Final Midterm Review Flashcards
Is the Mass the re-presentation of Jesus’ Sacrifice of the Cross?
Does Christ preside over every Mass?
Do we please Jesus if we receive Holy Communion unworthily?
Are we in need of forgiveness when we come to Mass?
Is it disrespectful to talk to friends during Mass?
Is Peter the rock upon which Jesus Christ built his Church?
Is Jesus in the tabernacle night and day?
Is the Eucharist Jesus in his entirety, his Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity?
Do we receive the divinity of Jesus as well as his humanity?
Is it Jesus who changes the bread and wine into His Body and Blood through transubstantiation?
What so we do to be outwardly and inwardly prepared to come to Mass?
Outwardly: dress modestly, arrive on time
Inwardly: Go to confession to be free of mortal sin, be in a positive state of mind
What are the two main parts of the Mass?
Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist
When the priest hold the Host before us and says: “The Body of Christ” and we respond “Amen,” what are we expressing?
We are expressing that we believe that we are actually receiving the Body and Blood of Christ.
Explain being in a state of grace.
It is when you are free of mortal sin before you receive Communion.
Explain having the right intention when receiving the Eucharist.
You must want to receive the Eucharist and have a positive attitude.
Explain the Eucharistic Fast.
When you do not eat or drink anything other than water or medicine before receiving the Eucharist.
Explain your Easter Duty or Obligation.
All people who have received their First Communion must receive the Eucharist at least once a year during the Easter Season.
Explain the Viaticum.
When the Eucharist is given to someone who is dying.
What is the Gospel?
A reading from Matthew, Mark, Luke or John, focusing on a part of Jesus’ life.
What is the Lord’s Prayer?
The Our Father, The prayer Jesus taught us.
What is Consecration?
When the priest changes the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus.
What is the Sanctus?
A special exclamation of joy in the salvation God has promised us.
What is the Communion of the Priest?
When the priest takes Communion.
Put these parts of the mass in the correct order: Sanctus, Communion of the Priest, Gospel, Lord’s Prayer, Consecration
Gospel, Sanctus, Consecration, Lord’s Prayer, Communion of the Priest.