion of an androgen-responsive promoter with the ERG
transcription factor)
P53 mutations
Overexpression of MYC
» Usually arises from peripheral zone (posterior and lateral) Most carcinomas detected clinically are not
visible grossly. Advanced lesions are Ill-defined, firm, gray-white mass which infiltrate adjacent gland.
» Histologically
is characterized by Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma that produce well-defined gland,
smaller than benign glands in back-to-back pattern with scant to moderate intervening stroma.
The single most important diagnostic morphologic feature is the complete absence of basal cell layer
normally present around benign prostate glands. Thus, normal prostate glands have a double cell
layer, the inner glandular cells and an outer basal layer whereas in prostate cancer the outer basal cell
layer is absent
Tumor cell: darker stain cytoplasm enlarged nuclei and prominent nucleoli
helpful morphologic features are the presence of peri neural invasion in prostate cancer
Abundant intraluminal mucin is a very helpful finding in prostate cancer (arrow). This finding is
especially helpful in needle biopsies with very few malignant glands
Clinical features
» some arise in the peripheral glands may be palpable in rectal examination as irregular hard
nodules Can only identify tumors that are big enough to feel
» Most localize cancer are clinically silent don’t press urethra so discovered by routine serum PSA
level check in older males PSA is secreted by normal and cancerous prostatic cells, and the levels of
circulating PSA often rise with prostate cancer.
Thus, PSA levels can serve as a warning that the
prostate gland has gone awry A serum level of 4 ng\mL is the cutoff between normal and abnormal
note PSA not for diagnosis more for follow up treatment/recurrence detection.
Prostate-specific antigen, or PSA, is a protein produced by cells of the prostate gland- serene protease whose function
is to cleave and liquefy the seminal coagulum formed after ejaculation.
The percentage of free PSA is lower in men with prostate cancer than in men with benign prostatic disease.
» Histopathological analysis of prostate biopsy is needed to confirm the PCa and evaluate the Gleason
grade!! Gleason system- grading system-the Gleason grading of prostatic carcinoma is based on the
architectural growth pattern rather than nuclear features.
Gleason grading scheme identifies five
grading patterns from 1 to 5 with a predominant grade and the 2nd most predominant grade yielding
a combined score after adding the two grades in any given cancer.
Grade 1- most well differentiated tumors; grade 5- no glandular differentiation, Higher score suggests worse prognosis.
Gleason grade 1 tumors, as shown here, consist of single and separate rather uniform acini with little
intervening stroma and all acini are well demarcated from the surrounding stroma.
In Gleason grade 2 the acini show moderate amounts of intervening stroma and the peripheral margin
of tumor is not sharply delineated as opposed to grade 1 tumors. Note that tumor acini are lined by a
single layer of columnar epithelial cells (arrowhead) and no basal cells can be found
Gleason grade 3 is the most common pattern in prostate carcinoma and is characterized by small,
separate, round to irregular glands with moderate to abundant intervening stroma.
Gleason grade 4 pattern the tumor glands show gland fusion, and small to indistinct lumens
This is the Tumor consists of complex, cribriform and confluent glands almost without any intervening stroma.
Gleason grade 5 basically shows solid tumor with little gland formation. The tumor shows poorly
differentiated single cells in an infiltrative or sheet-like pattern.
» May present with lower back pain secondary to Bone metastases metastasis Spread to lumbar spine
or pelvis is common causes Osteoblastic – bone producing lesions
The diseases of the vulva and the vagina (immune-mediated inflammations, infections,
condyloma acuminatum, HPV associated and non-associated squamous cell carcinoma and
intraepithelial lesion, extamammary Paget disease)
The vulva is the external female genitalia and includes the skin and mucosa in that
disorders are frequently are inflammatory
1) Vulvitis (instance itching =puritis associated)
2) Lichen Sclerosus
3) Lichen Simplex Chronicus
malignant tumors are rare
1) Condylomas
2) Carcinoma of the Vulva
3) Extramammary Paget Disease
# One of the most common causes is reactive inflammation in response to
exogenous stimulus- irritant/ allergen. Also may arise from infection.
contact irritant dermatitis : Manifest as well defined erythematous weeping
and crusting papules and plaques , May be a reaction to:
1) urine.
3) antiseptic, alcohol …
# Contact allergic dermatitis
1) perfumes; creams, and soaps.
2) chemical treatments on clothing.
caused by infections
1) human papillomavirus (HPV) ,herpes simplex virus (HSV-1 or
2)N. Gonorrhoeae-suppurative infection of the glands.
Treponema pallidum- syphilis, chancre at the site of
# Trauma induced by the itching usually exacerbates primary condition
An important complication of vulvitis is obstruction of the excretory ducts of
Bartholin glands. This blockage may result in painful dilation of the glands
(a Bartholin cyst) and abscess formation.
1) Lichen Sclerosus
Atrophic thinning of vulvar skin(thinner epithel and dermal fibrosis)
# May occur in all age groups most common in postmenopausal women.
Pathogenesis uncertain suggest an autoimmune etiology (presence of T cells
in subepithelial inflammatory infiltrate) minor increase in risk for squamous
cell carcinoma of vulva.
Macroscopy smooth white plaques (termed leukoplakia) or papules. upon spread
influence see atrophic and constricted vaginal orifice .
1) thinning of the epidermis,
2) disappearance of rete pegs- are the epithelial extensions that project into the
underlying connective tissue
3) hydropic degeneration of the basal cells,
4) dermal fibrosis,
5) dermal inflammatory cell infiltrate.
2) Lichen Simplex Chronicus
Characterize by hyperplastic thickening of epithelium.
Consequence of chronic irritation, often caused by pruritus related to an
underlying inflammation. No known increased predisposition to cancer.
Lichen sclerosus and lichen simplex chronicus may coexist.
1) an area of leukoplakia
1) epithelial thickening (acanthosis) hyperkeratosis and increased mitotic
activity (basal layers) but note! no cellular atypia.
2) maybe inflammatory infiltration of the dermis
1) Condylomas - warty lesion of the vulva, come in 2 major types
a. Condylomata lata (seen in secondary syphilis) moist, minimally
elevated lesion. Less common nowdays.
b. Condylomata acuminata (HPV subtypes 6 and 11)
- papillary elevated or flat and rugose
Macroscopy - often seen as multiple lesions range from a few millimeters
to many centimeters red-pink to pink-brown color.
Microscopy – perinuclear cytoplasmic vacuolization (koilocytosis) =
hallmark of HPV , hyperkeratosis and acanthosis.
2) Carcinoma of the Vulva
3% of all female genital tract cancers occur mostly in woman above 60.
90% are squamous cell carcinomas 10% adenocarcinomas or basal cell
carcinomas .
There appear to be two distinct forms of vulvar squamous cell
1) The less common form is preceded by Precancerous changes -vulvar
intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN) early VIN or progressed form of it as CIS
appear as leukoplakia later become ulcer/exophytic mass.
associated with HPV subtypes 16 and 18 and cigarette smoking. HPV related carcinoma tends to occur multifocal and exhibit poor differentiated SC.
2) A second form of vulvar carcinoma occurs in older women. It is not associated with HPV but often is preceded by years of reactive epithelial changes (e.g. lichen sclerosus).
Unifocal usually also Invasive tumors of this form tend to be well differentiated and highly keratinizing
3) Extramammary Paget Disease
Paget disease is an intraepidermal proliferation of malignant epithelial cells, can occur in the skin of the vulva or (without demonstrable underlying tumor unlike case of nipple pagent disease)
Macroscopy red scaly plaque
Microscopy large epithelioid cells with abundant pale, finely granular cytoplasm(contain mucin) occasional cytoplasmic vacuoles infiltrate the
epidermis, singly and in groups
Rarely it’s the primary site of a lesion usually get secondary
metastasis/infection from other organ nearby (e.g., cervix, vulva, bladder, rectum)
Congenital anomalies also very rear
- absence of the vagina, septate or double vagina.
- congenital lateral Gartner duct cysts arising from persistent Wolffian duct.
Common condition that is usually transient and of no clinical consequence(complication abortion).
A large variety of organisms have been implicated, including bacteria
Neisseria gonorrhea, fungi candida, and parasites trichomonas vaginalis.
Many are normal commensals that become pathogenic only in the setting of
diabetes, systemic antibiotic therapy (which causes disruption of normal
microbial flora), immunodeficiency, pregnancy, or
Candida albicans- characterized by a curdy white discharge (part of the
normal vaginal flora)
Trichomonas vaginalis- produces a watery, copious gray-green discharge in
which parasites can be identified by microscopy.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
- extremely uncommon if seen so in woman over 60 and nearly always in
association with HPV.
- Vaginal Intraepithelial Neoplasia is a precursor lesion (VIN)
Clear Cell Adenocarcinoma
- very rare tumor
- precursor lesion is vaginal adenosis- small glandular or microcystic
inclusion in the vaginal mucosa, red granular appearing foci lined by
mucus secreting cells or ciliated columnar cells.
- identified in a cluster of young women (in 1970) whose mothers took
diethylstilbestrol during pregnancy to prevent threatened abortion the
causative connection wasn’t establish by research.
Sarcoma Botryoides
- embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
- manifests as soft polypoid masses
- in infants and children younger than 5 years
Diseases of the cervix (cervicitis, endocervical polyp, cervix LSIL, HSIL, squamous cell carcinoma,
endocervix adenocarcinoma).
inflammation of cervix really common are associated with a purulent vaginal
discharge subclassified as infectious or noninfectious( Local trauma - e.g.,
cervical irritation caused by tampons, Chemical irritation or inflammation - eg,
Behçet syndrome)
important are pathogens: STD
- Chlamydia trachomatis (by far the most common), Neisseria gonorrhoeae
- Trichomonas vaginalis
- Candida albicans
- HSV-2 (the agent of herpes genitalis) and certain types of HPV
- hyperemia
- leukorrhea - flow of a whitish, yellowish, or greenish vaginal discharge
Microscopy may be either acute (rear if appear so postpartum - staphylococci
or streptococci parts of normal flora) or chronic much more common
Chronic: inflammation and regeneration of epithel hence epithelium may show
hyperplasia and even squamous metaplasia of the columnar epi
Most tumors of the cervix are of epithelial origin and are caused by oncogenic strains of human papillomavirus (HPV), may come as SCC/
adenocarcinoma. Anatomically, comprises the “neck” of the uterus
Divided into the exocervix (visible on vaginal exam) and lined by nonkeratinizing squamous epithelium and endocervix lined by a single layer of columnar
cells. transition point between the exocervix and endocervix is called the
transformation zone
Key risk factor is high-risk HPV infection(type 16,18-low risk are
6,11progress to condyloma- bening neoplastic lesion of epithel);
secondary risk factors include smoking and immunodeficiency.
Most HPV infections are transient (eliminated immune sys ) but a
subset of infections persists some of these progress to cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN),a precursor lesion for invasive cervical carcinoma. (dysplasia=CIN continue into carcinoma in situ into
invasive carcinoma)
HPV is Sexually transmitted DNA virus that infects the lower genital
tract, especially the cervix in the transformation zone. persistent
infection leads to an increased risk for cervical dysplasia.
HPV genome encode two potent oncoproteins called E6 and E7 bind and inactivate two critical tumor suppressors, p53 and Rb respectively.
somatically acquired mutations in the tumor suppressor gene LKB1(20%)
Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN)
The precursor lesion for carcinoma development in background of HPV infection
note it take years! Peak age incidence of CIN is about 30 years, carcinoma 45 years
but it happens…
Characterized by koiloeytic change, loss of cellular maturation- disruption of
layering, nuclear atypia- cell pleomorphisem ,parakeratosis/dyskeratosis and
increased mitotic activity within the cervical epithelium. Divided into grades based
on the extent of epithelial involvement by immature
Dysplastic cells
- CIN I involves < 1/3 of the thickness of the epithelium basal layer.
- CIN II involves < 2/3 of the thickness of the epithelium,
- CIN III involves slightly less than the entire thickness of the epithelium
- Carcinoma in situ (CIS) involves the entire thickness of the epithelium.
Denoting that dysplasia is reversible but carcinoma in situ is not The higher the
grade of dysplasia, the more likely it is to progress to carcinoma and the less likely it is to regress to normal.
LSIL - low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (includes HPV, mild
dysplasia, CIN 1)
HSIL - high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (includes moderate and
severe dysplasia, carcinoma in situ, CIN 2 and CIN 3)
When neolastic cells cross BM The most common cervical carcinomas are
1) Squamous cell carcinomas (75%)
2) Adenocarcinomas and mixed adenosquamous carcinomas (20%)
3) Small cell neuroendocrine carcinomas (less than 5%)
- Invasive carcinomas of the cervix develop in the transformation zone and
range from microscopic foci of stromal invasion to grossly conspicuous
exophytic tumors Tumors encircling the cervix and penetrating into the
underlying stroma produce a barrel cervix, (identified by direct palpation). - Advanced tumors often invade through the anterior uterine wall into the
bladder, blocking the ureters. Hydronephrosis with postrenal failure is a
common cause of death in advanced cervical carcinoma. - Micro same as above but add eoplastic cells in dermis may surround by
inflammatory reaction.
Pap smear is very effective screening tool Cells are scraped from the
transformation zone using a brush and analyzed under microscope.
Non neoplastic diseases of the endometrium (dysfunctional uterine bleedings most likely
causes sorted by ages, endometrial polyp, endometriitis, adenomyosis).
Body of uterus is composed of
- endometrial mucosa and
- the underlying smooth muscle myometrium
Inflammation of the endometrium is classified as acute/chronic by inflammatory
Acute:Bacterial infection (N. gonorrhoeae (neutrophils) ) of the endometrium
Usually due to retained products of conception (part of placenta) retained products
act as a nidus for infection.
Presents as fever, abnormal uterine bleeding, and pelvic pain
Chronic: Characterized by Plasma cells are necessary for the diagnosis of chronic
endometritis given that lymphocytes are normally found in the endometrium.
Causes include
Retained products of conception/ intra uterine devises
Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease (e.g., Chlamydia (prominent lymphoid
follicles)) and TB (granulomatous endometritis).
Presents as abnormal uterine bleeding, pain abdomen, and infertility
Endometriosis is defined by the abnormal presence of endometrial glands
and stroma location outside the endomyometrium.
10% of women in their reproductive years and in nearly half of women with
often involves pelvic structures
1) ovaries most common
2) pouch of Douglas, pain in defecation /rectovaginal septum.
3) uterine ligaments, pelvic pain/peritoneum
4) fallopian tube- may cause scarring =infertility, provide area for
implantation of ectopic pregnancy.
5) Rearly in lung/skeletal muscle
Three hypotheses to explain the origin of the lesions:
- regurgitation theory- menstrual backflow through the fallopian tubes leads to
implantation of endometrial tissue - metaplastic theory- endometrial dysplastic differentiation of coelomic
epithelium(of mullarian duct) - vascular or lymphatic dissemination theory
endometriosis externa almost always contains functioning endometrium
endometriotic tissue exhibits increased levels of inflammatory mediators,
particularly prostaglandin E2, and increased estrogen production due to high
aromatase activity of stromal cellsThese changes enhance the survival and
persistence of the endometriotic tissue within a foreign location.
In contrast with adenomyosis, endometriosis almost always contains
functioning endometrium, which undergoes cyclic bleeding => blood
collects in these aberrant foci
They usually appear grossly as red-brown nodules or Implants and they lie
on or just under the affected serosal surface.
When the ovaries are involved, the lesions may form large, blood-filled cysts
that turn brown (chocolate cysts)
The histologic diagnosis at all sites depends on finding two of the following
three features within the lesions: endometrial glands, endometrial stroma,
and hemosiderin pigment.
Clinical features: depends on location
Almost all Produce dysmenorrhea, and pelvic pain as reslt frm intrapelvic
bleeding and periuteraine adhesions.
Singes by location
the presence of endometriosis within the myometrium.
Adenomyosis (endometriosis interna) always contains nonfunctioning
endometrium the glands in adenomyosis derive from the stratum basalis of
the endometrium, they do not undergo cyclic bleeding.
The aberrant presence of endometrial tissue induces reactive hypertrophy of
the myometrium, resulting in an enlarged, globular uterus with a thickened
uterine wall.
Abnormal bleeding from the uterus in
the absence of rimary organic uterine
lesion is called dysfunctional uterine
In general abnormal bleeding Come
- Menorrhagia - intense or
prolonged bleeding at the time
of the period - Metrorrhagia - irregular
bleeding between the periods - Postmenopausal bleeding.
Common causes include endometrial
polyps, leiomyomas, endometrial
hyperplasia, endometrial carcinoma, and endometritis.
The probable primary cause of uterine bleeding in any given case depends
somewhat on the age of the patient
The various causes of abnormal uterine bleeding, both dysfunctional and that
which is secondary to an organic lesion, can be segregated into four groups:
1) Failure of ovulation (results in excess of estrogen relative to progesterone)
dominant cause for abnormal bleeding at both ends of reproductive life
The endometrium goes through a proliferative phase that is not followed by
the normal secretory phase.
The endometrial glands may develop mild cystic changes or appear
disorderly while the endometrial stroma, which requires progesterone for
growth, may be scarce = this combination of abnormalities makes the
endometrium prone to breakdown and abnormal bleeding.
- hypothalamic-pituitary axis, adrenal, or thyroid dysfunction;
- functional ovarian lesions producing excess estrogen;
- malnutrition, obesity, or debilitating disease; and
- severe physical or emotional stress
2) Inadequate luteal phase- The corpus luteum may fail to mature normally or
may regress prematurely leading to a relative lack of progesterone.
3) Contraceptive-induced bleeding (older oral contraceptives)
4) Endomyometrial disorders -chronic endometritis, endometrial polyps, and
submucosal leiomyomas
This abnormalities makes the endometrium prone to breakdown and abnormal
Precancerous lesions and neoplasias of the uterus (endometrial hyperplasia wihtout atypia,
EIN, endometrioid endometrium carcinoma, serous endometrium carcinoma, leiomyoma,
ENDOMETRIAL HYPERPLASIA (>50% glands, ˂50%stroma)
Endometrial hyperplasia is a grow adaptation lesion produced by
hyperestrinism which generates the glandular and stromal proliferation of
See thicker endometrium with marked increase in
gland/stroma ratio- hence main gland proliferation.
Results with conditions of prolonged estrogen excess with unopposed
estrogen (no progesterone secretion or lack of artificial progestin administration) and can lead to metrorrhagia (uterine bleeding at irregular
intervals), menorrhagia (excessive bleeding with menstrual periods).
- failure of ovulation perienapose period
- prolonged administration of estrogenic steroids no contra balancing progestin.
- estrogen-producing ovarian lesions polycystic ovary disease and
granulosa-theca cell tumors - obesity = adipose tissue converts steroid precursors into estrogens
Classification :general morphology of strima increase in cell size and gland
cystic lining of gland from simple ciliated columnar to pseudostrafide one
A. based on: architectural crowding
- simple (diffuse all around endometrium , gland may be cystic dilation
give overall Swiss cheese morphology )
- complex (not diffuse but patchy lesion , crowded branching glands)
B. the presence or absence of atypia(look a ncles) –see nucleus shape size
chromatin nucleoli preset? …
Endometrial hyperplasia may regress or may transform into
adenocarcinoma EH is an important precursor of endometrial
carcinoma!!! And the estimation of fait denote from level of atypia.
- without atypia (complex without atypia less than 5% cancer risk)
- with atypia (complex with atypia 20% to 50% cancer risk)
In a significant number of cases, the hyperplasia is associated with
inactivating mutations in the PTEN tumor suppressor gene, Acquisition of PTEN mutations is believed to be one of several key steps in the
transformation of hyperplasia to endometrial carcinomas.
Malignant proliferation of endometrial glands is the most frequent cancer
occurring in the female genital tract in us (age 55-65)
two distinct kinds
1) endometrioid (80% of endometrial carcinomas) arise in association estrogen
excess and endometrial hyperplasia in perimenopause women ( obesity,
infertility and exposure to unopposed estrogen are risk factors)
Mutations in mismatch repair genes and the tumor suppressor gene PTEN
are early events in the stepwise development of endometrioid carcinoma.
Histologically- similar to endometrium, Tumor cells are atypical
(pleomorphic nucleus/squamous metaplasia may see…) and form irregular
glands shape with multiple lumens. The stroma is reduced, producing the
“back to back” aspect of the tumor glands.
Graded I to III based on degree of differentiation Better prognostic features
of moderate differentiation and superficial invasion.
2) serous carcinoma (less common about 15%) carcinoma arises in an atrophic
endometrium with no evident precursor lesion in older postmenopausal
women ~70.nearly all cases have mutations in the P53 tumor suppressor
Serous microscopic pattern with papillary features high mitotic rate Form
small tufts (cell clusters separated from papilla) and much greater
cytological atypia and cellular pleomorphisem.
Poor prognostic features of poor differentiation and greater invasiveness
a protruding outgrowth from endometrial lining range from 0.5 to 3 cm
usually hemispheric sessile lesions
see at any age most frequent detected around time of menopause.
are composed of endometriumoften cysticaly dilated endometrial glands,
Monoclonal stromal cells (rearrangement of chromosomal region 6p21,
neoplastic component) frequently with small muscular arteries
clinical significance
- abnormal uterine bleeding
- Very low malignant potential.
Benning smooth muscle cell neoplastic proliferation. the most common
benign tumor in females (because of their firmness clinical practice also
called fibroids).
30% to 50% of women of reproductive age estrogens stimulate the
growth of leiomyomas shrink postmenopausally tumors are monoclonal
(rearrangements of chromosomes 6 and 12)
Often are asymptomatic if not so abnormal bleeding, may be infertility if
block opening of fallopian tube.
Macro = sharply circumscribed, firm gray-white masses with a
characteristic whorled cut surface. often multiple tumors are
scattered within the uterus, ranging from small nodules to large
MICRO = On histologic examination, the tumors are characterized by
bundles of smooth muscle cells mimicking the appearance of normal
Malignant neoplastic tumor of smooth muscle, arise de novo from the
mesenchymal cells of the myometrium (not from preexisting leiomyomas).
Usually as solitary lesion in postmenopausal women
macro = typically soft, hemorrhagic, necrotic masses
histologic appearance varies widely from resembling leiomyoma to
anaplastic neoplasms the diagnostic features of overt leiomyosarcoma
include tumor necrosis, cytologic atypia, and high mitotic activity.
It is much more cellular and the cells have much more pleomorphism and
hyperchromatism than the benign leiomyoma.
recurrence after removal is common many metastasize, typically to the lungs
5-year survival rate of about 40%
Neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases of the fallopian tube and ovary (infections,
endometriosis, PCOS, non-neoplastic ovarian cysts). Ovary neoplasias sorted by cell-origin and
dignity, clinical symptoms of the ovary tumors.
The most common disorder of the fallopian tubes is inflammation
(salpingitis) usually as part of PID other Less common abnormalities include
ectopic pregnancies, endometriosis and rear primary tumors.
Infections almost always microbial in origin:
- gonorrhea,
- Chlamydia,
- Mycoplasma hominis, tuberculosis
- Coliforms
- streptococci and staphylococci (in the postpartum setting)
Non gonococcal infections can penetrate the wall of the tubes, giving rise to
blood-borne infections, with seeding of the meninges, joint spaces, and
sometimes even the heart valves
may produce fever, lower abdominal pain
may result
- Adherence of the inflamed tube to the ovary and adjacent structures
tuboovarian abscess complex.
- tubal scarring increase risk for ectopic pregnancy n sever case
permanent sterility
Primary tumors (serous or endometrioid) adenocarcinomas, show connection
to BRCA1 mutation patients.
Usually discovered at later stage when it already spreaded to peritoneum
Degeneration of ovarian follicles (the oocyte theca and granulosa cells)
results in follicular cysts.
Small numbers of follicular cysts are very common
in women and have no clinical significance. Originate from unruptured graafian follicles or from follicles that have ruptured and then become
immediately sealed
Typically are small (1 to 1.5 cm in diameter) situated just under serosal
covering of ovary , filled with clear serous fluid and lined by granulosa lining cells or luteal cells.
Occasionally become large (4 to 5 cm) produce palpable masses and
pelvic pain these cysts rupture, producing intraperitoneal bleeding and
peritoneal symptoms (acute abdomen)
POLYCYSTIC OVARIAN DISEASE (Stein-Leventhal syndrome)
Multiple ovarian follicular cysts due to hormone imbalance (ovaries produce
excess androgens and estrogens) Affects roughly 5% of women of reproductive age.
Characterized by increased LH and low FSH :
1. Increased LH induces excess androgen production (from theca cells)
resulting in hirsutism (excess hair in a male distribution).
- Androgen is converted to estrone in adipose tissue.
i. Estrone feedback decreases FSH resulting in cystic degeneration of
follicles (granulosa cell can’t produce estrogen from androgen realis by
theca cells, no estrogen can’t maintain follicle instead see degeneration into
ii. High levels of circulating estrone increase risk for endometrial carcinoma
Classic presentation is an young woman (teenage at first menstrual cycles)
with oligomenorrhea, hirsutism later discover infertility and sometimes
Some patients have insulin resistance and may develop type 2 diabetes
mellitus 10-15 years later.
Epithelial tumors of the ovary.
Tumors of the ovary are amazingly varied. This diversity is attributable to the presence of
three cell types hence 3 tumor groups plus metastasis, the multipotent surface (coelomic)
epithelium, the totipotent germ cells, and the sex cord–stromal cells
Most common type of ovarian tumor (70% of cases) in woman above 40 age Surface
Epithelial Tumors Serous Tumors and Mucinous Tumors, less common Endometrioid
Tumors and Brenner Tumor.
Derived from coelomic epithelium that lines the ovary; coelomic epithelium
embryologically produces the epithelial lining of the fallopian tube (serous cells),
endometrium, and endocervix (mucinous cells).
Two most common subtypes of surface epithelial tumors are serous -full of watery fluid
and mucinous- full of mucus-like fluid both are usually cystic.
Benign lesions usually are cystic (cystadenoma) and may have an accompanying
stromal component (cystadenofibroma) – benign more common in pre-menopause
woman ~40.
Malignant tumors may also be cystic (cystadenocarcinoma) or solid (carcinoma) –
malignant more common to post menopause woman~70.
Borderline tumors have features in between benign and malignant tumors.
risk factors
1) nulliparity- higher incidence in unmarried women
2) family history
3) and germline mutations in certain tumor suppressor genes- 10-15% familial associated
with BRCA1,2
Prolonged use of oral contraceptives somewhat reduces the risk
Most common malignant ovarian tumor, Prognosis is generally poor for surface epithelial
carcinoma (worst prognosis of female genital tract cancers).
Epithelial carcinomas tend to spread locally, especially to the peritoneum. CA-125 is a
useful serum marker to monitor treatment response and screen for recurrence.
The most common of the ovarian epithelial tumors most are benign but this category
account for highest frequency malignant tumor of ovary
two types of serous carcinomas:
- low-grade (KRAS, BRAF, or ERBB2 mutations)
- high-grade (96% of tumors have mutations in TP53)
morphology: MACRO=
- Most serous tumors are large, spherical to ovoid, cystic structures up to 30 to 40
cm in diameter, may have number of compartments.
- In the benign form, the wall is smooth cystadenocarcinoma shows nodular
irregularities as it infiltrates its surrounding Serosal penetration and solid areas of
growth are suggestive of malignancy.
- The cystic spaces usually are filled with a clear serous fluid.
- benign tumors contain a single layer of tall columnar epithelial cells that line the
cystor cysts. The cells may be ciliated.
- In carcinoma Papillary formations are complex and multilayered, nests or
undifferentiated sheets of malignant cells invade the axial fibrous tissue.
Metastasis along lymph node periartic and local. Psammoma bodies
(concentrically laminated calcified concretions)
- Tumors of low malignant potential-which exhibit less cytologic atypia and,
typically, little or no stromal invasion.
Similar to serous tumors essential difference the neoplastic epithelium consists of
mucin-secreting cells 80% are benign
MACRO produce cystic masses with mucinous nature of the cystic contents. They are
more likely to be larger and multicystic the serous type.
Micro= the cysts are lined by mucin-producing epithelial cells
Compared with serous tumors, mucinous tumors are much less likely to be bilateral.
This feature is sometimes useful in differentiating mucinous tumors of the ovary from
Krukenberg tumor is a metastatic mucinous tumor that involves both ovaries; most
Commonly due to metastatic gastric carcinoma (diffuse type)
Implantation of mucinous tumor cells in the peritoneum with production of massive
amounts of mucin is called pseudomyxoma peritonei in most cases, this disorder is
caused by metastasis from the gastrointestinal tract, primarily the appendix to ovary
3) Endometrioid tumor
Endometrioid rumors are composed of endometrial-like glands and are usually malignant.
i. May arise from endometriosis
ii. 15% of endometrioid carcinomas of the ovary are associated with an
Independent endometrial carcinoma (endometrioid type). Have mutations in the PTEN
tumor suppressor gene (similar to endometroid endometrial tumor)
They are bilateral in about 30% of cases they are distinguished by the formation of
similar tubular glands to those of the endometrium within the lining of the cystic space.
4) Brenner Tumor
Brenner tumors are composed of bladder-like epithelium and are usually benign.
may arise from the surface epithelium or from urogenital epithelium trapped within the
germinal ridge
macro=solid, usually unilateral ovarian tumor smoothly encapsulated and gray-white on
cut section
Micro=abundant stroma containing nests of transitional-type epithelium resembling that
of the urinary tract
2nd most common type of ovarian tumor (15% of cases) usually occur in young women of
reproductive age.
4 major groups: Tumor subtypes mimic tissues normally produced by germ cells.
- Fetal tissue—cystic Teratoma and embryonal carcinoma
1) Benign (mature) cystic Teratoma (90% of germ tumor)
tumor composed of mature tissues derived from all three germ cell layers: ectoderm,
endoderm and mesoderm Most common germ cell tumor in females;
bilateral in 10% of cases with Cystic cavity On cut section, they often are filled with
sebaceous secretion and hair (ball) foci of bone and cartilage, nests of bronchial or
gastrointestinal epithelium, and other tissues also are present
Struma ovarii is a Teratoma composed primarily of thyroid tissue.
incidentally are discovered in young women as ovarian masses or are found on
abdominal radiographs or scans because they contain foci of calcification (tooth-like
Benign, but presence of immature tissue (usually neural) or somatic malignancy (Usually
squamous cell carcinoma of skin) indicates malignant potential.
Malignant(immature) teratomas (10%) are found early in life (18y) predominantly
solid on cut section, and punctuated by areas of necrosis Uncommonly cystic foci are
present that contain sebaceous secretion similar to those of mature teratomas
On microscopic examination presence of immature elements or minimally
- Oocytes—dysgerminoma
Tumor composed of cells with clear cytoplasm and central nuclei (resemble oocytes);
Testicular counterpart is called seminoma (both result of gonadal dysgenesis)
Solid large to small gray masses Sheets or cords of large clear cells separated by scant
fibrous strands Stroma may contain lymphocytes and occasional granulomas
All malignant but Good prognosis; responds to radiotherapy
- Yolk sac—endodermal sinus tumor
Malignant tumor that mimics the yolk sac; most common germ cell tumor in Children
Serum AFP is often elevated.
Schiller-Duval bodies (glomerulus-like structures) are classically seen on Histology
- Placental tissue—choriocarcinoma
Malignant tumor composed of trophoblasts and syncytlotrophoblasts; mimics placental
tissue, but villi are absent (unlike mole)
Small, hemorrhagic tumor with early hematogenous spread create larger metastatic
masses than primary focus.
High beta-hCG is characteristic (produced by syncytiotrophoblasts)
poor respond to chemotherapy(unlike gestational related type)
sex cord tumors are ones of stroma come from theca granulosa cells or from fibrocytes
Granulosa-theca cell tumor
Neoplastic proliferation of granulosa and theca cells Often produces estrogen; presents
with signs of estrogen excess
i. Prior to puberty—precocious puberty
ii. Reproductive age—menorrhagia or metrorrhagia
iii. Postmenopausal (most common setting granulosa-theca cell tumors) Endometrial
hyperplasia with postmenopausal uterine bleeding
Malignant, but minimal risk for metastasis
- Sertoli- leydig cell tumor
Composed of Sertoli cells that form tubules and Leydig cells (between tubules)
with characteristic Reinke crystals
May produce androgen; associated with hirsutism and virilization
- Fibroma
Benign tumor of fibroblast, solid gray tumor.
Associated with pleural effusions and ascites (Meigs syndrome); resolves with removal of
Pathology of the infertility. Gestational trophoblastic disease and neoplasias. Ectopic
1) Membranes: The amnion lines the amniotic sac containing the fetus. The
amnion consists of a single layer of cuboidal epithelium, its basement membrane,
and a collagen layer.
The fibrous chorion lies deep to the amnion, chorion are fetal
in origin. Deep to it is the decidual layer (maternal in origin). This layer contains
decasualized maternal cells, vessels, fibrin, and often some degree of hemorrhage.
2) Umbilical cord: The outer surface of the umbilical cord is covered by amniotic
epithelium. Normally, 3 vessels (2 arteries and 1 vein) are embedded in (Wharton’s
3) Placental disk: The chorionic plate (fetal surface) consists of a single layer of
cuboidal amniotic epithelium overlying a paucicellular collagenous matrix
(chorion) containing numerous large vessels of fetal origin.
Below this are the villi (large stem villi to small terminal villi) separated by clear or blood containing
spaces (the intervillous space) where the maternal blood circulates around the fetal
The villi consist of an outer layer of syncytiotrophoblasts deep to the
syncytial trophoblast cells is a single, discontinuous layer of cytotrophoblasts cells
(larger, cuboidal cells).
The cellular matrix consists of macrophages and fibroblasts with numerous vessels the resulting smaller and more highly branched terminal
villi increase the effective surface area in contact with the intervillous space thereby increasing gas and nutrient exchange without a significant increase in
placental mass.
The basal plate (maternal surface) consists of intermediate trophoblast cells, decasualized maternal cells and maternal vessels Normally, these
vessels are invaded by extravillous trophoblast cells, remodeled with elimination of
surrounding smooth muscle layers and enlarging the lumens leading into the
sinusoidal intervillous spaces.
Infections may reach the placenta by either of two paths:
1) ascension through the birth canal
- more common in most instances, they are bacterial and are associated
with premature rupture of the fetal membranes.
- Major causative organism: Mycoplasma, Candida, and the numerous
bacteria of the vaginal flora.
- Micro = the chorioamnion shows neutrophilic infiltration associated with
edema and congestion (acute chorioamnionitis). - the infection may involve the umbilical cord and placental villi, resulting
in acute vasculitis of the cord (funisitis).
2) Hematogenous (transplacental) spread
- Micro = on histologic examination, placental villi are the most frequently
affected structures (villitis). - Causative agents: Syphilis, tuberculosis, listeriosis, toxoplasmosis, and
various viruses (rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus) all can
cause placental villitis. - Transplacental infections can affect the fetus and give rise to the socalled TORCH (toxoplasmosis, other infections, rubella,cytomegalovirus
infection, herpes) complex .
Ectopic pregnancy is defined as implantation of a fertilized ovum in any site
other than the uterus.
In more than 90% of these cases, implantation occurs in the fallopian tube
(oviducts-tubal pregnancy);
other sites include the ovaries and the abdominal cavity Gestation within the
abdominal cavity occurs when the fertilized egg drops out of the fimbriated
end of the oviduct and implants on the peritoneum.
Any factor that retards passage of the ovum through the oviducts predisposes
to ectopic pregnancy slowed passage is attributable to chronic
inflammation and scarring, tumors and endometriosis etc.
- In all sites, early development of ectopic pregnancies proceeds normally,
with formation of placental tissue, the amniotic sac, and decidual changes.
- With tubal pregnancies, the invading placenta eventually burrows
through the wall of the oviduct, causing intratubal hematoma (hematosalpinx) The tube is usually distended by freshly clotted blood
containing bits of gray placental tissue and fetal parts. - intraperitoneal hemorrhage major risk see sudden intense abdominal
pain and blood loss. - Surgical emergency;
- The histologic diagnosis depends on visualization of placental villi or, rarely, of the embryo.
Following conception instead of develop embryo develop trophoblastic tumor
have been divided on histopathologic grounds into three overlapping
morphologic categories: hydatidiform mole, invasive mole, and
choriocarcinoma. These demonstrate a range of aggressiveness from benign
hydatidiform moles to highly malignant choriocarcinomas.
All elaborate human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which can be detected in
the blood and urine at levels considerably higher than those found normally at
that stage of pregnancy.
1) Hydatidiform Mole: Complete and Partial
The typical hydatidiform mole is edematous swollen chorionic villi, appearing grossly as grapelike structures. The swollen villi are covered by varying
amounts of normal to highly atypical chorionic epithelium (proliferating
There are two distinctive subtypes of hydatidiform moles: complete and partial.
Invasive Mole
Invasive moles are complete moles that are more invasive locally but do not
have the aggressive metastatic potential of a choriocarcinoma.
An invasive mole retains hydropic villi, which penetrate the uterine wall
deeply, possibly causing rupture and sometimes life-threatening hemorrhage.
MICRO= the epithelium of the villi shows atypical changes, with
proliferation of both trophoblastic and syncytial components.
Hydropic villi may embolize to distant organs, such as lungs or brain Bout
invasive and hydatidform:
- Uterus expands as if a normal pregnancy is present, but the uterus is much larger
And hCG much higher than expected for date of gestation. - Classically presents in the second trimester as passage of grape-like masses
through the vaginal canal with prenatal care, moles are diagnosed by routine
ultrasound in the early first trimester. Fetal heart sounds are absent, and a
‘snowstorm’ appearance seen on ultrasound. - Treatment is curettage. Subsequent (3-hCG monitoring is important to ensure
adequate mole removal and to screen for the development of choriocarcinoma.
In invasive case sometime scraping not enough and see prolonged hCG elevation in
some cases chemotherapy needed
3) Gestational Choriocarcinoma
Choriocarcinoma, a very aggressive malignant tumor, arises either from
gestational chorionic epithelium or within the gonads as a germ cell tumor.
Approximately 50% of choriocarcinomas arise from complete hydatidform
moles; other arise after abortion/normal pregnancy and germ cell path…
MORPHOLOGY Choriocarcinomas usually appear as hemorrhagic, necrotic
uterine massesprimary lesion “self-destruct,” and only the metastases tell the
story. Very early invade myometrium and send metastasis.
In contrast with hydatidform moles and invasive moles, chorionic villi are not
formed; instead, the tumor is composed of anaplastic cuboidal cytotrophoblasts and syncytiotrophoblasts
In most cases, choriocarcinoma manifests with a bloody, brownish discharge In
general, the β-hCG titers are much higher than those associated with a mole.
widespread vascular spread usually has occurred to the lungs (50%), vagina
(30% to 40%), brain, liver, or kidneys.
these tumors are remarkably sensitive to chemotherapy Nearly 100% of
affected patients are cured. By contrast, response of ones that arise in the
gonads (ovary or testis) is relatively poor.
PREECLAMPSIAPregnancy-induced hypertension, proteinuria, and edema, usually arising in the
third trimester; seen in approximately 5% of pregnancies
Hypertension may be Due to abnormality of the maternal-fetal vascular interface in
the placenta; resolves with delivery
Eclampsia - is preeclampsia with seizures. HELLP is preeclampsia with thrombotic
microangiopathy involving the liver; characterized by Hemolysis, Elevated Liver
enzymes, and Low Platelets Both eclampsia and HELLP usually warrant immediate
Pathology of the gemini pregnancy. Pathology of the placenta and the umbilical cord.
Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR).
Eclampsia/ pre-eclampsia. Fetal hydrops. Meconium aspiration syndrome. Diseases of
prematurity (IRDS, NEC, PVH, ROP).
Non-neoplastic changes of the breast and benign breast tumors.
The designation fibrocystic is applied to a miscellany of changes in the female breast that consist
predominantly of cyst formation and fibrosis. (not neoplastic)
Overall, fibrocystic changes are the most common breast abnormality seen in premenopausal
women. The changes tend to arise during reproductive age and are most likely a consequence of the cyclic breast changes that occur normally in the menstrual cycle.
Characterized by an increase in fibrous stroma associated with dilation of ducts and
formation of variably sized cysts primarily affects the terminal duct lobular unit, not the
large duct.
Macro: changes usually are multifocal and often bilateral. The cysts range from less than
1 cm and up to 5 cm in diameter. Unopened, they are brown to blue (blue dome cysts)
and are filled with watery, turbid fluid. The secretions within the cysts may calcify,
producing microcalcifications on mammograms.
Micro=epithelial lining that in larger cysts may be flattened or even totally atrophic
Apocrine metaplasia = a variant of non-proliferative fibrocystic change the lining cells
are large and polygonal with abundant granular, eosinophilic cytoplasm (apical secretory
granules) and small, round, deeply chromatic nuclei, do not increase risk for neoplastic
The stroma surrounding all types of cysts usually consists of compressed fibrous tissue
that has lost the delicate, myxomatous appearance of normal breast stroma.
a variant of proliferative fibrocystic change in which fined more than the 2 normal
lining epithelial layers of the duct. Normal ducts and lobules of the breast are lined by
two layers of cells—a layer of luminal cells overlying a second layer of myoepithelial
MICRO= The ducts or lobules may be filled with orderly cuboidal cells within which
small gland patterns (called fenestrations)
The proliferating epithelium projects as multiple small papillary excrescences into the
ductal lumen ductal papillomatosis).
atypical ductal/lobular hyperplasia is used to describe hyperplasia’s that exhibit
changes that start to resemble ones of carcinoma in situ(see description next pic)
Both atypical ductal and lobular hyperplasia are associated with an increased risk of
invasive carcinoma.
hyperplastic process involving an increased number of glandular components (number of
glands in one TDLU) =adenosis plus stromal proliferation that create hard palpable
Less common but worth mentioning cause Its clinical and morphologic features may
mimic those of carcinoma.
MACRO= the lesion has a hard, rubbery consistency, similar to that of breast cancer.
MICRO= shows a characteristic: enlarged TDLU Preservation of luminal lining of
epithelium and myopithel layer (Help to distinguish from invasive ductal carcinoma)
with surrounding Dens Stromal fibrosis, which may compress and distort the
proliferating glands.
The most common benign neoplasm of the female breast. no increased risk of carcinoma
It is a biphasic slow growing tumor composed of fibroblastic stroma and epithelium-lined
glands = only the stromal cells are clonal and truly neoplastic.
They seen as solitary mobile masses firm consistency number of cm size mass.
Estrogen sensitive grows during pregnancy and may be painful during the menstrual
cycle also they peak in appearance in 3rd decade of life and after menopause, they may
regress and calcify.
A cut section shows a uniform grayish white color, punctuated by softer yellow-pink
specks representing the glandular areas.
MICRO: The epithelial proliferation appears as duct-like spaces of various shapes and
sizes surrounded by a loose fibroblastic stroma. Depending on the proportion and the
relationship between these two components, there are two main histological features:
intracanalicular and pericanalicular. Often, both types are found in the same tumor.
Intracanalicular fibroadenoma: stromal proliferation predominates and compresses the
ducts, which are irregular, reduced to slits.
Pericanalicular fibroadenoma: fibrous stroma
proliferates around the ductal spaces, so that they remain round or oval, on cross section.
The basement membrane is intact.
Fibroadenoma-like tumor However, the stromal element of these tumors is more cellular
and abundant, often forming epithelium lined leaflike projections (phyllodes is Greek for
Less common than fibroadenomas arise de novo, not from preexisting fibroadenomas.
changes suggesting malignancy include increased stromal cellularity, anaplasia, high
mitotic activity, rapid increase in size, and infiltrative margins but most phyllodes
tumors remain localized and are cured by excision
Intraductal papilloma is a benign neoplastic papillary growth. Most often seen in
premenopausal women.
These lesions typically are solitary and found within the principal lactiferous ducts or
The clinical presentation may include
* Serous or bloody nipple discharge
* The presence of a small subareolar tumor a few millimeters in diameter
* Nipple retraction
MICRO= they are composed of multiple papillae, each having a connective tissue core
covered by epithelial cells that are double-layered, with an outer luminal layer overlying
a myoepithelial layer. The presence of a double-layered epithelium helps to distinguish
intraductal papilloma from intraductal papillary carcinoma.
Precancerous diseases of the breast. Breast carcinomas.
2nd to lung cancer in cancer related death among women The lifetime risk of developing breast cancer is
1 in 8 for women and 20-30% mortality rate in the United States.
risk factors for breast cancer:
1) Age. Risk increases after age of 30 , especially after menopause
2) Geographic Variations. The risk is significantly higher in North America and northern Europe than in
Asia and Africa. These differences seem to be environmental rather than genetic in origin.
3) Family history
4) Age at menopause greater than 55
5) 1st Pregnancy after age of 35/nulliparous
6) Benning breast diseas as proliferative atypical hyperplasia
7) Other Risk Factors.
- Prolonged exposure to exogenous estrogens postmenopausally, as occurs with hormone replacement
therapy/Oral contraceptives- no effect. - Ionizing radiation its age-period of time depended before age of 30 during breast development and
its dose depended also (therapy radiation increase risk but mammography not-smaller dose). - Less establish relation to: Obesity-alcohol consumption and a diet high in fat
three sets of influences seem to be important:
1) Genetic changes
Is overexpression of the HER2/NEU proto-oncogene, which undergoes amplification in ~ 30% of
invasive breast cancers. This gene is a member of the epidermal growth factor receptor family,
and its overexpression is associated with a poor prognosis. Also Amplification of RAS and MYC
genes also has been reported in some human breast cancers.
Gene expression profiling has demonstrated the presence of four molecular subtypes with
distinct natural histories and clinical behavior. these generally align with the presence or absence
of estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), and human epidermal growth factor
receptor 2 (HER2):
(1) Luminal A (estrogen receptor–positive, HER2/NEU-negative);most common good
prognosis associated with age
(2) Luminal B (estrogen receptor–positive, HER2/NEU overexpressing); less good
(3) HER2/ NEU positive (HER2/NEU over expressing, estrogen receptor– negative); less
common more aggressive appear at younger ages
(4) basal-like (estrogen receptor–negative and HER2/NEU-negative).also called triple
negative appear more in African American woman carry poor prognosis and appear at
younger age pre-menopausal.
~10% of cases are hereditary breast cancer specific related to one mutation, manifest as
premenopausal appearance see also in first degree relative and bilateral tumor/other related
tumor e.g. ovarian
Roughly one third of women with hereditary breast cancer have mutations in BRCA1 or
BRCA2 ).both BRCA1 an BRCA2 are believed to function in a common DNA repair pathway
BRCA1 and BRCA2 are classic tumor suppressor genes, in that cancer arises only when both
alleles are inactivated or defective—the first caused by a germline inherited mutation and the
second by a subsequent somatic mutation.
Less common genetic diseases associated with breast cancer are the Li-Fraumeni syndrome,
Cowden syndrome (caused by germline mutations in PTEN—mentioned earlier under
endometrial carcinoma) and the ataxia-telangiectasia gene carriers.
2) Hormonal Influences.
Estrogen excess = hormonal imbalance Estrogens stimulate the production of growth factors (such
as TGF-α, PDGF, and FGF) may promote tumor development through paracrine and autocrine
3) Environmental Variables. See above geography treatments alcohol obesity etc.…
The most common location of tumors within the breast is in the upper outer quadrant (50%), followed
by the central portion (20%).
Breast cancers are classified according to whether they have or have not penetrated the limiting
basement membrane:
A. Noninvasive
1. Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)
2. Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS)
B. Invasive (infiltrating)
1. Invasive ductal carcinoma (“not otherwise specified”), the most common subtype of invasive
2. Invasive lobular carcinoma
3. Medullary carcinoma
4. Colloid carcinoma (mucinous carcinoma)
5. Tubular carcinoma
6. Other types
Noninvasive (in situ) Carcinoma
include: DCIS and LCIS. both types usually arise from ductal epithelium of the terminal duct lobular
DCIS tends to fill and expand ductal lumen with proliferating ductal cells and necrosis, By contrast,
LCIS usually expands but does not alter the acini of lobules
is caused by the extension of DCIS up the lactiferous ducts and into the contiguous skin of the nipple, producing
a unilateral crusting exudate over the nipple and areolar skin.
In almost all cases, an underlying carcinoma is present, and approximately 50% of the time this
carcinoma is invasive.
Prognosis is based on the underlying carcinoma and is not affected by the presence of Paget disease.
Invasive (Infiltrating) Carcinoma
1) Invasive ductal carcinoma
- A majority (70% to 80%) of cancers fall into this group. type of cancer usually is associated with DCIS
and, rarely, LCIS.
- Most ductal carcinomas produce a desmoplastic response = which replaces normal breast fat (resulting
in a mammographic density) and forms a palpable mass - The microscopic appearance is quite heterogeneous, ranging from tumors with well-developed tubule
formation and low-grade nuclei to tumors consisting of sheets of anaplastic cells The tumor margins
typically are irregular - About two thirds express estrogen or progesterone receptors, and about one third overexpress
2) Invasive lobular carcinoma
- Origen from lobule neoplastic cells morphologically identical to the cells of LCIS (monomorphic, mucin
vacuoles). Two thirds of the cases are associated with adjacent LCIS. - The cells invade individually into stroma and are often aligned in “single-file/indian file” strands or
chains. Associated with mutations in E cadherin - Most exhibit desmoplastic reaction so create palpable mass.
- Lobular carcinomas have a unique pattern of metastases among breast cancers; they more frequently
spread to cerebrospinal fluid, serosal surfaces, gastrointestinal tract, ovary, uterus, and bone marrow. - Almost all of these carcinomas express hormone receptors, whereas HER2/NEU overexpression is rare.
3) Inflammatory carcinoma
4) Medullary carcinoma
- is a rare subtype of carcinoma, create cohesive sheets of high pleomorphic cells with well
circumscribed, “pushing” borders, associated with prominent lymphocyte and plasma cells infiltration
- Medullary carcinomas occur with increased frequency in women with BRCA1 mutations And its triplenegative tumor.
5) Colloid (mucinous) carcinoma
- also is a rare subtype.The tumor cells produce abundant extracellular mucin into the surrounding stroma
Like medullary carcinomas, they often present as well-circumscribed masses and can be mistaken for
fibroadenomas.On gross evaluation, the tumors usually are soft and gelatinous.
- Most express hormone receptors
6) Tubular carcinomas
Common Features of Invasive Cancers
- Invasive cancers tend to become adherent and fixed to the pectoral muscles or deep fascia of the chest
wall and the overlying skin, with consequent retraction or dimpling of the skin or nipple.first indication
of malignancy. - Involvement of the lymphatic pathways may result in localized lymphedemaIn such cases, the skin
becomes thickened around exaggerated hair follicles, giving an appearance known as peau d’orange
(“orange peel”).
Clinical course:
At the time of clinical detection, the carcinoma typically is 2 to 3 cm in size, and involvement of the
regional lymph nodes (most often axillary) is already present in about 50% of patients.
Breast cancer spread occurs through lymphatic and hematogenous channels. Favored locations are the
lungs, skeleton, liver, adrenals, and (less commonly) brain, but no site is exempt.
tumor-node-metastasis (TNM) staging classification:
1) Tumor invasion and size. In situ carcinomas carry an excellent prognosis (5-year survival rate greater
than 90%), as do invasive carcinomas less than 2 cm in size (5-year survival rate of 87%).
2) Extent of lymph node involvement. With no axillary node involvement, the 5-year survival rate is close
to 80%.
Survival is inversely related to the number of involved lymph nodes and is less than 50% with 16 or
more involved nodes.
Sentinel node biopsy is currently the mainstay for staging the axila = This procedure identifies the
primary lymph node(s) that drain the breast parenchyma using dye or a radioactive tracer (or sometimes
both). Once identified, sentinel nodes are removed and examined microscopically.
3) Distant metastases. Patients who develop hematogenous spread are rarely curable
4) Histologic grade. The most common grading system for breast cancer evaluates tubule formation,
nuclear grade, and mitotic rate.
5) The histologic type of carcinoma. All specialized types of breast carcinoma (tubular, medullary, and
mucinous) are associated with a somewhat better prognosis than carcinomas of no special type (ductal
carcinomas). A major exception is inflammatory carcinoma, which has a poor prognosis.
6) The presence or absence of estrogen or progesterone receptors. The presence of hormone receptors
confers a slightly better prognosis.
Overexpression of HER2/NEU. Overexpression is associated with a
poorer prognosis. However, the clinical importance of evaluating HER2/NEU lies in predicting response
to trastuzumab (Herceptin), a monoclonal antibody that binds and inhibits the function of HER2/NEU.
Hyperpituitarism. Pituitary adenomas
- Pituitary gland
a. Small, bean shaped structures located at the base of the brain, on the sella turcica.
b. Connected to the hypothalamus by a stalk composed of axons and a rich venous plexuse.
c. Central role in regulation of other endocrine glands
d.Composed of two functionally and morphologically distinct components:
1.The anterior pituitary, or adenohypophysis, is composed of epithelial cells derived embryologically from the
developing oral cavity. In routine histologic sections, see array of cells containing basophilic cytoplasm,
eosinophilic cytoplasm, or poorly staining (chromophobic) cytoplasm the staining properties of these cells are
related to the presence of various trophic polypeptide hormones within their cytoplasm .
The pink acidophils secrete growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL)
The dark purple basophils secrete corticotrophin (ACTH), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), and
gonadotrophins follicle stimulating hormone-luteinizing hormone (FSH and LH)
The pale staining chromophobes have few cytoplasmic granules, but may have secretory activity.
The release of trophic hormones is in turn under the control of factors produced in the hypothalamus; while most hypothalamic factors are stimulatory and
promote pituitary hormone release, others (e.g., somatostatin and dopamine) are inhibitory in their effects Rarely, signs and symptoms of pituitary disease may be caused
by excess or lack of the hypothalamic factors, rather than by a primary pituitary abnormality.
2.The neurohypophysis shown here resembles neural tissue, with glial cells, nerve fibers, nerve endings, and
intra-axonal neurosecretory granules. The hormones vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone, or ADH) and oxytocin
made in the hypothalamus (supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei) are transported into the intra-axonal
neurosecretory granules where they are released.
Diseases of the pituitary, accordingly, can be divided into those that primarily affect the anterior lobe and those that primarily affect the posterior lobe.
Hyperpituitarism and pituitary adenoma
Hyperpituitarism arises from excessive secretion of trophic hormones. It most often results from an anterior
pituitary adenoma but also may be caused by other pituitary and extrapituitary lesions .Causes of
a. Adenoma arising in anterior lobe (most common)
b. Hyperplasia and carcinoma of anterior lobe
c. Secretion of hormones by extrapituitary tumors
d. Hypothalamic disorders
Pituitary adenomas
Benign tumor of anterior lobe Found in adult 30-50 years old.
pituitary adenomas are usually composed of a single type of cell type and produce a single predominant
Some adenomas secrete two hormones Most common combination- GH and prolactin
Plurihormonal adenomas- rare
May be functional (hormone producing and clinical sings), nonfunctional ( clinical silent) or hormone
i. Nonfunctional and hormone negative (null cell) Likely to come to clinical attenation at a later stage
May cause hypopituitarism due to compression of the normal pituitary tissue
ii. Functional tumors represent with features based on the type of hormone produced.
Most adenomas occur as isolated lesion Microadenomas- less than 1 cm Macroadenoma- exceeds 1 cm in
Most cases are sperodic but ~3% of adenomas are associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia.
One of most common mutations is Constitutive activation of a stimulatory G protein. A mutation in the alpha-subunit that interferes with its intrinsic GTPase activity Results in persistent generation of cAMP and
unchecked cellular proliferation Alpha subunit is encoded by GNAS1 gene
Pituitary adenomas that arise in the context of familial MEN-1 syndrome harbor mutation from MEN-1 gene
(interfer with check point regulation on p27) appear at younger age
Other abnormality is P53 mutation aggressive tumor.
Usually well circumscribed, soft small lesion. Small tumors are confined by sella turcica, while larger lesions
typically extend into supracellar region, where they compress optic chiasm and adjacent structures.
Invasive adenomas- In 30% of cases, adenomas are grossly nonencapsulated and infiltrate adjacent bone,
dura and (uncommonly) bone.
Microscopically- mark by cellular monomorphism and absence of reticulin network.
Composed of relatively uniform, polygonal cells arrayed in sheets, cords or papillae Very little mitotic
activity Cytoplasm may be acidophilic, basophilic or chromophobic depending on type of secretory product.
Supportive CT-reticulin, is relatively absent accounting for soft consistency
Different adenomas subtypes
1. Prolactinoma
Most common type of pituitary adenoma Hyperprolactinemia due to Lactotroph cells secrete prolactin.
Hyperprolacinemia may be caused by other conditions than adenoma pregnancy, high dose estrogen
therapy/dopamine inhibiting drugs, renal failure, hypothalamic lesions or Stalk effect- any mass in the
suprasellar compartment that may disturb the normal inhibitory influence of hypothalamus on prolactin
Clinical features
- Galactorrhea, amenorrhea and infertility
- Decreased libido and impotence
- Manifestation of hyperprolactinemia is more obvious in postmenopausal women.
- Growth hormone producing adenoma
GH producing , somatotroph cells, neoplasms are the second most common type of functional pituitary
adenoma Clinical manifestation may be subtle, so spmatotroph cell adenoma may be quite big by the time they
come to clinical attention
Microscopically Densely or sparsely granulated cells and GH within cytoplsm
Lab Elevated GH Elevated somatomedin C (IGF-1)
Giantism Occurs in children and adolescents prior to fusion of the growth plates Tall structure and long extremities
Acromegaly Occurs in adults after the growth plates have fused Prominent jaw Flat, broad forehead Enlarged
hands and feet The internal organs are typically enlarged
GH excess is also associated with a number of other disturbances Abnormal glucose and diabetes mellitus
Generalized muscle weakness Hypertension Arthritis Osteoporosis Congestive heart failure
- Corticotroph cell adenomas
Usually small at the time of diagnosis Usually stained positive with PAS as a result of the accumulation of
glycosylated ACTH proteins ACTH is synthesized as part of a larger prohormone that includes melanocyte
stimulating hormone, there may be hyperpigmentation.
May be clinically silent or may cause hypercortisolism (Cushing syndrome) because of stimulatory effect on
adrenal cortex.
Cushing disease- when hypercorticolism is caused by excessive production by pituitary gland
Nelson syndrome- aggressive corticotroph adeomona may develop after surgical removal of adrenal glands for treatment of cushing syndrome. Due to loss of the inhibitory effect of adrenal chorticoids on a preexisting corticotroph microadenoma
- Other anterior pituitary neoplasm
Gonadotroph (LH and FST-producing hormones) adenoma
Difficult to recognize
a. Secrete hormones inefficiently and variably
b. Secretory product do not cuase a recognizable clinical syndrome
Most frequent in middle age when tumor becomes large enough to cause neurological symptoms
Impaired vision Headaches Diplopia
FSH is usually the predominant secreted hormone.
Thyrotroph (TSH-produsing hormone) adenoma Rare cause of hyperthyroidism
Pituitary carcinoma Rare Local extension beyond the sella turcica Always distant metastases
Hypopituitarism. Posterior pituitary syndromes.
- Insufficient production of hormones by anterior pituitary gland. Symptoms arise when
>75% of pituitary parenchyma is lost - Causes in general may be congenital=very rear or acquired in which lesion intrinsic to
pituatry more common than hypothalamus lesion( in case of neurohypophysis
hypothalamic lesion is usually the causing problem) include:
a. Non functioning pituitary adenomas (adults) or craniopharyngioma (children)-
due to mass effect or pituitary apoplexy (bleeding into adenoma)
b. Destruction of tissue following radiation/surgary/trauma-elevated ICP etc…
c. Sheehan syndrome- pregnancy related infarction of the pituitary gland,the most
common cause of ischemic pituatry necrosis)
i. Anterior part get blood from portal circulation posterior part from artery in
pragnent woman pituatry size increase duble (more prolactin cells) but the
portal blood supply remain the same so pituatry is suseptable to ischemic
injury if extansive bleeding occure may lead to ischemic necrosis(e.g.
bleeding in labor/event of hypotantion)
ii. Present as poor lactation, loss of pubic hair and fatigue.
d. Empty sella syndrome- congenital defect of the sella - Herniation of the arachnoid
and csf into the sella compresses and destroys the pituitary glan Pituitary gland is
absent on imaging- congenital very rear
e. Disorder that interfere with the delivery of pituitary releasing factors from
hypothalamus (eg. Hypothalamic tumor)
f. Other less common causes :Inflammatory lesios- sarcoidoisis,
tuberculosis/metastatic neoplasem/trauma /congenital
- Clinical manifestation depends on specific hormones that are lacking
a. GH deficiency- pituitary dwarfism(in children)
b. GnRH deficiency - decreased libido, impotence and loss of pubic hair for male for
female also amenorrhea.
c. TSH deficiency- hypothyroidism
d. ACTH deficiency- hypoadrenalism
e. Prolactin deficiency- failure of postpartum and lactation
f. Anterior lobe is a rich source of MSH, synthesized from the same source of
ACTH. Therefore one of the manifestations of hypopituitarism is paleness from
loss of stimulatory effects of MSH on melanocytes.
Posterior pituitary gland (neurohypophysis) syndromes
- Basic principles Posterior pituitary is composed of modified glial cells (pituicytes) and
axonal processes extending from nerve cell bodies in the hypothalamus. Antidiuretic
hormone and oxytocin are made in the hypothalamus and then transported via the axon to
the posterior pituitary for release
i. ADH acts on the distal tubules and collecting ducts of the kidney to
promote free water retention
- Nonpeptide hormone
- Released in response to different stimuli including increase in
plasma oncotic pressure, stress and increase sympathetic action..
ii. Oxytocin mediates uterine contraction during labor and release of breast
milk in lactating mother
- Upon ADH defficency you get Central Diabetes inspidus
a. Inability of water reuptake from urin leading to polyuria
b. Due to hypothalamic or posterior pituitary pathology (eg. Tumor, trauma infection
or inflammation)
c. Clinical features are based on loss of free water
i. Polyuria and polydipsia with risk of life threatening dehydration
(Hypernatremia and high serum osmolality)
ii. Low urin osmolality and specific gravity- not able to concentrate urin… in
Water deprevation test fails to increase urine osmolality
iii. Treatment is desmopressin (ADH analogue)
d. Nephrogenic Diabetes insipidus -Impaired renal response to ADH Due to
inherited mutation or drugs Clinical features are similar to central diabetes
insipidus, but there is no response to desmopressin
- Syndrome of inappropriate ADH (SIADH) secretion
a. Excess ADH secretion which causes excessive amount of free water , with
resultant hyponatermia.
b. Most often due to ectopic production (eg. Small cell carcinoma of the lung). Other
causes include CNS trauma (injury to hypothalamus or neurohypophysis),
pulmonary infection and drugs (cyclophosphamide)
c. Clinical features based on retention of free water
i. Hyponatermia and low serum osmolality
ii. Mental status chanhes and seizures- hyponatermia leads to neuronal
swelling and cerebral edema
iii. Water retention without odema
d. Treatment is free water restriction
Diffuse nontoxic goiter (Graves disease). Multinodular goiter
Grave disease
- Autoimmune disease characterized by producing IgG autoantibodies to the TSH receptor
- Most common cuase of endogeanous hyperthyroidism Females>males; age 20-40
- Characterized by triad of manifestation:
a. Hyperthyroidesem (Thyrotoxicosis) and goiter
b. Opthalmopathy: exophthalamus (40% of patients) or proptosis only one eye seen
only in graves.
c. Localized infiltrate dermopathy: peritibial myxedema (in a minority of cases)
Characterized by thickening of the dermis, as a result of deposition of
glycosaminoglycans and lymphocyte infiltration
- Pathogenesis
a. Characterized by a breakdown in self tolerance to thyroid autoantigens, of which
the most important is the TSH receptor. The result is the production of multiple
i. Thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin- bindsto TSH receptor and mimics
the action of TSH, stimulating adenylate cyclase
ii. Thyroid growth-stimulating immunoglobulins- directed against TSH
receptor. Implicated in the proliferation of thyroid follicular epithelium
iii. TSH biding inhibitor immunoglobulin- anti-TSH receptor Ab prevent TSH
from binding to its receptor.
- May coexist with stimulating IgG in the serum
a. Explains spontaneous episodes of hypothyroidism
b. T cell mediated autoimmune phenomenon
i. Involved in the development of infiltrative opthalmopathy- forward
displacement of the eyeball - Volume of retroorbital CT and extra-ocular muscle is increased as
a result of
a. Infiltration of retro orbital space by predominantly T cells
b. Inflammatory edema and swelling of extra ocular muscles
which may undergo fibrosis late in the course of the
c. Accumulation of extracellular matrix components (eg
hyluronic acid, chondoritin sulfate)
d. Increase number of adipocytes
c. Genetic susceptibility is associated with:
i. the presence of certain human leukocyte antigen (HLA) halotypes,
especially HLA-DR3
ii. Polymorphism in genes coding the inhibitory T cell receptor CTLA-4 and
tyrosine phosphatase PTPN22
- Morphology
a. Gross:
i. enlarged (usually symmetrically) gland due to diffuse hypertrophy and
hyperplasia of thyroid follicular epithelial cells
ii. Smooth, soft and capsulate is intact
b. Micro:
i. Follicular epithelial cells prolifration results in formation of small
papillae- papilization, (which is lack of fibrovascular core), which
projects into follicular lumen
ii. Colloid is pale reduce matter follow hyperactivity of epithelium.
iii. Lymphoid chronic inflammatory infiltrate (predominantly T cells) present
throught the interstitium.
- Libratory
i. Elevated serum free T3 and T4 Depressed TSH serum level
ii. Radioiodine scans show diffuse uptake of iodine- dues to ongoing
stimulation of thyroid follicles by TSIs, radioactive iodine uptake is
- Thyroid storm – describe acute event of sever hyperthyroidism may lead to life
threatening arrhythmia and most commonly seen in patent’s with underlying graves
Diffuse and multinodular goiter
- Goiter- enlargement of the thyroid gland (The most common manifestation of thyroid
disease) - Diffuse and multinodular goiter reflects impaired synthesis of thyroid hormone (most
often caused by dietary iodine deficiey) = > compensatory rise in TSH => hypertrophy and
hyperplasia of follicular cells => enlargement of the gland => euthyroid metabolic
state(when upon increase in working cell mass enoth hormone to overcome defficency)
If the underlying disorder is sever (congenital biosynthesic defect) the compensatory
response may be inadequate resuling in goiter hypothyroidism.
- Goiter can be sporadic or endemic
a. Endemic goiter- if ~10% of population show it ,ccurs in geographical areas where
natural resources iodine is deficient (eg mountain areas Himalayas),resolve by
diatry supply of iodine.
b. Sporadic goiter- More common in young women, when there is an increased
physiological demand for T4. Caused by several conditions:
- Digestion of substances that interfere with thyroid hormone
synthesis (e.g. excessive calcium or certain vegetables as cabbage) - Hereditary –dyshormonogenic due to enzyme defects
- Morphology
Diffuse :macro symmetric overall gland enlargment ,microscopically exhibits
hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the follicular epithelial cells show crowding of columnar
epithel may lead to papillaztion(pseudopapille protrude to colloid luman)
At this stage, the amount of colloid in the follicles is decreased. However, when dietary
iodine continue to be deficient or demands for thyroid hormone decreases, the stimulated
follicular epithelial involutes to form enlarged colloid rich gland (colloid goiter).
Multinodular: With time recurrent episodes of hyperplasia and involution combine to
produce more irregular enlargement of the gland termed multinodular goiter .Grossmultilobulated, asymmetrically enlarged gland , On cut surface irregular nodules containing variable amounts of brown, gelatinous colloid.
Older lesions often show areas of fibrosis, hemorrhage, calcification and cystic change.
Microscopically- Colloid rich
follicles lined by flattened, inactivated epithelium and areas of follicular epithelial
hypertrophy and hyperplasia.
Note Multinodular goitets are typically hormone silent, minority can manifest with
thyrotoxicosis secondary to development of autonomous nodules that produce thyroid
hormone independent of TSH stimulation (Plummer syndrome)
- Clinical features:
i. Caused by mass effect of the enlarged thyroid gland Cosmetic problem on
the neck risk for Airway obstruction/Dyspnea , compression of large
vessels in the neck (sup. Vena cava syndrome)
ii. Hyperthyroidisem sings/hypo depends on patient
iii. Incidence of malignancy in long standing multinodular goiter is low.
- Chronic Lymphocytic (Hashimoto) thyroiditis
a. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (chronic autoimmune thyroiditis) is the most common
cause of hypothyroidism in iodine-sufficient areas of the world characterized by
immune destruction of the thyroid gland and hypothyroidism
b. Female>male: age 45-65= middle age
c. Pathogenesis Caused by breakdown of self-tolerance to thyroid autoantigens see
diffuse lymphocytic infiltration of the thyroid, which includes predominantly
thyroid-specific B and T cells lead to tissue destruction….
- CD8+ cytotoxic T cell-mediated cell death- CD8+ cytotoxic T cell
may cause thyrocyte destruction - Cytokine-mediated cell death- excessive T cell activation leads to
production of inflammatory cytokines (INF-gamma) which results
in activation of macrophages and may induce apoptosis of
thyrocytes - Binding of antithyroid antibodies followed by antibody-dependent
cell mediated cytotoxicity.
ii. Increased susceptibility is associated with polymorphisms in multiple
immune regulation-associated genes, the most significant of which is the
linkage to cytotoxic T lymphocyte associated antigen-4 gene, which codes
for a negative regulator of T cell function. HLA DR 5
d. Morphology - firm, pale, diffusely and symmetrically enlarged thyroid gland
1. Mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate (small lymphocytes and
plasma cells) with germinal centers
- Thyroid follicles : Atrophy Lined in many areas by epithelial cells
distinguished by the presence of abundant eosinophilic granular
cytoplasm (hurthle cells). Cells are characterized by numerous
prominent mitochondria it’s a Metaplastic response of the low
cuboidal epithelium to the injury - Increase CT and Fibrosis (fibrosing variant with atrophic small
thyroid instead of goiter)
e. Clinical presentation
i. Painless enlragement of the thyroid (goiter)
ii. Hypothyroidism T3,T4 levels fall accompanied by compensatory increase
in TSH Initial inflammation may cause transient hyperthyroidism due to
disruption of thyroid follicles (hashitoxicosis)
iii. See anti thyroglobulin and antithyroid peroxidase antibodies in patients
iv. Have increased risk for development of b cell non hodjkin lymphoma
from lymph follicle within the thyroid later in curse of disease.
v. May be associated with other autoimmune disease (SLE, RA, sjogren
- Subacute Granulomatous (de Quervain ) Thyroiditis
a. Clinical features
i. Second most form of thyroiditis much less common then hasimotos,
classically seen in younger female adult (~30 age)
i. Presents as Tender (only one we know is tender ), firm, enlarged thyroid
gland Preceded by a viral illness (majority of patients have upper
respiratory infection)-not! a autoimmune attack
ii. Self limiting hyperthyroidisem(no progress to hypo) in about 6-8 weeks
b. Morphology - Gross: firm gland, intact capsule, and may be unilaterally or
bilaterally enlarged.
- Disruption of thyroid follicles, with extravasation of colloid
leading to polymorphonuclear infiltarate, which is replaced over
time by lymphocytes, plasma cells and macrophages - Granulomatous inflammation in thyroid Extravasated colloid
provokes an exuberant granulomatous reaction with giant cells - Healing occurs by resolution of inflammation and fibrosis
- Subacute lymphocytic thyroiditis
a. Self-limiting diseas often come in follow pregnancy (postpartum thyroiditis)
b. Typically painless mild symmetric enlargement characterize by lymphocyte
infiltration to thyroid (include germinal center )
c. Autoimmune etiology
d. Clinical features Painless neck mass or features of thyroid hormone excess
followed by return to euthyroid state within a few month In minority of patients
condition may progress to hypothyroidism
- Riedel Thyroiditis
a. Rare disease of unknown etiology characterized by dense fibrosis of thyroid and
surrounding structures (trachea and esophagus)
b. Circulating Ab in most patients suggests autoimmune etiology
c. Clinical features :Female>male; Irregular, hard thyroid fixed mass . May mimic
carcinoma but patients are younger (40s), and malignant cells are absent
d. Micro Dense fibrous replacement of the thyroid gland Chronic inflammation
Benign and malignant tumors of the thyroid gland.
- Thyroid Adenoma
a. Benign neoplasms derived from follicular epithelium appearing as solitary nodule.(multy
nodular pattern is for multinodular goiter)
b. Pathogenesis
In toxic adenomas one who produce TH see mutations in compartments of TSH receptor
signaling pathway Gain of thyroid autonomy (independ of TSH see TH secretion) such as
mutations in Gene encoding TSH receptor and less common in Alpha subunit of G protein as
signal trasducer part in signaling pathway of TSH receptor
In some of non-functional follicular adenoma exhibit mutations of RAS of PIK3CA which
shared with subsets of follicular carcinomas hence some of it may arise from adenoma…
c. Morphology
i. Solitary nodule compress non-neoplastic thyroid. Has well defined capsule
.(multinodular goiter no capsule multiple nodules no compression of parenchyma)
ii. Micro cells are arranged in uniform follicles that contain colloid-well differentiated.
If Neoplastic cells have bright eosinophilic granular cytoplasm and small nucleus
they called oxyphils/hurthle cells(and adenoma classified as hurthle cell adenoma)
May exhibit focal nuclear pleomorphism, atypia, and prominent nucleoli- endocrine
Not infiltrate capsule its completely intact unlike in follicular carcinoma.
d. Clinical features
i. Usually painless nodules, large masses may produce local symptoms like difficulty in
ii. Vast majority are not functional but some may produce thyroid hormone and cause
hyperthyroidism (toxic adenoma)
iii. After injection of radioactive iodine, most adenomas take up iodine less avidly than
normal parenchyma. Therefore on radionuclide staining appears as cold nodules
relative to normal gland Toxic adenoma, however appears at warm nodules in the scan
- Carcinomas of the thyroid
All carcinomas on gross look as solitary nodule may be encapsuled or diffuse infiltrative marigin….
And all usually cold nodules.
Papillary carcinoma
- Epidemiology
a. Most common form of thyroid cancer(~85%) although thyroid cancer as itself is rear ~1% of
cancer cases..
b. Tumor may occur at any age
- Pathogenesis
a. Environmental- radiation exposure
b. Genetics- Activation of MAP kinase pathway featured in most of papillary subtypes, may done
by one of the two major mechanism - Rearrangements of RET or NTRK I (neuroytophic thyrosine kinse I) – encode for
tyrosine kinase receptor(fusion gene by usually non expressed in follicular epithel
RET(encode tyr kinas part of receptor) and PTC gene constantly expressed gene
(papillary thyroid carcinoma gene) so formed RET/PTC product gene and gain of
function to pathway) - Point mutation in gene of RAF protein , an intermediate signaling component in
the MAP kinase pathway - Gross May show as encapsulate or diffuse invasive form uni or multifocal Lesions may contain area of
fibrosis and calcification and often are cystic
a. Diagnostic essential feature is the appearance of Clear “orphan annie eye” nuclei
b. The tumor typically exhibits a papillary pattern with dense fibrovascular cores (true papilla) and
along rims see neoplastic cells pileup on each other.
c. Occasional psammoma bodies- concentrically calcified structure present in papillae
- Clinical features
a. Non-functional tumors
b. Indolent lesion with 10-year survival rate at 95% Over a dozen variant of papillary thyroid
carcinoma Most common- follicular variant Encapsulated Lower incidence of lymph node
metastases(if do so to cervical nodes)
c. Prognosis depends on age, extrathyroidal extension and present of distant metastases.
Follicular carcinoma
- Accounts for 15% of malignant thyroid tumors Female>male; age 40-60
- Pathogenesis
a. Environment- ionizing radiation and deficiency of dietary iodine more Frequent in areas with
dietary iodine deficiency
b. Genetics
i. Mutation in the PI-3K/AKT signaling pathway resulting in constant activation of
oncogenic pathway.
- Gain of function point mutation or Amplification of PI3K
- Loss of function mutation of PTEN (a tumor suppressor and a negative regulator
of the pathway)
ii. PAX8/PPARG fusion genes may impire the complete cell diffrantiation.
1. PAX8- homeobox gene that is important in thyroid development
- Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gene- gene which codes for a nuclear
hormone receptor - Morphologya. Microscopically-uniform cell appearance forming small follicles including colloid –not arranged
areas with back to back follicle irregular shape areas only tumor cells no CT or c cells etc..
Encapsulated but invade the capsule! And may see hurthle cells
b. Grossly may be widely invasive of minimally invasive minimally invasive carcinoma is sharply
demarcated and may be indistinguishable from follicular adenoma on gross examination
- Clinical features
a. Manifests as solitary cold thyroid nodules. In rare cases may be hyperfictional
b. Unlike carcinoma usually lymphatic spread it show Hematogenouse dissemination to lung, bone
and liver( which other carcinomas show it ? hepatocellular renal cell carcinoma and
choriocarcinomas )
Medullary carcinoma
- Neuroendocrine neoplasm arise from C cell (parfollicular cells) and secretes calcitonin. In some cases,
tumor cells elaborate other polypeptide hormones such as somatostatin, serotonin and VIP. - Majority are sporadic and minority are familial associated with MEN 2A or 2B syndromes or notassociated with MEN syndrome.
a. Sporadic and familial not associated with MEN- occur in adult. 50-60 yo
b. Familial associated with MEN- seen in younger patients including children.
- Pathogenesis
a. Genetics:
i. Familial medullary thyroid cancer occur in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 and are
associated with germline RET proto- oncogene mutation that leads to constitutive
activation of receptor
ii. RET mutations are also seen in sporadic cases.
b. Environment- ionizing radiation
- Morphology
a. May arise as a solitary nodule or as multiple lesions on both thyroid lobes.
b. Micro:
i. Nests of polygonal neoplastic cells in amyloid stroma derived from altered calcitonin
ii. Calcitonin is demonstrated within the cytoplasm of tumor cells and in stroma
iii. EM reveleas variable number of intracytoplasmic membrane bound, electron-dense
iv. Familial medullary carcinoma
- Multicentricity- large lesion contain areas of necrosis and hemorrhage and may
extend through the capsule of the gland - Multicentric C cell hyperplasia in the surrounding thyroid parenchyma
a. It is believed to be precursor lesions from which medullary carcinoma
- Clinical features
a. Manifests as a mass in the neck
i. Associated with compression effects such as dysphagia and hoarseness
b. In some cases manifests as secretion of peptide hormones
i. Diarrhea caused by VIP
c. Early detection of familial cases can be done by
i. Patient’s relatives for elevated calcitonin level
ii. RET mutations
Anaplastic carcinoma
- Presentation Females>males; age >60 years Firm, enlargeing, bulky mass Tendency for early
widespread metastasis and invasion of the trachea and esophagus
a. Risk factor- past history of well differentiated thyroid carcinoma
- Pathogenesis
a. De novo or more common as Dedifferentiation of well-differentiated papillary or follicular
b. Genetics Molecular alteration seen in well differenatiated carcinoma (RAS or PIK3CA mutation)
Inactivation of TP53 is essentially restricted to anaplastic carcinoma
c. Environment- ionizing radiation
3. Micro: undifferentiated, anaplastic cells
a. large pleomorphic giant cells
b. spindle cells with sacromatous appearance
c. mixed spindle and giant cell lesions
4. Prognosis: very aggressive and rapidly fatal.
Pathology of the parathyroid glands.
The parathyroid glands are derived from the developing pharyngeal pouches that also
give rise to the thymus.
They Most of the gland is composed of chief cells They contain secretory granules of
parathyroid hormone (PTH). Oxyphil cells are found throughout the normal parathyroid
either singly or in small clusters. They are slightly larger than the chief cells, have
acidophilic cytoplasm, and are tightly packed with mitochondria.
The activity of the parathyroid glands is controlled by the level of free (ionized) calcium
in the bloodstream, rather than by trophic hormones secreted by the hypothalamus and
Normally, decreased levels of free calcium stimulate the-synthesis and secretion of
PTH, with the following effects:
- Increase in renal tubular reabsorption of calcium Increase in urinary phosphate
excretion - Increase in the conversion of vitamin D to its active dihydroxy form in the
kidneys - Enhancement of osteoclastic activity mediated indirectly by promoting the
differentiation of osteoclast progenitor cells into mature osteoclasts
The net result of these activities is an increase in the level of free calcium, which inhibits
further PTH secretion.
Tumors of the parathyroid glands, unlike thyroid tumors, usually come to attention
because of excessive secretion of PTH, rather than mass effects.
Hyperparathyroidism occurs in two major forms, primary and secondary, and, less
commonly, as tertiary hyperparathyroidism.
Important cause of hypercalcemia.
In more than 95% of cases, primary hyperparathyroidism is caused by a sporadic
parathyroid adenoma or sporadic hyperplasia.
- Adenoma—85% to 95%
- Primary hyperplasia (diffuse or nodular)—5% to 10%
- Parathyroid carcinoma—1%
The genetic defects identified in familial primary hyperparathyroidism: include multiple
endocrine neoplasia syndromes, specifically MEN-1 and MEN-2A . Familial
hypocalciuric hypercalcemia is a rare caused by inactivating mutations in the calciumsensing receptor gene on parathyroid cells, leading to constitutive PTH secretion.
1) Cyclin D1 gene inversions: Cyclin D1 is a positive regulator of the cell cycle. In ~40%
of adenomas see over expression one mechanism include A chromosomal inversion on
chromosome 11 results in relocation of the cyclin D1 gene adjacent to the region of the
PTH gene leading to abnormal expression of cyclin D1 protein and increased
2) MEN1 mutations both in sporadic and familial cases
adenoma =
- the typical parathyroid adenoma is a well circumscribed solitary nodule,
invested by a delicate fibrous capsule.parathyroid adenomas are almost
invariably confined to single gland the remaining glands are normal in
size or somewhat shrunken, as a result of feedback inhibition by elevated serum calcium. - micro= parathyroid adenomas are composed predominantly of chief cells
Cells pleomorphic nuclei are often seen within adenomas (so-called
endocrine atypia) and must not be taken as a sign of malignancy, Mitotic
figures are rare.
Parathyroid hyperplasia
Typically a multiglandular process. In some cases may appear only one or
two glands, complicating the distinction between hyperplasia and adenoma.
Microscopicallythe most common pattern seen is that of chief cell
hyperplasia, which may involve the glands in a diffuse or multinodular
pattern. “Waterclear cell hyperplasia.” – cells contain abundant glycogen
in their cytoplasm. Stromal fat is inconspicuous within foci of hyperplasia.
Parathyroid carcinomas
- may be circumscribed lesions that are difficult to distinguish from
adenomas, or they may be clearly invasive neoplasms.
These tumors
enlarge one parathyroid gland and consist of gray-white, irregular masses
that sometimes exceed 10 g in weight.
- The cells usually are uniform and resemble normal parathyroid cells diagnosis of carcinoma based on cytologic detail is unreliable, and
invasion of surrounding tissues and metastasis are the only definitive criteria.
Morphologic changes in other organs(result from increase calcium)
- Skeletal changes = include increased osteoclastic activity, which results
in erosion of bone matrix particularly in the metaphyses of long tubular
bones. - Bone resorption is accompanied by increased osteoblastic activity and the
formation of new bone trabeculae. In severe cases the cortex is grossly
thinned and the marrow contains increased amounts of fibrous tissue
accompanied by foci of hemorrhage and cysts (osteitis fibrosa cystica)
also Aggregates of osteoclasts, reactive giant cells, and hemorrhagic
debris (brown tumors of hyperparathyroidism). - Nephrolithiasis, as well as calcification of the renal interstitium and
tubules (nephrocalcinosis) - Metastatic calcification may be seen in other sites, including the stomach,
lungs, myocardium, and blood vessels.
clinical features
he most common manifestation of primary hyperparathyroidism is an increase in serum
ionized calcium - serum PTH is elevated( serum PTH is low with hypercalcemia caused
by nonparathyroid diseases or malignancy). Other laboratory alterations referable to PTH
excess include hypophosphatemia and increased urinary excretion of both calcium and
symptoms that included “painful bones secondary to fractures of bones weakened by
osteoporosis, renal stones, Gastrointestinal disturbances, and Central nervous system
alterations, including depression, lethargy, and seizures Neuromuscular abnormalities,
including weakness and hypotonia
Secondary Hyperparathyroidism
Caused by any condition associated with a chronic low serum calcium levels leads to
compensatory overactivity (hyperplasia)of the parathyroids.
Renal failure is by far the most common cause of secondary hyperparathyroidism.
Associated with decreased phosphate excretion- elevated serum phosphate levels directly
depress serum calcium levels and thereby stimulate parathyroid gland activity.
In addition, loss of renal substances reduces the availability of α1-hydroxylase enzyme
necessary for the synthesis of the active form of vitamin D, which in turn reduces
intestinal absorption of calcium
Other caus is vitaD defficency.
The hyperplastic glands contain an increased number of chief cells, or cells with more
abundant, clear cytoplasm (water-clear cells), in a diffuse or multinodular distribution.
Fat cells are decreased in number.
Clinical- Patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism usually have a low-normal
calcium and elevated parathyroid hormone. sings relate to renal failure e.g. renal
osteodystrophy and other symptoms as above to lesser extent then primary cus calcium is
Tertiary Hyperparathyroidism
Definition- a state of excessive secretion of parathyroid hormone after longstanding
secondary hyperparathyroidism and resulting in hypercalcemia.
Pathophysiology - Tertiary hyperparathyroidism is observed most commonly in patients
with chronic secondary hyperparathyroidism and often after renal transplantation.
The hypertrophied parathyroid glands fail to return to normal and continue to over secrete
parathyroid hormone, despite serum calcium levels that are within the reference range or
even elevated. In these cases, the hypertrophied glands become autonomic and cause
The etiology is unknown but A change may occur in the set point of the calcium-sensing
mechanism to hypercalcemic levels or may be due to monoclonal expansion of
parathyroid cells (nodule formation within hyperplastic glands). Four-gland involvement
occurs in most patients.
Less common then hyper state The major causes of hypoparathyroidism include the
1) Surgically removal of parathyroid gland
2) Congenital absence: This occurs together with thymic aplasia (Di George syndrome) and
cardiac defects, secondary to deletions on chromosome 22q11.2
3) Autoimmune hypoparathyroidism: This is a hereditary polyglandular deficiency
syndrome arising from autoantibodies to multiple endocrine organs (parathyroid, thyroid,
adrenals, and pancreas). This condition is caused by mutations in the autoimmune
regulator gene (AIRE)
The major clinical manifestations of hypoparathyroidism are secondary to hypocalcemia
and include:
- increased neuromuscularirritability (tingling, muscle spasms or tetany)
- cardiac arrhythmias
- increased intracranial pressures and seizures.
Morphologic changes generally are inconspicuous but may include cataracts, calcification
of the cerebral basal ganglia, and dental abnormalities.
Adrenocortical hyperfunction (Cushing syndrome, hyperaldosteronism, adrenogenital
The cortex consists of three layers of distinct cell types:
Zona glomerulosa- Mineralocorticoids, the most important being aldosterone, which are
generated in here
Broad zona fasciculate - Glucocorticoids (principally cortisol), which are synthesized
primarily in here
Zona reticularis - Sex steroids (estrogens and androgens), which are produced largely in
The adrenal medulla is composed of chromaffin cells, which synthesize and secrete
catecholamines, mainly epinephrine.
(1) Cushing syndrome, characterized by an excess of cortisol;
(2) hyperaldosteronism;
(3) adrenogenital or virilizing syndromes, caused by an excess of androgens.
Hypercortisolism and Cushing Syndrome
Cushing syndrome, clinical manifestation of condition that produces an elevation in
glucocorticoid levels.
1) Administration of exogenous glucocorticoids (iatrogenic).
2) Endogenous:
a. Cushing disease
Primary hypothalamic pituatiry diseas manifest with increase ACTH realis more common
in Women at early adulthood. 70% of endogenous Cushing syndrome.
the pituitary gland contains an ACTH-producing microadenoma that does not produce
mass effects in the brain; In the remaining patients corticotroph cell hyperplasia (which
may be primary or, much less commonly, secondary to excessive ACTH release by a
hypothalamic corticotropinreleasing hormone (CRH)–producing tumor).
ACTH increase manifest on adrenal gland as nodular cortical hyperplasia is in turn
responsible for the hypercortisolism.
b. secretion of ectopic ACTH by non-pituitary neoplasms
most common tumor in connection is Small cell carcinoma of the lung other neoplasms,
including carcinoids, medullary carcinomas of the thyroid .
The adrenal glands undergo bilateral cortical hyperplasia secondary to elevated ACTH,
but the rapid downhill course of patients with these cancers often cuts short the adrenal
C. Primary adrenocortical neoplasms (adenoma or carcinoma) and rarely, primary
cortical hyperplasia
This form of Cushing syndrome is also designated ACTH-independent Cushing
syndrome, or adrenal Cushing syndrome, because the adrenals function autonomously.
The biochemical hallmark of adrenal Cushing syndrome is elevated levels of cortisol with
low serum levels of ACTH.
The pituitary- in Cushing syndromeThe most common alteration Crooke hyaline
change the normal granular, basophilic cytoplasm of the ACTH-producing cells in the
anterior pituitary is replaced by homogeneous, lightly basophilic material = This
alteration is the result of the accumulation of inter mediate keratin filaments in the
adrenal glands also depend on the cause of the hypercortisolism:
(1) cortical bilateral atrophy – in iatrogenic glucocorticoids admenistration
(2) diffuse hyperplasia- found in ACTH dependent Cushing syndrome, both glands are
enlraged Variable nodularity, yellow color from the presence of lipid rich cells
(3) Macronodular or micronodular hyperplasia- in primary cortical hyperplasia= cortex
is replaced by macro/micro nodules (1-3 mm) if see dark pigment = lipofuscin.
(4) adenoma or a carcinoma
- Adrenocortical adenomas are yellow tumors surrounded by thin or well developed
capsules, and most weigh less than 30 g ,On histo = they are composed of cells similar to
those encountered in the normal zona fasciculata - The carcinomas associated with Cushing syndrome, by contrast, tend to be larger than
the Adenomas, nonencapsulated masses ,frequently exceeding 200 to 300 g in weight,
having all of the anaplastic characteristics of cancer.
- Atrophy can be seen in adjacent/ contralateral side due to ACTH suppression.
Clinical Features
Hypertension and weight gain.
characteristic centripetal distribution of adipose tissue becomes apparent, with resultant
truncal obesity
“moon facies,”
Hypercortisolism causes selective atrophy of fast-twitch (type II) myofibers, with
resultant decreased muscle mass and proximal limb weakness.
Glucocorticoids induce gluconeogenesis resultant hyperglycemia, glucosuria, and
polydipsia, mimicking diabetes mellitus.
The catabolic effects on proteins cause loss of collagen and resorption of bone =
the skin is thin, fragile, and easily bruised; cutaneous striae are particularly common in
the abdominal area.
Bone resorption results in osteoporosis fractures
Because glucocorticoids suppress the immune response
mental disturbances
Extra adrenal Cushing syndrome caused by pituitary or ectopic ACTH secretion usually
is associated with increased skin pigmentation.
a group of closely related conditions characterized by chronic excess aldosterone
Hyperaldosteronism may be primary, or it may be secondary to an extra adrenal cause
aldosterone release occurs in response to activation of the renin-angiotensin system =
characterized by increased levels of plasma renin and is encountered in association with
o Decreased renal perfusion (arteriolar nephrosclerosis, renal artery stenosis)
o Arterial hypovolemia and edema (congestive heart failure, cirrhosis, nephrotic
o pregnancy (caused by estrogen-induced increases in plasma renin substrate)
Primary hyperaldosteronism- a primary, autonomous overproduction of aldosterone, with
resultant suppression of the renin-angiotensin system and decreased plasma renin
activity. causes of primary hyperaldosteronism:
o Bilateral idiopathic hyperaldosteronism, characterized by bilateral nodular
hyperplasia of the adrenal glands.
o Adrenocortical neoplasm, either an aldosterone-producing adenoma = conn
syndrome (the most common cause) or, rarely, an adrenocortical carcinoma. In
approximately 35% of cases
o Rarely, familial hyperaldosteronism may result from a genetic defect that leads to
overactivity of the aldosterone synthase gene, CYP11B2.
- Aldosterone-producing adenomas are almost always solitary, small well-circumscribed
lesions. They are bright yellow on cut section and composed of lipid-laden cortical cells
more closely resembling fasciculata cells than glomerulosa cells the cells tend to be
uniform in appearance
A characteristic feature of is the presence of eosinophilic,
laminated cytoplasmic inclusions, known as spironolactone bodiesthese typically are
found after treatment with the antihypertensive agent spironolactone(antagonist)
- Bilateral idiopathic hyperplasia is marked by diffuse or focal hyperplasia of cells
resembling those of the normal zona glomerulosa.
Clinical Features
The clinical hallmark of hyperaldosteronism is hypertension = cardiovascular
compromise (e.g., left ventricular hypertrophy and reduced diastolic volumes) ,stroke and
myocardial infarction.
Hypokalemia results from renal potassium wasting and, when present, can cause a variety
of neuromuscular manifestations, including weakness, paresthesias, visual disturbances,
and occasionally frank tetany
Adrenogenital Syndromes
Excess production of androgens from zona reticularis Unlike gonadal androgens, adrenal
androgen formation is regulated by ACTHthus, excessive secretion can present as an
isolated syndrome or in combination with features of Cushing disease.
The adrenal cortex secretes two compounds—dehydroepiandrosterone and
androstenedione—which require conversion to testosterone in peripheral tissues for their
androgenic effects.
The adrenal causes = include adrenocortical neoplasms and congenital adrenal
hyperplasia (CAH). Adrenocortical neoplasms associated with symptoms of androgen
excess (virilization) are more likely to be carcinomas than adenomas.CAH Congenital
adrenal hyperplasias – group of autosomal recessive disorders; 21-hydroxylase
deficiency due to mutations in the CYP21A2 gene accounts for approximately 95 percent
of cases.
In these conditions, decreased cortisol production results in a compensatory
increase in ACTH secretion due to absence of feedback inhibitionThe resultant adrenal
hyperplasia causes increased production of cortisol precursor steroids, which are then
channeled into synthesis of androgens with virilizing activity.
deficiency may range in degree from a total lack to a mild loss.
o In all cases of CAH, the adrenals are hyperplastic bilaterally, sometimes
expanding to 10 to 15 times their normal weights.
o The adrenal cortex is thickened and nodular, and on cut section, the widened
cortex appears brown as a result of depletion of all lipid.
o The proliferating cells mostly are compact, eosinophilic, lipid-depleted cells,
intermixed with lipid-laden clear cells.
o adrenomedullary dysplasia also has recently been reported in patients with the
salt-losing 21-hydroxylase deficiencyThis is characterized by incomplete
migration of the chromaffin cells to the center of the gland, with pronounced
intermingling of nests of chromaffin and cortical cells in the periphery.
Clinical features:
Depending on the nature and severity of the enzymatic defect, the onset of clinical
symptoms may occur in the perinatal period, later childhood, or (less commonly)
In 21-hydroxylase deficiencyThe most severely affected individuals with classic CAH
due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency present during the neonatal period and early infancy
with adrenal insufficiency and salt wasting or in the first few years of life with
In females -Androgen excess causing variable clinical features such as acne, hirsutism,
virilization, and reproductive dysfunction.
In males- androgen excess is associated with enlargement of the external genitalia and
other evidence of precocious puberty in prepubertal patients and with oligospermia in
older patients.
the enzymatic defect is severe enough to produce mineralocorticoid deficiency, with
resultant salt (sodium) wasting.
In some forms of CAH e.g., 11β-hydroxylase deficiency the accumulated intermediary
steroids have mineralocorticoid activitywith resultant sodium retention and
Cortisol deficiency places persons with CAH at risk for acute adrenal insufficiency
Acute and chronic adrenocortical insufficiency
Pheochromocytoma. Neuroblastoma
Adrenal medulla- populated by cells derived from the neural crest (chromaffin cells) and
their supporting (sustentacular) cells.
The chromaffin cells, so named because of their brown-black color after exposure to
potassium dichromate, synthesize and secrete catecholamines in response to signals from
preganglionic nerve fibers in the sympathetic nervous system.
Similar collections of cells are distributed throughout the body in the extraadrenal
paraganglion system.
The spectrum of neuroblastic tumors (including neuroblastomas, ganglioneuroblastomas,
and ganglioneuromas) that arise from primitive sympathetic ganglion cells.
The cells that
comprise neuroblastic tumors originate from the neural crest during fetal development,
and are destined for the adrenal medulla and sympathetic nervous system.
By contrast, pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas arise from a different type of cell, the
chromaffin cell, that also migrates from the neural crest to the adrenal gland
Pheochromocytomas are neoplasms composed of chromaffin cells, which, synthesize and
release catecholamines. Hence special importance (although uncommon) they give rise to
a surgically correctable form of hypertension.
Pheochromocytomas usually subscribe to a convenient “rule of 10s”:
1) 10% of pheochromocytomas are extraadrenal, occurring in sites such as the organ of
Zuckerkandl and the carotid body, where they usually are called paragangliomas.
2) 10% of adrenal pheochromocytomas are bilateral; this proportion may rise to 50% in
cases that are associated with familial syndromes.
3) 10% of adrenal pheochromocytomas are malignant
One “traditional” 10% rule that has since been modified pertains to familial cases. It is
now recognized that as many as 25% of persons with pheochromocytomas and
paragangliomas harbor a germ line mutation associated with 3 syndromes:
- RET, which causes type 2 MEN syndromes;
- NF1 Defect in neurofibromin gene a protein -tumor suppressor gene that downregulates p21
ras oncoprotein; highest levels in neural tissue which causes type 1 neurofibromatosis, - VHL, which causes von Hippel-Lindau disease VHL associated with the following:
Cerebellar hemangioblastoma
Renal cell carcinoma
Renal and pancreatic cysts
One study found that this syndrome was present in nearly 19% of patients with
pheochromocytomas. VHL disease is caused by mutations in the VHL gene encodes a
protein that plays a role in cilia formation, regulation of cellular senescence, and the
oxygen-sensing pathway.
and also associated with three genes encoding subunits within the succinate dehydrogenase
complex which is involved in mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation.
- Pheochromocytomas range in size from small, circumscribed lesions confined to the
adrenal to large, hemorrhagic masses. On cut surface, smaller pheochromocytomas are
yellow-tan, well-defined lesions that compress the adjacent adrenal - Incubation of the fresh tissue with potassium dichromate solutions turns the tumor dark
brown - Histo = Chief cells: polygonal cells, may be spindled. Arranged in cell nests -
“Zellballen” (literally cell balls) highly vascular. (salt and pepper chromatin) - coarsely
granular chromatin. Granular cytoplasm basophilic pleomorphism. - Sustentacular cells (structural support cell).
- Surrounding adrenal cortex is typically compressed.
- not uncommon to see pleomorphisem the definitive diagnosis of malignancy in
pheochromocytomas is based exclusivel on the presence of metastases.(involve
regional lymph nodes as well as more distant sites, including liver, lung, and bone.)
Clinical Features
Hypertension = associated with tachycardia, palpitations, headache, sweating, tremor
Sudden cardiac death may occur, probably secondary to catecholamine-induced
ventricular arrhythmias.
The laboratory diagnosis of pheochromocytoma is based on demonstration of increased
urinary excretion of free catecholamines and their metabolites
Isolated benign pheochromocytomas are treated with surgical excision.
The term neuroblastic includes tumors of the sympathetic ganglia and adrenal medulla
that are derived from primordial neural crest cells populating these sites(neuroblasts);
neuroblastoma is most prominent member of these group.
It is the second most common solid malignancy of childhood after brain tumors, peak
incidence 0-4 years
Neuroblastomas demonstrate several unique features in their natural history, including
spontaneous regression and spontaneous or therapy-induced maturation.
Most occur sporadically, but 1% to 2% are familial, with autosomal dominant
transmission, and in such cases the neoplasms may involve both of the adrenals or
multiple primary autonomic sites.
Germ line gain of function mutations in the anaplastic lymphoma kinase gene (ALK)
is a major cause of familial predisposition to neuroblastoma. Somatic gain-of-function
ALK mutations
In childhood, about 40% of neuroblastomas arise in the adrenal medulla,The remainder
occur anywhere along the sympathetic chain, with the most common locations being the
paravertebral region of the abdomen (25%) and posterior mediastinum (15%).
Macro = , neuroblastomas range in size from small nodules (the in situ lesions) to large
masses On cut surface they are composed of soft, gray-tan tissue. Larger tumors have
areas of necrosis, cystic softening, and hemorrhage.
Some neuroblastomas are sharply demarcated with a fibrous pseudocapsule, but others
are far more infiltrative and invade surrounding structures.
MICRO= classic neuroblastomas are composed of small, primitive-appearing cells with
dark nuclei and poorly defined cell borders growing in sheets The background often
demonstrates a faintly eosinophilic fibrillary material (neuropil) that corresponds to
neuritic processes of the primitive neuroblasts.
Homer- Wright pseudo-rosettes can be
found in which the tumor cells are concentrically arranged about a central space filled
with neuropil (the absence of an actual central lumen garners the designation “pseudo-”).
immunochemical detection of neuron-specific enolase and demonstration of
catecholamine containing secretory granules.
ganglioneuroblastoma- neoplasms show signs of maturation Larger cells having more
abundant cytoplasm with large vesicular nuclei and a prominent nucleolus, representing
ganglion cells in various stages of maturation, may be found in tumors admixed with
primitive neuroblasts
ganglioneuroma- lesions contain many more large cells resembling mature ganglion
cells in the absence of residual neuroblast
Maturation of neuroblasts into ganglion cells usually is accompanied by the appearance
of Schwann cells, and fibroblasts is a histologic prerequisite for the designation of
ganglioneuroblastoma and ganglioneuroma;(appearance of only ganglion cells is not
Clinical Course and Prognosis
Many factors influence prognosis, but the most important are the stage of the tumor and
the age of the patient.
1) Staging of neuroblastomas- stage 4S (S means special), because the outlook for these
patients is excellent, despite the spread of disease.the primary tumor would be classified
as stage 1 or 2 but for the presence of metastases, which are limited to liver, skin, and
bone marrow, without bone involvement. Infants with 4S tumors have an excellent
prognosis with minimal therapy, and it is not uncommon for the primary or metastatic
tumors to undergo spontaneous regression.
2) Age is the other important determinant of outcome, outlook for children younger than 18
months is much more favorable than for older children at a comparable stage of disease.
3) Morphology is an independent prognostic variable in neuroblastic tumors; evidence of
schwannian stroma and gangliocytic differentiation is indicative of a favorable histologic
4) Amplification of the NMYC oncogene in neuroblastomas is present in advanced-stage
disease; the greater the number of copies, the worse the prognosis.
Children younger than 2 years with neuroblastomas generally present with protuberant
abdomen resulting from an abdominal mass, fever, and weight loss. In older children the
neuroblastomas may remain unnoticed until metastases cause hepatomegaly, ascites, and
bone pain.
Neuroblastomas may metastasize widely through the hematogenous and lymphatic
systems = to liver, lungs, bones, and the bone marrow.
In neonates, disseminated neuroblastomas may manifest with multiple cutaneous
metastases associated with deep blue discoloration to the skin = “blueberry muffin
About 90% of neuroblastomas, regardless of location, produce catecholamines which
constitutes an important diagnostic feature Despite the elaboration of catecholamines,
hypertension is much less frequent with these neoplasms than with pheochromocytomas
Multiple endocrine neoplasia syndromes
The MEN syndromes are a group of inherited diseases resulting in proliferative lesions
(hyperplasias, adenomas, and carcinomas) of multiple endocrine organs.
Like other inherited cancer disorders endocrine tumors arising in the context of MEN
syndromes have certain distinctive features that are not shared with their sporadic
1) These tumors occur at a younger age than that typical for sporadic cancers.
2) They arise in multiple endocrine organs, either synchronously or metachronously.
3) Even in one organ, the tumors often are multifocal.
4) The tumors usually are preceded by an asymptomatic stage of endocrine hyperplasia
involving the cell of origin of the tumor
5) These tumors are usually more aggressive and recur in a higher proportion of cases than
similar endocrine tumors that occur sporadically
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1
MEN type 1 is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern.
The gene (MEN1) is located at 11q13 and is a tumor suppressor gene (This gene encodes
protein- menin, that regulates transcription and genome stability.
Menin appears to be
located in the nucleus where it has binding partners including histone modifiers defective
for the transforming growth factor-beta signaling pathway); thus, inactivation of both
alleles of the gene is believed to be the basis for tumorigenesis.
Organs most commonly involved are the parathyroid, the pancreas, and the pituitary—the
“3 Ps.”
1) Parathyroid: Primary hyperparathyroidism is the most common manifestation of MEN-1
(80% to 95% of patients) appear around age of 40 -50 . Parathyroid abnormalities include
both hyperplasia and adenomas.
2) Pancreas: Endocrine tumors of the pancreas are the leading cause of death in MEN-1.
These tumors usually are aggressive and manifest with metastatic disease.
Pancreatic endocrine tumors often are functional (i.e., secrete hormones).
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, associated with gastrinomas, and hypoglycemia, related to
insulinomas, are common endocrine manifestations .
3) Pituitary: The most frequent pituitary tumor in patients with MEN-1 is a prolactinsecreting macroadenoma. In some cases, acromegaly develops in association with
somatotropin-secreting tumors
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2
MEN type 2 actually comprises two distinct groups of disorders that are unified by the
occurrence of activating gain-of-function mutations of the RET proto-oncogene at
chromosomal locus 10q11.2. The RET proto-oncogene encodes a putative tyrosine kinase
receptorwhich appears to play a critical role in the normal function of pathways involved
in enteric nervous system neurogenesis and renal organogenesis.
MEN-2 is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern
A strong genotype-phenotype correlation has been recognized for the MEN-2 syndromes,
and differences in mutation patterns account for the variable features in the two subtypes.
MEN-2 is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern.
Organs commonly involved in MEN type 2A include
1) Thyroid: Medullary carcinoma of the thyroid develops in virtually all untreated cases.
The tumors commonly are multifocal, and foci of C cell hyperplasia can be found in the
adjacent thyroid.
Familial medullary thyroid cancer is a variant of MEN-2A characterized by medullary
thyroid cancers typically occurs at an older age and follows a more indolent course.
2) Adrenal medulla: Adrenal pheochromocytomas develop in 50% of the patients most are
non malignant
3) Parathyroid: Approximately 10% to 20% of patients develop parathyroid gland
hyperplasia with manifestations of primary hyperparathyroidism.
Patients with MEN-2B harbor a distinct germline RET mutation involving a single–
amino acid change.
Organs commonly involved include the thyroid and the adrenal medulla.
The spectrum of thyroid and adrenal medullary disease is similar to that in MEN-2A,
with the following differences:
1) Primary hyperparathyroidism does not develop in patients with MEN-2B.
2) Extraendocrine manifestations are characteristic in patients with MEN-2B. These include
ganglioneuromas of mucosal sites (gastrointestinal tract, lips, tongue) and a marfanoid
habitus, in which overly long bones of the axial skeleton give an appearance resembling
that in Marfan syndrome
all persons carrying germline RET mutations are advised to have prophylactic thyroidectomy to
prevent the inevitable development of medullary
Major diffarences:
Phenotype - MEN 2A patients do not have the phenotypic abnormalities of mucosal
neuromas and marfanoid habitus found in MEN 2B patients
Medullary thyroid carcinoma - MEN 2A patients have a less virulent form of medullary
thyroid carcinoma than do MEN 2B patients
Parathyroid hyperplasia - MEN 2A patients may have parathyroid hyperplasia, which is
exceedingly rare in MEN 2B patients
A third subtype of MEN 2 is familial medullary thyroid carcinoma only (FMTC only).
Metabolical bone disorders (rickets, osteoporosis, osteomalacia).
Reminder: Bones are composed of a unique type of mineralized connective a mixture of organic matrix
(35%) and inorganic elements (65%). The inorganic mineral
Component consists mainly of calcium hydroxyapatite Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 The organic component includes
the cells of bone and the proteinaceous osteoid (collagen 1).
Congenital Disorders
- Dysostoses- Abnormalities in a single or group of bones. Can result in the absence of
bones, supernumerary bones, or inappropriately fused bones; some of these result from
mutations in homeobox genes affecting localized migration and condensation of primitive
mesenchymal cells. - Osteodysplasias- Abnormalities in bone genesis/abnormal growth. These can be caused by
mutations that affect signal transduction pathways or components of the extracellular matrix:
Achondroplasia and thanatophoric dwarfism occur as a consequence of point mutation in
FGFR3 lead to activation (may be AD inherited or spontaneous ), Signals transmitted by
FGFR3 inhibit the proliferation and function of growth plate chondrocytes; consequently, the
growth of normal epiphyseal plates is suppressed, and the length of long bones is severely
Thanatophoric dwarfism is a rear lethal variant of dwarfism (thanatophoric means “deathloving”). This disease also caused by mutations FGFR3. Affected heterozygotes exhibit
extreme shortening of the limbs, deformed front of the skull, and an extremely small thorax,
which is the cause of fatal respiratory failure in the perinatal period.
Osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle bone disease) is a group of disorders caused by mutations
in the genes for type 1 collagen that interfere with its normal production, with resultant bone
fragility and susceptibility to fractures.
Osteopetrosis is caused by mutations that interfere with osteoclast function and is associated
with dense but architecturally unsound bone owing to defective bone resorption.
acquired disorders
- disease Decreased bone mass (osteopenia), so patient is prone to bones fracture
- Epidemiology Most common bone disorder in the USA Most commonly occurs in
postmenopausal Caucasian women and elderly - Pathogenesis- occurs when dynamic balance between bone formation by osteoblasts
and bone resorption by osteoclasts tilts in favor of resorption
a. More common Primary cause: the two most common forms are senile and
i. postmenopausal osteoporosis due to increased osteoclastic activity caused
by the relative absence of estrogen. Estrogen deficiency- leads to
increased cytokin production (IL1, IL6, TNF) from cells in the bone.
These stimulate RANK hence stimulate osteoclasts action.
ii. senile osteoporosis due to aging related losses of osteoblast function
replicative and matix production of osteoblasts progressively diminished,
while osteoclasts retain their youthful vigor.
iii. Primary osteoporosis is multifactorial: Genetic factors – Vitamin D
receptors polymorphism /Exercise/ Nutritional deficiencies such in ca in
adolescent reduce bone mass as adult./ Cigarette smoking and alcohol
b. Secondary causes:
i. Drugs - Prolong glucocorticoid therapy increased bone resorption and
reduces bone synthesis
ii. Nutritional deficiencies/malabsorption - can affect bone integrity by
altering the quality of the organic matrix (e.g., vitamin C is involved in
collagen cross-linking) or by influencing bone mineralization (e.g.,
vitamin D is involved in calcium uptake).
iii. Endocrine disorders – diabetes 1, hyperparathyroidism, hyperthyroid
- Morphology- The bone cortex thinned and the trabeculae are reduced in thickness
and lose their interconnections also with dilated haversian canals. - Clinical features
a. Clinical presentation
i. Bone pain and fractures mainly in Weight-bearing bones : - Vertebrae
- Femoral neck
- Distal radius
ii. Loss of weight and kyphosis
iii. Pulmonary embolism is a common complication
b. Diagnosis- difficult to diagnosis as its asymptomatic until fractures are seen
c. Treatment Estrogen replacement therapy (increasingly associated with
cardiovascular risks) Weight-bearing exercise Calcium and vitamin D
Rickets and Osteomalacia
- Manifestation of vitamin D deficiency or its abnormal metabolism
a. Rickets in growing children
b. Osteomalacia in adults
Vita d is fat soluble vitamin The major source of vitamin D for humans is its endogenous
synthesis in the skin by photochemical conversion of a precursor, 7-dehydrocholesterol to forms
cholecalciferol, known as vitamin D3;
- The fundamental defect is an impairment of mineralization and a resultant
accumulation of of unmineralized matrix (osteoid) - Causes:
a. Diet deficient in calcium and vitamin D/ Malabsorption disorders
b. Limited exposure to sunlight
c. Renal disorder causing decrease synthesis of hydroxylase 1,25-(OH)2-D
d. Phosphate depletion - Pathogenesis - Deficiency of vitamin D tends to cause hypocalcemia which then
stimulates PTH production which:
i. Activates renal alpha1-hydroxylase, increasing the amount of vit. D and
calcium absorption
ii. Mobilize calcium from bone
iii. Decrease renal calcium excretion Increase renal excretion of phosphate.
Thus, serum level of calcium is restored, but hypophosphatemia develops, so
mineralization of the bone is impaired plus there is high bone turnover.
- Morphology
a. Rickets- The changes that occur in the growing bones of children with rickets
are accomplished by inadequate calcification of epiphyseal cartilage
i. micro rickets:
- Overgrowth of epiphyseal cartilage due to inadequate provisional
calcification and failure of the cartilage cells to mature and
disintegrate - Disruption of the orderly replacement of cartilage by osteoid
matrix, with enlargement of the osteochondral junction lot of
unclcifide osteoid - Abnormal overgrowth of capillaries and fibroblasts in the
disorganized zone resulting from microfructures and stress on the
inadequately mineralizied, poorly formed bone.
The gross skeletal changes Deformation of the skeleton due to the loss of
structural rigidity of the developing bone (Bowing of the legs and
bending of long bones in upper limbs Pigeon breast deformity- inward
bending of the ribs with anterior protrusuin of sternumplus plus petable
masses “rachitic rosary.”). Severity of changes depend on duration of
problem severity and stress on skeleton.
b. Osteomalacia
i. The newly formed osteoid matrix laid down by osteoblasts in
inadequately mineralized. Unmineralized osteoid can be visualized as a
thickened layer of matrix arranged about the more basophilic, normally
mineralized trabeculae.
ii. Macro: Contours of the bone are not affected, but bone is weak
Vulnerable to gross fractures and microfractures, mostly affect vertebral
bodies and femoral neck
Bone diseases associated with hyperparathyreoidism. Paget’s disease of bone.
- Parathyroid hormone realis upon reduced ca levels and responsible to increase
serums ca level (which in torn inhibit its realis) through the following effects:
a. Osteoclast activation, increasing bone resorption and calcium
mobilization. PTH mediates the effect indirectly by increased RANKL
expression on osteoblast
b. Increased resorption of calcium by renal tubules- Increase urinary
excretion of phosphate
c. Increased synthesis of active vitamin dby kidneys, which in turns
enhances calcium absorption from the gut
- Hyperparathyroidism- excessive or inappropriate level of PTH
a. Two forms
i. Primary- autonomous parathyroid secretion
ii. Secondary- associated with renal disease
1. Inadequate synthesis of 1,25(OH) 2 D by the kidney, affects
GI calcium abrosption
- Hyperphosphatemia of renal failure suppresses renal alpha
1- hydroxylase, impairing vitamin D synthesis.
b. Leads to significant skeletal changes related to unabated osteoclast
c. Entire skeleton is affaected
d. As the bone mass decreases, affected patients are increasingly susceptible
to fractures, bone deformation, and joint problems.
e. Reduction in PTH levels to normal can completely reverse bone changes.
f. Morphology:
i. Hallmark of PTH exess- increased osteoclasic activity, with bone
ii. Cortical and trabecular bone are replaced by loose CT
iii. Bone resorption is pronounced in subperiosteal regions best seen
along the radial aspect of the middle phalanges of the 2 and 3
iv. Microscopically
- Increased number of osteoclasts boring into centers of bony
trabecules (dissecting osteitis) and expanding haversian
canals (cortical cutting cones) - Increase loose fibrovascular tissue in marrow space
- Hemosederin deposits reflect episodes of hemorrhage
resulting from microfractures - Brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism is sometimes seencollection of osteoclasts, reactive giant cells and
hemorrhagic debris - Osteitis fibrosa cystic- cystic change, which can be confused
with primary bone neoplasm.
a. A classic feature is the presence of multiple, localized,
lytic lesions, which represent hemorrhagic cysts or
masses of fibrous tissue
b. These eccentric and well-demarcated lesions are
separated from the soft tissue by a periosteal shell of
v. Symptoms of primary hyperparathyroidism
1. related to the abnormality of calcium homeostasis
2. summarized as “ stones, bones, moans and groans”
a. “stones” refer to kidney stones and the
b. “bones” to the skeletal changes
c. “moans” describe psychiatric depression and other
abnormalities associated with hypercalcemia
d. “groans” characterize the gastrointestinal irregularities
associated with a high serum calcium level.
Renalis osteodystrophia.
Characterized by repetitive episodes of regional osteoclastic activity and bone resorption
(osteolytic stage), followed by exuberant bone formation (mixed osteoclastic-osteoblastic
stage), and finally by an apparent exhaustion of cellular activity (osteosclerotic stage).
The net effect of this process is a gain in bone mass; however, the newly formed bone is
disordered and weak, so bones may become enlarged and misshapen.
Paget disease usually presents in mid- to late adulthood.
The disease is assigned to an inflammatory process - osteitis deformans.
Paramyxovirus infection underlies Paget disease; which induce IL-1 and IL-6
secretion from infected cells, and these cytokines, as well as macrophage colonystimulating factor (M-CSF)—are produced in pagetic bone activate osteoclasts.
10% of affected patients have mutations in the gene SQSTM1, which encodes a
protein that appears to increase osteoclastogenesis
May manifest as a solitary lesion (monostotic) or may occur at multiple sites
In the initial lytic phase, osteoclasts (and their associated Howship lacunae) are
numerous, abnormally large, and have increased numbers of nuclei.
Osteoclasts persist in the mixed phase, but the bone surfaces become lined by prominent
The marrow is replaced by loose connective tissue containing osteoprogenitor cells, as
well as
numerous blood vessels needed to meet the increased metabolic demands of the tissue.
The newly formed bone is remodeled into abnormal lamellar bone with a pathognomonic
mosaic -> pattern
As the osteoblastic activity ceases, the periosseous fibrovascular tissue is replaced by
normal marrow. Although thickened, the resulting cortex is softer than normal and prone
to deformation and fracture under stress.
Clinical features
Paget disease is monostotic (tibia, ilium, femur, skull, vertebrae, and humerus) in 15% of
cases and polyostotic in the remainder; the axial skeleton or the proximal femur is
involved in 80% of cases.
Involvement of the ribs, fibulae, and small bones of the hands and feet is unusual.
Although Paget disease can produce neuromuscular, and cardiovascular complications,
most cases are clinically mild
Elevations in serum alkaline phosphatase and increased urinary excretion of
hydroxyproline reflect exuberant bone turnover.
In some patients, the early hypervascular bone lesions cause warmth of the overlying skin
and subcutaneous tissue.
In the proliferative phase of the disease involving the skull, common symptoms include
headache and visual and auditory disturbances.
Vertebral lesions cause back pain and may be associated with disabling fractures and
nerve root compression.
Affected long bones in the legs often are deformed, as a consequence of the inability of
pagetoid bone to remodel appropriately in response to the stress of weight bearing.
Brittle long bones in particular are subject to chalkstick fractures.
The sarcomas (occurs in 1%) usually are osteogenic
Inflammatory bone disorders (pyogenic osteomyelitis, tuberculous osteomyelitis).
- Inflammation of the bone and marrow.
- Can be secondary to systemic infection but more frequently occurs as a primary isolated
focus of a disease
Pyogenic osteomyelitis
1. Route of infection
a. Hematogenous spread
i. Most common
ii. Seeding of bone after bacteremia
iii. Commonly affects the metaphysic
b. Spread from adjacent site of infection
c. Traumatic implantation after compound fractures or orthopedic procedure
- Microbiology
a. Staphylococcus aureus (most common)
i. Its propensity to infevt bone maybe related to the expression of surface proteins
that allow adhesion to bone matrix
b. E. coli: important cause of acute osteomylitis in neonates
c. Group B streptococci: important cause of acute osteomylitis in neonates
d. Salmonella: common in sickle cell disease
e. Mixed bacterial infection- responsible for osteomyelitis secondary to bone trauma
- Clinical features
a. Classically manifests as acute systemic illness
b. Fever and leukocytosis
c. Localized pain, erythema and swelling
- Morphology
a. Depends on chronicity and location of the infection
b. Entrapped bone rapidaly becomes necrotic
i. Sequestrum: the necrotic bone
c. Subperiosteal abscess (in children, where the periosteum is loosely attached to the cortex)
d. Suppurative inflammation and vascular insufficiency may cause necrosis
e. Rapture of periosteum can lead to abscess formation in the surrounding soft tissues that
may lead to a draining sinus.
f. Involucrum: new bone formation that surrounds the sequestrum
- Diagnosis
a. X-ray
i. Lytic focus with surrounding edema and sclerotic rim
b. Blood culture
c. Bone biopsy and culture - Treatment: antibiotics and/ or surgical drainage
- Complications
a. Fracture
b. endocarditis
c. Secondary amyloidosis
d. Sinus tract formation
e. SCC of the skin at the site of persistent draining sinus tract
f. Osteogenic sarcoma (rare)
Tuberculous osteomyelitis
- Occurs in 1-3% of cases of pulmonary TB
- Route of infection:
a. Usually through bloodstream- favors long bones and vertebrae
b. Direct spread (from mediastinal lymph node to vertebrae) - Morphologya. Often solitary lesions
b. Synovium is a common site of intial infection as its oxygen pressure is high
c. Infection spreads to adjacent epiphysis
i. Elicits granulomatous inflammation and caseous necrosis - Clinical features
a. TB of the vertebral bodies is a clinically serious form of osteomyelitis
i. Vertebral deformity, collapse and posterior displacement (Pott disease)
leading to neurologic deficits.
ii. Extension of infection to adjacent soft tissues and development of psoas
muscle abscess
Tumors of the bone (osteoma, osteoid osteoma, osteoblastoma, osteosarcoma).
Osteomas are benign lesions most commonly encountered in the head and
neck, including the paranasal sinuses
They typically present in middle age as solitary, slowly growing, hard,
exophytic masses on a bone surface.
Multiple lesions are a feature of Gardner syndrome
MICRo = , osteomas recapitulate cortical type bone and are composed of a
mixture of woven and
lamellar bone.
Although they may cause local mechanical problems (e.g., obstruction of a
sinus cavity) and cosmetic deformities, they are not locally aggressive and
do not undergo malignant transformation.
Benign tumor of the osteoblast
Osteoid osteomas and osteoblastomas are benign neoplasms with very
similar histologic features.
appear during the teenage years and 20s, with a male predilection
They are distinguished from each other primarily by their size and clinical
Osteoid osteomas arise most often beneath the periosteum or within the
cortex in the proximal femur and tibia or posterior spinal elements = mainly
long bones,and are by definition less than 2 cm in diameter, Localized pain,
most severe at night, is an almost universal complaint with osteoid osteomas,
and usually is relieved by aspirin.
osteoblastomas are larger and most often in the vertebral column. they also
cause pain, although it often is more difficult to localize and is not
responsive to aspirin.
. Malignant transformation is rare unless the lesion is treated with
MACRO = both lesions are round-to-oval masses of hemorrhagic, grittyappearing tan tissue.
A rim of sclerotic bone is present at the edge of both types of tumors = it is
much more conspicuous in osteoid osteomas.
MICRO = examination, both neoplasms are composed of interlacing
trabeculae of woven bone surrounded by osteoblasts
The intervening stroma is loose, vascular connective tissue containing
variable numbers of giant cells.
Osteosarcoma is a bone-producing malignant mesenchymal tumormalignant proliferation of osteoblast.
After myeloma and lymphoma, osteosarcoma is the most common
primary malignant tumor of bone, accounting for approximately 20%
of primary bone cancers;
Although any bone Can be involved, most tumors arise in the
metaphyseal region of the long bones of the extremities, with almost
60% occurring about the knee, 15% around the hip, 10% at the
shoulder, and 8% in the jaw.
Risk factores: paget disease, familial RB, radiation. Spontaneous
osteosarcoma occur in TP53 mutation.
Several subtypes of osteosarcoma are distinguished on the basis of the
site of involvement within the bone (e.g., medullary versus
cortical),degree of differentiation, number of involved sites, presence
of underlying disease, and histologic features;
the most common type of osteosarcoma is primary, solitary,
intramedullary, and poorly differentiated, producing a predominantly
bony matrix.
Macro = are gritty-appearing, gray-white tumors, often exhibiting
hemorrhage and cystic degeneration. Tumors frequently destroy the
surrounding ortices, producing soft tissue masses, Extensibly
Micro = Tumor cells vary in size and shape and frequently have large
hyperchromatic nuclei; bizarre tumor giant cells are common, as are
mitotic figures.
The production of mineralized or unmineralized bone (osteoid) by
malignant cells is essential for diagnosis of osteosarcoma
When malignant cartilage is abundant, the tumor is called a
chondroblastic osteosarcoma.
Clinical :
- Osteosarcomas typically manifest as painful enlarging masses,
although a pathologic fracture can be the first sign.
- Radiographic imaging usually shows a large, destructive, mixed
lytic and blastic mass with indistinct infiltrating margins = The
tumor frequently breaks through the cortex and lifts the periosteum, resulting in reactive periosteal bone formation.
- A triangular shadow on the x-ray film between the cortex and
raised periosteum (Codman triangle) is characteristic of osteosarcomas. - Osteosarcomas typically spread hematogenously; ademonstrable
pulmonary metastases,
Tumors of bone with overlying cartilage cap.
Solitary osteochondromas typically are first diagnosed in late
adolescence and early adulthood (
multiple osteochondromas become apparent during childhood, occurring
as multiple hereditary osteochondromas,autosomal dominant disorder.
Inactivation of both copies of the EXT1 or EXT2 genes through mutation
in chondrocytes is implicated in both sporadic and hereditary
These tumor suppressor genes encode
glycosyltransferases essential for polymerization of heparin sulfate, an
important component of cartilage.
Osteochondromas develop only in bones of endochondral origin arising
at the metaphysis near the growth plate of long tubular bones, especially
about the knee
Occasionally they develop from bones of the pelvis, scapula, and ribs
and in these sites = long bones
- Range from 1-20 cm in size, and have a cartiligneous cup
- Hyaline cartilage
Clinical Features
- Osteochondromas are slow-growing masses that can be painful
- Solitary osteochondromas rarely progress to chondrosarcoma or
other sarcomas, but malignant transformation occurs more
frequently in those with multiple hereditary osteochondromas.
Chondromas are benign neoplasms of hyaline cartilage.
When they arise within the medulla, they are termed enchondromastypically are solitary and located in the metaphyseal region of tubular
bones, the favored sites being the short
tubular bones of the hands and feet.
Ollier disease is characterized by multiple chondromas preferentially
involving one side of the body, and Maffucci syndrome is characterized
by multiple chondromas associated with soft tissue spindle cell
when on the bone surface, they are called juxtacortical chondromas.
- Enchondromas occurring in Ollier disease and Maffucci syndrome
frequently contain point mutations in either isocitrate
dehydrogenase I (IDH1) or IDH2 that create a new enzyme
activity. (The same IDH mutations occur as somatic mutations in
acute myeloid leukemias and gliomas), the mutations occurred
early during embryonic development, an example of genetic
- Enchondromas are gray-blue, translucent nodules usually smaller
than 5 cm in greatest dimension.
- Micro = , they are well circumscribed and composed of hyaline
cartilage containing cytologically benign chondrocytes. - At the periphery, there is endochondral ossification, while the
center frequently calcifies and dies. I - in the hereditary multiple chondromatoses, the islands of cartilage
exhibit greater cellularity and atypia, making them more difficult
to distinguish from chondrosarcoma.
Clinical Features
- On x-ray imaging, the unmineralized nodules of cartilage produce
well-circumscribed oval lucencies surrounded by thin rims of radiodense bone (O-ring sign).
- Solitary chondromas rarely undergo malignant transformation, but
those associated with enchondromatoses are at increased risk for
such change. (Maffucci syndrome is associated with an increased
risk for development of other types of malignancies,
including ovarian carcinomas and brain gliomas.)
Chondrosarcoma is a malignant connective tissue tumor (sarcoma) whose
cells manufacture and secrete neoplastic cartilage matrix.
It is subclassified according to site (e.g., intramedullary versus juxtacortical)
and histologic variants
most patients are age 40 or older, with men >female.
- Conventional chondrosarcoma, the most common variant,
arises within the medullary cavity of the bone to form an expansile
glistening mass that often erodes the cortex
It is composed of malignant hyaline and myxoid cartilage. - Myxoid chondrosarcomas are viscous and gelatinous in
consistency, and the matrix oozes from the cut surface.
The adjacent cortex is thickened or eroded, and the tumor grows
with broad pushing fronts into marrow spaces and the surrounding
soft tissue
- Tumor grade is determined by cellularity, degree of cytologic
atypia, and mitotic activity Low-grade tumors high grade - Approximately 10% of patients with conventional lowgrade
chondrosarcomas have a second high-grade poorly differentiated
component (dedifferentiated chondrosarcomas) - Other histologic variants include clear cell and mesenchymal
Clinical features:
- Chondrosarcomas commonly arise in the pelvis, shoulder, and ribs;
in contrast with enchondromas, chondrosarcomas rarely involve
the distal extremities. - They typically manifest as painful, progressively enlarging masses.
- the more radiolucent the tumor the greater the likelihood that it is
high grade. - Metastasize hematogenously to the lung and skeleton.
Tumors of the cartilage (osteochondroma, chondroma, chondrosarcoma).
Tumors of bone with overlying cartilage cap.
Solitary osteochondromas typically are first diagnosed in late
adolescence and early adulthood (
multiple osteochondromas become apparent during childhood, occurring
as multiple hereditary osteochondromas,autosomal dominant disorder.
Inactivation of both copies of the EXT1 or EXT2 genes through mutation
in chondrocytes is implicated in both sporadic and hereditary
These tumor suppressor genes encode
glycosyltransferases essential for polymerization of heparin sulfate, an
important component of cartilage.
Osteochondromas develop only in bones of endochondral origin arising
at the metaphysis near the growth plate of long tubular bones, especially
about the knee
Occasionally they develop from bones of the pelvis, scapula, and ribs
and in these sites = long bones
- Range from 1-20 cm in size, and have a cartiligneous cup
- Hyaline cartilage
Clinical Features
- Osteochondromas are slow-growing masses that can be painful
- Solitary osteochondromas rarely progress to chondrosarcoma or
other sarcomas, but malignant transformation occurs more
frequently in those with multiple hereditary osteochondromas.
Chondromas are benign neoplasms of hyaline cartilage.
When they arise within the medulla, they are termed enchondromastypically are solitary and located in the metaphyseal region of tubular
bones, the favored sites being the short
tubular bones of the hands and feet.
Ollier disease is characterized by multiple chondromas preferentially
involving one side of the body, and Maffucci syndrome is characterized
by multiple chondromas associated with soft tissue spindle cell
when on the bone surface, they are called juxtacortical chondromas.
- Enchondromas occurring in Ollier disease and Maffucci syndrome
frequently contain point mutations in either isocitrate
dehydrogenase I (IDH1) or IDH2 that create a new enzyme
activity. (The same IDH mutations occur as somatic mutations in
acute myeloid leukemias and gliomas), the mutations occurred
early during embryonic development, an example of genetic
- Enchondromas are gray-blue, translucent nodules usually smaller
than 5 cm in greatest dimension.
- Micro = , they are well circumscribed and composed of hyaline
cartilage containing cytologically benign chondrocytes. - At the periphery, there is endochondral ossification, while the
center frequently calcifies and dies. I - in the hereditary multiple chondromatoses, the islands of cartilage
exhibit greater cellularity and atypia, making them more difficult
to distinguish from chondrosarcoma.
Clinical Features
- On x-ray imaging, the unmineralized nodules of cartilage produce
well-circumscribed oval lucencies surrounded by thin rims of radiodense bone (O-ring sign).
- Solitary chondromas rarely undergo malignant transformation, but
those associated with enchondromatoses are at increased risk for
such change. (Maffucci syndrome is associated with an increased
risk for development of other types of malignancies,
including ovarian carcinomas and brain gliomas.)
Chondrosarcoma is a malignant connective tissue tumor (sarcoma) whose
cells manufacture and secrete neoplastic cartilage matrix.
It is subclassified according to site (e.g., intramedullary versus juxtacortical)
and histologic variants
most patients are age 40 or older, with men >female.
- Conventional chondrosarcoma, the most common variant,
arises within the medullary cavity of the bone to form an expansile
glistening mass that often erodes the cortex
It is composed of malignant hyaline and myxoid cartilage. - Myxoid chondrosarcomas are viscous and gelatinous in
consistency, and the matrix oozes from the cut surface.
The adjacent cortex is thickened or eroded, and the tumor grows
with broad pushing fronts into marrow spaces and the surrounding
soft tissue
- Tumor grade is determined by cellularity, degree of cytologic
atypia, and mitotic activity Low-grade tumors high grade - Approximately 10% of patients with conventional lowgrade
chondrosarcomas have a second high-grade poorly differentiated
component (dedifferentiated chondrosarcomas) - Other histologic variants include clear cell and mesenchymal
Clinical features:
- Chondrosarcomas commonly arise in the pelvis, shoulder, and ribs;
in contrast with enchondromas, chondrosarcomas rarely involve
the distal extremities. - They typically manifest as painful, progressively enlarging masses.
- the more radiolucent the tumor the greater the likelihood that it is
high grade. - Metastasize hematogenously to the lung and skeleton.
Embryonal neoplasms (medulloblastoma) and familial tumor syndromes (tuberous sclerosis) in
the central nervous system
Ewing sarcoma and primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNETs) are primary
malignant small round cell tumors of bone and soft tissue.
best viewed as variants of the same tumor, differing only in degree of
neuroectodermal differentiation and clinical features.
PNETs demonstrate clear neural differentiation, whereas Ewing sarcomas
are undifferentiated.
After osteosarcoma, it is the second most common pediatric bone sarcoma.
Most patients are 10 to 15 years of age, and 80% are younger than 20 years.
The common chromosomal abnormality is a translocation that causes fusion
of the EWS gene on 22q12 with a member of the ETS family of transcription
The most common fusion partners are the FL1 gene on 11q24 and the ERG
gene on 21q22.
The resulting chimeric protein functions as a transcription factor = effects
on differentiation, proliferation, and survival have all been proposed.
- Ewing sarcoma/PNET arises in the medullary cavity and invades
the cortex and periosteum to produce a soft tanwhite tumor
mass, frequently with hemorrhage and necrosis. - It is composed of sheets of uniform small, round cells that are
slightly larger than lymphocytes; typically, there are few mitotic
figures and little intervening stroma) - The cells have scant glycogen-rich cytoplasm.
- The presence of Homer-Wright rosettes (tumor cells circled
about a central fibrillary space) indicates neural differentiation.
Clinical Features
- Ewing sarcoma/PNET typically manifests as a painful enlarging
mass in the diaphyses of long tubular bones (especially the
femur) and the pelvic flat bones. - studies show a destructive lytic tumor with infiltrative margins
and extension into surrounding - soft tissues= There is a characteristic periosteal reaction with
deposition of bone in an onion-skin pattern. - The 5-year survival rate is currently 75% for patients presenting
with localized tumors.
Medulloblastoma occurs predominantly in children and exclusively in the
Neuronal and glial markers are nearly always expressed
the prognosis for untreated patients is dismal however medulloblastoma is
exquisitely radiosensitive.
Tumors of similar histologic type and a poor degree of differentiation can be
found elsewhere in the nervous system, where they are called primitive
neuroectodermal tumors (PNETs).
- In children, medulloblastomas are located in the midline of the
cerebellum; lateral tumors occur more often in adults.
- The tumor often is well circumscribed, gray, and friable and
may be seen extending to the surface of the cerebellar folia and
involving the leptomeninges - Medulloblastomas are extremely cellular, with sheets of
anaplastic (“small blue”) cells - Individual tumor cells are small, with little cytoplasm and
hyperchromatic nuclei; - mitoses are abundant.
- Often, focal neuronal differentiation is seen in the form of the
Homer Wright or neuroblastic rosette,; they are characterized
by primitive tumor cells surrounding central neuropil (delicate
pink material formed by neuronal processes).
Clinical features:
- In general, tumors with MYC amplifications are associated with
poor outcomes, while those linked with mutations in genes of
the WNT signaling pathway have a more favorable course.
- Many tumors also have mutations that activate the sonic
hedgehog (shh) pathway, which has a critical role in
Cerebral edema and increased intracranial pressure. Patterns of herniation. Hydrocephalus.
We have 2 types :
Accumulation of excess fluid within the brain parenchyma. Result in Widened gyri, narrowing of sulci,
compression of ventricles may be focal or diffuse
We have 2 types of edema (occur together particularly after injury):
Vasogenic edema- occur when the integrity of the normal BBB is disrupted, allowing fluid to shift
from the vascular compartment into the extracellular spaces of the brain.
Can be either generalized or localized (e.g increase permeability of blood vessel due to inflammation
or tumor). Vasogenic oedema often associated with focal lesions such as primary metastatic tumors
or Abscess.
disorders is increased vascular permeability leading to vasogenic edema. For instance, blood vessels
in glioblastom and other malignant brain tumors do not have tight junctions, explaining the fluid
leakage and cerebral edema that accompanies these tumors.
Cytokines generated during infectious
and inflammatory processes enhance transmigration of circulating leukocytes and may even loosen
tight junctions, thus facilitating the migration of inflammatory cells into the brain. HIE disrupts the
BBB. More subtle BBB dysfunction may result in impaired glucose transport and accumulation of
Cytotoxic edema- increase in the IC fluid, secondary to neuronal & glial cell membrane injury, as
might be follow generalized hypoxic-ischemic insult or with exposure to some toxins.
Interstitial edema: It is the result of increased intracerebral influx of CSF through the ependymal
lining. Fluid from the ventricles enters into the periventricular white matter. typically a complication
of hydrocephalus.
Brain is softer; appears to “overfill” the cranial vault
In generalized edema the gyri are flattened, the sulci are narrowed, and the ventricular cavities are
Brain enclosed in rigid skull that may house only constant volume if something is added it
generate Increased intracranial pressure is a rise in the pressure inside the skull that can result
from or cause brain injury.
a. Rise in pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid increased CSF volume meningitis
b. ;tumor;
c. hydrocephalus;
d. the added mass of epidural, subdural, and intracranial hematomas and
e. Cerebral edema which develops around large contusions, from diffuse vascular injury, and as a
result of HIE.
Increases in pressure can damage the brain by
1. Decreasing perfusion collapse brain capillaries resulting in global ischemia.
2. Displacing tissue across dural barriers inside the skull or through openings in the skull
Displacement of brain tissue in between the dural barrios or out of skull .accurse When the
volume inside skull increases beyond the limit permitted by compression of veins and
displacement of CSF, with increase intracranial pressure.
Herniation leads to vascular compromise of the compressed tissue infraction, additional
swelling and further herniation
# main types of herniation’s:
- Subfalcine (cingulate) herniation- unilateral or asymmetric expansion of a cerebral hemisphere
displaces the cingulate gyrus under the edge of the falx. This may be associated with compression of branches of the anterior cerebral artery. - Transtentorial (uncinate) herniation -the medial aspect of the temporal lobe is compressed
against the free margin of the tentorium.
As the temporal lobe is displaced, the third cranial
nerve is compromised, resulting in pupillary dilation and impairment of ocular movements on
the side of the lesion (“blown pupil”) anisocoria. The posterior cerebral artery may also be
compressed, resulting in ischemic injury to the primary visual cortex.
If the displaced temporal lobe is large enough, the pressure can compress the contralateral
cerebral peduncle against the tentorium, resulting in hemiparesis(weakness in one side of
body) ipsilateral to the side of the herniation (a so-called false localizing sign).
The compression of the peduncle creates a deformation known as Kernohan’s notch(are a
subdural hematoma and uncal herniation on the same side. Notching of the midbrain is
seen on the opposite side (Kernohan’s notch).
This damages the contralateral pyramidal
tract fibers in the midbrain and causes hemiparesis on the side of subdural hematoma.).
Progression of transtentorial herniation is often accompanied by linear or flame-shaped
hemorrhages in the midbrain and pons, termed Duret hemorrhages.
3. Tonsillar herniation- displacement of the cerebellar tonsils through the foramen magnum.
This pattern of herniation is life-threatening, because it causes brain stem compression and
compromises vital respiratory and cardiac centers in the medulla.
- Retrograde transtentorial herniation
- Herniation out of skull not by foramen magnum
Accumulation of excessive CSF within the ventricles of the brain. Normal total volume of CSF
in the adult ranges from140 to 270 ml produced in rate of 600-700 ml per day
normally: choroid plexus
=> CSF in ventricle mainly lateral and 3rdoutflow through magendie and
luska foramina
=> subarachnoid space
=> absorbed by arachnoid granulation
=> venous sinus => Jugular
vein => heart.
1. Impa ird flow
2. Impaired resorption
3. Rarely - over production of CSF (e.g tumor of choroid plexus)
- Non-communicating Hydrocephalus- caused by CSF flow obstruction, preventing CSF
flowing into arachnoid space. A portion of the ventricles enlarges while the reminder doesn’t.
Mainly due obstruction of foramen of Monro, compressing cerebral aqueduct - communicating Hydrocephalus- (non obstructive)
Caused by impaired CSF reabsorption in the absence of CSF flow obstruction btw the
ventricles and the subarachnoid space. The entire ventricle system is enlarged.
When hydrocephalus develops in infancy before closure of the cranial sutures, there is enlargement
of the head.
Hydrocephalus developing after fusion of the sutures, in contrast, is associated with
expansion of the ventricles and increased intracranial pressure, without a change in head
hydrocephalus ex vacuo -dilation of the ventricular system with a compensatory increase in CSF
volume secondary to a loss of brain parenchyma, as may occur after infarcts or with a degenerative
Central nervous system malformations. Perinatal brain injury.
Neural Tube Defects
Formation of the neural tube gives rise to the ventricular system, brain and spinal cord.
NTDs are the most common congenital abnormalities of the CNS and, overall, the second
most common type of congenital abnormality after congenital heart disease.
Spina bifida is a set of malformations of the spinal cord caused by failure of closure of the
neural tube and lack of fusion of the vertebral arches
Folate deficiency during the initial weeks of gestation increases risk through uncertain
mechanisms; Screening for elevated α-fetoprotein has increased the early detection of neural
tube defects.
The most common defects involve the posterior end of the neural tube, from which the
spinal cord forms.
spina bifida occulta, the vertebral arches are absent
Meningocele is a bulge in the lumbosacral area consisting of a meningeal sac protruding
through the bone defect.
meningomyelocele, the sac contains malformed spinal cord tissue. In severe cases, there is
no sac at all, and neural tissue from the open neural plate lies on the dorsal surface of the
malformation of the anterior end of the neural tube
Anencephaly, the brain initially protrudes through a defect in the cranial vault and is
gradually destroyed because of mechanical injury and vascular disruption. Eventually, all
that is left is a small, vascular mass of disorganized neural tissue
Encephalocele is a protrusion of brain through a defect of the skull, usually in the occipital
area. The protruding part is destroyed because of mechanical disruption and ischemia.
intracranial part of the brain around the defect is malformed and disrupted. Large occipital
encephaloceles are incompatible with life because of damage of the brainstem.
craniorachischisis, is due to defective closure of the hindbrain-cervical junction.
Forebrain malformation
The neurons and glial cells that form the brain are generated around the ventricles of the
brain and migrate to the cortex.
Various mutations in genes that control migration result in these malformations, which
include the following:
The volume of the brain is abnormally large (megalencephaly) –like from
hydrocephalus in utero or small (microencephaly) - fetal alcohol syndrome, and HIV-1
infection acquired in utero.
Lissencephaly (agyria) or, with more patchy involvement, pachygyria, is characterized
by absent gyration leading to a smooth-surfaced brain. The cortex is abnormally
thickened and usually has only four layers.
Polymicrogyria is characterized by an increased number of irregularly formed gyri that
result in a bumpy or cobblestone-like surface. These changes can be focal or
widespread. The normal cortical architecture can be altered in various ways, and
adjacent gyri often show fusion of the superficial molecular layer.
Holoprosencephaly is characterized by a disruption of the normal midline devison of
the forebrain. Mild forms may just show absence of the olfactory bulbs and related
structures (arrhinencephaly). In severe forms the brain is not divided into hemispheres
or lobes, and this anomaly may be associated with facial midline defects such as
cyclopia. Several single-gene defects including mutations in sonic hedgehog have been
linked to holoprosencephaly.
Other examples are focally disordered cortex (confusingly called dysplastic cortex)
and neurons stranded beneath the cortex, sometimes as nodules and other times as
Posterior fossa anomalies
Result in abnormalities of the cerebellum.
The Chiari type II malformation is a syndrome characterized by
a) myelomeningocele lumbar
b) abnormalities of the posterior fossa The abnormality of the posterior fossa consists of a
large foramen magnum, low insertion of the tentorium and a shallow posterior fossa. As a
result of these deformities, the cerebellum and brainstem are crowded and displaced into the
cervical canal. The cerebellum may also prolapse upward through the tentorial opening.
c) hydrocephalus.
The far milder Chiari type I malformation has low-lying cerebellar tonsils that extend
through the foramen magnum.
Syndromes characterized by “missing” cerebellar tissue include Dandy-Walker
malformation, is a spectrum of posterior fossa abnormality key feature of which is complete
or partial agenesis of the cerebellar vermis.
The cerebellar hemispheres are preserved.
There is obstruction of CSF flow out of the fourth ventricle, the mechanism of which is not
understood. As a result of this obstruction, the fourth ventricle dilates and the membrane
that forms its roof balloons, creating a large posterior fossa cyst.
A variety of exogenous factors can injure the developing brain.
Injuries that occur early in gestation may destroy brain tissue without evoking reactive
changes, sometimes making them difficult to distinguish from malformations.
Brain injury occurring in the perinatal period is an important cause of childhood neurologic
Cerebral palsy is a term for nonprogressive neurologic motor deficits characterized by
spasticity, dystonia, ataxia or athetosis, and paresis attributable to injury occurring during
the prenatal and perinatal periods.
Signs and symptoms may not be apparent at birth and only declare themselves later, well
after the event.
The two major types of injury that occur in the perinatal period are hemorrhages and
infarcts; These differ from the otherwise similar lesions in adults in terms of their locations
and the tissue reactions they engender.
In premature infants, there is an increased risk of intraparenchymal hemorrhage within the
germinal matrix, most often adjacent to the anterior horn of the lateral ventricle.
Hemorrhages may extend into the ventricular system and from there to the subarachnoid
space, sometimes causing hydrocephalus.
Infarcts may occur in the supratentorial periventricular white matter (periventricular
leukomalacia), especially in premature babies. The residua of these infarcts are chalky
yellow plaques consisting of discrete regions of white matter necrosis and mineralization.
When severe enough to involve the gray and white matter, large cystic lesions can develop
throughout the hemispheres, a condition termed multicystic encephalopathy.
Brain parenchymal infections: Brain abscess. Viral encephalitides. Cerebral toxoplasmosis,
cysticercosis. Fungal encephalitis.
A parenchymal infection of the brain that is almost invariably associated with
meningeal inflammation –meningioencephalitis.
(i.e., involve the entire brain) or localized to a part of the brain.
#characteristic histologic features:
-perivascular and parenchymal mononuclear cell infiltrates
-microglial nodules
immune mechanisms after systemic viral infections. Intrauterine viral infection may
cause congenital malformations, as occurs with rubella.
Fungal infections usually produce parenchymal granulomas or abscesses, often
associated with meningitis.
The most common fungal infections have distinctive patterns:
Candida albicans usually produces multiple microabscesses, with or without
granuloma formation.
Mucormycosis is the term used to describe rhinocerebral infections caused by
several fungi belonging to the order Mucorales. It typically presents as an
infection of the nasal cavity or sinuses of a diabetic patient with ketoacidosis.
It may spread to the brain through vascular invasion or by direct extension
through the cribriform plate.
The proclivity of Mucor to invade the brain directly sets it apart from other fungi,
which tend to reach the brain by hematogenous dissemination from distant sites.
Aspergillus fumigatus tends to cause a distinctive pattern of widespread septic
hemorrhagic infarctions because of its marked predilection for blood vessel wall
invasion and subsequent thrombosis.
Cryptococcus neoformans can cause both meningitis and meningoencephalitis,
often in the setting of immunosuppression.
It can be fatal in as little as 2 weeks or may exhibit indolent behavior, evolving
over months or years. The CSF may have few cells but elevated protein, and the
mucoid encapsulated yeasts can
be visualized on India ink preparations. Extension into the brain follows vessels
in the Virchow-Robin spaces.
As organisms proliferate, these spaces expand, giving rise to a “soap bubble”–
like appearance.
In endemic areas, Histoplasma capsulatum, Coccidioides immitis, and
Blastomyces dermatitidis also can infect the CNS, especially in the setting of
Cerebral Toxoplasmosis. Cerebral infection with the protozoan Toxoplasma
gondii can occur in immunosuppressed adults or in newborns who acquire the
organism transplacentally from a mother with an active infection.
In adults, the clinical symptoms are subacute, evolving during a 1- or 2-week
period, and may be both focal and diffuse. Due to inflammation and breakdown
of the blood-brain barrier at sites of infection, there’s edema around lesions (socalled
ring enhancing lesions).
In newborns who are infected in utero, the infection classically produces the triad
of chorioretinitis, hydrocephalus, and intracranial calcifications.
The CNS abnormalities are most severe when the infection occurs early in
gestation during critical stages of brain development.
Necrosis of periventricular lesions gives rise to secondary calcifications as well
as inflammation and gliosis, which can lead to obstruction of the aqueduct of
Sylvius and hydrocephalus.
When the infection is acquired in immunosuppressed adults, the brain shows
abscesses, frequently multiple, most often involving the cerebral cortex (near the
gray-white junction)
and deep gray nuclei. Acute lesions consist of central foci of necrosis with
variable petechiae surrounded by acute and chronic inflammation, macrophage 33#
infiltration, and vascular proliferation. Both free tachyzoites and encysted
bradyzoites may be found at the periphery of the necrotic foci
Cysticercosis - is the consequence of an end-stage infection by the tapeworm
Tenia solium
If ingested larval organisms leave the lumen of the GI, where they would
otherwise develop into mature tapeworms, they encyst.
Common within the brain andsubarachnoid space. Cysticercosis typically
manifests as a mass lesion and can cause seizures. .
The organism is found within a cyst with a smooth lining. The body wall and
hooklets from mouth parts are most commonly recognized. If the encysted
organism has died, there can be an intense inflammatory infiltrate in the
surrounding brain, often including eosinophils, which may be associated with
marked gliosis.
Amebiasis - manifests with different clinical syndromes, depending on the
responsible pathogen.
Naegleria spp., associated with swimming in nonflowing warm fresh water,
cause a rapidly fatal necrotizing encephalitis.
Acanthamoeba causes a chronic granulomatous meningoencephalitis.
Brain parenchymal infections: Brain abscess. Viral encephalitides. Cerebral toxoplasmosis,
cysticercosis. Fungal encephalitis.
Leptomeningitis (acute pyogenic, aseptic, chronic).
infectious meningitis can be divided to:
Meningitis-Infection may be limited to the subarachnoid space
(leptomeningitis) or may spread into the brain (meningoencephalitis). Such
infection may be classified as acute or chronic. According to the appearance of
the cerebrospinal fluid one can classify meningitis as purulent (bacterial) or
serous (viral).
- Acute pyogene (bacterial)
Most common bacteria:
-group B strep., E coli, listeria monocytogen affect neonates
-Neisseria meningitis children+ young adult
-sterp. Pneumonia adults+eldary
-systemic sign of infection along with meningeal irritation &
neurologic impairment including headache, neck stiffness, fever,
photofobia, Nausea and vomiting, mental confusion, somnolence,
Brudzinski sign, Kernig sign.
Lumbar punction - neutrophils
+ gram stain
-exudates within the lepromeninges over the brain surface.
- The subarachnoid space is filled with a purulent exudate
-associated with brain abscess
-neutrophils in the subarachnoid space
- Aseptic (viral)
may occur as part of a systemic viral disease (e.g., varicella, mumps,
and measles), or it may be limited to the CNS. The latter may
besporadic (e.g., herpes virus infection) or epidemic (e.g., arboviruses),
and is often associated with encephalitis.
usually self-limiting
Most common viruses :
-hemophilus influenza in non vaccinated infants
-coxsackievirus most common cause of viral meningitis. Fecel-oral
-meningeal irritation
-LP: lymphocytes
Normal glucose
Moderate protein elevation
-Brain swelling
-Mild to moderate lymphocytes infiltrate.
- Chronic (TB, spirochetal)
Mainly caused by : -mycobacteria ( m.tuberculosis)
-spirochetes (treponema pallidum)
Tuberculous meningitis
Signs: headache, malaise (feeling of general discomfort or uneasiness),
mental confusion, vomiting.
Diagnosis: protein level
Moderate increase in CSF and mononuclear cells.
Glucose lever reduced/normal.
*special for m. tuberculosis: tuberculoma- circumscribed intraparenchymal
*Chronic tuberculous meningitis is a cause of arachnoids fibrosis, which may
produce hydrocephalus
-subarachnoid space contain gelatinous (fibrinous exudates in the base
of the brain) obliterating the cisterns and closing cranial nerves.
-white granules scattered over the leptomeninges
- Arteries running through the subarachnoid space may show
obliterative endarteritis with inflammatory infiltrates in their walls
and marked intimal thickening. - The infection may spread through the CSF to the choroid plexuses
and ependymal surface.
Spirochetal infections:
Neurosyphilis is a tertiary stage of syphilis and occurs in only about
10% of individuals with untreated infection.
- meningovascular neurosyphilis:
-involving the base of the brain.
-may be an associated with obliterative endarteritis - Paretic neurosyphilis is caused by invasion of the brain by
Treponema pallidum
-manifests as: progressive loss of mental and physical functions with
mood alterations, terminating in severe dementia.
- parenchymal damage particularly in the frontal lobe, characterized by
loss of neurons with proliferation of microglia and gliosis.
- Tabes dorsalis is another form of neurosyphilis, resulting from
damage to the sensory nerves in the dorsal roots producing impaired
joint position sense and resultant ataxia (locomotor ataxia); loss of pain
sensation, leading to skin and joint damage (Charcot joints); other
sensory disturbances, particularly characteristic “lightning pains”; and
absence of deep tendon reflexes.
Individuals with HIV infection are at increased risk.
Lyme disease caused by Borrelia burgdorferi
# complications of meningitis.
o Hydrocephalus resulting from obstruction of CSF due to scarring of meninges
o Neurologic defects due to destruction of underlying brain
o Epilepsy due to focal damage of the brain or scarring of meninges
o Abscess formation in the brain or subdural spaces (especially in children)
o Spinal or cranial nerve compression or constriction as in tabes dorsalis
Prion diseases.
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) are neurodegenerative disease caused
by pirion protein accumulation results from abnormal folding of prions The normal
prion protein a membrane glycoprotein, which is water-soluble and proteinase-sensitive.
Abnormal prions result from a change in the folding pattern of PrPc
,( PrP normally is rich
in α-helices, but PrPsc has a high content of β-sheets) which makes it resistant to the
action of proteases and causes it to precipitate as insoluble form. This conversion results in
neuronal degeneration and loss by an unknown mechanism.
The unique feature of prion diseases is that they are self-propagating and transmissible.
Once PrPSc is generated endogenously or introduced into the body from the environment,
it converts normal prions into abnormal ones.
The majority of human prion diseases are sporadic- PrPc also may change its
conformation spontaneously, accounting for sporadic cases of prion disease
. About 15% are familial- Certain mutations in the gene encoding PrPc (PRNP
gene ) accelerate the rate of spontaneous conformational change; these variants
are associated with early onset familial forms of prion disease (fCJD).
A few are environmentally acquired (iatrogenic-growth hormone treatment from
individual with sick PrP and from eating BSE- contaminated meat).
Initially, intracytoplasmic vacuoles appear in neurons and glial cell. As the disease
progresses, vacuolization becomes more pronounced and the cortical neuropil develops a
spongy appearance, hence the term spongiform encephalopathy
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is the most common spongiform
encephalopathy Usually sporadic; rarely can arise due to exposure to prioninfected
human tissue (e.g., human growth hormone or corneal transplant)
A rapidly progressive dementing illness, with a typical duration from first
onset of subtle changes in memory and behavior to death in less then year
Presents as rapidly progressive dementia associated with ataxia (cerebellar
involvement) and startle myoclonus Spike-wave complexes are seen on EEG.
The progression to death in CJD usually is so rapid that there is little
macroscopic evidence of brain atrophy.
Main finding is a spongiform transformation of the cerebral cortex and
deep gray matter structures (caudate, putamen);
No inflammatory infiltrate is present.
Presence of proteinase K–resistant PrPsc in tissue, can be seen
Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
Variant CfD is a special form of disease that is related to exposure to bovinespongiform
encephalopathy (‘mad cow’). Consequence of exposure to the
prion disease of cattle, called bovine spongiform encephalopathy.
Fetures :
The disease affected young adults
Behavioral disorders figured prominently in early disease stages
Neurologic syndrome progressed more slowly than in other forms of CJD.
Similar pathologic appearance to that in other types of CJD, with spongiform
change and absence of inflammation.
In vCJD, however, there are abundant cortical amyloid plaques, surrounded by
the spongiform change
Familial fatal insomnia is an inherited form of prion disease characterized by
insomnia and an exaggerated startle response.
Neurodegenerative diseases – dementias (Alzheimer’s disease. Frontotemporal dementias).
Neurodegenerative diseases:
Definition of Neurodegeneration: progressive, slow, irreversible neuronal loss so
such as diseas characterized by loss of neurons within the gray matter; often due to
accumulation of protein which damages neurons (e.g. Aβ &Tau in Alzheimer, Tau in
frontotemporal lobar degeneration alpha synuclein in Alzheimer and TDP-43 in FLD)
Two main groups of clinical manifestation denoted, with overlaps:
1) Dementias- diseases the affect the cerebral cortex, result in loss of memory,
language, and planning
2) Movement disorders- those that affect the BG and brain stem
DEMENTIA - Impairment of memory and other cognitive functions
(e.g. word‐finding, abstract reasoning, advance planning, concentration)
with normal consciousness
Ataxia- lack of coordination of muscle movements implying dysfunction of the parts
of the nervous system that coordinate movement, such as the cerebellum
Alzheimer disease- Degenerative disease of the cerebral cortex; it is the most
common cause of dementia in the elderly (75% of cases).
Most cases (95%) are sporadic and seen in the elderly, Risk increases with age
(doubles every 5 years after the age of 60).Epsilon 4 allele of apolipoprotein E is
associated with increased risk, epsilon 2 allele With decreased risk, epsilon 4
allele carriers got increased convention of APP into Abeta amyloid product
Early-onset in Familial cases associated with the inheritance of gene
mutation in presenilin1 and presenilin 2 proteins also in Down syndrome see
early onset commonly occurs around 40 years of age The APP gene is located
on chromosome 21, and the risk of AD also is higher in those with an extra
copy of the APP gene, such as patients with trisomy 21 (Down syndrome)
Pathogenesis:the amyloid procerssor prot –APP is membrane prot on neurons it
broken down by alpha secretase enzyme into processable product but if broken
down by beta amyloid converting enzyme or gamma secretase it creat
unprocessable product the Abeta who accumulate ext. cellular as amyloid
Small aggregates of Aβ may also be pathogenic, as they alter
neurotransmission and are toxic to neurons and synaptic endings.
Large deposits, in the form of plaques, also lead to neuronal death, elicit a
local inflammatory response that can result in further cell injury
The presence of Aβ also leads to hyperphosphorylation of the neuronal
microtubule binding protein tau; this causes tau to redistribute from axons into
dendrites and cell bodies, where it aggregates into tangles, which also
contribute to neuronal dysfunction and cell death.
The disease usually becomes clinically apparent as:
1. Slow-onset memory loss (begins with short-term memory loss and progresses to
long-term memory toss) and progressive disorientation
- impairment of higher intellectual function (judgment, abstract thinking, problem solving,
language, visual–spatial function), with alterations in mood and behavior. - Later, progressive disorientation, memory loss and aphasia indicate severe cortical
dysfunction, and over the next 5 to 10 years, the patient becomes profoundly disabled, mute,
and immobile.
- Death due to infections not direct the diseas…
Macro gross appearance of brain in autopsy diffused cerebral atrophy (widening of the
cerebral sulci and narrowing of gyri; a compensatory ventricular enlargement (hydrocephalus
ex vacuo-widening due to atrophy of cerebral matter not due to increased CSF))
Micro histologic appearance:
Neuriticplaques (an extra cellular lesion) spherical mass primarily composed
of amyloid fibrils and interwoven neuronal processes (neurite refers to any
projection from the cell body of a neuron. This projection can be either an
axon or a dendrite.)Plaques can be found in the hippocampus and amygdala as
well as in the neocortex. Termed diffuse plaques; these typically are found in
the superficial cerebral cortex, the basal ganglia, and the cerebellar cortex and
may represent an early stage of plaque development.
Neurofibrillary tangles visible as basophilic fibrillary structures in the
cytoplasm of the neurons that displace or encircle the nucleus created from
abnormally hyper phosphorylated tau
They are commonly found in cortical neurons, especially in the entorhinal
cortex, as well as in the pyramidal cells of the hippocampus, the amygdala, the
basal forebrain, and the raphe nuclei.
Category of disorders resulting in dementia share clinical features -progressive
deterioration of language and changes in personality (in FLD the behavior and
language disorder come befor memory impiremnt unlike in AD) stemming from
the degeneration and atrophy of temporal and frontal lobes; The clinical
syndromes commonly are referred to as frontotemporal dementias.
Atrophy of the brain that predominantly affects the frontal and temporal lobes.
Different subgroups are characterized by neuronal inclusions involving the
affected regions;
In some cases the defining inclusions contain tau (FTLD-tau), but the
configuration of the tau inclusions differs from the tau-containing tangles of AD.
FTLD-tau sometimes is caused by mutations in the gene encoding tau. One wellrecognized
subtype of FTLD-tau is Pick disease, which is associated with
smooth, round inclusions known as Pick bodies. Tau is an microtubule associated
protein of cytoskeleton
The other major form of FTLD is characterized by aggregates containing the
PDNA/RNA-binding protein TDP-43 (FTLD-TDP43). This form of FTLD is
associated with predominantly frontal lobe cognitive impairment. It is sometimes
caused by mutations in the gene encoding TDP-43, which is also mutated in a
subset of cases of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Lewy body dementia -is a sporadic neurodegenerative disease It combines the
neurological manifestations of dementia and parkinsonism. If in Parkinson diseas
appearance of dementia comes in the late phases in LBD see early appearance of
dementia in 1st year of diagnosis together with parkinsonian manifestation.
Patients with it present with fluctuating attention and cognition and visual
hallucinations. Motor parkinsonian manifestations (bradykinesia slow voluntary
movement, rigidity, and less frequently tremor) vary in severity and may appear
later. Patients also experience depression, sleep disorder, and autonomic
The brain is not as atrophic as it is in AD, Prominent histologic correlate is the
presence of Lewy bodies in neurons in the cortex and brainstem. Lewy bodies
are abnormal collections of alpha-synuclein protein within the cytoplasm of
Staining for α-synuclein also reveals the presence of abnormal neurites that
contain aggregated protein — called Lewy neuritis.
Neurodegenerative diseases – movement disorders (Parkinson’s disease. Amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis. Huntington’s disease).
Neuro degenerative diseas are group of disease Characterized by loss of neurons within the gray
matter; often due to accumulation of protein which damages neurons
B. Degeneration of the cortex leads to dementia.
C. Degeneration of the brainstem and basal ganglia leads to movement disorders.
Neuro-Degenerative disease with primary loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra
(pars compacta). the Nigrostriatal pathway of basal ganglia uses dopamine to promote the
initiation of voluntary movement (promote direct pathway and inhibit indirect pathway act on
Etiology- The vast majority of PD cases are sporadic with Unknown etiology 2nd most Common
neurodegenerative disorder after AD related to aging - seen in approximately 2% of older adults.
About 5-10 % of patients have a monogenic, autosomal dominant or recessive form of PD:The
first autosomal dominant form of PD identified is that caused by mutations of α-synuclein, a
synaptic protein encoded by SNCA on 4q22.
The gene most commonly associated with autosomal recessive PD is Parkin the parkin protein
involved in ubiqintin pathway of protein degragtion
Patients with GAucher disease (GD), including carriers of GBA1 mutations, have a 20- to 30-fold
risk for developing PD.
Can be induced by drugs such as dopamine antagonists or toxins that selectively injure dopaminergic
neurons. rare cases were related to MPTP exposure prodrug converted to neurotoxin harming dopaminergic
neurons resulting in clinical appearing PD (A contaminant in illicit drugs).
Pathomechanisem-PD affects the dopamine-producing neurons of the substantia nigra (SN). The
key pathology in PD is α-synuclein accumulation Α-synuclein is toxic for the cell and Its
accumulation impairs the functions of mitochondria, lysosomes, and endoplasmic reticulum, and
interferes with micro tubular transport.
Dopamine is produced by SN neurons from DOPA (also a precursor of melanin) and transported
along the axons of these neurons to the striatum. The triad of rigidity, bradykinesia and tremor at
rest correlates with degeneration of the dopaminergic nigrostriatal pathway and dopamine
depletion in the striatum.
A typical gross finding is pallor of the substantia nigra and locus ceruleus.
Due to Loss of the pigmented, catecholaminergic neurons in these regions
Lewy bodies -may be found in the neuron bodie large α-synuclein aggregates form round eosinophilic
cytoplasmic inclusions that often have a dense core surrounded by a pale halo. (composed of αsynuclein
and other proteins, including neurofilaments and ubiquitin. )
Lewy neurites-fibrils made of insoluble polymers of a-synuclein that are deposited in neuronal
processes and in glial cells.
As implied by the dementia, Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites eventually appear in the cerebral cortex
Subtle Lewy bodies and Lewy neuritis can be found in many brain regions outside of the substantia
nigra and in nondopaminergic neurons; These lesions appear first in the medulla and then in the pons,
before involvement of the substantia nigra.
Clinical features
Progresses over 10 to 15 years, eventually producing severe motor slowing to the point of near
immobility. Clinical features (‘TRAP’):
- Tremor—pill rolling tremor at rest; disappears with movement
- Rigidity—cogwheel rigidity in the extremities
- Akinesia/bradykinesia—slowing of voluntary movement;
- Postural instability and shuffling gait
Death usually is the result of intercurrent infection or trauma from frequent falls caused by
postural instability.
Dementia apper in late part of diseas .
Causes to Parkinsonism:
When dementia arises within 1 year of the onset of motor symptoms, it is referred to Lewy body
dementia (LBD).
Idiopathic Parkinson disease (paralysis agitans) is the most common cause
Ischemia of basal ganglia (relatively common)
Head trauma, repetitive (e.g., boxers)
Shy–Drager syndrome (idiopathic parkinsonism associated with hypotension and other
autonomic symptoms)
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal degenerative disorder of upper and lower motor neurons
Affects men more than women (>50y), usually beginning with subtle asymmetric distal extremity weakness
The balance between upper and lower motor neuron involvement can vary, although most
patients exhibit involvement of both. The disease eventually involves the respiratory muscles,
leading to recurrent bouts of pulmonary infection, which is the usual cause of death.
Most cases are sporadic, 5% to 10% are familial, mostly with AD inheritance. and have a
younger onset. Several gene mutations have been discovered in this group. These mutations
affect protein stability, RNA biology, cytoskeletal maintenance, and other functions. Mutations
of the same genes are also found in a significant proportion of sporadic ALS cases.
the most frequent genetic cause is mutations in the superoxide dismutase gene, SOD-1 which
generate abnormal misfolded forms of the SOD-1 protein - may trigger the unfolded protein
response and cause apoptotic death of neurons.
The next two common causative genes both encode DNA/RNA binding proteins, TDP-43 and
FUS Mutations in TDP-43 also can cause frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) or a
disease with overlapping features of both ALS and FTLD.
Another recently identified gene which accounts for a significant proportion of FALS cases is
C9ORF72 on 9p21. This mutation causes hexanucleotide repeat expansion in a noncoding
region of the gene and is associated with FTD and TDP-43 inclusions
The pathology of ALS is degeneration and loss of motor neurons in the anterior horns -loss of
lower motor neurons and of upper motor neurons (Betz cells).
Lower motor neuron loss causes
muscle weakness, atrophy, and fasciculations; upper motor neuron involvement causes
spasticity, hyperactive tendon reflexes, and Babinski signsAn additional consequence of upper
motor neuron loss is degeneration of thecorticospinal tracts in the lateral portion of the spinal
cord (“lateral sclerosis”).
Dementia appears at the onset or develops later in a significant proportion of ALS patients.
ALS is relentlessly progressive. The majority of patients die, usually from respiratory paralysis,
within 2-3 years from the onset of symptoms.
Primary lateral sclerosis is an ALS variant which affects upper motor neurons only
In some patients, degeneration of the lower brain stem cranial motor nuclei occurs early and
progresses rapidly, a pattern of disease referred to as bulbar amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. With
this disease pattern, abnormalities of swallowing and speaking dominate.
The most gross changes are found in anterior roots of the spinal cord, which are thin and gray
(rather than white)- There is a reduction in the number of anterior horn cell associated loss of anterior root myelinated fibers. In especially severe cases, the precentral gyrus (motor cortex)
may be mildly atrophic
Remaining lower motor neurons often harbor cytoplasmic inclusions that contain TDP-43,
except in those cases in which the underlying cause is a mutation in SOD-1.
With the loss of innervations from the death of anterior horn cells, skeletal muscles show
neurogenic atrophy.
Huntington’s disease (HD) is a fatal autosomal dominant
neurodegenerative movement disorder
beginning about the age of 40. Associated with: degeneration of the striatum (caudate and
putamen), involuntary jerky movements and behavioral changes.
Caused by CAG trinucleotide repeat expansions in a gene located on ch. 4 that encodes the
protein huntingtin.
Denote that larger numbers of repeats results in earlier-onset disease and further expansions of the
pathologic CAG repeats can occur during spermatogenesis, so paternal transmission may be
associated with earlier onset in the next generation, a phenomenon referred to as anticipation.
The expanded huntingtin protein conjugated with ubiquitin, forms aggregates (inclusions) in the
nuclei and dendrites of affected neurons. These inclusions can be detected by
immunohistochemistry using antibodies to huntingtin.
These findings suggest that there is an
error in the proteolytic degradation of the expanded huntingtin these aggregates may sequester
transcription factors, disrupt protein degradation pathways, impair mitochondrial function, or alter
brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) signaling.
Severe loss of GABAergic neurons from affected regions of the striatum (caudate nucleus and
putamen) lead to loss of inhibitory signal on cortex leading to clinical symptoms
In remaining striatal neurons and in the cortex, there are intranuclear inclusions that contain
aggregates of ubiquitinated huntingtin protein
Gross examination of the brain reveals atrophy of the caudate nucleus and putamen and dilatation
of the anterior horns of the lateral ventricles
Clinical presentation :
The disease is progressive with average age at presentation is 40 years and resulting in death after
a course of about 15 years.
Presents with chorea - an abnormal involuntary movement disorder, one of a group of
neurological disorders called dyskinesias.
Early cognitive symptoms include forgetfulness (later there may be progression to a severe
dementia) and behavioral changes including depression- HD carries an increased risk of suicide.
Cerebrovascular diseases, ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke (global cerebral ischemia, focal
cerebral ischemia, primary intraparenchymal hemorrhage).
clinical outcome: different upon different severity and duration of insult
Brain disorders arise from pathologic processes involving blood vessels constitute a
major cause of death in the developed world. Most common the damage appear Due
to ischemia (85% of cases) but also can be the result of a hemorrhage (15% , out off
10% is intracerebral and 5%is subarachnoidal).
3 types of cerebrovascular pathologies :
(1) thrombotic occlusion of vessels
(2) embolic occlusion of vessels
(3) Vascular rupture.
“Stroke” is a clinical term for symptoms that arise from cerebrovascular problems,
particularly when symptoms begin acutely.
Thrombosis and embolism cause ischemic injury or infarction of specific regions of
the brain, depending on the vessel involved. A similar pattern of injury occurs
diffusely when there is complete loss of perfusion.
Hemorrhage accompanies rupture of vessels, leading to direct tissue damage as well
as secondary ischemic injury.
ISCHEMIC ENCEPHALOPATHY (global focal ischemia)
The brain tissue requires a constant delivery of glucose and oxygen from the
needs about 15% of cardiac output and responsible for 20% of body total oxygen
consumption Neurons are dependent on serum glucose as an essential energy source
and are
particularly susceptible to ischemia (undergo necrosis within 3 - 5 minutes).
Cerebral blood flow remains constant over a wide range of blood pressure and
intracranial pressure due to autoregulation of vascular resistance and it not influence
from regulatory mechanisms .
Ischemia is when no blood supply so bout sugar and o2 cant rich hypoxia when no o2
supply alone
o Functional hypoxia: cause by decrease partial pressure of O2 (e.g altitude),
impaired oxygen carrying capacity (e.g anemia) or inhibition of 02 by tissue
(e.g poisoning).
o Ischemia: either transient or permanent, due to tissue hypoperfusion (e.g
Such as injureis may be global or focal:
Global Cerebral Ischemia widespread ischemic/hypoxic injury to the brain . can occur
in the setting of sever systemic hypotension systolic pressures of less than 50mmHgsuch
as in cardiac arrest, shock, and severe hypotension
#main reasons:
-low perfusion (e.g due to atherosclerosis)
-acute decrease in blood flow (e.g cardiogenic shock)
-chronic hypoxia (e.g., anemia)
-repeated episodes of hypoglycemia.
In mild situations: transient confusional state, usually full recovery
In moderate situations: infracts in regions that are fed by the very end of the
circulation- watershed areas. Damage to highly vulnerable regions:
In severe situations: widespread neuronal death irrespective from regional
sensitivity , diffuse necrosis.
If such as patient survive he remain in persistent vegetative state . Other
patients meet the clinical criteria for “brain death,” including evidence of
diffuse cortical injury and brain stem damage, including absent reflexes and
respiratory drive.
Swollen brain , wide gyri and narrow sulci poor demarcated gray and white
The histopatho changes that accompany irreversible infury have 3 catagories:
1. 12-24 hours: early changes, acute neuronal change (red neurons).
- 24 hours-2 weeks: Subacute changes, include necrosis of tissue, influx of
macrophages, vascular proliferation, and reactive gliosis. - After 2 weeks: Repair,characterized by removal of all necrotic tissue, loss
of organized CNS structure, and gliosis . In the cerebral cortex the
neuronal loss and gliosis produce an uneven destruction of the neocortex.
B. 2nd most common cause of dementia as cerebrovascular diseas ie
hypertension atherosclerosis lead to modrate global ischemic demage to cortex
and hippocampus leading to dementia –treatment improve prognosis
Focal cerebral ischemia
Focal cerebral ischemia occurs when there is impierd blood flow in a
particular cerebral vessel so there is reduces blood flow to the particular brain
region, increasing the risk of cell death to that area And the development of
cerebral arterial occlusion- mainly thromboembolism cardiac mural
branches or areas of stenosis.
#transiant ischemic attak when symptom last less then 24 hr if more its an
ischemic stroke=infarction
Cerebral infarction is focal brain necrosis due to complete and prolonged ischemia
that affects all tissue elements, neurons, glia, and vessels
# The majority of thrombotic occlusions causing cerebral infarctions are due to
atherosclerosis; the most common sites of primary thrombosis are the carotid
bifurcation, middle cerebral artery, and basilar artery.
# there are 2 types:
Non hemorrhagic- Thrombotic stroke is due to rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque.
Atherosclerosis usually develops at branch points (e.g., bifurcation of internal
Carotid and middle cerebral artery in the circle of Willis).Results in a pale infarct at
the periphery of the cortex Can be treated with thrombolytic therapy.
Hemorrhagic-result from reperfusion of ischemic tissue, . Hemorrhagic infarcts are
most common in embolism(common source of emboli is the left side of the heart e.g.,
Fibrillation). Blood leaks from collateral / occluding thrombus or embolus breaks up .
Most Usually involves the middle cerebral artery and
Results in a hemorrhagic
infarct at the periphery of the cortex.
Lacunar stroke occurs secondary to hyaline arteriolosderosis, a complication of
i. Most commonly involves lenliculostriale vessels, resulting in small cystic
areas of infarction
Macroscopically may not be detectable for 6‐12 hours
48‐72 hours Softening and disintegration of the infarcted region. May be oedema and
Weeks to months: Cyst formation
Ischemic neuronal change –red neurons after about 12 hr initial microscopic finding
Initial influx of neutrophils from the blood stream enter the infarct through damaged
vessels about 48 hr. from unset .
Then in the following about 2 weeks macrophages
immigrate (They ingest the products of degradation of neurons and myelin and may
stay months to years in the lesion) also see at point core of infract disintegrate and
capillary in periphery proliferate
Astrocyte at edge of lesion enlarged divide and send network of glial cell processes
Results in formation of a fluid-filled cystic space surrounded by gliosis This is
completed in approximately 2 months the blood brain barrier is once again sealed
No scar formation!
#Hemorrhage within the skull can occur in a variety of locations and be linked to
veraity of causes:
Epidural hematoma usually associated with trauma
Subdural hematoma
Subarachnoid hematoma- most commonly seen with aneurysms
Intracerebral (parenchymal) hemorrhage-link to hypertention about 15% of
death of chronic hypertention patient
Intraventricular hemorrhage, also known as hematocephalus internus.
Primary Brain Parenchymal Hemorrhage
#Spontaneous intraparenchymal hemorrhages occur most commonly in mid to late
adult life~60 years . Most are caused by rupture of a small intraparenchymal vessel.
occur in the basal ganglia, thalamus, pons, and cerebellum.
rim surrounding a cavity develops (neurons necrosis like in hemorrhagic infarction).
b.v. weakening the b.v. may lead to rupture (unlike hypertension related this one
manifested as lobar hemorrhage)
epidural hematoma
temporal bone with rupture of the middle meningeal artery; bleeding separates the
dura from the skull leading to formation of Lens-shaped lesion on CT
This sack is filling with blood in interval without any clinical sing may precede
eliciting neurologic signs even rapture put pressure on brain -Herniation is a lethal
subdural hematoma
#Subdural hemorrhage -Collection of blood underneath the dura;stems from
traumatically severed ‘‘bridging veins’’ that connect superficial cerebral veins and the
dural venous sinuses. This venous bleeding may stop on its own as soon as the
pressure outside the veins exceeds the pressure inside the vascular lumen. Increased
rate of occurrence in the elderly due to age-related cerebral atrophy,which stretches
the veins
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage and Saccular Aneurysms
berry aneurysm; other causes include AV malformations and an anticoagulated state
Present as a sudden headache with nuchal rigidity.LP show xanthochromia (yellowish
appearance of cerebrospinal fluid) - morphology: bleeding in the base of the brain.
a) Saccular aneurysms-(berry aneurysms) most common non traumatic cause, Berry
aneurysms are thin-walled saccular outpouching» that lack a media layer
, increasing the risk tor rupture.
Most frequently located in the anterior circle of Willis at branch points of the
anterior communicating artery
- Associated with Marfan syndrome and autosomal dominant polycystic kidney
c) Charcot–Bouchard aneurysms (also known as miliary aneurysms or
microaneurysms) are aneurysms of the brain vasculature which occur in small blood
vessels (less than 300 micrometre diameter).
Charcot–Bouchard aneurysms are most
often located in the lenticulostriate vessels of the basal ganglia and are associated
with chronic hypertension.
[1] Charcot–Bouchard aneurysms are a common cause
of cerebral hemorrhage.
b) Traumatic
Vascular malformations of the brain. Subarachnoid hemorrhage.
1/3 of the cases associated with ruptures with increase ICP.
# The most common causes are berry aneurysm & vascular malformation.
rapidly loss of consciousness (coma).
1) Saccular (berry) aneurysm:
No media in the saccular outpouching.
Mainly (90%) in anterior circulation near major arterial branch points.
High risk in patient with autosomal dominant polycytic diseas (ADPCD).
Although they are sometimes congenital they are not present at birth but develop over
COMPLICATIONS: due to healing and fibrosis process of the meninges, there is a risk
for CSF flow obstruction = hydrocephalus.
Morphology of saccular aneurysm: unruptured = thin outpouch of an artery, with lack of
media beyond the neck.
Rupture- mainly happen in the apex of the sac = releasing blood into the subarachnoid
space or the substance of the brain or both.
At times, rather than rupturing, a saccular aneurysm enlarges to form a mass that
compresses cranial nerves and produces palsies on parenchymal structures and induces
neurologic symptoms.
Classically, for example, a posterior communicating artery
aneurysm compresses the third cranial nerve, leading to an isolated oculomotor nerve
palsy with a dilated pupil.
**the most common aneurysms in the brain:
- Berry aneurysms: These small saccular aneurysms are typically found in and around the
circle of Willis at the base of the brain. They develop at the site of arterial branching
corresponding to the congenital weakest part of the vessels. The rupture of these aneurysms
leads to a usually fatal subarachnoid and/or intraparenchymal/intraventricular hemorrhage. - Atherosclerotic aneurysms: These aneurysms may involve the extraparenchymal or
intracerebral arteries. Most often, they are asymptomatic and rarely rupture. - Hypertensive microaneurysms:
#4 types: - Arteriovenous malformation (AVM’S)
- Cavernous malformation.
- Capillary telangiectasia
- Venous angiomas.
The most common. Affect males twice as frequently as females (most congenital).
Result from defective formation of capillaries in a normal part of the brain.
The arterial blood thus enters directly into the veins, usually by way of arteriovenous
anastomoses that form at the defective site.
AVMs have a high blood flow, often pulsate, and may be a source of mixed
parenchymal/subarachnoidal bleeding and seizures.
Manifest between the ages of 10 and 30 years.
Presenting as a seizure disorder, an intracerebral bleeding or subarachnoid.
Complications – intracerebral hemorrhage or subarachnoid hemorrhage. The risk of
bleeding makes AVM the most dangerous type of vascular malformation.
Pathophysiology: multiple AVM’s can be seen in the setting of hereditary hemorrhagic
telangiectasia, an autosomal dominant condition, often associated with the TGF pathway.
- AVM: *macro: subarachnoid vessels resemble a tangles network of wormlike vascular
channels. *micro: enlarged blood vessels separated by gliotic tissue. - Cavernous malformation: distended, loosely organized cascular channels with thin
collagenized walls without intervening nervous tissue. Occur mostly in the cerebellum, pons and
subcortical regions. - Capillary telangiectasia: microscopic foci of dilated thin walled vascular channels separated
by relatively normal brain parenchyma that occur mostly in the pons. - Venous angiomas (varices): consist of aggregates of ectatic venous channels
Traumatic brain injury (contusion, epidural hematoma, subdural hematoma).
TBI- traumatic brain injury: cerebral contusion, laceration, concussion.
TBI occurs when an external force traumatically injuries the brain. For example: coupcountercoup
injury (like in car accident)
Cerebral contusion:
A form of traumatic brain injury - bruise of the brain tissue. Like bruises in othe tissues,
cerebral contusions can be associated with multiple hemorrhages of blood vessels into the
brain tissue. A contusion is caused by rapid tissue displacement, disruption of vascular
channels, and subsequent hemorrhages, tissue injuries and edema.
Since they are closest to the skull, the crests of the gyri are the part of the brain that is
most commonly damaged in traumatic injury.
Contusions are common in regions of the brain overlying rough and irregular inner skull
surfaces, such as the orbitofrontal regions and the temporal lobe tips.
Cerebral lacerations:
A type of TBI that occurs when the tissue of the brain is mechanically cut or torn. The
injury is similar to cerebral contusion (except for the fact that the pia-arachnoid
membranes are torn over at the site of injury in laceration and are not torn in contusion).
Penetration of the brain (e.g. by bullet) – causes laceration, with tissue tearing, vascular
disruption and hemorrhages.
Macro: Contusion have wedge shaped appearance with the widest aspect closest to the
point of impact. Within hours blood extravasation into the white matter and
subarachnoid space.
Micro: after 24 h = neuronal body change (nuclear pyknosis, cyto.eosinophilia, cellular
disintegration). Inflammatory cells- neutrophils, macrophages.
In contrast with ischemic lesions, in which superficial layers of the cortex may be preserved.
Trauma affects mostly the superficial layers!!!!
Diffuse axonal injury – widespread injury to the axons within the brain (white matter),
sometimes with devastating consequences.
The most common type of TBI.
Reversible altered concussion from head injury in the absence of contusion.
Characteristics: transient neurologic dysfunction includes loss of consciousness,
temporary respiratory arrest and loss of reflexes.
Neurologic recovery is complete but amnesia for the event persist
Epidermal hematoma:
Collection of blood between the dura and the skull.
Due to fracture of temporal bone with rupture of middle meningeal artery.
Lens shaped lesion on CT compression of the brain surface:
- lucid intervals may precede neurologic signs.
- herniation is lethal complication.
May expand rapidly and constitutes a neurosurgical emergency necessitating prompt
drainage and repair to prevent death.
Subdural hematoma:
Collection of blood underneath the dura.
Due to tearing of bridging veins between dura and arachnoid (atrophy of the brain,
children, trauma are common causes).
Usually arises with trauma, but can also occur to patients with atrophied brain = the
bridging veins are stretched = tearing!
Presents with progressive neurologic signs: Herniation is lethal complication!
Morphology: (subdural)
The blood is collected on the brain surface contour, not entering to the sulci.
Flattened brain, arachnoid is clear.
Tumors of the central nervous system (gliomas and neuronal tumors).
Brain tumors: Half-3/4 of the tumors are primary tumors. The rest are metastatic. Unique
features of brain tumors:
These tumors do not have detectable premalignant or in situ stages comparable to those
of carcinomas.
Even low grade lesions may infiltrate large regions of the brain leading to serious clinical
deficits. The anatomic site of the neoplasm can influence the outcome due to local effects
(e.g. a benign meningioma may cause cardio-respiratory arrest from compression of the
medulla) or non resectability (e.g. brain stem gliomas).
Even the most highly malignant gliomas rarely spread outside the CNS.
Most common metastatic cancers- lung, breast, kidney. Metastatic tumors present as
multiple, well circumscribed lesions, most of them at the grey-white junction.
Gliomas are tumors of the brain parenchyma that histologically resemble different types of
glial cells; The major types of glial tumors are astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas, and
Diffuse Astrocytoma
Most common adult gliomas, out of glioblastoma Malignant, high grade tumor of astrocytes
is the most common primary brain tumor of adults. usually are found in the cerebral
On the basis of histologic features, they are stratified into three groups: Well-differentiated
astrocytoma (grade II), anaplastic astrocytoma (grade III), and Glioblastoma (grade IV),
with increasingly grim prognosis as the grade increases.
Astrocytoma’s are associated with a variety of acquired mutations:
In glioblastoma, loss-of-function mutations in the p53 and Rb and gain-of-function
mutations in the oncogenic PI3K pathways have central roles in tumorigenesis.
Macro: Lower grade astrocytomas create gray tumor mass that look as expanded white
matter , In glioblastoma, see necrotic hemorrhagic infiltrating mass.
Micro: Well-differentiated astrocytomas are characterized by a mild increase in the
number of glial cell little nuclear pleomorphism, and an intervening feltwork of fine,
glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)-positive astrocytic cell processes that give the
background a fibrillary appearance.
Anaplastic astrocytomas show regions that are more densely cellular and have greater
nuclear pleomorphism; mitotic figures are present.
Glioblastoma has a histologic appearance similar to that of anaplastic astrocytoma, as
well as necrotic foci (often with pseudopalisading nuclei around it ) and vascular
endothel proliferation increase in layers of capillary wall create glomeruloid appearance
Pilocytic Astrocytoma Relatively benign tumor, typically affecting children and young adults.
Most commonly – located in the cerebellum, 3rd ventricle, optic pathway and spinal cord (mainly
under the tentorium)
Morphology: macro: CYST, with mural nodule in the wall of the cyst micro: the tumor is
composed of bipolar cells, with long, thin, hair like processes that are GFAP positive. Rosental
fibers – eosinophilic granular bodies are present.
Malignant tumor of the oligodendrocytes. Mainly adults tumor, may present with seizures (due to
frontal lobe involvement)
Good prognosis even with high grade. well-differentiated (WHO grade II) anaplastic (WHO grade
III) oligodendrogliomas a more aggressive subtype with higher cell density, nuclear anaplasia and
mitotic activity
Genetic: chromosomal deletion of 1p and 19q.
Morphology: calcified tumor in the white matter, found mostly in the cerebral hemispheres mainly
in the frontal or temporal lobes.
Micro: “fried egg” appearance of the tumor cells. The tumor is composed of sheets of neoplastic
cells with spherical nuclei surrounded by a clear halo cytoplasem and see blood vassels in
Most often arise next to the ependymal lined ventricular system, including the central
canal of the spinal cord.
In adults – the spinal cord the most common location. in children most commonly arsise
in the 4th ventricle, may present with hydrocephalus (it grows into the ventricular space
blocks CSF = hydrocephalus).
Morphology: ependymomas typically are solid /papillary masses extending from the
ventricular floor.
The tumors are composed of cells with round nuclei and abundant granular chromatin.
Tumor cells may form round structures (rosettes) also perivascular pseudorosettes in
which tumor cells are arranged around vessels with an intervening zone containing thin
ependymal processes.
Anaplastic ependymomas show increased cell density, high mitotic rates, necrosis, and
less evident ependymal differentiation.
Central neurocytoma is a low- is an extremely rare, ordinarily benign intraventricular brain
tumour that typically forms from the neuronal cells of the septum pellucidum.adjacent to the
ventricular system (most commonly the lateral or third ventricles), characterized by evenly
spaced, round, uniform nuclei and often islands of neuropil.
Gangliogliomas is a rare, slow-growing bening primary central nervous system (CNS)
tumor which most frequently occurs in the temporal lobes of children and young adults.
tumors with a mixture of glial elements, usually a low-grade astrocytoma, and matureappearing neurons. Most of these tumors are slow-growing, but the glial component
occasionally becomes frankly anaplastic, and the disease then progresses rapidly.
Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor Benign mixed glioneuronal neoplasm of children
and young adults it often manifests as a seizure disorder. It typically is located in the
superficial temporal lobe and consists of small round neuronal cells arranged in columns and
around central cores of processes.
These typically form multiple discrete intracortical
nodules that have a myxoid background. Also present are well-differentiated “floating”
neurons within pools of mucopolysaccharide-rich myxoid fluid.
Malignant tumor derived from granular cells of cerebellum (part of embryonal tumors all
derive from neuro- ectodermal tissue with primitive small round neoplastic cells)
Predominantly arises in children and exclusively in the cerebellum.
Very malignant but also react well to radiation
Morphology: macro: in children – located in the midline in adult more lateral on surface
of folia cerebellum as gray friable mass.
micro: small, round blue cells, Homer- Wright rossets may be presnt.
Primary central nervous system lymphoma
Primary CNS lymphoma, occurring mostly as diffuse large B cell lymphomas
It is the most common CNS neoplasm in immunosuppressed persons, in whom the tumors
are nearly always positive for the oncogenic Epstein-Barr virus.
primary brain lymphoma is an aggressive disease with relatively poor response to
Lymphoma originating outside the CNS rarely spreads to the brain parenchyma; when it
happens, tumor usually is also within the CSF or involvement of the meninges. By contrast
primary brain lymphomas often involve deep gray structures, as well as the white matter and
the cortex.
Germ cell tumors
Primary brain germ cell tumors occur along the midline, most commonly in the pineal and
the suprasellar regions. tumor of the young 90% occurring during the first 2 decades of life.
The most common primary CNS germ cell tumor is germinoma, a tumor that closely
resembles testicular seminoma Secondary CNS involvement by metastatic gonadal germ cell
tumors also occurs.
Meningeal neoplasms. Metastatic neoplasms of the brain.
Predominantly Benign tumor of meningioepithelial cells of the arachnoid membrane.
Most common in adults more in female (the tumor express astrogen receptors!)
Multiple meningioma, especially in association with 8th nerve schwannomas or glial tumor
may indicate neruofibromatosis type 2. About half of meningiomas not associated with NF2
have acquired loss-of function mutations in the NF2 tumor suppressor gene on chromosome
Imaging reveals a round mass attached to the dura. May present with seizures – due to
pressure on the cortex
Morphology: macro: masses that attach dura and compress the brain but DO NOT invade it.
micro: syncytial – whorled clusters of cells without cisible cell membranes, that sit in tight
The cells will show a unique pattern:
- maningiothelial cells in kind of onion skin whorled pattern. Some foci of dystrophic
calcification create psammoma bodies. - Fibroblastic component elongated cells and abundant collagen deposition btw them.
3.hence denoting features of no. 1 and 2 it’s an transitional tumor which shares features of
the syncytial and fibroblastic types
By Grading meningioma’s divide it into 3 categories: well differentiated benign slow
growing tumor as described in morphology, atypical WHO grade II/IV also bening and
recognized by the presence of certain histologic features increased cellularity higher mitotic
rate and tend to recurred, anaplastic WHO grade III/IV the highly aggressive malignant
Mostly carcinomas; The most common primary sites are lung, breast, skin (melanoma),
kidney, and gastrointestinal tract. Metastatic lesions, mostly carcinoma, account for quarter
to half of intracranial tumors Carcinomas are more commonly metastatic to the nervous
system than lymphoid malignancies.
Sarcomas infrequently metastasize to the brain.
Metastases form sharply demarcated masses, often at the gray-white junction, and elicit
edema. The boundary between tumor and brain parenchyma is sharp, with surrounding
reactive gliosis.
Beside local direct effect on brain may see evolvement of Paraneoplastic syndrome may involve the
peripheral and CNS, sometimes even preceding the clinical recognition of the malignant neoplasm.
Many but not all patients with PNS have antibodies against tumor antigens.
Manifestation of paraneoplastic syndrome:
Subacute cerebellar degeneration ataxia with destruction of purkinje cells, gliosis and mild
inflammation infiltrate.
Limbic encephalitis = causing sub-acute dementia and perivascular inflammatory cuffs, Microglial
nodules and some neuronal loss in the medial temporal lobe.
Subacute sensory neuropathy = altered pain sensation with loss of sensory neurons from dorsal
root ganglia.
Syndrome of rapid onset psychosis, catatonia, epilepsy and coma – associated with ovarian teratoma
and Ab against NMDA receptor
Multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating diseases. Leukodystrophies.
Within the CNS, axons are tightly ensheathed by myelin, an electrical insulator that allows
rapid propagation of neural impulses.
Myelin consists of multiple layers of specialized, plasma membranes that are assembled by
Although myelinated axons are present in all areas of the brain, they are the dominant
component in the white matter; therefore, most diseases of myelin are primarily white matter
The myelin in peripheral nerves is similar to the myelin in the CNS but has several
important differences:
(1) made by Schwann cells; (2) each Schwann cell in a peripheral
nerve provides myelin for only one internode, while in the CNS, many internodes are
created by processes coming from a single oligodendrocyte;
and (3) the specialized proteins
and lipids are also different; Therefore, most diseases of CNS myelin do not involve the
peripheral nerves to any significant extent, and vice versa.
In general, diseases involving myelin are separated into two broad groups.
Demyelinating diseases -acquired conditions characterized by damage to previously
normal myelin. The most common diseases in this group result from immunemediated
injury, such as multiple sclerosis (MS); Other processes include viral
infection of oligodendrocytes, and injury caused by drugs and other toxic agents.
Dysmyelinating diseases, myelin is not formed properly or has abnormal turnover
kinetics. Associated with mutations that disrupt the function of proteins that are
required for the formation of normal myelin sheaths. The other general term for these
diseases is leukodystrophy
An autoimmune demyelinating disorder characterized by distinct episodes of neurologic
deficits, separated in time, attributable to white matter lesions that are separated in space.
It is the most common of the demyelinating disorders
The disease may become clinically apparent at any age, although onset in childhood or after
age 50 is relatively rare. Women are more than men.
In most patients, the illness shows relapsing and remitting episodes of neurologic
Autoimmune diseases, caused by loss of tolerance to self proteins (myelin antigens).
A genetic risk factor is HLA-DR variants, the DR2 allele being the one that most
significantly increases the risk for developing MS.
Other genetic causes are polymorphisms in the genes encoding receptors for the
cytokines IL-2 and IL-7, which are known to control the activation and regulation of T
cell–mediated immune responses. Immune-mediated myelin destruction is thought to
have a central role in MS.
A central role for CD4+ T cells has been suggested, with an increase in TH17 and TH1
CD4+ cells thought to be a critical component of the injury to myelin.
There is also evidence for important contributions from CD8+ T cells and B cells.
Toxic effects of lymphocytes, macrophages, and their secreted molecules have been
implicated in initiating the process of axonal injury, sometimes even leading to neuronal
MS is primarily a white matter disease with affected areas showing multiple, wellcircumscribed,
depressed, gray, irregularly shaped lesions termed plaques.
These commonly arise near the ventricles. They also are frequent in the optic nerves and
chiasm, brain stem, ascending and descending fiber tracts, cerebellum, and spinal cord.
In an active plaque there is evidence of ongoing myelin breakdown with abundant
macrophages containing myelin debris.
Small active lesions often are centered on small veins.
Active plaques fall into four classes
Type I, which has macrophage infiltrates with sharp margins;
Type II, which is similar to type I but also shows complement deposition (suggesting an
antibody-mediated component);
Type III, with less welldefined borders and oligodendrocyte apoptosis;
Type IV, with nonapoptotic oligodendrocyte loss.
When plaques become quiescent (inactive plaques), the inflammation mostly disappears,
leaving behind little to no myelin. Instead, astrocytic proliferation and gliosis are
Clinical features
The course of MS is variable, but commonly there are multiple relapses followed by
episodes of remission;
As a consequence, over time there is usually a gradual accumulation of neurologic
Changes in cognitive function can be present, but are often much milder than the other
The CSF shows a mildly elevated protein level with an increased proportion of
immunoglobulin; in one third of cases, there is moderate pleocytosis.
When the immunoglobulin is examined further, oligoclonal bands usually are identified.
These antibodies are directed against a variety of antigenic targets and can be used as
markers of disease activity.
Immune-mediated demyelination can occur after a number of systemic infectious illnesses,
including relatively mild viral diseases.
It is believed that immune cells responding to pathogen-associated antigens are cross
reactive against myelin antigens, resulting in myelin damage.
There are two general patterns of postinfectious autoimmune reactions to myelin; they are
associated with acute-onset monophasic illnesses.
In acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, symptoms typically develop a week or two after an
antecedent infection and are nonlocalizing (headache, lethargy, and coma); Symptoms
progress rapidly, and the illness is fatal in as many as 20% of cases
Acute necrotizing hemorrhagic encephalomyelitis is a more devastating related disorder,
which typically affects young adults and children.
Neuromyelitis optica (NMO) is an inflammatory demyelinating disease centered on the optic
nerves and spinal Cord; Antibodies to the water channel aquaporin-4 are both diagnostic and
Central pontine myelinolysis is a nonimmune process characterized by loss of myelin
involving the center of the pons, most often after rapid correction of hyponatremia. May be
related to edema induced by sudden changes in osmotic pressure. It occurs in alcoholism and
severe electrolyte or osmolar imbalance.
Although the most characteristic lesion occurs in the pons, similar lesions can be found
elsewhere in the brain. Because of the involvement of fibers in the pons carrying signals to
motor neurons in the spinal cord, patients often present with rapidly evolving quadriplegia.
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is a demyelinating disease that occurs
after reactivation of JC virus in immunosuppressed patients.
Inherited dysmyelinating diseases in which the clinical symptoms derive from abnormal
myelin synthesis or turnover.
Some of these disorders involve lysosomal enzymes, while others involve peroxisomal
enzymes; a few are associated with mutations in myelin proteins.
Most are of autosomal recessive inheritance, although X-linked diseases also occur
Most pathologic change are found in the white matter, which is diffusely abnormal in
color (gray
and translucent) and volume (decreased).
Early in their course, some diseases may show patchy involvement, while others have a
predilection for occipital lobe involvement; In the end, though, nearly all of the white
matter usually is affected.
With the loss of white matter, the brain becomes atrophic, the ventricles enlarge, and
secondary changes can be found in the gray matter.
Myelin loss leads to infiltration of macrophages, which often become stuffed with lipid.
Some of these diseases also show specific inclusions created by the accumulation of
particular lipids.
Clinical features
Affected children are normal at birth but begin to miss developmental milestones during
infancy and childhood.
Diffuse involvement of white matter leads to deterioration in motor skills, spasticity,
hypotonia, or ataxia.
In general, the earlier the age at onset, the more severe the deficiency and clinical course.
Peripheral neuropathies (primary axonal degeneration, segmental demyelination, GuillainBarré
syndrome, CIDP, diabetic peripheral neuropathy).
A motor unit is made up of a motor neuron and the skeletal muscle fibers innervated by
that motor neuron’s axonal terminals hence muscle diseases may araise as :
Peripheral nerves consist of fascicles that contain myelinated and unmyelinated axons. .Myelin is a
spiral sheet of cell membrane wrapped around the axon. Unmyelinated axons are covered by
Schwann cell cytoplasm, but there is no spiraling.
Axonal neuropathies direct injury to the axon. The entire distal portion of an affected axon
degenerates atrophy of myofibers. The axon breaks down and secondary degrade of the
myelin (Wallerian degeneration).The morphological hallmark is decrease in the density of
the axons, which will lead to decrease in the strength of amplitude of nerve impulse. Causes
are may be diabetes or vascular disease…
Demyelinating neuropathies Schwann cell injury or myelin damage = slow nerve
conduction. Segmental demyelination –in individual myelin internodes* Remyelination may
occur (with shorter internodes & thin myelin) if repetitive process see “Onion bulb”
formations are concentric layers of Schwann cell processes and collagen around an axon
.later secondary axonal degeneration may also occur. May result from inflammatory diseases
like in topic or some tumors NFB schwannoma
Causes neuropathies include inflammatory neuropathies from SLE till 2 disease I talk about
these topic, metabolic disorder e.g. Diabetic (poly)neuropathy chronic axonal neuropathy with
some segmental demyelination, hereditary Charcot Mari tooth neuropathy, vascular such as
vasculitis One of the commonest and amyloid neuropathy, infectious-leprosy, neoplastic invasion
of peripheral nerves, toxin alcohol lead exogenous glucocorticoids etc. …
Patterns of peripheral neuropathies
Polyneuropathies usually affect peripheral nerves in a symmetric way Axonal loss is typically
diffuse and more pronounced in the distal segments of the longest nerves. Patients commonly
present with loss of sensation.
multiplex, in which the damage randomly affects portions of individual nerves, resulting in a right
radial nerve palsy and wrist drop together with loss of sensation in the left foot
A simple mononeuropathy involving only a single nerve most commonly is the result of traumatic
injury or entrapment (e.g., carpal tunnel syndrome).
Guillain-Barre syndrome
Acute autoimmune demyelinating peripheral neuropathy, It is a rapidly progressive disorder
affecting motor axons that results in ascending weakness that may lead to death from failure
of respiratory muscles over a period of only several days- One of the most common life
threatening diseases of the peripheral nervous system
It appears to be triggered by an infection or a vaccine that breaks down self-tolerance,
thereby leading to an autoimmune response.
Associated infectious agents include
Campylobacter jejuni, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, and human immunodeficiency
Antibodies and activated T-lymphocytes, reacting with antigens present on peripheral
nerves, elicit an inflammatory and macrophage reaction that destroys myelin and axons. The
strongest evidence of a humoral immune reaction in these neuropathies is that plasma
exchange results in significant clinical improvement.
Peripheral nerves show mononuclear
cell infiltrates rich in macrophages. , demyelination (myelin proteins are the source of
elevated CSF protein)..
Axonal damage, which accounts for the permanent deficits, is variable and may be severe. The pathology is most severe in nerve roots and proximal nerve
segments and less pronounced in more distal nerves. In the phase of recovery, the nerve
contains thin myelin sheaths, indicating myelin regeneration.
Treatments include plasmapheresis (to remove offending antibodies), intravenous
immunoglobulin infusions and supportive care, such as ventilator support.
Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP)
Typically manifests as a symmetric demyelinating disease. With similar immune pathomechanism
as GBS but unlike it CIDP follows a chronic, relapsing-remitting or progressive
course. occurs at increased frequency in patients with other immune disorders, such as systemic
lupus erythematosus and HIV infection.
The peripheral nerves show segments of demyelination and remyelination In long-standing
cases, chronically regenerating Schwann cells may concentrically wrap around axons in
multiple layers in an onion-skin pattern.
Both motor and sensory abnormalities are common, such as difficulty in walking, weakness,
numbness, and pain or tingling sensations. Some patients recover completely, but more often
recurrent bouts of symptomatic disease lead to permanent loss of nerve function.
Treatment includes plasmapheresis and administration of immunosuppressive agents.
Ophtalmic pathology - Inflammatory (chalazion, hordeolum, conjunctivitis, uveitis) and
neoplastic disorders of the eye and eyelid.
anatomical component of the eye:
Uvea (iris, ciliary body, choroid)
Vitreous body
Optic Nerve
inflammation of the entire eye, usually caused by virulent pyogenic
organisms, such as strains of meningococci, pneumococci, streptococci,
anthrax bacilli, and clostridia.
Initial symptoms are pain, fever, headache, drowsiness, edema, and swelling.
As the infection progresses, the iris appears muddy and gray, the aqueous
humor becomes turbid, and precipitates form on the posterior surface of the
The conjunctiva:
#The conjunctiva, as well as other parts of the eye, may also become infected
by hematogenous spread.
by hyperemic conjunctival blood vessels (pink eye).
The inflammatory exudate that accumulates in the conjunctival sac commonly crusts, causing the
to stick together in the morning. The conjunctival discharge may be purulent,
fibrinous, serous or hemorrhagic.
Chlamydia is responsible for a purulent conjunctivitis (inclusion blennorrhea)
that develops in newborns who become infected during passage through the
birth canal.
discharge, especially in the newborn, caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae
The cornea:
moderate to intense pain and usually involves impaired eyesight. It may cause
feelings of itchiness each time the individual blinks.
o Superficial keratitis: involves the superficial layers (i.e. the
epithelium) of the cornea. After healing, this form of keratitis does not
generally leave a scar.
o Deep keratitis: involves deeper layers of the cornea (i.e. The
epithelium, Bowman’s Membrane and often stroma), and the natural
course leaves a scar upon healing that impairs vision if on or near the
visual axis.
herpes simplex virus –cause corneal ulcerations.
HSV has a predilection for corneal epithelium, where it causes
keratitis, but it can invade corneal stroma and occasionally other ocular
From the trigeminal ganglion, HSV may pass down the nerves and
reactivate the infection.
Amoebic infection of the cornea is the most serious corneal infection,
usually affecting contact lens wearers.
Bacterial keratitis- S. Aureus, P. aeruginosa
Fungal keratitis
photokeratitis (UV keratitis)
- ‘guttata’ – bullous protrusions downward from Descemet membrane.
- major reason for corneal transplantation
-primary problem: endothelial damage
The lens
# Cataracts- are opacifications in the crystalline lens that are a major cause of
visual impairment and blindness.
Congenital cataracts are a major cause of reversible blindness in children.
pathogenesis: The most common cataract is associated with aging. Cataracts
can also be caused by systemic diseases (diabetes mellitus, atopic dermatitis);
drugs (steroids); radiation; trauma; or by deficiencies in riboflavin or
tryptophan. A wide range of cataracts are inherited.
The eyelid
blocked meibomian gland (special kind of sebaceous gland responsible for the
supply of meibum, an oily substance that prevents evaporation of the eye’s tear
film) usually on the upper eyelid.
Chalazia differ from styes (hordeola) in that they are subacute and usually
painless nodules. They may become acutely inflamed but, unlike a stye,
chalazia usually point inside the lid rather than on the lid margin.
Signs & symptoms:
Swelling on the eyelid
Eyelid tenderness
Sensitivity to light
Increased tearing
Heaviness of the eyelid
base of
the eyelashes, or an infection of the apocrine sweat glands of Moll.
o External styes form on the outside of the lids and can be seen as small red
o Internal styes are infections of the meibomian sebaceous glands lining the
inside of the eyelids. They also cause a red bump underneath the lid with only
generalized redness and swelling visible on the outside.
o They contain water and pus and the bacteria will spread if the stye is forcefully
ruptured. Styes are characterized by an acute onset and usually short in
duration (7–10 days without treatment) compared to chalazia that are chronic
and usually do not resolve without intervention.
o Styes are usually caused by the Staphylococcus aureus bacterium.
Optic Nerve
accompanied by a characteristic excavation of the optic nerve head and
progressive loss of visual field sensitivity.
hypertension); however, increased intraocular pressure does not necessarily
cause glaucoma.
posterior chamber before passing through the pupil to the anterior chamber.
From that site, it drains into veins by way of the trabecular meshwork and
Schlemm canal. A delicate balance between the production and drainage of the
aqueous humor maintains intraocular pressure within its physiologic range.
In certain pathologic states, aqueous humor accumulates within the eye, and
intraocular pressure increases .
o Congenital glaucoma
o Adult onset primary glaucoma
o Primary open angle glaucoma
# Eye cancers can be primary or metastatic cancer.
The two most common cancers that spread to the eye from another organ are breast
cancer and lung cancer
or malignant like rhabdomyosarcoma and retinoblastoma.
junction of sutures, most commonly at the fronto-zygomatic suture. Large deep orbital
dermoid cysts can cause pressure effects on the muscles and optic nerve, leading to
diplopia and loss of vision.
The most common is called basal cell carcinoma.
This tumor can grow around the eye but rarely spreads to other parts of the body.
Other types of common eyelid cancers include:
-squamous carcinoma
-sebaceous carcinoma
-malignant melanoma.
The most common malignant primary intraocular tumor is uveal melanoma.
These tumors can occur in the choroid, iris and ciliary body. The latter are sometimes
called iris or ciliary body melanoma.
The next most common is primary intraocular lymphoma (PIOL) which is usually nonHodgkin’s,
large cell lymphoma of the B-cell type.
The most common malignant intraocular tumor in children is retinoblastoma.
The second most common is medulloepithelioma which can occur in the ciliary body
and the uvea of the eye
Retinal detachment
#pathogenesis: Factors predisposing to retinal detachment include:
o retinal defects & tears (rhegmatogenous RD)
o vitreous traction, diminished pressure on the retina
o weakening of retinal fixation.
The photoreceptors and retinal pigment epithelium normally function as a unit.
After they separate in a retinal detachment, oxygen and nutrients that normally
reach the outer retina from the choroid must diffuse across a greater distance. This
situation causes the photoreceptors to degenerate, after which cyst-like
extracellular spaces
appear within the retina.
o Malignant hypertesnsion
o Trauma (boxing, karate, motor racing, skiing)
o Diabetic retinopathy
o Eclampsia
o Tumor
o Local inflammation
o Increased pressure (weightlifting)
o Genetic: photoreceptor degeneratuon
Retinopathia of prematurity (ROP) -(retrolental fibroplasia)
received intensive neonatal care with high‐pressure oxygenation
result in scarring and retinal detachment.
Hypertensive retinopathy
in the arterial and arteriolar circulation in response to the high blood pressure.
and commonly affects the retinal and choroidal vessels. Lumina of the thickened
retinal arterioles become narrowed, increasingly tortuous and of irregular caliber.
Diabetic retinopathy
eventually lead to blindness.
changes. Hyperglycemia-induced intramural pericyte death and thickening of
the basement membrane lead to incompetence of the vascular walls.
These damages change the formation of the blood-retinal barrier and also make the
retinal blood vessels become more permeable.
Small blood vessels – such as those in the eye – are especially vulnerable to
poor blood sugar (blood glucose) control.
vessels grow along with fibrous and glial tissue toward the vitreous body.
Neovascularization of the retina is a prominent feature of diabetic retinopathy.
follows vitreous hemorrhage, retinal detachment and glaucoma.
Age‐related macular degeneration (ARMD)
(the macula) because of damage to the retina.
the retina and the choroid, and the retina can become detached.
In the wet (exudative) form, which is more severe, blood vessels grow up from the
choroid behind the retina, and the retina can also become detached.
# Rapidly developing cancer that develops from the immature cells of a retina
(neuronal‐cell derived tumor.
- heritable form
- non-heritable form
All cancers are considered genetic in that mutations of the genome are required for
their development, but this does not imply that they are heritable, or transmitted to
offspring. Approximately 55% of children with Rb have the non-heritable form.
on chromosome 13, called theRB1 gene.
o The most common an abnormal appearance of the pupil as white -leukocoria.
o Light entering the eye commonly reflects a yellowish color similar to that
from the tapetum of a cat (cat’s eye reflex).
o deterioration of vision
o red and irritated eye with glaucoma
o delayed development.
Flexner‐Wintersteiner rosettes; necrosis;
arise from melanocytes in any part of the eye, and the choroid (uvea) is the most
common site.
# pathology: Choroidal melanomas are mostly circumscribed and invade the Bruch
membrane, causing a mushroom-shaped mass.
By contrast, some tumors are fl at (diffuse melanoma) and cause a gradual
deterioration of vision over many years. Some do not even become apparent until
extraocular dissemination has occurred.
(1) variable numbers of spindle-shaped cells without nucleoli (spindle A cells)
(2) spindle-shaped cells with prominent nucleoli (spindle B cells)
(3) polygonal cells with distinct cell borders and prominent nucleoli
removal of the eye that leaves the eye muscles and remaining orbital contents intact. )
Diseases of the skeletal muscles (dystrophinopathies, inflammatory myopathies). Diseases of
the neuromuscular junction (myasthenia gravis).
Muscle fiber types: 1. Slow twich, aerobic
= type I
2. fast twich, anaerobic = type II
Normal distribution of muscle fibers- checkboard pattern.
Muscle atrophy: abnormally small myofibers due to variety of disorders, for example
immobilization, exogenous glucocorticoids, Cushing syndrome.
Neurogenic atrophy:
Atrophy of muscle that results from damage to the nerve that stimulates the muscle. E.g: diabetic
neuropathy, spinal cord injuries and syndromes that cause nerve impingement.
Reminder: loss of a single neuron will affect all muscle fibers in a motor unit, then the adjacent
intact neurons send out sprouts to engage the NMJ which is injured. = now these fibers will have
the same innervating neuron. This process is called fiber type grouping.
Symptoms of neurogenic atrophy:
Stooped posture
Limited neck movement
Leg contractions
Heart failure (sometimes)
Disorders in the NMJ:
Produce functional abnormalities due to the disruption in the transmission of signals across the
NMJ- resulting in muscle weakness. Most common NMJ disorders:
- Myestenia gravis.
- Lambert – eaton syndrome
Therapy myestenia gravis:
- anti-choline esterase inhibitors.
- immunosuppression.
- Plasmapheresis
- Thymectomy (in patients with thymic lesion).
Lambert – Eaton syndrome:
Antibodies against presynaptic Ca2+ channels at the NMJ.
Arises as a paraneoplastic syndrome, most commonly due to small cell carcinoma.
Leads to impaired Ach release.
Proximal muscle weakness which improve with use.
Eyes are usually spared.
Muscular dystrophies:
Muscle dystrophy = inherited disporders of degeneration of muscle tissue with associated muscle
weakness and replacement of skeletal muscle by fibrofatty tissue.
Muscle dystrophy is due to primary inherited disease ( a muscle disease itself) in contrast to
muscle atrophy which is secondary due to loss of innervation, malnutrition etc.
- X linked MD (Duchenne and Becker MD)
Dystrophinopathies = Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy.
Dystrophinopathies are the most common form of muscular dystrophy.
Duchenne (DMD) and Becker (BMD) are the 2 most common examples, linked to
mutation in dystrophine gene. (DMD is more severe).
Both are X-linked MD associated with:
1. muscle wasting.
2. replacement of skeletal muscle by adipose tissue.
3. deletion of dystrophin (the mutation in the dystrophin gene is spontaneous!)
Dystrophin: plays a role of a “linker” protein btw the myofibrilar cytoskeleton to the
Morphology: 1. Ongoing myofiber necrosis and regeneration.
2. replacement by fibrosis and fat.
3. micro level: in immunohistochemical method- complete absence of Membrane associated dystrophin.
Pathogenesis : loss of function mutation in the dystrophin gene located on the short arm of X chromosome.
Clinical features: progress to involve distal muscles (begins in pelvic => shoulders).
Calf pseudohypertrophy is characteristic finding, heart failure.
- Autosomal MD:
Several of the autosomal MD affect the proximal muscles (similar to X linked MD) and are
called limb girdle muscular dystrophy. It can be recessive or dominant. - Myotonic Dystrophy:
Myotonia = sustained involuntary contraction of a group of muscles.
Inherited as autosomal dominant, CTG trinucleotide repeat expansion on chromosome 19, which
will affect the synthesis of the intracellular protein kinase.
The disease will be present at late childhood with gait abnormalities, hands, wrist and facial muscles weakness.
Myopathy = muscle disease. (such as the muscle dystrophy).
Primary myopathy should be distinguished from secondary neuropathic changes caused
by disorders that disrupt muscle innervation (even though both are associated with altered
muscle function but due to different reasons).
Myopathic condition are often associated with segmental necrosis and regeneration of
individual muscle fibers. Inflammatory infiltrate and intracellular inclusions may also be
Congenital myopathies:
- ion channel myopathies: characterize by myotonia, relapsing episodes of hypotonic paralysis,
or both. Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis results from mutations in the gene for the skeletal
muscle sodium channel protein.
2.myopathies due to inborn errors of metabolism: disorders of glycogen synthesis and
degradation, lipid handling, carnitine transport.
- mitochondrial myopathies: mutations in mitochondrial or nuclear DNA that encodes
mitochondrial constituents. (will shoe maternal inheritance). These disorders will be present at
young adulthood with proximal muscle weakness and ocular musculature.
The most important pathological finding in skeletal muscle are irregular muscle fibers and
aggregates of abnormal mitochondria.
Acquires myopathies:
1.Toxic muscle injury: for example thyroxine myopathy: (intrinsic exposure). Either acute or
chronic proximal muscle weakness. The findings will include myofiber necrosis, regeneration
and interstitial lymphocytes. Examples for extrinsic exposure: ethanol, chloroquine.
- Inflammatory myopathies:
Dermatomyositis: Inflammatory disorders of the skin and skeletal muscle.
Unknown etiology, some cases are associated with carcinoma => paraneoplastic syndrome.
Clinical features: bilateral proximal weakness, distal involvement can develop, rush of
upper eyelids (helioptrope rash), malar rash, red papules on the elbows.
Micro: perivascular mononuclear cells infiltrate, myofiber damage, inflammation at the
perimysium => perifascicular atrophy (it helps to differentiate it from polymyositis which
shows endomysial inflammation)
Polymyositis: autoimmune disorder with increased expression of MHC I on myofibers.
Resemble dermatomyositis but skin is NOT involved.
Endomysial inflammation (CD8+) with necrotic muscle fibers.
- muscle infraction in the setting of diabetes.
Non-neoplastic disorders of the testis, epididymis and scrotum.
- scrotal enlargement
a. Hydrocele: due to accumulation of serous fluid within tunica vaginalis (serous
membrane that covers the testicle as well as the internal surface of the scrotum.)
i. May arise in response to
1. neighboring infection
2. tumor/ blockage of lymphatic drainage- Chyloceles Elephantiasis
3. idiopathic
- Associated with incomplete closure of the processes vaginalis leading
to communication with the peritoneal! Cavity (infants)
ii. may be distinguished from collection of blood, pus, lymph by allowing a
beam of light to pass through
b. Hematocele: accumulation of blood in tunica vaginalis
- Inflammatory lesions : orchitic (inflammation of the testicle)
a. More common in the epididymis than in testis proper.
b. Nonspecific epididymitis and
i. Usually begins as a primary UTI (e. coli, pseudomonas) that spread into
testis through vas deference or the lymphatics of the spermatic cord.
Involved testis swollen and tender and contains predominantly neutrophils
ii. Chlamydia trachomatis (serotypes D-K) or Neisseria gonorrhoeae—seen in
young adults.
c. Mumps orchitis infection
i. Infections are complicated by orchitis in roughly 20 % of infected adult
males. Affected testis is edematous and congested and contains
predominantly lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate.
ii. Severe infection may lead to necrosis, loss of seminiferous epithelium,
tubular atrophy, fibrosis and sterility.
d. Testicular tuberculosis
i. Begins as epididymitis with secondary involvement of testis histologicallygranulomatous inflammation and caseous necrosis.
ii. Autoimmune orchitis also create granulomatous inflammation —
characterized by granulomas involving the seminiferous tubules.
- Testicular torsion
a. Twisting of the spermatic cord; thin-walled veins become obstructed (while thick
wall artery remain open)leading to congestion and hemorrhagic infarction
b. Intense vascular engorgement and venous infarction follow unless torsion in
relieved, Medical emergency-surgery.
c. Two types of testicular torsion
i. Neonatal torsion Occurs in utero or shortly after birth
ii. Adult torsion Typically Seen in adolescence Manifest with sudden onset
pain no related previous injury.
Result from bilateral anatomic defect
whereby testis lack of posterior adherence to inner wall of scrotum can turn
around themselves twisting vas deference- increased mobility the abnormal
anatomy named bell clapper anomality tunica vaginalis completely enclose testis.
A. Dilation of the spermatic vein due to impaired drainage Presents as
scrotal swelling with a dilated veins appearance
B. Usually left sided; left testicular vein drains into the left renal vein,
while the right testicular vein drains directly into the IVC - Associated
with left-sided renal cell carcinoma; RCC often invades the renal vein.
c. Seen in a large percentage of infertile males
- Cryptorchidism
a. Failure of one or both testes to descend is known as cryptorchidism, normally
testis descend from abdominal cavity into pelvis by the third month and then
through the inguinal canal into scrotum during the last 2 month of intrauterine
b. Diagnosis establish at age of 1 in ~ 1% of male babies most cases resolve
spontaneously; otherwise, orchiopexy is performed before 2 years of age.
i. Testes are most commonly found in inguinal canal
ii. Undescended testes becomes atrophic with time.
- Tubular atrophy is evident at age of 5-6
- Hyalinization is present by time of puberty.
- Foci of intratubular germ cell neoplasia may be present
iii. Cause is unknown but there is Increased risk infertility and for developing
testicular cancer effecting both testis even in unilateral condition.
The morphology of diabetes mellitus (pancreas, vascular system, nephropathy, retinopathy and
Diabetic neuropathy
damages of hyperglycemia
- Non-enzymatic glycosylation
Collagen glycosylation – advanced glycosylation end products (AGE) - vessels + interstitium -
Extracellular matrix and cell surface proteins – polypeptide cross-links - Trapping of LDL and
cholesterol – atherosclerosis
- Glycosylated BM binds albumin – glomerular disease - diabetic nephropathy - Other plasma
proteins with AGE residues bind to endothel, mesangium, macropahes – activation - Endothel:
increase in permeability and coagulation - Fibroblast: proliferation - Macrophage: inflammation
- Activation of protein kinase C (PKC)
increase of VEGF – synthesis of matrix/BM - Intracellular hyperglycaemia
Cell types not requiring insulin for glucose uptake affected (nerve, lens, kidney, endothel)
Intracellular increase of osmolarity + oxydative stress
Alternative glucose metabolism: sorbitol, polyol, fructose
Important morphologic changes are related to late complications
» Reduction in the number and size of islets – mostly in type I DM
» Leukocytic infiltration of the islets – mainly mononuclear cells (lymphocytes and macrophages).
Appears in type I and II, early in the disease, by time of clinical evidence, inflammation is absent
» Amyloid replacement of islets in long standing DM-II – deposition of pink, amorphous material in
capillaries and between cells. At advanced stages, islets are obliterated; fibrosis may also be
» An increase in the number and size of islets, especially in non-diabetic newborns of diabetic mothers
– islets undergo hyperplasia.
Vascular system
» Diabetis macrovascular disease – accelerated atherosclerosis affecting aorta and medium-sized
arteries. Most common cause of death – myocardial infarction.
» gangrenes of the lower extremities 100x more frequent (diabetic foot)
» narrowing of the renal artery although The Most damaging effect on kidney is at the level of the
glomeruli and microcirculation
» How its promote atherosclerosis? AGEs- advanced glycation end products, can induce crosslinking
of collagen in b.v. BM which can cause vascular stiffening and entrapment of low-density
lipoprotein particles (LDL) in the artery walls. AGEs can also cause glycation of LDL which can
promote its oxidation .
Oxidized LDL is one of the major factors in the development of
atherosclerosis. Finally, AGEs can bind to RAGE (receptor for advanced glycation end products)
and cause oxidative stress as well as activation of inflammatory pathways in vascular endothelial
Microangiopathy underlies the development of nephropathy, retinopathy and neuropathy.
» Hyaline arteriosclerosis – vascular lesions associated with hypertension; amorphous hyaline
thickening of the wall of arterioles = narrowing of the lumen ,appear more sever and with highr
prevalence in diabetic patients
» Diabetic microangiopathy – diffuse thickening of the BM97; most evident in the capillaries of the
skin, skeletal muscle, retina, renal glomeruli and renal medulla; may also appear in renak tubules,
peripheral nerves and placenta.
despite the increase in thickness, capillaries are more leaky to plasma proteins.
Diabetic nephropathy
» Second cause of death, after MI is renal failure In diabetes, basement membranes of majority of
capillaries in the body are thickened by deposits of nonenzymatic glycosilated proteins (diabetic
microangiopathy): retinopathy, coronary arteries, and peripheral vessels.
» In kidney, diabetic nephropathy includes : diabetic glomerulosclerosis, arteriolosclerosis and
papillary necrosis, with an increased risk for pyelonephritis.
» Diabetic nephropathy :
Recurrent pyelonephritis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the kidney, usually begins in the
interstitial tissue and spreads to involve the tubules; special pattern of acute pyelonephritis is
necrotizing papillitis (papillary necrosis).
Arterio/arteriolosclerosis hyaline arteriosclerosis affect afferent and efferent arterioles may elicit
hypertension Involvement of renal arterioles leads to glomerulosclerosis, resulting in small, scarred
kidneys with granular surface Preferential involvement of efferent arterioles leads to glomerular
Hyper hit ration injury with microalbuminuria that eventually progresses
to nephrotic syndrome; characterized by Kimmelstiel-Wilson nodules in
Glomerulopathy – Diabetic glomerulosclerosis is characterized by thickening of glomerular
basement membrane with increased permeability.
With time, the mesangial space becomes larger by
deposits of proteins (collagen IV)
Diffuse BM thickening -(electron microscopy) –The deposits appear diffusely on the basement
membranes of capillary loops of the glomeruli, as well as on basement membranes of tubules and
Nodular glomerulosclerosis (in 30% of DM)-In nodular diabetic glomerulosclerosis, PAS-positive
nodular deposits ( hyaline-containing mucopolysaccharides, fibrils and collagen) may appear in the
mesangial space, at the periphery of the glomerulus, pushing the capillaries.
The lesion is focal to periphery. This pattern is also called Kimmelstiel-Wilson lesion. see in long standing diabetes may propgate to Diffuse diabetic glomerulosclerosis and chronic renal failure
Ocular complications
Retinopathy -potentially most blinding of these complications, however, is diabetic retinopathy
which is, in fact, the leading cause of new blindness in persons aged 25-74 years in the United States
o non-proliferative: microangiopathy, aneurysms, hemorrhage,
exudate A persistent increase in
blood glucose levels shunts excess glucose into the aldose reductase pathway in certain tissues,
which converts sugars into alcohol (eg, glucose into sorbitol, galactose to dulcitol).
Intramural pericytes of retinal capillaries seem to be affected by this increased level of sorbitol, eventually
leading to the loss of their primary function (ie, autoregulation of retinal capillaries).
This results in weakness and eventual saccular outpouching of capillary walls. These microaneurysms, are the
earliest detectable signs of DM retinopathy.
o proliferative: angiogenesis, fibrosis – retinal detachment More advanced retinal disease, including
proliferative vascular changes and neovascularization in the setting of retinal ischemia retinal
ischemia/hypoxia and subsequent release of an angiogenesis factor
(eg, vascular endothelial growth
factor [VEGF]), may be mediated by other mechanisms such as the action of vasoactive substances
released during the inflammatory process. these new blood vessels can bleed, cloud vision, and
destroy the retina.
Fibrovascular proliferation can also cause tractional retinal detachment..
Cataract- It has been shown that the intracellular accumulation of sorbitol leads to osmotic changes
resulting in hydropic lens fibers that degenerate and form sugar cataracts.
The lens is composed of
specialized proteins (called crystallins), whose optical properties are dependent on the fine
arrangement of their three-dimensional structure and hydration
- Glaucoma - Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases which Defined as optic neuropathy with distinct
excavation of optic nerve head and incremental loss of visual field.
Almost always due to increased
intraocular pressure (due to impaired outflow of aqueous humor), which causes optic nerve damage
and degenerative changes below in the proliferative retinopathies
The new blood vessels can also
grow into the angle of the anterior chamber of the eye and cause neovascular glaucoma .
Aqueous humor is produced by pars plicata of ciliary body, discharged into posterior chamber, flows
between lens and iris, through pupil, into anterior chamber, then through trabecular meshwork (in
deep layers of peripheral cornea just in front of angle of anterior chamber), into Schlemm’s canal,
leaves eye via plexus of intrascleral and episcleral veins along limbus
» Peripheral nerve involvement, symmetric neuropathy of lower extremities affecting both motor and
sensory function. Other form may be autonomic neuropathy – disturbance in bowel and bladder
function, and sometimes sexual impotence
» Diabetic Microangiopathy + direct toxic effects (sorbitol) Glucose freely enters into Schwann cells
(which myelinate peripheral nerves), Aldose reductase converts glucose to sorbitol, resulting in
osmotic damage.
Diabetes mellitus a group of metabolic disorders all marked by hyperglycemia –normal
Blood glucose 5.0-7.2mmol/l (90-130mg/dl). Insulin release and synthesis upon elevation of
blood glucose by the beta cells in center of islets of Langerhans Glucagon is secreted by
alpha cells; it opposes insulin in order to increase blood glucose levels (e.g., in states of
fasting) and act via glycogenolysis and lipolysis
Major anabolic hormone; upregulates insulin-dependent glucose transporter protein
(G1.UT4) on skeletal muscle, liver cell and adipose tissue (glucose uptake by GLUT4
decreases serum glucose ,)Increased glucose uptake by tissues leads to increased glycogen
synthesis, protein synthesis, and lipogenesis,
A .Random blood glucose concentration of 200 mg/dL or higher with classical signs and
B. fasting glucose >126 mg/dL on at least two separate occasion
C .a positive glucose tolerance test-give ~75g carbohydrate load and see after 2hr blood gluc.
Level if 200mg\dL or more diabitis
D. Measurement of glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) is an excellent measurement of long
term exposure (2-3 months/120 days) to hyperglycemia. It is relatively unaffected by day to
day variation.
IDDM (Type 1) 10% of all DM: childhood onset – progression with age, preexistence for
many years without symptoms autoantibodies in 70-80% of patients against insulin or antiglutamate-dehydrogenase(b cell enzyme) are often present and may be seen years before
clinical disease develops.
considered to have an autoimmune aetiology in which the pancreatic β-cells are selectively
destroyed by immune cells infiltrating islets (insulitis) Autoreactive T-lymphocytes against ßcell antigens, Th1 – macrophage activation, cytotoxic T-cells = insulitis Th1 cytokines,
including IFN-γ, exerted their effects primarily at the level of macrophage and CD8+ T-cell
activation, enhancing infiltration of these cells into the islets, thus accelerating β-cell
destruction hence characteristic morphology of prominent reduction in number n size of islets
together with sever inflammatory infiltrate of lymphocytes and macrophages. Associated
with HLA-DR3 and HLA-DR4
Manifests in childhood /adolescences with clinical features of insulin deficiency
High serum glucose-Weight loss, low muscle mass,
Polyuria, polydipsia osmotic diuresis.
Treatment involves lifelong insulin. Risk for diabetic ketoacidosis excessive serum ketosis
Often arises with stress Liver converts FFAs to ketone bodies (|3-hydroxybutyric acid and
acetoacetic acid). anion gap metabolic acidosis, and hyperkalemia Presents with Kussmaul
respirations, dehydration, nausea, vomiting, mental status changes, and fruity smelling breath
(due to acetone)
Type 2 diabitis End-organ insulin resistance leading to a metabolic disorder characterized by
Hyperglycemia Most common type of diabetes (90% of cases} Arises in middle-aged, obese
- Obesity leads to decreased numbers of insulin receptors. measured by body mass index
(BMI= weight/lenght2) - lifestyle: food intake ↑ - free fatty acids ↑ : inhibits insulin signaling
in muscle and liver = lipotoxicity! - fat tissue – proteins with endocrine effect = adipokines
(e.g. adiponectin pro insulin type ) PPARgamma: nuclear receptor and transcription factor –
activation triggers the effect of insulin signaling in fat tissue
- Strong genetic predisposition exists.
Insulin levels are increased early in disease, but later, insulin deficiency develops due
to beta cell exhaustion; histology reveals decrease in ß-cell mass: islet degeneration +
amyloidosis (amylin is 90% detectable)
Treatment involves weight loss (diet and exercise) initially High glucose (> 500 mg/dL)
leads to life-threatening diuresiswith hypotension
and coma. Ketones are absent due to small amounts of circulating insulin
Pancreatic neoplasms. Tumors of the endocrine pancreas (islet-cell tumors)
Pancreatic exocrine neoplasm can be cystic or solid. They can be benign or malignant.
- Cystic neoplasm-5% OF ALL PANCREATIC TUMORS
a. Serous cystadenomas
i. Composed of glycogen rich cuboidal cells surrounding small cysts
containing clear’ strew-colored fluid.
ii. More common in females and in the seventh decade of life. Almost
uniformly benign and curable by removed surgically.
iii. Associated with somatic mutation of the von hipple-lindau tumor
suppressor gene which its product binds to hypoxia induced factor alpha-1
and results in its degradation.
b. Mucinous cystic neoplasm
i. Vest majority raise in women In the body or tail of pancreas Present as
painless, slow growing mass.
ii. Cyst space is large and filled with steaky-viscose mucin walls are lined by
columnar mucinous epithelium with an associated densely cellular stroma
(similar to ovary).
iii. Benign ones categorized by degree of dysplasia (cellular and architectural
abnormalities) into “mucinous cystic neoplasm with low-grade dysplasia,”
“mucinous cystic neoplasm with moderate dysplasia,” and “mucinous
cystic neoplasm with high-grade dysplasia.” These are all curable when
completely removed surgically.
iv. About a third of mucinous cystic neoplasms have progress to malignant
invasive type these are designated as “mucinous cystic neoplasm with an
associated invasive carcinoma.”
c. Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm
i. Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms are tumors (neoplasms) that
grow within the pancreatic ducts (intraductal) characterized by the
production of thick fluid by the tumor cells (mucinous).
ii. Arise in the main pancreatic duct or its major branches as papillary tumor
distending the lumen histologically look as Cyst containing mucin lack
the cellular stroma seen in mucinous cystic neoplasm
iii. Again if benign categoriesed by severity of dysplasia and malignant said
to be associated with adenocarcinoma component.
iv. Unlike other cystic tumor they More frequent in males and more
Frequently involved the head of pancreas(not tail as former
- Pancreatic neoplasma. adenocarcinoma arising from pancreatic ducts:
i. very high mortality rate
ii. Most common seen in older age around 70
iii. Risk factor- smoking (double the risk), chronic pancreatitis and diabetes
b. Pathogenesis
i. As all cancers it’s a genetic disease arising as a consequence of inherited
and acquired mutations in cancer associated genes. There is a progressive
accumulation of genetic changes in pancreatic epithelium as it proceeds
from non-neoplastic, to noninvasive lesion in small ducts and ductules to
invasive carcinoma.
ii. Three morphologic forms of non-invasive pancreatic neoplasia have been
defined all may progress to carcinoma (pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia
(PanIN), mucinous cystic neoplasm (MCN) and intraductal papillary
mucinous neoplasm (IPMN)). pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia is the
most potent of these to do this progress.
Its an small papillary lesion ~1/2
cm raise in small pancreatic ducts, found next to carcinoma lesion and
share similar genes mutations with it (all such lesions has dramatic
telomerase shortening…)
iii. Four genes are most commonly affected by somatic mutation of this
neoplasm : K-RAS- GTPase found in vast majority of pancreatic cancers
,P16 , SMAD4 and P-53 also frequent involved genes.
The progression from normal ducts to pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia
is associated with both architectural and cytological changes. In PanIN-1
the nuclei are uniform and basally oriented the nuclei in PanIN-2 are
slightly larger, more basophilic and there is some loss of nuclear polarity
the nuclear pleomorphism in PanIN-3 can be significant.
c. Presentation -signs and symptoms tend to appear only late in the course
i. Abdominal pain epigastric plus weight loss.
1. Diabetics – mainly if tumor in the body/tail where islets are
ii. Obstructive jaundice – Most carcinoma of the head obstructs the distal
common bile duct as it courses through the head of the pancreas.
iii. Pancreatitis
iv. ~10% may present with migratory thrombophlebitis (The Trousseau sign)
medical sign rare variant of venous thromboembolism (VTE) that is characterized by recurrent, migratory thrombosis in superficial veins and
in uncommon sites, such as the chest wall and arms.
This syndrome is
particularly associated with pancreatic and lung cancer.
d. Morphology
i. Site: pancreatic head (60%), body (15%), tail (5%), diffuse involves the
entire organ (20%) as hard greyish white masses poorly definde
ii. Pancreatic cancer highly invasive metastasize to nearby organs Distant
metastases to lung and bone
iii. Micro Seen as poorly formed glands surround by dens fibrotic stromadesmoplasia
iv. Less common variant of pancreatic cancer Adensquamous carcinomas
(with squamous cells) or Undifferentiated carcinoma with osteoclast-like
giant cell ( with monocyte linage cells)
e. Screening- endoscopic US and CT Treatment: surgical excision (whipple
procedure) Prognosis: very poor 1 year survival rate Tumor markers: CEA and
CA19-9 (not specific and not sensitive)
Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors1. Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (also known as islet cell tumors or islet cell carcinoma)
are a type of neuroendocrine tumor found in the pancreas.
Only 2 percent of pancreatic
tumors arise in the islet cells. The vast majority of tumors found in the pancreas are
- All PanNET, except insulinoma, are regarded as having malignant potential. if they are
malignant, the liver is the most common site of metastasis Proliferative rate is one of the
best correlates to outcome - Genomic sequencing of sporadic PanNet has identified recurrent alteration genes
a. MEN1-(multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1)
b. Loss of function mutation in tumor suppressor genes such as PTEN which is a
negative regulators of oncogenic TOR signaling pathway - Insulinoma (b-cell tumor)
a. Most common type of islet cell tumor
b. Tumor produces insulin - major symptom is Hypoglycemia (which occurs when
plasma glucose level falls below 50 mg/dL) , sweating, hunger, confusion, insulin
come Lab: elevated insulin and C-peptides
c. As no malignant potential Most insulinomas are cured by surgical resection
d. Morphology
i. Majority are identified while they are small (less than 2 cm diameter) and
localized to the pancreas Most are solitary lesions
ii. Hitologically- Benign tumor looks like giant islets do not present much
evidence of anaplasia and they may be deceptively encapsulated.
- Deposition of amyloid (of amylin) in the EX tissue is a
characteristic feature - Under EM, neoplastic b-cells, like their normal counterparts,
display distinctive round granules.
Gastrinoma (g-cell tumor)
iii. Tumor produces gastrin and classicaly present as Zollinger-Ellison
- Elevated serum gastrin
- Gastric hyperacidity
- Intractable peptic ulcer which may also occur in unusual locations
such as the jejunum
iv. May also arise outside the pancreas duodenum
v. Gastrinomas can occur as isolated, sporadic neoplasms or as multiple,
MEN-1 associated neoplasms
vi. Morphology
- Over half of gastrin-producing tumors are locally invasive or have
already metastasized at the time of the diagnosis. - Gastin producing tumors are histologically bland and rarely exhibit
marked anaplaisa
Glucagonoma (alpha-cell tumor)
vii. Glucagonomas are typically large and occur almost entirely within the
Glucagonomas secrete excessive amounts of glucagon, causing glucose
intolerance, weight loss, and a pathognomonic rash known as necrolytic
migratory erythema. Hyperglycemia (diabetes), anemia and skin rash
viii. Tumor produces somatostatin Somatostatin inhibits
- Insulin secretion = diabetes
- Gastric secretion = hypochlorhydria
- Cholecystokinin secretion = gallstone and steatorrhea
ix. Tumor produces vasoactive intestinal peoptide
x. WDHA syndrome: watery diarrhea, hypokalemia and acholohydria
With respect to the digestive system, VIP seems to induce smooth muscle relaxation (lower
esophageal sphincter, stomach, and gallbladder),
stimulate secretion of water into pancreatic
juice and bile stimulating pancreatic bicarbonate secretion, and cause inhibiting gastrinstimulated gastric acid secretion also dilating peripheral blood vessels
The pathology of the appendix. Neuroendocrine (carcinoid) neoplasias
The appendix is a normal true diverticulum of the cecum. Like any diverticulum, it is prone to acute and
chronic inflammation, more rear tumors may also appear.
# Usually seen in adulecent and young adult althoh accure at any age It’s the Most common abdominal
complication that requires surgery. Males are affected more often than females (5:1 ratio).
Pathogenesis – commonly Associated with obstruction in 50%-80% of cases this together with
Continuous secretion of mucinous fluid (after obstruction) contributes to the buildup of intraluminal
pressure that compromises venous out flow.
The obstruction can be fecalith (mass made of feces), and less commonly by gallstone, tumor or ball of
Ischemic injury and stasis of luminal contents favor bacterial proliferation, trigger inflammatory
responses including tissue edema and neutrophilic infiltration of the lumen.
Morphology – Microscopically, acute appendicitis is marked by mucosal inflammation and necrosis
Early acute appendicitis Neutrophilic infiltration into mucosa, submucosa and muscularis propria plus
Congestion of sub-serosal blood vessels. if there is focal Abscess formation within the mucosal wall -
Now named as Acute suppurative appendicitis ,as inflammation develop areas of hemorrhagic
ulceration of the mucosa appear progress to gangrenous necrosis along appendix wall – now named as
Acute gangrenous appendicitis.
If extend transmurally reaching serosa may rapture appendix wall eliciting acute peritonitis.
Macro see: Inflammatory reaction transforms the healthy serosa into dull, granular, red membrane.
The cut surface at the right demonstrates yellowish-tan exudation with a hyperemic mucosa.
# Clinical features – The classic case of appendicitis:
Mild peri-umbilical discomfort Deep, constant pain in the right lower quadrant
(Mcburney’s point)
Anorexia, nausea, and vomiting, Low grade fever
Mild elevated peripheral white cell count
» Disorders that may present similar clinical features:
Mesenteric lymphadenitis often come
secondary to Yersinia bacterial infection or viral enterocolitis. /Acute salpingitis, Ectopic
pregnancy, Mittelschmerz (pain associated with ovulation) /Meckel diverticulitis.
Carcinoids Most common tumors in the appendix. Appendiceal carcinoids rarely metastasize.
Tumors that arise from endocrine cells of the GI tract. May appear at any age, usually during the 6th
Mucinous neoplasms- Range from benign cystadenoma to mucinous cystadenocarcinoma.
Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma invades the wall to form intra-peritoneal cancer => pseudomyxoma
peritonei (clinical condition caused by cancerous cells that produce abundant mucin leading to
gelatinous ascites may result from appendicle tumor or also ovarian cancer in female.).
Adenomas or non–mucin-producing adenocarcinomas also occur in the appendix may cause obstruction and enlargement that mimics the changes of acute appendicitis.
Mucocele -Cystic Dilation of the lumen of the appendix by mucinous secretion.
May Caused by NON-neoplastic obstruction of the lumen e.g. Associated with fecalith in the lumen
=> allowing the accumulation of mucinous secretion => atrophy of mucin-secreting mucosal cells =>
asymptomatic unless ruptures (spilling into peritoneum).
Also May be a consequence of mucinous cystadenoma or mucinous cystadenocarcinoma.
CARCINOID TUMOR (called “carcinoid” because they are slower growing than carcinomas)
Carcinoid tumors are malignant tumors arise from neuroendocrine secretory cells
The majority occurs in the GI 40% in the S.intestine or stomach (from g cells), Lungs and the trachealbronchial tree are the next common place, also may see in pancreas
May be associated with: Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrom
Morphology- Macro Carcinoid tumors are intramural or submucosal masses that create small
polypoid lesions. Yellow or tan in appearance and elicit an intense desmoplastic reaction that may cause kinking of the bowel and obstruction.
Micro = see thin fibromuscular septa enclosing nests of tumor cells presenting typical salt and paper
appearance of nucleus(chromatin and nucleoli in center)cell got neuroendocrine secretory granules.
Divided into typical type with lower mitotic activity and no areas of narcosis and atypical with high
mitotic activity and necrotic areas in tumor.
Low- or intermediate grade neuroendocrine tumors = Carcinoids (WHO classification)
* The grade is based on mitotic activity
High grade neuroendocrine tumors= Neuroendocrine carcinoma. Frequently display necrosis and, in
the GI tract, are most common in the jejunum.
Clinical Feature-usually not elicit para neoplastic symptoms by their secretion symptoms depend on
location obstructive to bronchiole and recurrent infections or hemopthasis in upper gi acute appendicitis etc.
Also may occur secondary to carcinoid tumors secretion It is caused by endogenous secretion of mainly vasoactive substances. Vasoactive substances released are metabolized to inactive forms by the liver
Thus, carcinoid syndrome occurs in less than 10% of patients.
commonly classified according to their presumed derivation from the embryonic gut :
Foregut: Lung, bronchial, and gastric and duodenal rarely metastasize, cured by resection.
Gastrinomas = duodenal gastrin-producing carcinoid tumors. Have been associated with proton pump inhibitor therapy.
Midgut: Small intestine and appendicle intestinal often are multiple and tend to be aggressive while
Appendix occur at any age and are almost uniformly benign.
Hindgut: Rectal carcinoid tumors tend to produce polypeptide hormones and may manifest with abdominal pain and weight loss; they only occasionally metastasize.
The genetic basis of colorectal carcinoma.
Most common malignancy of GI as colorectal cancer is 3rd most common site of cancer and also 3rd in
cancer related death Incidence increases with age, and reaches its peak at age 60-70.
Both genetic and environmental factors contribute to the development of colorectal cancers:
» In young individuals => pre-existing ulcerative colitis or one of the polyposis syndromes.
» Individuals with hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer syndrome (Lynch syndrome).
» Dietary factors => low content of fibers with high content of carbohydrates, high fat content, and
decreased intake of protective nutrients such as vitamins (A, C & E).
» Genetic factors => COX-2 is over expressed in colorectal cancer patients; inhibition by aspirin
and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may exert a protective effect against colon cancer.
Colorectal carcinogenesis – there are 2 major pathways for the development of colorectal cancer both
describe accumulation of mutations but involve different genes and different defected mechanism
leading to such as accumulation:
- APC/β-catenin pathway (adenoma-carcinoma sequence)
- Characterized by chromosomal instability associated with stepwise accumulation of
mutations in a number of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes
- Initially there is localized epithelial proliferation, followed by the formation of small
adenomas that progressively enlarge, become more dysplastic and eventually develop
into invasive cancer
-Sequence of events:
- Loss of APC tumor suppressor gene – both copies of the gene must be lost may be part of
FAP syndrome one is already inherited or just acquired mutation in 2 copies; APC
protein bind and promotes the degradation of β-catenin in cytosol => if absent APC
accumulation of β-catenin, it translocate to nucleus bind TcF leads to transcription of
growth promoting genes such as cyclin D1 and MYC that promote cell
proliferation(usually such as thing happened upon WANT exposure hence path named
WANT pathway), more!
It cause gene expression of different repressors for E cadherin
and suppress contact inhibition of growth.
If APC is neutralized it related as mutation permissive for polyp development
- Mutation of K-RAS – the gene encodes signal transduction GTPase in pathway of GF
TKR receptors as PI3K/AKT or MEPK pathways. it alternates between activated GTP
bound state and inactivated GDP bound state => when mutated, the molecule remains
active constant growth signal to cell and lead to formation of adenomatous polyp. - loss of tumor suppressors allows the emergence of carcinoma. loss of tumor suppressor
genes SMAD2 and SMAD4, encoding components of the TGFβ pathway TGF-β
signaling normally inhibits the cell cycle by binding to TGFbeta receptor and inducing
CDKI molec expression as SMAD are signal transducers in this pathway , loss of these
genes may allow unrestrained cell proliferation . Also, loss of p53 – a tumor suppressor
gene that inhibits neoplastic formation by inducing apoptosis if lost neoplastic cell now
can evade death.
- Mismatch repair pathway (microsatellite instability)
In patients with DNA mismatch repair deficiency (due to loss of mismatch repair genes) mutations
accumulate in microsatellite repeats a condition referred to as microsatellite instability.
These mutated microsatellite seq.may disrupt the coding sequence of TGF-b receptor (Leads to
uncontrolled cell growth.) or of the pro-apoptotic protein BAX (enhances the survival of genetic
abnormal clones).
Other common DNA mismatch repair defects are Mutation in the oncogene BRAF & hyper
methylation of CpG islands. By contrast, KRAS and TP53 typically are not mutated. Thus, the
combination of microsatellite instability, BRAF mutation, and methylation of specific targets, such
as MLH1, is the signature of this pathway of carcinogenesis.