Final part 2 Flashcards
Partial occlusion of coronary art. Chest pain may resolve, st depression or no change, troponin increase
sudden onset chest pain, pressure, heaviness, tightness, fullness, SOB, burning, radiating- may be relieved with nitrates
ST elevation means 100% occluded chest pain greater than 20mins
immobilizing chest pain not relieved by rest, position change, or nitrate pain is for 20mins or longer and more severe than normal angina.
Rheumatic fever and rheumatic disease
inflam disease from abnormal immune response to group A strep after about 3 weeks affects skin, joints, cns
chronic scaring and deformity of heart valves vegetations
Manifestations of rhematic fever 7
Erythemia marg, arthritis, carditis, subcut nodules, sydenhams chorea, increase in esr and cpr prolonged PR,
What is the most common thing that rheumatic fever will lead to
mitral valve stenosis or other valve disease
2 things about RF
Antibiotics for 5 yrs maybe life and assess for pulmonary edema and clear lung sounds
Aortic Valve regurg caused by
Syphalyis, connective tissue disorder, post surg
Manifestations 1 acute
and 3 others aortic regerg
Sudden vascular colapse
hammer pulse
soft or absent s1
diastolic murmur
s/s of respiratory acidosis 7
skin pale, HA, Hyperk, Dysr, drowsiness, mm weaknees, hyperreflexia
s/s of repiratiory alk 9
tachy, low to normal bp, hypok, numbness and tingling, hyper reflexes, mm cramping, seixures, anxiety, tremmors,
MEtabolic acidosis 8
HA, hyper k, mm twitching, warm flushed skin, NV, decreased mm tone, decreased reflexes, kussumal
Metabolic acidosis s/s 9
confusion, dysr, dizzy, n/v/d/ seixures, tremors, mm cramps, tingling, decreased ca
s/s of PE 3
Cough, crackles, wheezing, fever,
complications from PE 2
Abcess, pleural effusion,
Best test for PE