Final Part 1 Flashcards
What is the term for the process of improving the health of a population by enabling people to increase control over their health?
Health promotion
What is the term for the communication of information intended to improve knowledge about health in order to encourage people to take action to improve their health?
health education
T/F: Health behavior changes are often difficult simply because people do not know how to improve or they do not have sufficient knowledge to motivate change.
What are the 6 steps of the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change?
Precontemplation Contemplation Preparation Action Maintenance Termination
Which stage of the Transtheoretical Model of Change is characterized by cognitive dissonance and emotional arousal?
Contemplation stage (cog dis=unsure about own behavior)
What are the 3 common but serious mistakes people make when starting a lifestyle change? At which stage of the Transtheoretical Model is this?
unrealistic goals, view lifestyle change as a simple willpower issue, and view the change as merely a temporary goal;
Preparation stage
T/F: Countering involves behavior substitution during the Action Stage of the Transtheoretical Model and is one of the most powerful strategies for change.
T/F: Contracting with oneself is often more powerful in written form than spoken and should take place during the contemplation stage.
False; Action stage
Which stage of the Transtheoretical Model has the goal to retain the gains made from the change and to prevent relapse?
Maintenance stage
What stage of the Transtheoretical Model is the ultimate goal for lifestyle change?
Termination stage
T/F: Some people like AA believe that reaching the Termination stage is impossible.
What is the term for a patient-centered, directive counseling style that aims to resolve the person’s ambivalence about behavior change?
Motivational Interviewing
What does the OARS acronym stand for, which is a tool for enhancing motivation while practicing motivational interviewing?
O - Open ended questions
A - Affirm
R - Reflective listening
S - Summarize
What does reflective listening mean?
listen and reflect back what you think the person is trying to say
When using the OARS acronym, what is the purpose of asking ope-ended questions?
trying to understand the patient’s agenda
Which of these is not one of the 4 types of Elicit Change Talk: Optimisim about capacity to change, disadvantages/advantages of the status quo, financial evaluation, or advantages/disadvantages of change?
financial evaluation;
The 4th type would be Intention to change
What is the purpose of reflective listening?
By repeating back to the speaker the heard message, we correct any inaccuracies or misunderstandings. This helps both parties to clearly and fully understand.
When creating goals, what does SMART stand for?
Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Timeframe
Which part of setting SMART goals is best described as stressing the importance of choosing goals that matter?
R - Relevant goals
Which part of setting SMART goals helps to keep the person grounded within a timeframe rather saying “someday”?
T - Timely or Timeframe