Final OP Boney Landmarks Flashcards
Name one muscle that attaches to the Acromion Process.
Example: The deltoid muscle originates from the acromion process.
Name one muscle that attaches to the Coracoid Process.
Example: The pectoralis minor muscle attaches to the coracoid process.
Name one muscle that attaches to the Coranoid Process.
Pronator teres
Name one muscle that attaches to the Hyoid Bone.
Name one muscle that attaches to the Bicipital Groove.
Biceps Brachii
Example: The biceps brachii tendon runs through the bicipital groove.
Name one muscle that attaches to the Medial Epicondyle.
Pronator teres
Name one muscle that attaches to the Lateral Epicondyle.
Name one muscle that attaches to the Shaft of Radius.
Biceps Brachii
Example: The biceps brachii inserts on the radial tuberosity of the radius.
Name one muscle that attaches to the Shaft of Ulna.
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
Name one muscle that attaches to the Pisiform.
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
Example: The flexor carpi ulnaris attaches to the pisiform bone.
Name one muscle that attaches to the Scaphoid.
Abductor Pollicis brevis
Name one muscle that attaches to the Styloid Process of Radius.
Example: The brachioradialis inserts at the styloid process of the radius.
Name one muscle that attaches to the Base of the 1st Metacarpal.
Adductor Pollicis Longus
Example: The adductor pollicis muscle attaches to the base of the first metacarpal.